Priority directions and ways for implementation of Ukraine's humanitarian policy systems
Definition of the key task of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine. Consideration and analysis of the approaches and norms on humanitarian security of citizens that the Ukrainian state can and must now guarantee.
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Дата добавления | 13.09.2021 |
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Educational and Scientific Institute of Law
Sumy State University
Priority directions and ways for implementation of Ukraine's humanitarian policy systems
Pakhomov Vladimir Vasilyevich, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Department of Criminal Law and Judiciary
Karih Igor Vladimirovich, candidate of political sciences, Director of the Scientific Advisory Center for Legal Research
The article is devoted to the research of priority directions and ways of implementation of systematic foundations of humanitarian policy of Ukraine. The authors point out that the national security policy in the humanitarian sphere in Ukraine is based on a rather sound and developed scientific-theoretical, ideological and methodological base.
The legal framework of such a policy in Ukraine is somewhat outdated, but it allows most of the functions of the state to protect national interests, preserve social guarantees of humanitarian infrastructure, interethnic and religious peace, assert national identity and educate patriotism, which are top priority. in Ukraine. At the same time, at the regulatory level, the humanitarian component of security policy in Ukraine does not yet have a clearly defined subject, it contains various aspects of state policy concerning, in particular, related spheres of social, environmental, information security, which complicates the methodological and administrative and organizational support for its effective implementation. The task of the state is to establish clear rules and principles that society as a whole will consider fair and will be ready to adhere to. In most issues of identity politics, this set of rules is already outlined.
It is problematic to reduce humanitarian expenditures due to the proliferation of tax evasion in the private sector, corruption in the public sector, recurrent economic crises, and the effects of socio-political instability and external aggression. Considering these circumstances and factors forces us to reconsider some of the approaches and norms on humanitarian security of citizens that the Ukrainian state can and must now guarantee.
It is concluded that the key task of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine is to build a coherent system of interaction of the main subjects of such policy on a single methodological basis, common goals and principles of operation, agreed procedures, creative complementarily and ability to respond flexibly to changes in the environment.
Keywords: humanitarian policy, principles, directions of humanitarian policy, ways of improving humanitarian policy.
Пахомов Володимир Васильович, доктор юридичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри кримінально-правових дисциплін та судочинства, Навчально-науковий інститут права, Сумський державний університет
Каріх Ігор Володимирович, кандидат політичних наук, директор науково-консультаційного центру правових досліджень, Навчально-науковий інститут права, Сумський державний університет
Пріоритетні напрями та шляхи впровадження системних засад гуманітарної політики України. Стаття присвячена дослідженню пріоритетних напрямів та шляхів впровадження системних засад гуманітарної політики України. Автори зауважують, що політика національної безпеки в гуманітарній сфері в Україні спирається на доволі ґрунтовну і розвинену науково-теоретичну, світоглядну й методологічну базу. Тому, нам потрібно переосмислити деякі підходи та норми щодо гуманітарної безпеки, які українська держава може і повинна гарантувати.
Правові основи такої політики в Україні дещо застаріли, але вони дозволяють виконувати більшість функцій держави: захист національних інтересів, захист соціальних гарантій гуманітарної інфраструктури, міжетнічного та релігійного миру, підтвердження національної ідентичності та патріотизму, що є пріоритетним в Україні. На регуляторному рівні гуманітарна складова політики безпеки в Україні ще не має чітко визначеної цілі. Вона містить різні аспекти державної політики, зокрема стосовно суміжних областей соціального, екологічного та інформаційного забезпечення, які надають методологічну, адміністративну та організаційну підтримку для її ефективного здійснення. Роль держави полягає у встановленні чітких правил та принципів, які суспільство в цілому вважає справедливим і готове дотримуватися. Цей набір правил уже описано для більшості проблем із вказівками щодо ідентичності.
Важливо визнати скорочення витрат на гуманітарну допомогу через поширення ухилень від сплати податків у приватному секторі, корупцію в державному секторі, періодичні економічні кризи та вплив соціально-політичної нестабільності та зовнішньої агресії. Враховуючи ці обставини та фактори, ми змушені переглянути деякі підходи та стандарти гуманітарної безпеки, які громадянам в нашій країні можуть і повинні бути гарантовані.
Робиться висновок, що ключове завдання підвищення ефективності гуманітарної безпекової політики в Україні: побудова цілісної системи взаємодії основних суб'єктів такої політики на єдиній методологічній основі, спільних цілях і принципах функціонування, узгоджених процедурах, творчому взаємодоповненні та можливості гнучко реагувати на зміни середовища функціонування.
Ключові слова: гуманітарна політика, засади, напрями гуманітарної політики, шляхи удосконалення гуманітарної політики.
Formulation of the problem in general. The national security policy in the humanitarian sphere in Ukraine is based on a sufficiently extensive scientific, theoretical, philosophical and methodological basis. Such developments by academic scholars, national security policy theorists and practitioners, specialists in various humanities (education, culture, historical memory, ethnopolitics, health care, etc.) outline the goals and objectives of such a policy, its guidelines, principles and means of implementation.
The normative principles of national security policy in the humanitarian sphere are reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine, the basics of security and sectoral humanitarian legislation. The legal framework of such a policy in Ukraine is somewhat outdated, but at the same time it does not deprive it of the opportunity to exercise most of the functions of the state in protection of national interests, preservation of social guarantees of humanitarian infrastructure, interethnic and religious peace, affirmation of national consciousness and education of patriots. at this stage of state formation in Ukraine.
Nevertheless, humanitarian components exist in Ukraine at the legislative level, which does not have a clearly distinct subject, when there are various aspects that exist and those that remain significant from the social, environmental, information security applicable to this methodological and administrative and political level, it is applied only in different spheres.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The scientific development of the directions and ways of implementation of the systematic foundations of the humanitarian policy of Ukraine was carried out, among others, by such scientists as O.O. Zubchenko, S.I. Zidioruk, A.A. Kornievsky, M.M. Razumny, L.V. Chupriy.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the priority directions and ways of implementing the systematic foundations of Ukraine's humanitarian policy.
Presenting of the main material
It is important to emphasize that the conceptual and strategic understanding of humanitarian policy in Ukraine and, in particular, the priority of its security functions are not yet sufficiently implemented in the relevant state policy documents. Despite the fact that the relevant provisions and proposals appear regularly in the annual messages of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the preparation and adoption of relevant strategies and concepts were foreseen by the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Security and Defense Council, decrees and decrees of the President of Ukraine, conclusions and recommendations of parliamentary hearings, basic documents on the priorities and principles of humanitarian policy in Ukraine as a whole, ethno and identity, development and implementation policies these national intellectual capacities in the educational and scientific fields still require approval or refinement [1, p. 173].
The obstacle to this is the lack of expert and political consensus on some fundamental issues, reflecting the critical state of the political institutions responsible for the development and implementation of public policy. As well as the lack of social responsibility of the national elite and the weak link between the administrative, political, public and expert levels, the adoption of socially important decisions. humanitarian security ukrainian
The relevance of the humanitarian aspects of national security policy was confirmed by the realities of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which contains significant ideological and information-psychological, as well as aimed primarily at destroying the spiritual-moral and world- cultural foundations of national identity and national sovereignty and provocation, linguistic, religious, ideological differences, the spread of fear, apathy and intolerance in society. The humanitarian aspect of counteracting Russian aggression has become one of the priorities of Ukraine's security policy at this stage, along with strengthening the country's defense capability and foreign policy efforts of the country's leadership [1, p. 175].
This is a prerequisite for the overarching goal of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine: building a coherent system of interaction between the main actors of such a policy on a single methodological basis, common goals and principles of operation, unified procedures, creative complementarily and ability to respond flexibly to change.
The humanitarian policy of the country as a whole and its security component in particular should be based on a certain set of public perceptions of the goals and guidelines of national development, its basic principles and values, which are recognized as generally recognized in a given socio-political organism. Since it is not at all appropriate to speak of national ideology in the present circumstances, this set of representations can be defined as a certain doctrine. Some researchers say, for example, the concept of state-building or national ideology as the highest form of national consciousness [2, с. 17].
The conceptual basis for such a doctrine is to take the concept of national values, since it, along with the concept of national interests, most fully reflects the specificities of the humanitarian sphere for the life of society as a "humanitarian aura of the nation." The concept of national values is methodologically and conceptually developed by national scientists, but needs clarification and verification in the context of new challenges to national security and the realities of the post-industrial era [3, p. 7; 4, p. 248-251].
The doctrinal level of the humanitarian security system must leave room for public and political debate, but must also provide for a consensus-based outlook and values base, as well as the rules and frameworks in which public discussions are conducted. For Ukraine, one of the most important problems at such a doctrinal level is the question of the formula of Ukrainian identity, its criteria and constituents. Therefore, it is necessary to find an acceptable solution to the contradiction between the Ukrainian national-cultural and national-liberation traditions, on the one hand, and the post-imperial world cultural heritage, on the other.
It must be acknowledged that the process of reconciling values and reconciling conflicting identities is long and complex, and as a result new spiritual and cultural syntheses are born that are significantly different from the two original principles. However, national security, civil peace and the prospects for the development of a nation-state should not depend on complex socio-cultural conflicts related to the transformation and interaction of traditional and modern identities.
The task of the state is to establish clear rules and principles that society as a whole will consider fair and will be ready to adhere to. In most issues of identity politics, such a set of rules is already outlined today [5, p. 33-34].
These include the following approaches:
1) the Ukrainian national self-determination is the basis of the state-making process, therefore the support of the Ukrainian national-cultural and nationalliberation traditions is a priority of the state humanitarian policy, its educational, cultural, memorial, scientific and other components;
2) Ukraine guarantees freedom of expression, belief and cultural identification for all its citizens, provided that their words or actions do not threaten national sovereignty, do not offend national or personal dignity, do not incite interethnic / inter-religious conflicts and hostility among citizens;
3) Ukraine meets national and cultural needs and promotes the preservation of the traditional identity of representatives of national minorities and ethnic groups in accordance with its international obligations and pursues an appropriate minority protection policy on a parity basis with States that have a historical homeland for them;
4) Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine, so mastering Ukrainian is important for all citizens in their interaction with the authorities and in public affairs. The state does not regulate the use of languages in the private sphere of life of its citizens. Knowledge of the state language by all citizens of Ukraine and its free use in all professional fields are priorities of the educational policy of the state [1, p. 176].
We are convinced of the necessity and urgency of defining strategic priorities of the state policy on the issues of demographic, environmental, energy, and information security of Ukraine, development of its intellectual potential and protection of critical infrastructure.
Approving these approaches as public policy directives requires their political legitimating. The content of relevant bills or other public policy working papers should be subject to wide public and professional debate. A convenient public format ensures the activities of consultative and advisory and coordination bodies, which may be set up under the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada or the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The potential of the Verkhovna Rada profile committees and the mechanism of parliamentary hearings should also be involved in the public discussion and professional evaluation of the proposals and comments of the said documents.
The conclusions and recommendations that follow from such discussions should form the basis of the final political decision to be made on the basis of a comprehensive parliamentary review (depending on the nature of the document, in the framework of the constitutional process or ordinary legislative procedure). The formulated legislation should be the basis for:
a) overcoming public confrontation and thinking about relevant topics of a competing political agenda;
b) improvement of the qualification of the programs of implementation and specification of the relevant provisions of the norms of legislation, by-laws, documents of state policy;
c) activities of specialized bodies of executive power (including coordination) aimed at implementing these provisions [1, p. 177].
The interaction between the security sector and the humanitarian governance system should be built on the basis of institutional and regulatory interpenetration. This means:
The conceptual idea is to review the basic principles and approach to such actions (the best priorities between threatened regions and secrets, the rules of concerted acts). The answer in the documents that exist in different strategies (National Security Strategy, Ukrainian Humanitarian State Strategy, Concept of a Necessary Ethnic Nation), necessarily adheres to unified opportunities and agreed political instruments. The basic concept may be understandable for humanitarian security, as it has been elaborated in detail in the conceptual framework of humanitarian affairs, and it has certainly been found because it was updated in the new version of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine.
The regulatory idea is to provide the necessary incentives and restrictions on the activities of public policy entities, which, on the one hand, would contribute to the development and modernization of domestic humanitarian sectors (education, medicine, culture, memorial, recreational and tourist infrastructure, etc.), and on the other, created conditions for preventing and counteracting national security threats.
The institutional idea should provide a functional and background structure for the implementation of the highest priority humanitarian policy in the field of governance, as well as the favorable humanitarian pressure needed for the relevant institutional resources. For example, the Portal with newly created special bodies (Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Ministry of Information Services), humanitarian security system consisted of specially formed units of ministries and departments, departments (departments).
A better understanding of the tasks and coordination of the activities of the designated institutions in the field of humanitarian security can only be achieved if the necessary communication environment is created. To this end, it is necessary to initiate the formation of mixed working and coordination groups, holding thematic seminars, conferences, preparing methodological literature and manuals on basic theoretical and conceptual issues of national security policy in the humanitarian sphere.
For this purpose it is necessary to use the potential of existing expert, scientific, educational centers. The National Institute for Strategic Studies, the National Academy of Public Administration, and the Military
Institute of the Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, Institute of State and Law them.
V.M. Koretsky and the Institute for Political and Ethnic Studies them. I.F. Kuras of the NAS of Ukraine and other reputable intellectual centers.
The mechanism of response and monitoring of humanitarian threats should be radical. In carrying out administrative reform, in particular the decentralization of administrative functions of the management system, the state should provide for the fulfillment of the functions of information and analytical support of national security policy.
Monitoring and analytical functions can be enshrined in the new prefectural service management system as state representatives on the ground. It is also important to maintain vertical sectoral links in the areas of responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and possibly create an appropriate regional representation system for the Ministry of Information Policy.
Particularly urgent is the problem of threat monitoring and response at the local and regional levels. Expanding the powers of local self-government, liquidation of district and regional administrations envisaged by the draft administrative reform being implemented in Ukraine should not lead to disintegration of the national system of national security. The powers of the Security Service of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies (the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office) are limited to preventing and combating crime, while the lion's share of threats to humanitarian security has no criminal record. There is a risk that the state will be left without "sensory organs" in a dynamic and filled with numerous threats and dangers of socio-cultural space and will not be able to respond effectively to contemporary socio-political processes.
The key to ensuring that the new systematic national security policy in the humanitarian field will have public support and be adequate to the needs of today is the close interaction of public authorities at all levels charged with providing it, with civil society structures, the expert environment, thought leaders and target audiences. Such interaction should be organized through public and consultation forums, on the basis of publicity and openness, and with widespread use of public information tools [1, p. 180].
In view of the above, the key objective of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine is to build a coherent system of interaction of the main subjects of such policy on a single methodological basis, common goals and principles of functioning, agreed procedures, creative complementarily and ability to respond flexibly to changes in the environment.
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2. Зубченко С. О. Концептуальні засади політики національної безпеки Української держави в умовах демократичних перетворень: автореф. дис. ... канд. політ. наук: 21.01.01. Київ: Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень, 2011. 18 с.
3. Гуманітарна політика Української Держави в новітній період: монографія / за ред. С. І. Здіорука. Київ: НІСД, 2006. 403 с.
4. Чупрій Л. В. Політика національної безпеки Української держави в гуманітарній сфері: монографія. Київ: Національний авіаційний університет; ПП «МастерПринт», 2015. 508 с.
5. Україна: політичні стратегії модернізації: зб. наук.-аналіт. доповідей / за ред. М. М. Розумного (заг. ред.), О. А. Корнієвського, В. М. Яблонського, С. О. Янішевського. Київ: НІСД, 2011. 328 с.
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