Integrated governance of scenarized space and community — reform of Beijing Qianggen community service station and enlightenment

Background of community service stations reform. A "Multi-functional socket" that connects multiple parties and serve comprehensively. Primary presentation of the integrated community governance pattern. Diversification and socialization of service.

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Community Resident's committees and Service Stations Work Together Closely to Enhance Contact with Residents to Avoid being “Marginalized”

Regarding community development standard, the question “Where do people go” deserves pondering. The role and value of communities lies in service. The relation between communities and residents is dominated by administrative purposes due to the prominent orientation to administration, leaving the contact in daily services loose. In order to transform into service-oriented community, interaction with residents should be increased to understand their needs for service. The post of general social workers is set in the reform of community service stations to handle community administrative affairs collectively, with the burden of administrative work for communities relieved, so that the community staff have enough time, energy and labor to re-establish close ties with residents. With reference to the regular door-to-door communication in the 1980s, the service station staff take initiative to visit residents at home to gain knowledge of their needs and solve their problems. In order to avoid “marginalization” and make breakthroughs, community service stations must be worked closely with by dispatching personnel and service station workers to visit residents to understand their situations or cooperate with service stations to organize community activities to get closer to residents.

The resident's committee focuses on the creation of scene-oriented spaces, guiding residents to participate in the multi-party co-governance actively

The level of community development and the degree of self-governance vitality depend on the quantity and type of resources owned by the community to a great extent, as well as the utilization of these resources to provide community residents with diverse and socialized services, so as to turn the rigid administrative community into a vibrant self-governance community. The resident's committee should explore and utilize the diverse resources in the community actively.

Community service station, a scenarized social space, can be used equally by residents, allowing residents to communicate with each other, learn about the current affairs of the community, provide advice and suggestions in a timely manner and discuss about common needs democratically in such a shared public space. It is conductive to the formation of community social organizations. With the help of service stations, residents' committees can organize community activities actively, cultivate community social organizations such as entertainment organizations and voluntary organizations that meet the needs of residents and continues to expand the scope of service subjects; residents are encouraged to participate in the process of community self-government. The selfgovernance function of residents' committees should be securedto attract more community residents to get engaged in the co-governance of communities as the “masters of community” and join hands with residents' committees.

Community service stations should give priority to training general social workers with both administrative and professional capabilities, and embedding the individual-case management model to improve service level

Professional community social workers aims at providing residents with more considerate and professional social services, requiring them to have excellent professional skills, namely, “social workers”; to be able to either undertake administrative tasks or perform professional social work, namely, “general”. In short, general social workers represent an exploration of the localization of social work, requiring community social workers to have both administrative and professional capabilities. Community service stations should also take this aspect as the basis for training general social workers, update training content and keep pace with the times.

In terms of administrative capabilities, general social workers need to have a high level of serving skills and be able to handle various affairs undertaken by community service stations and operate office systems proficiently; other capabilities in aspects such as social communication, organizational management and adaptability are also required. Holding exchange meetings, inviting mainstay service officers and technical personnel to instruct, or launching service skill competitions are alternative to train and improve them. In terms of expertise, social workers need not only to be familiar with professional social work theories, methods and skills, but also to be able to combine theory and practice, analyze problems theoretically and solve problems proficiently. Moreover, they need to widen their horizon of knowledge in law, economics, medicine, etc... The training of expertise needs the trainers to have a reliable theoretical foundation. Systematic courses provided by social work teachers in colleges and universities is the best choice, and teachers in other specialties can also be hired for other aspects by means of holding lectures regularly.

General social workers provide one-on-one butler services for residents and solve the complex and diverse needs of residents with resources integrated to service stations. This is consistent with the process model of social work individual-case management, which can be integrated into general social worker service model creatively. In this way, general social workers will act as both administrative experts but also individual-case managers, so as to increase the professionalism of general social worker service model, give full play to the advantages of social work and serve the residents better.

The process can be divided into six steps: application and acceptance, investigation and diagnosis, plan development, plan execution, supervision and coordination, case closure and evaluation. In the first step, residents visit community service stations for help with complex and diverse problems. General social workers evaluate their claims and consider whether they are within the service scope of the community service station. Claims within the service scope are accepted by general social workers, and the residents should fill out the relevant documents to form a professional relationship with general social workers; claims beyond the scope will be transferred by general social workers to other agencies or persons to resolve. In the second step, after accepting the case, general social worker needs to understand and collect information on the various conditions of the service object, and make judgment on the causes, status quo of the problems and social resources owned by the individual according to materials submitted by the residents and conversation with them, so as to pave the way for subsequent work.In the third step, after assessing the needs and problems of the residents, general social workers make a service plan customized for the residents. In the fourth step, general social workers will work according to the plan. This section is critical in case management, as smooth execution of plan is the premise for breakthrough in serving residents. Sufficient service resources are fundamental for the smooth implementation of plans, requiring general social workers to connect the service object with the service resources. In the fifth step, when residents' demands are beyond the service scope of the service station, general social workers will help the residents to connect with the resources outside. To ensure the realization of plans, general social workers need to monitor and coordinate with the service providers. In the sixth step, after the residents 'claims are met, general social workers will issue relevant certificates to finish the professional service and evaluate the service goals and plans, the performance of both parties and the service effectiveness and efficiency. Residents will also conduct satisfaction assessment against the services provided by general social workers.

After the process is clarified, it is also necessary to clarify the basic skills needed for general social workers in the service process: communication, coordination, recording and evaluation. Good communication is the basis for smooth progress of service, and gaining more useful information through communication is conductive to the improvement of service effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, general social workers need to strengthen the training of communication skills, so as to be able to express ideas via language and body symbols and environmental symbols; others should be respected as the service objects are dignified and valuable individuals, so they should be accepted unconditionally, the empathy ability of general social workers should also be improved to make guests feel relieved for the perception of empathy. Coordination means that general social worker should negotiate and mediate between service objects, service resources and various service entities to reduce cooperation costs and ensure the smooth progress of service plans. Record means that general social workers should keep written records of information about interactions with the service objects based on professional judgment as evidences for work undertaking. Specific information about the service objects should be kept confidential according to the principle of confidentiality. Evaluation means that general social workers should evaluate service process and service effect to reflect and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of their work. Professional questionnaires are optional for evaluation, and questionnaires should be designed based on the relevant indicators of specific services. They should be filled out separately by the service objects and general social workers. Alternatively, general social workers can regularly conduct large-scale service satisfaction surveys among residents based on the knowledge of the actual situation [1, p. 37].

Community service stations should strengthen the bond with various subjects, get access to more resources, gain power in practice and act as the real center of governance

With multiple governance subjects connected and governance resources integrated, community service stations provide residents with comprehensive community services. With the continuous refinement of social division of labor and the increasing diversification of residents' demands, community service stations need to get access to and integrate more service resources and expand the service range continuously, so as to keep up with the growing demands of residents and respond to residents' demands effectively, comprehensively and rapidly.

Transformed community service stations can be likened to a “multi-function socket” that interact with all subjects. As mentioned above, for the part of the author, the source of power of community service stations to integrate and dispatch resources lies in the practice of interaction. At community service stations, each subject can gain “benefits” here: for residents' demands, service stations can match the service unit accurately according to the content; for the government's requirements, service stations can help to implement; for needs from enterprises, social organizations, service stations can help them connect with the government and residents. Community service stations need these subjects to provide related community services. Under such “interest exchanges”, each subject and the community service station will form a close relation with mutual reliance and help. As the center of interaction, community service stations can also obtain power over other subjects to allocate various governance resources. In order to become the true governance center, community service stations must constantly strengthen interaction with all subjects and plays an indispensable role at the center.

In the reform of comprehensive setting of community service stations, conditions and needs of residents should be concerned, and the implementation should be in line with features of the community

The reform of the comprehensive setting of community service stations in Qianggen Community is worthy being learned from by other areas, but the specific measures and successful experiences cannot be simply “copied and pasted”. All explorations of community governance are people oriented and performed to meet increasingly diverse needs of residents and solve the problems of residents' better and faster. Therefore, features of communities should be considered in the reform and construction of community service stations with opinions and requirements of residents in the community accepted extensively. Reform of service content and reconstruction of spaces should be based on conditions and requirements of residents to provide them with exclusive “menu of special services” and “residents' home”. It is also necessary to identify all the governance resources available within the community, to take party organizations as the center, to communicate and collaborate actively and to summarize the experience of “integrated governance” with local characteristics.


1. Ding Siyu. Research on the Government Service Model of General Social Worker. Nanjing University, 2015. (In Chin.)

2. Du Qianwei. From New Public Management to Holistic Governance // Chinese Public Administration. 2008. No. 10. P 52-58. (In Chin.)

3. Qian Quan. Research on the Transformation of Grassroots Governance Structure-An Analysis Framework of “Reengineering-Co-governance” // Journal of Sichuan University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition). 2019. No. 6. P 18-38. (In Chin.)

4. Wang Defu. Urban Social Transformation and Community Governance System Construction // Journal of Political Science. 2018. No. 5. P 6-9. (In Chin.)

5. Wu Jun. Research Frontiers of Urban Sociology: A Review of the Theory of Scenes // Sociological Review. 2014. No. 2. P 90-95.(In Chin.)

6. Wu Qungang and Sun Zhixiang. Chinese-style Community Governance: the Exploration and Practice of Grassroots Level Social Service Management Innovation. Beijing: China Society Press, 2011. 1. (In Chin.)

7. Yang Rong. Community Power and Grassro ots Governance: An Empirical Study Based on L Subdistrict in Beijing. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2019. 3. (In Chin.)

8. Zheng Hangsheng, Huang Jialiang. On the Dual Predicament and Innovation Dimension of China's Community Governance -- an Analysis Based on the Reform Practice of Community Management System in Beijing // Dongyue Tribune. 2012. No. 1. P 23-29. (In Chin.)

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