Criminological characteristics of the pawnbroker’s personality in the field of drug trafficking

The study of the criminal's personality, which indicate its natural connections with the committed crime, manifested in the diverse consequences of the committed illegal socially dangerous act. Means of prevention, disclosure and investigation of crimes.

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Criminological characteristics of the pawnbroker's personality in the field of drug trafficking


Протасов Сергей Игоревич,

курсант Сибирского юридического института МВД России

Ключевые слова: identity criminal investigation illegal

преступник, закладчик, криминология, наркотики.

Для криминологического анализа преступлений в первую очередь интерес представляют такие данные о личности преступника, которые указывают на ее закономерные связи с совершенным преступлением, проявляющиеся в многообразных последствиях совершенного противоправного общественно опасного деяния. В этом плане личность целесообразно изучать не только как следообразующий объект -- источник информации о совершенном преступлении, но и как одно из важнейших средств его предупреждения, раскрытия и расследования.

Keywords: criminal, pawnbroker, criminology, drug

For criminalistic characteristics of crimes in the first-placeinterest the identity of the criminal, which point to its logical connection with the crime, which is manifested in diverse traces the consequences of illegal socially dangerous acts. In this regard, it is advisable to study the individual not only as a trace-forming object- a source of information about the committed crime, but also as one of the most important means of its disclosure and investigation.

The totality of perpetrators of drug trafficking offences, depending on the nature of their systematization, can be classified and/or typologized in a certain way. The following classification represents the lowest level of generalization of perpetrators of crimes: criminals are divided into groups on a single basis (for example, by age only) [1, p. 107]. Classification may be based on any criteria related to criminal conduct, and this relationship may not be of a substantial natural nature.

It should be noted that measures aimed at preventing the formation of criminal motivation for the commission of drug crimes should take into account the typology of the identity of the drug offender, depending on the orientation and criminogenic motivation stability.

The profile of the perpetrator of drug trafficking includes the following data: a) Socially Socio-demographic (education, nationality, marital status, occupation, sex, age, etc.); b) Information Domestic work (behaviour at the place of work, study, place of residence); c) Information of a social and legal nature (previous convictions for administrative offences);

r) Physiological (anatomical and functional characteristics, biochemical features of blood, saliva, sweat).

According to the statistics of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in the first half of 2020, a total of 40,337 people were convicted of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors or analogues, potent substances, plants (or parts thereof) containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances according to the basic qualification: minors - 534; 18-29 years old - 6 771, 30-34 years old - 20 609, 35-39 years old - 5 357, 40 and older - 7 048, women - 2 870, Russian citizens - 31 097, citizens of other member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States - 696, citizens of other states - 29, stateless persons - 69 [4].

Of great forensic importance are the signs of the appearance and related signs of the offender: «the presence of traces (remnants) of narcotic drugs on the body of the detainee and in the things in his possession; ownership of traces, objects, substances and materials, etc., packagings and packaging used for the storage, transport and shipment of drugs, as well as the traces preserved on them; presence of narcotic drugs in saliva, urine, blood of this person; sanity of a person at the time of committing a crime (absence of a condition excluding sanity (acute drug psychosis, drug effect, etc.) «[2].

Material insecurity has always been the motive for committing crimes. It should be noted that in the context of the complex development of modern Russian society, various socio-negative phenomena have become widespread, among which are crimes committed by «mortgages,» that is, persons who distribute (hide) narcotic or psychotropic substances. After all, the criminogenic activities of this type of criminals who carry out their criminal activities in the field of drug trafficking are largely the result of the influence of more experienced criminals.

The complexity of establishing their involvement in drug trafficking often allows perpetrators to escape criminal proceedings. This situation leads to the selfdetermination of the crime in question. Those who have previously committed crimes with certain criminal skills, know the precise methods of spreading «stash men» and are confident in their impunity, increase the scale of drug crimes mainly among young people, as well as minors.

So, for example, from the materials of the criminal case instituted against L. it follows that she sold S. drug illegal of mother T. At the same time, T. knew that she was selling a drug. T.'s mother, accurately understood her minor, convinced her of the illegal sale of the drug, handed over the drug on an especially large scale, instructing her to accept and sell it to S. (URL: php?id=79&item=4572).

In other example of S., it is found guilty of stay to the address during the period from 18 to 18 o'clock 30 minutes with intention to involve the minor T. in committing with him complicity in the purchase of narcotic drugs for other persons, he promised him material remuneration for these illegal acts, to which the minor replied by consent. After that, he and the minor on the same evening, having previously received money from buyers for the drug, jointly purchased a drug mass of hashish from an unidentified person, which they kept with them until they were detained red-handed by police officers at 20 o'clock on the same day [4]. Perpetrators of these crimes use various means of evading criminal responsibility. For example, stash men for drugs, the use of intermediaries in the sale of narcotic drugs, the involvement of drug trafficking. In operational investigative practice, cases of tossing narcotic drugs to suspected persons by both operative workers and other persons are not uncommon. The reasons may be different: the elimination of competitors in business, revenge, blackmail, abuse of law enforcement officers in order to create the appearance of successful work.

At the same time, persons belonging to the sequential-criminal type should be exposed to the longest and most intense impact, and the full potential of measures should be aimed at preventing the formation of selfish criminogenic motivation. After all, as it is rightly noted in special studies: «the issue of developing an effective mechanism for assessing the impact on persons with delinquent characteristics remains unresolved, since the consideration of pure causal relationships is possible only within the framework of abstract models» [3, p. 100]. With regard to the situational-criminogenic type, measures aimed at preventing the formation of criminogenic motivation should be differentiated depending on the drug users and those who do not use the drugs themselves, but are prone to committing drug crimes (in particular, «stash men») for self-serving reasons. The preventive effect on the drug-criminal type in order to prevent the formation of criminal motivation should be carried out with the support of the whole spectrum of positive personality qualities.

Stash men are made by couriers, which in the environment are called «stash men» or «miners.» They deliver the pre-paid dose to the desired place, after which, through encrypted channels, they report the exact location of the bags, signs of the selected cache.

Distributors use proven schemes, so catching a stash men is quite difficult. As a rule, they do not stand out in the crowd, do not impersonate behavior. Who are drug traffickers usually looking for as a stash men? Any large Darknet store has a section with vacancies, where those who want to leave their «resumes.» Depending on the distribution zone, workers can be sought not only in large cities, but also in regions of the country.

However, drug users are often located in such sites, as a result, completely unreliable advertisements. In the course of implementation, there are problems with them, so sellers are trying to find absolutely prosperous stash men. That is, among drug addicts, it is definitely not worth looking for intermediaries.

Though often the attraction comes through gradual addiction to drugs. And the lack of money makes you break the law and post packages with doses.

To attract respectable people, vacancies are posted on legal job search sites, such as Hedhunter, as well as on Avito and similar resources. And when a person became interested in the decent work of the complete, loader, driver, they receive offers of a slightly different nature.

Often citizens are attracted by a very loyal selection for a position, good earnings, even for an adult independent person, not to mention a teenager or a student.

The main requirements for candidates are responsibility, cleanliness of work and the ability to leave a small pledge. Welcome persons with families, sports physique, availability of money for collateral, machine for the most rapid delivery. The wellbeing of a person allows you to withdraw all suspicions.

Since the work is based on communication in instant messengers, and through encrypted channels and on specially created accounts, they work as stash men, as a rule, representatives of youth. In addition, they misunderstand the possible responsibility of such activities, which facilitates recruitment and recruitment.

By the way, so the courier doesn't run off with the goods or keep them, doesn't use them did not use it, sometimes dealers force the employee to take pictures with a passport and the name of the store.

In case of violation, the photo immediately enters the Internet. There are cases of no less severe measures - physical violence - due to deception by the miner.

Thus, sellers try to go out to adolescents and even children, mainly from prosperous families. For them, this is not only a way to earn money, but also a kind of entertainment. Parents should monitor the change in the child's life in order to notice a dangerous activity.

There is no definite stash men psychotype! However, the following typical features of his personality can be identified.

The age of the stash men is not always teenage. Both 15-year-old schoolchildren and 65-year-old pensioners are affected. These can be both students 20 years old and quite middle-aged people (35-45 years old), with a family, children and the main place of work. Material position of the stash men. He's not always poor. Indeed, someone in this way is trying to earn himself food so as not to starve to death. And someone already has everything and he doesn't really need money. Many teenagers from poor families, as well as children of wealthy parents who never need money that made stash men. Moreover, there are even people who have a main place of work, earning much more from it than from stash men, but still do it.

Education. Among them there are persons with 9 classes of education who do not understand modern technologies. You can also find graduate students from local universities who are excellent in modern technologies, with any gadgets.

Therefore there are many stash men for which to make a report on the work done, (describe 10-20 places and attach to the description of the photograph) may take a whole day or two because can take a whole day or two, because the speed of typing is one word per minute.

Nationality Cladmen can be any.

With a standard of living, the cost of the drug will also increase, and therefore the fee for one stash men. For example, if now the stash men receives 300 rubles for one stash men with an average salary in the country of 40,000 rubles, then with an average salary in the country of 80,000 rubles, the stash men will receive 600-700 rubles and making stash men will still be economically profitable, because there is not much money, as you know. Refer to the psychological features of the identity of the narcodistributor which are subject to establishment: skills, abilities, long term habits, alcoholism, drug addiction, a state at the time of crime.

Importance for the so-called criminological profiling of the personality of the drug master are signs of appearance and the accompanying properties of the offender: presence of traces (remnants) of narcotic drugs on the detainee's body and in his belongings; ownership of traces, objects, substances and materials, etc. seized from the place of illegal actions, containers and packaging used for the storage, transportation and transfer of drugs, as well as traces preserved on them; in saliva, urine, blood of this person narcotic drugs; sanity of a person at the time of committing a crime (absence of a condition that excludes sanity (acute drug psychosis, drug effect, etc.).

The study identified the most typical sociodemographic features of criminological profiling that are generally inherent in drug traffickers. As a rule, these are persons of sufficiently young age (from 18 to 29 years old) used complex ways of selling narcotic drugs, they more often commit crimes in organized criminal groups, when organizing drug caches, they use difficult accessible places where drugs are not found. The criminal has a specialized education or special criminal skills, which is more common among people of the middle age category, allows them to commit crimes through new information technologies, avoiding personal contact with users of narcotic drugs.

If a person has a medical, biological or chemical education, then, most likely, he knows the characteristics of the action of various narcotic drugs, their precursors and analogues on the human body, has skills in working with special chemical equipment, reagents and synthesizing narcotic drugs. The legal literature notes that among manufacturers of narcotic drugs there are many people with education in the field of chemistry, pharmacology, biology, less often medicine.

Thus, information on the characterization of the identity of the offender is necessary to form criminological recommendations for identifying (including profiling) the persons considered and preventing their criminal behavior, regarding: the features of the nomination and verification of diagnostic versions about the range of persons among whom it is necessary to look for a potential suspect; The use in the investigation of data on the relationship of typical methods and the situation of a crime with certain characteristics of such criminals; Drawing up, in the course of preventive measures, a meaningful forecast of the criminal and postcriminal behavior of the offender, including in order to overcome the opposition to the investigation; identifying the connection between the identity of the stash men and the degree of latency of her crimes.

In summary, it should be noted that measures aimed at preventing the formation of criminogenic motivation to commit drug crimes should take into account the typology of the identity of the drug offender, depending on the orientation and sustainability of the criminogenic motivation.

Библиографический список

1. Ахмедшин, Р.Л. Криминалистическая характеристика личности преступника : автореф. дис. ... д-ра юрид. наук / Р.Л. Ахмедшин. - Томск, 2016.

2. Попова, В.В. Особенности расследования преступлений, совершенных в сфере незаконного оборота наркотических средств (психотропных веществ) : учебно-практическое пособие / В.В. Попова. - Самара, 2018.

3. Сергиенко, А.С. О системе смысловой регуляции субъекта в контексте коррекционного воздействия на делинквентную личность / А.С. Сергиенко, П.В. Тепляшин // Вестник Сибирского юридического института ФСКН России. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 97-104.

4. Тихомирова, О.В. Криминалистическая характеристика личности преступника, действующего в сфере незаконного оборота наркотических средств / О.В. Тихомирова // Молодой ученый. - 2019. - № 1(239). - С. 123-126.

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