Moral and ethical features of civil servants' professional work in Ukraine

Determined of style grid the most effective management style (organizer) of civil servants and established dominant management style (manipulator) in domestic government agencies. Proposed to pay special attention to the observance of business culture.

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Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Moral and ethical features of civil servants' professional work in Ukraine

Bereziuk S. V. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Sources Department

Yaremchuk N. V. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior lecturer of the Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Sources Department


Березюк Сергей Владимирович кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры административного менеджмента и альтернативных источников энергии, Винницкий национальный аграрный университет

Яремчук Наталия Валериевна кандидат экономических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры административного менеджмента и альтернативных источников энергии, Винницкий национальный аграрный университет

Морально-этические особенности деятельности государственных служащих в Украине

Исследованы морально-этические особенности регулирования деятельности государственных служащих в Украине. Установлено, что они существенно отличаются от европейских и азиатских, потому возможным есть лишь применение отдельных элементов управленческих моделей данных регионов. На основе сетки стилей управления Блейка - Моутона определен самый эффективный стиль управления (организатор) государственными служащими и выясненный доминирующий стиль управления (манипулятор) в отечественных государственных органах, что соответствующим образом влияет на эффективность функционирования государственных органов в целом. С целью повышения эффективности деятельных служащих предлагается особенное внимание обратить на соблюдение деловой культуры работниками всех уровней.

Ключевые слова: деловая этика, деловая культура, государственный служащий, законность, ответственность, сетка стилей руководства Блейка - Мутона.


The moral and ethical peculiarities of regulation of civil servants' activity in Ukraine have been studied. It is established that they differ significantly from the European and Asian ones, so it is possible only to apply certain elements of managerial models of these regions. On the basis of Blake - Mouton's management style grid the most effective management style (organizer) of civil servants and the established dominant management style (manipulator) in domestic government agencies have been determined, which accordingly affects the efficiency of government agencies as a whole. In order to improve the efficiency of active employees, it is proposed to pay special attention to the observance of business culture by employees of all levels.

Keywords: business ethics, business culture, civil servant, legality, responsibility, a grid of management styles Blake - Mouton.


Problem statement. Civil servants are a key element of public administration, because it is their conduct that is a model and indicator of democracy and the rule of law in the state, which shows the level of openness and transparency in the functioning of public bodies.

Today Ukraine faces the important task of further improving the work of civil servants at all levels. The important challenge on this way is the fight against corruption and unethical behavior of civil servants in the performance of their duties.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Such leading foreign and domestic scientists and specialists as I.V. Aloshina, V.V. Korzhenko, J.A. Pisar, O.V. Palekha, S.E. Pivovarov, I.L. Maksimtsev, T. Bradley, G. Hofstede, and others have devoted their works to the problems of regulating the activity of civil servants. Their works set out the main judgment on the effective management of modern society, including the nature and peculiarities of the regulation of civil servants - the standard of cultural and economic development of the state.

Identification of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. The majority of researches of domestic and foreign specialists in the sphere of personnel management are not connected with each other that causes their complex studying and direct application in practice, including in the activity of the civil service. After all, today there are quite widespread cases of violation of moral and ethical principles in the activities of civil servants, which has necessitated explanation the circumstances that contribute to the commission of such violations and abuses.

Purpose of the article. Research and analysis of moral and ethical peculiarities of civil servants' activity in Ukraine, generalization of existing views and world experience relating to this problem in order to increase the efficiency of civil service activity and its adaptation to the conditions of European integration processes.

Presenting main material

Professional work of government officials is accompanied by certain ethical standards and cultural values inherent in each country. In the culture of each country can be identified four levels [1; 7; 8, p.9; 12, p.22]:

1) national culture is a set of symbols, beliefs, convictions, values, norms, patterns of behavior that characterize the spiritual life of the human community in a country;

2) business culture is a system of relations expressed in norms, values and knowledge, which regulates business activity in order to develop business in a particular country;

3) corporate culture - is a way to implement appropriate assessments and perceptions of the environment in a particular organization. The corporate culture of each organization is created in the environment of the organization on the basis of national and business culture (cultures);

4) professional culture is the elevation of the professional activity of each person to the general norms of performing a certain type of work.

According to sociologist G. Hofstede, culture determines the characteristics of human behavior and is "collective spiritual programming." The scientist believes that in the business cultures of different countries there are four most important parameters by which they differ (Table 1).

Table 1 Parameters of business cultures according to the model of G. Hofstede


Parameter meaning




The ratio of individualism and collectivism

less written rules; each member of society must take care of himself;

employees themselves protect their interests;

more ambitious employees; high frame rate;

managers are more willing to make individual decisions and take risks; managers seek to implement new ideas in the field of management.

too many written rules; members of society belong to a complex family (clan) that takes care of them;

organizations have a great impact on the lives and well-being of their members;

employees have less ambition;

low labor turnover; managers pay more attention to detail;

managers are less willing to make individual decisions; managers are not inclined to change their management style.


Power distance

strong power centralization; a large number of levels of hierarchy; greater wage differentiation; more respect for mental workers compared to those involved in manual labor;

low qualification of employees with low status;

subordinates strive for dependence or interdependence.

Low power centralization; fewer levels of hierarchy; slight wage differentiation; subordinates prefer a consultative leadership.


The ratio of masculinity / and femininity in action. "Masculinization / feminization"

the main indicator of success is career and material well-being; dominates the focus on achieving of high results;

the idea of “living to work” dominates;

the manager makes decisions and solves problems independently; forceful conflict resolution prevails;

decisions are made on the basis of logic.

quality of life is the main achievement of work; moral and ethical norms dominate; the idea of “working to live” dominates;

solidarity in decision-making prevails;

the mind is valued more than strength and speed; decisions are made rather intuitively.


Attitude to uncertainty

willing to avoid situations of uncertainty by creating formal rules; high level of anxiety and aggression in society;

anxiety is removed when emotions are expressed; position "time is money"; inner desire for hard work; much attention is paid to security issues.

open expression of emotions is not welcome;

higher level of tolerance in society; trust to experts and their knowledge; there is a need for written rules and instructions;

the search for absolute truth and eternal values is underway; there is a need to reach a consensus.

The main indicators (indices or dimensions) that determine culture, according to Hofstede, include the following: "Distance of power", "Avoidance of uncertainty", "Individualism", "Masculinism", as well as pragmatism and indulgence of their own whims, added later.

The "Distance of power" index reflects the degree of irregularity of power in the organization. The degree of such irregularity is the centralization of power in the organization and autocratic leadership [13, p.192].

"Avoidance of uncertainty" is an index that determines the limit to which society sees itself as threatened by uncertainty or ambiguity.

"Individualism", the opposite of which, according to Hofstede, is the concept of "collectivism", defines the relationship between the individual and society.

"Masculinism" (as opposed to "feminism") means the dominance in society of such traditional male values as success, money, material values. And women's values, inherent in societies where this figure is low, traditionally include caring for others and quality of life.

From the point of view of determining of the national characteristics of employees, in Ukraine the results of a study, conducted by the method of expert assessments, are interesting [3, p.58]:

- irresponsibility and the desire to avoid or reduce personal responsibility, fear of responsibility, which

Thus, according to D. Maitri and T. Bradley [14], Ukraine has: a fairly low distance of power; average degree of individualism along with collectivism; low rate of masculinity, and hence femininity; the average degree of desire to avoid uncertainty and the average duration of orientations. Of course, these indicators even sometimes causes employees to refuse higher positions;

- the desire to earn as much as possible with minimal effort;

- lack of desire to value working time, which leads to a decrease in discipline in the workplace;

- tendency to non-compliance with rules, orders, directives, laws;

- disrespect for the interests of other employees, focusing primarily on their own interests;

- lack of independence, hope that someone else will take control of the situation in their hands;

- inertia, lack of initiative in the workplace;

- contempt for the environment, one's own health, etc.;

- desire to work not individually but in a team.

The study of the peculiarities of Ukrainian society shows that it is not similar in its characteristics to either European or Asian society, so none of these models can be fully effectively applied in the practice of management of domestic companies. It is possible only to apply some elements of the considered models in the practice of management of domestic companies and their adaptation to the peculiarities of the mentality of Ukrainians.

To illustrate the differences between national cultures according to the method of G. Hofstede, we present a table with data on 5 countries (Table 2).

Table 2 Indices of cultural measurements according to the method of G. Hofstede (in points that determine the degree of manifestation of a measurement, on a scale from 0 to 100)


Power distance, PDI

Indiviadualism, IDV

Masculinity, MAS

Avoidance of uncertainty, UAI

Long-term orientation, LTO































Source: [5;14]

Should be considered rather conditional, as other data can be found in the scientific literature. Thus, the Ukrainian scientist Yu. Palekha, referring to the results of research by the International Institute of Management, provides somewhat different data on Ukraine, namely: PDI - 70 (high distance power); IDV - 53; MAS - 48 (average between masculinity and femininity); UAI - 63 and LTO - 10 (short orientation) [12, p. 88]. The latter indicators, from our point of view, are more in line with the nature of management activities in our country and the mental characteristics of Ukrainians. In general, in combination with other methods of determining the cultural characteristics of management models, the method of G. Hofstede can be successfully used in public administration.

Ethics is part of the culture of governance, it is synonymous with ordinary decency. By ethics we mean norms of behavior, a set of moral rules of a particular social or professional group.

The use of different categories of meaning - "ethics" and "morality" - is not accidental. In the Ukrainian language there is another word "morality" [15]. The distinction between the meaning of these three terms has a history in ethics (as in the science of morality) and philosophy. In the literature on the problems of business ethics, the authors generally consider it necessary to distinguish "ethics" from "morality", because ethical aspects are represented in social interactions, and moral - in the internal assessments of the individual. However, in both cases it is a matter of distinguishing between just and unjust.

Management ethics is a system of ethical knowledge and practical recommendations that are focused on management activities. The main principles of modern managerial ethics are collectivism, social justice, unity of word and deed [15].

Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of organizations and their members in the field of management and entrepreneurship. civil government business

Business ethics includes the following phenomena: ethical assessment of both domestic and foreign policy of the organization as a whole; moral principles of members of the organization; moral (psychological) climate in the organization; norms of business etiquette - ritualized external norms of behavior.

We can also understand business ethics as [11]:

- basic rules and parameters of any professional / practical activity;

- organization management tool;

- principles that explain what is good and what is bad, what is fair and what is not;

- limits of what is allowed;

- general spiritual framework defined by the organization and adhered to by it;

- analysis of how the decisions of the organization and within the organization affect others: socially responsible actions;

- "a set of fundamental values that create the foundations of man, organizations and society".

Apart from cultural and ethical norms, the activities of civil servants are also regulated by legislative norms, which, unfortunately, are not fully regulated.

Regarding the legislative and regulatory standards of the behavior of civil servants, we can speak only of certain aspects enshrined in the Law of Ukraine "About Civil Service" [9] and the Law of Ukraine "About Prevention of Corruption" [10].

In particular, Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “About Civil Service” “Ethics of Civil Servant Behavior” states that a civil servant must: perform his / her official duties in good faith; treat citizens, managers and employees with respect, adhere to a high culture of communication; to prevent actions and deeds that may harm the interests of the civil service or negatively affect the reputation of a civil servant [9].

There are positions in this law that do not directly indicate the ethics of civil servant behavior, but are directly related to it. This is, for example, the "Oath of Civil Servants". The oath is taken by civil servants who are enrolled in the civil service for the first time, and it can be considered as one of the means of ensuring legality and ethics in the activities of civil servants [18, p. 148].

Today, there are various methods for determining the style of personnel management of the enterprise, which are based on the intertwining of ethical norms of behavior and the ego itself. However, in our opinion, the most thorough is the method of American scientists R. Blake and D. Mouton.

American researchers Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, observing the activities of managers, found that it all takes place in the "force field" between the vector of "production" (focus on creating goods or providing services) and the vector of "man" (focus on humane treatment of people). There are certain contradictions between these vectors:

• if you try your best to increase productivity without paying attention to human needs and desires, the result will be negative;

• if you pay full attention to the person, then nothing good will happen either.

Blake and Mouton plotted the "force field" in nine gradations for each vector and obtained a corresponding grid. The following Grid (Fig. 1) makes it possible to identify five characteristic types of managerial behavior:

a) the dictator;

b) the democrat;

c) pessimist;

d) the manipulator;

e) the organizer.

Fig.1. Blake-Mouton Grid Source: [6]

As shown in the lower right corner of the Grid (Fig. 1), the maximum concern for production efficiency (9) is combined with the minimum concern for subordinates (1). The manager, acting in accordance with this formula, gives priority to maximizing production performance by exercising the powers granted and establishing control over the activities of subordinates, dictating to them what and how they should do. The control type according to the formula 1: 9 is shown in the upper left corner of the Grid. In this case, the minimum concern for production (1) is combined with the maximum concern for people (9). The main focus is on maintaining friendly relations between employees, even at the expense of production indicators.

The formula 5:5 is given in the center of the Grid. It corresponds to the theory of the "golden mean", or system of assumptions that ensure "peaceful coexistence on the path to a common goal". This type of management is focused on maintaining or status quo the existing situation.

Minimal care for production, as well as the needs of workers is represented by the formula 1:1 in the lower left corner of the Grid. The head using type 1: 1 spends only the minimum effort required to maintain its place in the organization.

In the upper right corner of the Grid is a type of control 9:9, which seems to synthesize the care of production and care of people. This type of management creates a goal-oriented collective approach, the characteristic feature of which is the desire to achieve optimal results of the organization with the active participation of employees, initiative, collective conflict resolution by all stakeholders.

Characteristics of types of managers (according to Blake - Mouton) are given in table 3.

Table 3 Characteristics of types of managers (according to Blake - Mouton)

Code 9:1

Means a production-oriented management style that pays minimal attention to specific people. This is a hard course of the administrator, for whom the result is everything, and the person is, in extreme cases, a performer, a cog, in fact no one. Working in such conditions does not bring pleasure to anyone. Every worker tries to escape the pressure of the dictator. The dictator's response is universal control. Manager 9:1 is a bad manager.

Code 1:9

Directly opposite type to the previous one. Productivity of such a manager is in last place. Things for such a manager seem to go by themselves. Employees like the circumstances created by this type of manager. The benefits are not great.

Code 5:5 (centre)

Managers of this type are satisfied with mediocre achievements. Their motto: "Do not miss the stars from the sky." The main tactical line here is "compromise". A characteristic feature of this type of manager is a half-interest in both production and people. This shows the manager's tendency to manipulate people.

Code 1:1

This is a pessimist. His motto : "Do not interfere in the natural course of events. " Of course, people with this view of management - or accidentally got into management, or were put in office by influential people. The benefits from such people are very small.

Code 9:9

This is an organizer, a more productive type that takes into account the needs of production, as well as the needs and interests of people. An important characteristic of this type is the focus on innovation and focus on the development of the organization. Businesses with 9:9 managers, of course, thrive. Leading firms in developed countries are making great efforts to find such types. A manager of this type is a standard of a modern leader.

Source: [16]

So, as we see from 5 characteristic types of managerial behavior, only one is the most effective, and it is he who, in combination with moral and ethical norms, is able to give the maximum effect in management.

The specificity of the employee in the state bodies is that he does not directly create material values, but provides conditions for material production, he has a special object of work, information that is a mean of influence, he collects, processes, stores, creates. He influences people, serves them, does so for a fee, and holds office.

Civil servants have a great deal of public trust, because the breadth of powers they have often leads to their abuse. Choosing the path of a civil servant, a person makes a conscious choice, agrees to certain restrictions and swears to serve the people.

The main requirements for civil servants in accordance with the positions of the Law of Ukraine "About Prevention of Corruption" [10] are:

- adhere to the principles of civil service;

- to serve honestly and be loyal to the state;

- adhere to moral principles;

- put state interests above the individual goals and objectives of political parties and other public organizations;

- constantly fight corruption in public authorities;

- not to use their official position to obtain benefits for themselves, their family members;

- not to use information obtained confidentially in the performance of their official duties as a means of obtaining personal gain;

- in communication with citizens as in the exercise of their powers and in extracurricular relations to adhere to generally accepted rules of conduct, etc.

At the same time in Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About Civil Service" contains additional requirements for the conduct of civil servants [9]:

- perform their duties conscientiously;

- treat citizens, managers and employees with respect, adhere to a high culture of communication;

- not to allow actions and deeds that may harm the interests of the civil service or negatively affect the reputation of a civil servant.

For a comprehensive study of the ethical principles in the activities of civil servants, it is advisable to refer to the US experience in implementing an ethical program in the executive branch. From the point of view of administrative ethics, morality is understood as personal honesty, and in administrative behavior - almost as a universal norm, according to which public office cannot be used for personal gain [17, p.386].

The main features of the civil service model that exists today in the United States are [17, p. 387]:

- high role of political appointments in the civil service system;

- the presence of a "system of merit", the dependence of remuneration and promotion on the results of the work of civil servants;

- an important place is given to the ethics of civil servants, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to some ethical standards that are set for civil servants in the United States, in particular:

- "benefit conflict" - employees are prohibited from having direct or indirect financial benefits that contradict their official obligations and tasks;

- “conflict of interests” - a contradiction between the private interests of a public servant and his / her official duties, the existence of which may affect the objectivity and impartiality of decision-making is inadmissible;

- employees can use state property only for officially approved activities;

- inadmissible abuses in the use of official information that may serve a private benefit, or the provision of information to a wide range of persons;

- civil servants are not allowed to have other work that could lead to a conflict of benefits with official duties, etc.

With regard to the experience of our state on this issue, and in accordance with domestic law, civil servants are not allowed to engage in other activities than teaching, research and creative activities, medical practice, instructional and judicial practice in sports, which carried out during non-working hours [9; 10]. Thus, a civil servant in Ukraine cannot work in a public institution and engage in teaching activities at the same time, as the working day of a civil servant is calculated in such a way that he has almost no time to engage in other activities. This position contributes to the rational and more efficient use of working time by civil servants and the proper performance of their powers.

It is worth noting the peculiarities of regulating the ethics of British civil servants, in particular the establishment by the Crown Code (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) of the moral responsibilities of ministers and civil servants in the process of their professional interaction; regulation of the ethics of government ministers on the basis of the Minister's Code; the practice of substantiating social values and ensuring their implementation by the

Committee on Social Standards in Public Life, etc. However, shortcomings in the activities of civil servants, despite the existing package of regulatory documents, were still present [4]. Therefore, the measures taken in this area by the Thatcher government are noteworthy. It was important to establish control over the "revolving door effect", i.e. control over the migration of workers between the civil service and commercial structures, as well as over the "bureaucratic effect", i.e. the transfer of former senior civil servants after their resignations to firms in the same field they had recently controlled. It was found that the "effects" stimulate corruption, the outflow of state secrets into the business sphere, undermine the principle of equality of conditions in tenders for state orders. Today, a former employee must obtain the approval of the relevant state bodies for such transfers within a few years of resigning.

The requirements for civil servants in Ukraine, their behavior, are general in nature and apply to all those who are in the civil service. These include, in particular: devotion to the people of Ukraine, priority of state interests, human and civil rights and freedoms over personal or corporate, ability to put into practice the achievements of modern management science, integrity, courtesy, correctness, high general, legal culture and culture of communication, to refrain from political activity in the form of political statements and actions, to avoid the creation of conflict situations, etc.

It should be noted that depending on the type of activity of a civil servant, special norms, codes of honor, etc. are added to the norms of behavior. For example, ethical requirements for judges, in case of violation, lead to disciplinary action, reprimand, dismissal, etc. This situation has its peculiarities in different countries, in particular in the UK, a judge remains on his job position under the requirement of "good behavior", which just means not to be involved in serious crimes. In the United States, a federal judge may be deprived of his or her judicial powers only by way of impeachment, as may the President of the United States. Therefore, an American judge who has been convicted of bribery and stays in a federal prison continues to receive funds unless he has resigned or been dismissed by the Senate through impeachment [19, p.15].

Conclusions and suggestions

In the European integration process, the Ukrainian state must study the rich, centuries-old experience of the world's leading states in order to rationally use it in further reforms of the public administration system, which must be constantly improved today with new tasks such as changing the role and scope of authorities, as well as the impact of new technologies on the work of the civil service. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the domestic legislation in the field of regulating of work duties of civil servants to world standards, as well as not to forget about the culture of behavior of civil servants and ethical norms in their work.


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  • Аналіз інституційної системи European Civil Procedure, наднаціонального законодавства Європейського Союзу у сфері цивільного процесу. Аналіз положень, що регулюють питання передачі судових і позасудових документів, подання доказів, забезпечення вимог.

    статья [21,4 K], добавлен 17.08.2017

  • Consideration of sovereignty as a basic constitutional principles of state law (for example, the countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States). Legislative support in Ukraine national development in the socio-cultural (spiritual) sphere.

    реферат [20,1 K], добавлен 13.02.2015

  • Proclaiming and asserting the principles of democracy, democratic norms of formation of the self-management Kabardin-Balkar Republic. Application and synthesis of regional experiences as a problem to be solved in the process of administrative reforms.

    реферат [19,0 K], добавлен 07.01.2015

  • Development in Ukraine of democratic, social, lawful state according to the constitutional development. The feature of the new democratic constitutionalism. Constitutionalism - introduction of the system of government based on the current Constitution.

    реферат [24,7 K], добавлен 14.02.2015

  • The system of executive authorities. Legislation of Ukraine as sources of social protection. The mechanism and contents of social protection tax. Benefits as the main element of the special legal status of a person. Certain features of protection.

    реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • The launch of e-declaration on 15 August 2016 is an essential is the final commitment of Ukraine to obtain the free visa regime. In general, for effective implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine should be introduced a systematic approach.

    статья [19,8 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • Characteristics of the state apparatus Ukraine: the concept, content and features, fundamental principles of organization and operation of state apparatus. Structure of the state apparatus and its correlation with the mechanism of state.

    курсовая работа [25,1 K], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • Prerequisites of formation and legalization of absolutism. The social structure: documents; classes and ranks; state apparatus. The military and judicial reforms of Peter I. Development of the law during of absolute monarchy: decrees; civil, family law.

    контрольная работа [26,5 K], добавлен 14.08.2011

  • History of infantilism. Formation of the civil society and development of the lawful state. About the new constitution of Serbia. Introduction of obligatory examination for all state and municipal officials of knowledge of Constitution of the Russia.

    контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 10.02.2015

  • The Constitutional Court about political parties and religious organizations as institutes of the civil society. The party political component of the constitutional system as the subject of the constitutional control. Creation of regional parties.

    реферат [24,9 K], добавлен 14.02.2015

  • Legislation regulating the application of administrative law enforcement termination. Types of special rules of administrative. Improving the practice of special means of administrative cease-duty law enforcement. Special means of administrative.

    реферат [16,0 K], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • The official announcement of a state of emergency in the country. Legal measures that State Party may begin to reduce some of its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Ensure public order in emergency situations.

    реферат [19,2 K], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • Constitutionalism as political and legal theory and practice of development of the constitutional democratic state and civil society. Principles of modern constitutional system of board. Role of society in the course of formation of municipal authority.

    реферат [18,5 K], добавлен 07.01.2015

  • The violation of the Minsk agreements achieved in the result of the Minsk process by Russia and latter’s interpretation of the agreements as imposing the obligations of fulfilment exclusively on Ukraine. Steps to implement of the Minsk agreements.

    статья [28,5 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • Защита авторских прав как достаточно сложное правовое явление, что порождает неоднозначные подходы к его изучению, особенности и средства реализации данного процесса во Всемирной паутине. DRM – digital rights management как управление цифровыми правами.

    реферат [23,8 K], добавлен 18.04.2013

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