The role of information communications in the modernization of public authorities

Highlighting the important role of information communications in the modernization of public authorities. Office management standards that conflict with the introduction of information technology. The level of document flow in government agencies.

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The role of information communications in the modernization of public authorities

Роль информационных коммуникаций в модернизации органов государственной власти

Omonov Ravshan Rustamovich

Independent researcher National Universty of Uzbekistan


It should be noted that in some cases, traditionally existing standards of office management are in conflict with the introduction of information technologies. There is a certain level of paperwork in government agencies compared to existing standards in the field of new information technologies. It is necessary to introduce information technologies in state bodies, since they should set an example of informatization and serve as a conductor of the ideas of the information society.

In this article highlights of the role of information communications in the modernization of public authorities.

Key words: ICT, state, modernization and integration, public authorities, politics, development, information.


Следует отметить, что в ряде случаев традиционно существующие стандарты офисного управления вступают в противоречие с внедрением информационных технологий. Существует определенный уровень документооборота в государственных органах по сравнению с существующими стандартами в области новых информационных технологий. Необходимо внедрять информационные технологии в государственные органы, поскольку они должны служить примером информатизации и служить проводником идей информационного общества.

В данной статье освещается роль информационных коммуникаций в модернизации органов государственной власти.

Ключевые слова: ИКТ, государство, модернизация и интеграция, органы государственной власти, политика, развитие, информация.

In the last decade, the production and use of priorities of public policy in most developed and many information and communication technologies (ICTs) in developing countries. The use of information almost all spheres of public life has become one of the technologies in the political sphere significantly changes the content of various types of political activity, brings to a new, higher level information support of political processes at all levels of the power hierarchy. In this regard, one of the priorities of the state is the formation and development of information infrastructure. For modern state structures, the possession of information becomes even more important:

* firstly uncertainty in the external environment leads to unjustified decision - making and can turn negative, consequences;

* secondly, working with information and using modern technological systems is becoming a priority in all areas of the state and society, this applies not only to the natural and technical sciences, but also to the social and humanitarian Sciences, which form the basis for making state decisions and developing political strategies;

* third, information technologies are not only firmly established in the modern political process, but also have a direct impact on it, the scientific understanding of which is necessary to assess both positive and negative consequences;

* fourth, information and communication technologies contribute to the formation of new effective means of management and interaction of authorities, local governments, commercial structures and citizens, this is a new opportunity to improve the quality of management through the provision of public services by electronic means;

* fifth, the expediency of studying information technologies in political activity and studying the potential of their practical application as a tool of public authorities is determined by the need to improve the impact on political processes.

One of the dominant factors in the modern development of States and society as a whole is the increasing role of information and communication technologies (ICTs), which have a significant impact on the state of the social system and the development of its institutions. Commercial enterprises and firms, for which effective functioning and customer satisfaction are the main significant aspects of competitiveness, have long recognized the importance of information and communication technologies in today's competitive environment. State organizations came to this understanding much later, but it is worth noting that today the following is obvious - in the absence of full-scale implementation of information and communication technologies, the state's activities in the information society will not meet the requirements of society.

The comprehensive nature of information and communication technologies and the speed of their dissemination contributed to the fact that in the first half of the 1990s, governments of developed countries adopted national programs for the development of the information society. The basis of scientific research on information and communication technologies is more generalized theories, which explored the very concept of the information society and the new role of the state in this society. In the works of D.Bell, M.Castels, F.Webster, E.Toffler and a number of other scientists reveal the basics of the theory of the information society, in addition, the conditions for its appearance and the new significance of political institutions in such an information society are studied in detail.

The introduction of up-to-date ICTs in the work of public authorities is one of the ways to significantly improve the system of social policy. The main potential for increasing the efficiency of public administration is directly related primarily to changes in the public sector through the introduction of new information and communication technologies. The introduction of ICT in public administration is primarily related to the concept of “e-hukumat” or “e-government”.

The first time "e-government" began to be spoken about in the overseas United States in the early 90s of the XX century, when bill Clinton was at the helm of the country, it was he who gave special importance to the progress of the Internet and the development of information technologies. Since 1999, the topic of "e- government" has been constantly discussed in major us Newspapers. However, there is no generally accepted scientific definition of the term "e-government" today. Researchers consider this term from different sides, putting forward economic, technical, applied and descriptive interpretations.

If we take into account the Western definitions of the term "e-government", then, for example, in the United States and Great Britain, scientists lay in the" e- government " concept, which is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the state as a whole. This path involves the transformation of the entire complex of relations between the public sector and society. Based on the interpretation of the public management Committee of the organization for economic cooperation and development, "e-government" implies the use of ICT as a mechanism for ensuring the best governance. Its main goal is to use technology to modify management structures, operations, and culture. At the same time, it is noted that "e-government" has the potential to become the main mechanism for adapting the practice of "good governance". The focus is not on the technical or technological aspect of the issue, but on how new ICTs are changing public administration, its conceptual structure and its relationship with society.

Summarizing all the above-mentioned interpretations, we can give the following definition of the concept of "e - government" - a method of providing information and providing public services to citizens, businesses, and other branches of government, in which information technology is used as much as possible. The e-government layout highlights 3 areas of relationships:

* between government services and citizens (G2C- government-to-citizen);

* between government and private companies (G2B -government-to-business);

* between different government agencies and levels of government (G2G-government-to- government).

The purpose of creating e-government is not that e-government is a supplement or analogue of traditional government, but that it defines a new way of interaction between authorities and the population based on the active use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in order to improve the efficiency of public and municipal services.

Implementation of the service structure of "e- government" implies the mandatory use of the same information by different departments, which requires the development of tools for interdepartmental information interconnection and a standard for the exchange or joint operation of processed information.

Interdepartmental electronic interaction system - a state information system that includes information databases, including those containing information about the software and hardware used by bodies and organizations that provide access to their information systems through the interaction system, information about the history of movement in the interaction system of electronic messages when providing state and municipal services, performing state and municipal functions in electronic form. So, the implementation of the "e-government" project faces the need to create an integrated information system across the state or, at least, to develop common methods for the presentation, description, transmission and processing of government information arrays and information resources.

It is important to note that the concept of "e- government" is based on the principle of providing state and municipal services to citizens in a "single window" mode. This principle means excluding or limiting to the maximum extent possible the participation of applicants (citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) in the process of collecting various documents and certificates from different instances and providing them with various documents and certificates confirming the applicants' rights to receive public services.

The main goals of implementing the "single window" principle are:

* adaptation of the procedure for obtaining state registration by citizens and legal entities. services and reducing the terms of their provision;

* increasing the comfort of receiving public services by citizens and legal entities;

* with the exception of personal contacts of the applicants with the officials making the decision on granting (refusal in granting) public services;

* anti-corruption and elimination of the market for intermediary services provided by commercial organizations within the framework of providing public services on a reimbursable basis.

The priority direction of interaction in the implementation of the "single window" principle is the organization of electronic exchange of documents and information concerning applicants, which are formed, stored, processed and used in departmental information systems of Executive bodies of state power on the subjects of their competence.

In general, the e-government, this is the process of providing state - of-the-art services on the basis of digital technologies, the Internet and modern mass media, the participation of citizens and management in the means of changes in both external and interrelationships, is an important optimization. Electronic government provides public services to the population, entrepreneurs and state workers, creates additional facilities for the self-government of citizens, promotes their awareness of technological innovations and facilitates their participation in public administration.

Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for the more comprehensive introduction and development of modern information and communication technologies" dated March 21, 2012, PP-1730.

In this decision, the main tasks of the development of the sphere of ICT, including the "electronic government", have been defined in 2012-2014. "On measures for the further development of the National Information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated June 27, 2013 № PP- 1989 became an important impetus for the development and further development of electronic government in the Republic of Uzbekistan. A number of projects and measures on the implementation of the "electronic government" system in our country have been set, their implementation goals and deadlines have been determined. At the same time, a Republican commission was established to coordinate the implementation of the measures to further develop the national information and communication system. In addition, a number of important issues, such as the development and integration of information systems, the promotion of the activities of state bodies, have been put before the state bodies in order to ensure the operative and qualitative implementation of their functions and functions.

Also, according to the above document, two new centers - the Center for the development of the System "electronic government" and the centers for ensuring information security-were established in the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with communication, informatization and telecommunication technologies. These centers have been met with important goals and objectives such as the rapid development of information resources, systems and networks of our country, information security.

The center for the development of the "electronic government" system is aimed at improving the electronic cooperation with the population and business entities of the state in our country and developing strategic directions of further development. This center, which provides a unified technological approach to the formation of this system, which provides for the design, development and unification of the data base and information resources used in government bodies, analyzes and studies the experiences of foreign countries in this regard, develops the system "electronic government", resolves such tasks as providing time and money-saving public services to business entities and

The main purpose of the Center for information security is to provide information security of the database, resources and complex of information systems of the electronic government system, to develop and implement the information security policy of the relevant resource and systems of the state bodies, to develop the regulatory and legal framework in the field of information security of the electronic government system,

On July 1, 2013, in our Republic, one of the most important tools of the "electronic government" system, the export of interactive public services, was launched ( the motto of Only portal is called "services in a new way", which means that in the real foundation, users will be able to use interactive public services behind a single point.

Information technologies in the political process can not only effectively solve political problems, improve the process of making political decisions, create new management structures, facilitate the exchange of information between the subjects and objects of the political process, but also change the political reality and affect the political process as a whole.

Formation of information mechanisms of interaction - between the state authorities of the subject. The state and local self-government bodies, between the state authorities of the subject and the population, as well as interdepartmental information interaction of state bodies at the Federal and regional levels, will create an information environment that will ensure uninterrupted transmission of information, its storage, and transformation for managerial impact, aimed at ensuring certain results of the activities of state authorities and effective feedback.

The identified factors (political, industrial, economic, moral and psychological, and strategic) influence the informatization of the political process. Defining among them is the support of the population for the regional informatization policy. This policy will be effective if the General population of the region is interested in it. Together, the identified factors allow us to foresee the necessary changes to stimulate and actively implement information technologies in the system of public authorities and political processes.

information communications public authorities


1. "On measures for the more comprehensive introduction and development of modern information and communication technologies" dated March 21, 2012, PP-1730.

2. "On measures for the further development of the National Information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated June 27, 2013 № PP- 1989.

3. Vershinin M.S. Political communication in the information society. -Saint Petersburg: Mikhailov V. A. Publishing House, 2001. -P.253.

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