The system of public services in Uzbekistan: foreign experience and national practice

The current experience of public service delivery in developed countries. The adoption of the concept of administrative reform in Uzbekistan and its essence, analyzes the reforms in the field of public service in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2020.

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Rafikova Gulnoza Valijonovna

Doctoral student of Namangan State University,


Abstract. The article summarizes the current experience of public service delivery in developed countries, as well as the adoption of the concept of administrative reform in Uzbekistan and its essence, analyzes the reforms in the field of public service in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2020.

Keywords: civil service, decentralization, administrative reform, industrialization, urbanization, utilities, public administration, municipal administration, civil service modernization, Neues Steuerungsmodell, public services agency.

public service delivery uzbekistan

At present, the process of modernization of public authorities in the country has intensified. Reforms to liberalize all spheres of public life are deepening in all areas of life. Although the main goal of these processes is to build a civil society and the rule of law in the country. The main goal is to ensure that the idea put forward by President Sh. Mirziyoyev "Not people should serve government institutions, but government institutions should serve people" applies as a basic principle of governance.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 8, 2017 № PD-5185 "On approval of the Concept of Administrative Reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan" approved the "The concept of Administrative Reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan". The main task of the concept is to form a new model of public administration.

The decentralization reforms that formed the basis of administrative reforms first began in France in the early 1980s. Shortly afterwards, similar reforms began in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden. By the end of the twentieth century, these processes had begun in all countries of Europe and North America. Within a decade, the idea of decentralization had spread to most countries around the world. These reforms began to bear fruit in a short period of time.

Well-known Western scholar Robert Ebel described the importance of these processes as follows: “The Western world is a low-cost alternative way of decentralizing social services. Developing countries are doing it to increase economic efficiency and improve governance. The former Soviet Union sees it as a natural step in the transition to a market economy and democracy. Latin America approaches decentralizationas a means of democratization. Africa sees it as a path to national unity”. Robert D. Ebel, Cerdan Yilmats. Measuring the degree of fiscal decentralization and its impact on macroeconomic

The formation of public services as a social and legal institution began in the countries of Western Europe and the USA around the middle of the 19th century, when the nation-states generated by the revolutions of the previous century were already quite ripe for rethinking their role and place in society, and the liberal bourgeois ideology, having conquered the consciousness of everything enlightened humanity, has already lost its absolute significance and began to give up the position of new political and legal views. The formation of the new institute was influenced by the following main factors:

1. The processes of industrialization and urbanization have fundamentally changed the economic and social conditions of public life. The growth of industrial production required more and more labor resources, which were concentrated in cities, creating new social problems and exacerbating social contradictions.

2. The formation of an administrative state, which took on more and more functions in managing the affairs of society. The growth of the bureaucratic apparatus, combined with a rethinking of the essence and functions of the state in the light of new social and philosophical teachings, led to the formation of such a thing as state social policy.

3. A sharp increase in social contradictions due to the growing pressure from new social groups that require public recognition and inclusion in sociopolitical life. It is not surprising that initially the institution of public services had a pronounced socio- communal orientation. indicators. // Materials of the conference "Budget federalism and financial management at the local level." - M.: RAKS, 2002.-P.14.

38 Conceptual issues of the development of the institution of public services: the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign experience //file:///C:/Users/

Windows_10/Downloads/un_uzb_E- government_promotion_for_improved_public_service_deli very.pdf

At present, countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany have implemented reforms based on performance management concepts. Such new developments have spread to many countries. Therefore, improving the quality of budget services as a common task in this area has become an urgent task for countries to actively cooperate with the population. States regularly monitor their opinions to determine what the public's desire for public service is. One of the tasks of reforms in this area is to develop a system of regulations for working with citizens. In France, for example, since 2000, guidelines and obligations for each public institution to establish relations with citizens have been included in the Law on Civil Service Coordination. In addition, the government has again decided to “simplify many types of public services” introducing new rules for collecting payments from the population.

Special services have been set up in European countries to provide quality public services. A special case-manager is provided for job-seekers. In addition to providing information on public services related to finding a job for its owner, it also collects information from all public services related to the field. Another area in this area is to increase the transparency of public services provided to the population in developed countries and to ensure the efficiency of these services. Also, since 2000, most western countries have established a rule to develop and approve a service quality assessment plan for each ministry. Semeko G.V. Territorial reforms in France: from decentralization to decentralization of public administration // Ars Administrandi (The Art of Management). 2017. Volume 9, №. 3.- P.; 80-483.

An example is the UK experience in this area. The leadership of the country recognizes that some parts of the state apparatus are not working efficiently, they lack modern approaches to solving many problems, unlike the activities of private structures, striving to improve in conditions of fierce competition.

The long-term program of reforming public administration, presented in the White Paper “Modernization of Government” identifies five priority areas:

1. Providing an integrated approach to the development of public policy with a focus on national interests and strategic goals, and not just on opportunistic factors.

2. Increased focus and responsibility for the distribution of public services through careful consideration of the interests of various social groups (elderly people, women, people with disabilities, national minorities), and not the needs of individual government agencies; use of modern technology; introducing new services for the development of small businesses.

3. Improving the quality of public services by developing a program of ministry reports on these issues; supporting a quality information network to share progressive experiences; the use of various models of quality improvement in the work of state institutions (the “Charter Sign” award, investing in staff to enhance motivation and advanced training, etc.).

4. The use of information technology to better meet the needs of citizens and the distribution of public services through electronic networks.

5. Modernization of civil service by changing the incentive system for employees, improving the assessment of performance indicators, wider access to work for women, people with disabilities, national minorities.

In order to ensure public control over the implementation of the Government Modernization program, a decision was made to regularly monitor the implementation of the program in the government publications. Citizens will receive information about the main stages and activities of the program, including the names of employees responsible for the implementation of its individual points. All information will be posted on the government's website on the Internet. Sadler J. Improving Public Services: UK

Experience.// htm.

In Germany, as in all European countries, the modernization of public authorities in accordance with modern requirements began in the 90s of the twentieth century. During this period, the ideas of the new social management (GDP) began to spread in Europe. In high- level discussions, the shift towards modernization of public administration was initiated by KGST (Kommunale Gemeinschaftsstelle fьr

Verwaltungsmanagement - Municipal Association of Administrative Management). In 1991, the KGST took a sharp turn: joining the debate on GDP and promoting the “New Model of Governance” (Neues Steuerungsmodell) as the German model of GDP, based on the concept of modernization formed in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Kuhlmann S., Fedele P. (2010) New Public

In line with the growing prestige of the KGST, the “New model of governance” has spread rapidly among self-governing bodies.Management in continental Europe: Local government While almost all (92%) of the German local administration, with a population of 10,000, modernized its management system between 1990 and 2000, 80 percent of this was done solely on the basis of the KgSt model.modernization in Germany, France, and Italy //

The responsibilities of local communities (lowest self-governing bodies) are given the following powers: private - the team selects, encourages and dismisses staff on its own initiative;

Wollmann H., Marcou G. (eds.), The Provision of Public Services in Europe, Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 4974.

1) financial - the right to dispose of accumulated revenues and expenditures;

2) organizational - the power to coordinate its internal structure based on local conditions;

3) decision-making in the legal and communal sphere, implementation of useful constructions on the territory;

4) tax - increase or decrease of collective duties, collection of various fees, collection of internal taxes and other receipts from citizens of the territory.

42 Reichard, Ch. Umdenken im Rathaus. -Berlin: Sigma.,1994. -P.5.

43 Bogumil, J., Grohs, St., Kuhlmann, S., Ohm A. (2007), Zehn Jahre Neues Steuerungsmodell. Eine Bilanz kommunaler Verwaltungsmodernisierung, Berlin: Sigma.

In Germany, in addition to the federal and land (provincial) level territorial communities, there is also the concept of “community” (such as neighborhood), which, although it consists of small communities, its status also applies to large cities. Communities were also designated as cities of non-district importance. See.: Horstcott X. Should We Reinvent Communal

Policy? Citizen participation in decision-making, municipal policy and modern administration in Germany // BASISINFO; IN-PRESS 2000. No. 1. -P.1. See

Administrative reform of the general government sector, aimed at enhancing the role and status of public servants, as well as introducing innovations in public service and administration, were identified as priorities for economic, political and civil development. Accordingly, Uzbekistan began to strive to introduce “best practices” of management, including through the introduction of new, innovative methods of providing public services.

The government of Uzbekistan is gradually introducing e-government services for citizens. One of the main tools of e-government is the interactive public service portal, which provides 308 services from 2,437 government organizations. The portal also operates a system of centers "one window", through which, for starters, the state began to provide 16 services for entrepreneurs, and now through it public services are available for all citizens. In addition, the government of Uzbekistan has launched a portal to discuss legislative acts.

The new state institution - the Agency for the provision of public services - was created on the basis of a presidential decree "On Reforming the National System of Public Services". The agency's motto is “Not people should serve government institutions, but government institutions should serve people”. The goal of the agency is to expand the services of "one window". Accordingly, public service centers were attached to the president's public receptions in each city and region. In total, 58 government services began to be provided at these centers, including permits for certain construction works, households' access to water and electricity, as well as various patents and archival documents. See. Thus, the government seeks to uphold the principle of “documents are moving, not people”.

The agency's motto is “Not people should serve government institutions, but government institutionsshould serve people”. The Agency for the provision of public services has already identified the following problems associated with the operation of centers for the provision of public services:vitie-elektronnykh-gosudarstvennykh-uslug/.

Public service centers do not have access to highspeed Internet;

Low level of interagency integration;

Lack of electronic archives (many documents in paper form);

State bodies providing services and centers of state services do not have the necessary equipment (computers and technical devices) to provide innovative services.

The online reception rooms of the President of Uzbekistan began to function on February 1, 2018. This service was a logical continuation of the online reception of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as Prime Minister and then acting President of Uzbekistan. The service was first launched on September 24, 2016 on the website: After the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President, “pm” began to mean “Presidentga murojaat (Address to the President)”. The idea of online reception was that citizens would be able to: Get legal advice; Contact the heads of government agencies; Get information about the time of reception of citizens.

Users can also indicate the local community (makhalla) where they encountered a problem. This should, by design, help to quickly solve the problem, as well as facilitate the collection of data for analyzing problems and finding short-term and long-term solutions to these problems. In addition to online receptions, local receptions also began to be introduced to effectively control and solve citizens' problems. A presidential decree on these receptions was published on January 17, 2019. During the first two years of the presidency of Sh.M.Mirziyoyev, more than 2.5 million requests were sent regarding 1.1 million various problems that were not resolved by local authorities.48

On December 12, 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On measures to radically reform the national system of providing public services to the population”. In accordance with the document, the Agency for Public Services under the Ministry of Justice was organized. The goal is to increase the number of users of electronic public services by at least 5 times before the end ofthis year, and by 2025 completely switch to electronic services. Given that 75 percent of the population uses the Internet on mobile devices, the importance of launching a mobile version of the Unified Portal of Interactive Government Services is noted. It was entrusted to accelerate the organization of more than 50 branches of public service centers for the convenience of residents of remote settlements” - the press service said.4947What will change in the provision of public services?, April 13,2018. /https://kun. uz/ru/61405880.

The analysis shows that over the past three years, Uzbekistan has formed a system of public services that is typical of developed countries and civil society. These changes mean that the country has entered the path of development, such as ensuring human rights and freedoms, meeting the needs of the people, building the rule of law.


49 Sh. Mirziyoyev instructed to develop a single digital signature for all public services 01/09/2020. // 51985


1. Bogumil, J., Grohs, St., Kuhlmann, S., Ohm A. (2007), Zehn Jahre Neues Steuerungsmodell. Eine Bilanz kommunaler Verwaltungsmodernisierung, Berlin: Sigma.

2. Conceptual issues of the development of the institution of public services: the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign experience //file:///C:/Users/ Windows_ 10/Downloads/un_uzb_E- government_promotion_for_improved_public_service _delivery.pdf

3. Horstcott X. Should We Reinvent Communal Policy? Citizen participation in decision-making, municipal policy and modern administration in

Germany // BASIS-INFO; IN-PRESS 2000. №. 1. - P.1.

4. Kuhlmann S., Fedele P. (2010) New Public Management in continental Europe: Local government modernization in Germany, France, and Italy // Wollmann H., Marcou G. (eds.), The Provision of Public Services in Europe, Elgar: Cheltenham, Pp. 4974.

5. Robert D. Ebel, Cerdan Yilmats. Measuring the degree of fiscal decentralization and its impact on macroeconomic indicators. // Materials of the conference "Budget federalism and financial management at the local level." - M.: RAKS, 2002. - P.14.

6. Sadler J. Improving Public Services: UK Experience.// htm.

7. Reichard, Ch. Umdenken im Rathaus. -Berlin: Sigma.,1994. -P.5.

8. Semeko G.V. Territorial reforms in France: from decentralization to decentralization of public administration // Ars Administrandi (The Art of Management). 2017. Volume 9, №. 3.- P. 80 - 483

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