Comparative experience of legal regulation of countering crime of Ukraine and Great Britain
Legal regulation of crime prevention in Ukraine and Great Britain. Responsibility of the police for ensuring effective activities at the local level. Functions of operational police units that are responsible for solving various tasks on the ground.
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Дата добавления | 10.11.2021 |
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Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Department of Military Disciplines
Military Law Institute by Material and Technical Support,
Department of Training Reserve Officers
Comparative experience of legal regulation of countering crime of Ukraine and Great Britain
Ignatieva A.I., C. of Ped. S., lecturer
Zverev S.M., lieutenant-colonel
The article deals with the experience of legal regulation of counteraction to crime of Ukraine and Great Britain is investigated. The UK Police can be called the main subject of crime prevention. It not only carries out the repressive function associated with the detention of criminals, the detection of crimes, but also implements social services and information activities aimed at law enforcement agencies and enhances the involvement of the first in crime prevention activities. However, it requires constant improvement of police work, thanks to its reform. The purpose of contemporary UK police reform is to make consistent and inclusive changes on a national scale to reduce the level of crime by raising the professionalism of police officers, reducing the barriers to access for British police officers. So, also, the link in the UK police system is regional police. Every police force in the UK responsible for ensuring effective policing activities at the local level, as appropriate territories. United Kingdom Police Service consists of operationally independent police officers units (or otherwise “constable departments”), that are responsible for solving various tasks locally.
In Ukraine, crime prevention measures can be classified on other grounds, depending on the territorial and social coverage of the following: national measures, regional measures carried out in a separate administrative-territorial entity, local measures limited by the boundaries of one municipality or settlement, object measures carried out in a specific organization, contingent activities aimed at certain social groups. At the same time, the number of people in serious crimes in Ukraine decreased in 2019 by 11 years - 155 out of 138 people. The most arsenal of average perpetrators is theft (191 people) and fraud (27 people). In 2019, premeditated homicides (crimes) were recorded at 855, up from almost two thousand in 2014 and nearly 1.2 thousand in 2016. The police uncovered 777 premeditated killings. This represents almost 91 percent of the crimes committed in 2019. Key words: moral awareness, measures, crime prevention, social groups, legal regulation, crime counteraction, reforms, crime.
Порівняльний досвід правового регулювання протидії злочинності України та Великобританії
У статті досліджений досвід правового регулювання протидії злочинності України та Великобританії. Поліцію Великобританії можна назвати основним суб'єктом запобігання злочинності. Вона здійснює не лише репресивну функцію, пов'язану із затриманням злочинців, розкриттям злочинів, а й реалізує соціально обслуговуючі та інформаційні напрями роботи, спрямовані до правоохоронних органів та розширення участі першої в діяльності із запобігання злочинам. Проте вимагає постійного удосконалення робота поліції, що досягається завдяки її реформуванню. Метою сучасної реформи поліції Великої Британії є послідовні й всеохоплюючі зміни на національному масштабі, скорочення рівня злочинності, підвищення професіоналізму поліцейських, зниження перепон у доступі британських підданих до поліцейських послуг. Також ланкою в системі поліції Великобританії є регіональна поліція. Кожна поліція Великобританії відповідальна за забезпечення ефективної діяльності міліції на місцевому рівні відповідно до відповідних територій. Поліцейська служба Сполученого Королівства складається з оперативно незалежних підрозділів поліції (або «констеблів»), які відповідають за вирішення різних завдань на місцях
В Україні заходи запобігання злочинності можуть класифікуватися і за іншими підставами, залежно від територіального і соціального охоплення виділяють: загальнодержавні заходи, регіональні заходи, здійснювані в окремому адміністративно-територіальному утворенні (область, район), місцеві заходи, що обмежуються межами однієї муніципальної освіти або населеного пункту, об'єктні заходи, здійснювані в конкретній організації, контингентні заходи, спрямовані на певні соціальні групи. При цьому кількість тяжких і особливо тяжких злочинів в Україні зменшилася у 2019 році на 11% - із 155 000 до 138 000. Найбільший масив серед скоєних злочинів становлять крадіжки (191 000) та шахрайства (27 000). У 2019 році умисних убивств (злочинів) зареєстровано 855 - проти майже 2000 у 2014 році та майже 1200 - у 2016 році. При цьому поліцейські розкрили 777 умисних вбивств. Це становить майже 91% від числа скоєних у 2019 році таких злочинів.
Ключові слова: моральна свідомість, заходи, запобігання злочинності, соціальні групи, правове регулювання, протидії злочинності, реформи, злочин.
Problem statement in general form
Some conclusions can be drawn from UK crime prevention policy, provided, that the current crime situation in this country is analyzed, and the role and importance of different actors in the implementation of different prevention strategies, including the public participation strategy, is identified crime prevention [3].
Analysis of recent researches. The theoretical basis of the article is scientific many Ukrainian scientists as well and scholars from other countries including the Great Britain. Among them are the first O.M. Bandurka, G. Bowling, V.V. Vasilovich, V.V. Golin's, D. Graham, O.M. Juju and others. The scientific works of these scientists are dedicated different aspects of preventing and counteracting evil however, they lack a modern analysis the state of implementation of the participation strategy of crime in crime prevention United Kingdom.
Formulating the goals of the article. The purpose of the article is to explore current British experience in crime prevention by examining crime in the United Kingdom.
Presenting main material
he main source of criminological information in the UK can be considered the British Crime Survey, which contains the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of crime and is being prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country. The UK Police can be called the main subject of crime prevention. It not only carries out the repressive function of detaining criminals and implements social service and information activities aimed at increasing public trust in law enforcement and expanding participation of the first in crime prevention activities. Therefore, it requires constant improvement of the police work that is achieved through its reform. The purpose of modern reform. The UK police force has made consistent and encompassing changes, both locally and nationally. Level reduction crime, enhancement of police officers' professionalism; reducing bureaucratic obstacles in accessing British subjects to police services.
Xenophobic crimes are recorded separately. Violence against unconventional sexual orientation is increasing in the UK. She and Sweden are the only European countries where there is a specific record for this type of crime. Over the past 10 years, a number of new laws have been enacted in the UK to counter hate crimes. In 2010, it was first classified as a crime of “physical assault or racial slurs”. In 2017, the law on responsibility for inciting racial hatred was supplemented by a section on inciting religious hatred. In 2020, more severe punishments for hate crimes against the victim's sexual orientation were introduced. Last year, it was a crime to use verbal threats to incite hatred against persons through their religious beliefs.
Counter-measures are already quite significant: measures are already being taken. There are many organizations that help victims of hate crimes. There are also many community groups, such as in London, and there are many black and ethnic minority groups that help the victims. There are also organizations that advocate homosexual rights. So much is being done. And much attention is paid to the interaction of all these organizations. But much remains to be learned about the nature of such crimes and their impact on people.
In the UK, there are special police public safety units to counter this type of crime. There is also a dedicated hotline for reporting them. The structure and responsibilities of the Scottish Police generally replicate those existing in England and Wales. The exception is the Scottish Agency for the Suppression of Illicit Trafficking in Drugs, which was established in 2000 to prevent and detect particularly dangerous offenses in organized crime and to reduce damage at national and international levels. In addition, there are eight separate police units in Scotland [2, p. 99].
The next link in the UK police system is regional police. Every police force in the UK responsible for ensuring effective policing activities at the local level, as appropriate territories. United Kingdom Police Service consists of operationally independent police officers' units (or otherwise “constable departments”), that are responsible for solving various tasks locally levels: from field policing to corporate development; from criminal conduct statistics on preventing domestic violence; from the fight against the demand for human rights; from organization of work of traffic police before carrying out search and rescue activities. Despite the fact, that structures of the Regional Police of England and Wales, North Ireland and Scotland are separate from each other, the principles of their formation are virtually identical. Manages and implements permanent leadership of each formation Chief Constable, who reports to the police authority formed from Scottish regional advisers. legal crime prevention ukraine Great Britain
The Secretary of State of Scotland plays the same role about the police as the Home Secretary in England and Wales. Scottish Police Squad and Office forensic records are located in Glasgow. The British Transport Police are national molding to work on the rail. Transportation the police provide their services to the railway operators, employees and moving passengers the territory of England, Wales and Scotland. Folice organizes guarding the London Underground, light rail subway to Docklands, tram the Midland system and the Croydon tram network. The task of the British Transport Police is implementation police activities to ensure security at railways and the environment and turn it into a free zone criminal offense [1, p. 12].
For the purpose of external evaluation of police activity, as in England and Wales Police Inspectorate operates in Scotland. Basic principles the activities of this body are similar to its English counterpart. However, unlike the Inspectorate in force in England and Wales, the Scottish Inspectorate does not produce a report similar to the PEEL report, focusing instead on thematic inspections, the results of which are submitted to the Scottish Parliament for consideration. Despite the heterogeneity of the UK police performance appraisal system, a number of key features.
First, the assessment is clearly thematic. Focusing on specific areas (eg counteracting crimes of greatest public interest) and aspects (such as the efficiency and appropriateness of using financial resources, engaging with local communities) enables police activities to be evaluated more comprehensively and using different sources of information, activities, that are of most interest to society [7, p. 10].
The dynamics of crime in the last 6 years is characterized by wave-like oscillations, the highest value of which is the amplitude in 2018, and the lowest - in 2019. However, there is a general tendency to increase the crime rate. The absolute increase of 2018 (indicators for 11 months) in relation to the base 2017 is 270.5 thousand crimes. Growth rate in 2016, calculated by the basic method, is 1,862, growth rate - 86,2%. Growth rate in 2016, calculated by the chain method (for the 11 months of 2016 and 2015, respectively), is 1,134, the growth rate is 13,4%. Average annual absolute growth for 2010-2016 is 45 thousand crimes, the average growth rate - 1,093, average growth rate - 9,3%.
From 2010 to 2015 the number of crimes in England and Wales increased significantly, but then, by 2008, it fell from its peak by 48%. The number of prisoners in the same period has almost doubled, exceeding 80,000, which means that England and Wales have the highest number of prisoners in relative terms in Western Europe, with a rate of 147 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants. In Scotland, the number of crimes in 2019 dropped to its lowest in 32 years, falling by 10%. At the same time, the number of prisoners exceeded 80,000, breaking all record highs. The participants of the meeting noted that within 9 months of 2018 in Ukraine the number of reported crimes decreased compared to the same period of 2017 - from 420 thousand to 386 thousand criminal offenses. At the same time, the number of serious and especially serious crimes decreased by 11 percent - from 155 thousand to 138 thousand. The largest array of crimes is theft (191 thousand) and fraud (27 thousand).
In addition, the number of premeditated murders on the territory of the state decreased from 1185 to 1168. More than a quarter decreased the number of robberies - from 2224 to 1622- year - 10.6 thousand. Theft was down 12% (216.6 thousand versus 191.5 thousand this year) [2, p. 100].
At the same time, the meeting noted an increase in the level of serious and particularly serious crimes uncovered. In particular, over the three quarters of 2018, police have uncovered over 148,000 criminal offenses. The proportion of premeditated homicides increased to 92 percent compared to 89 percent last year.
During the working visit of the Ukrainian Police Delegation to the United Kingdom, the Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Serhiy Knyazev, and the Head of the International Network of the National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom (NCA), Iain Craxton, signed the Declaration of Intent between the National Police of Ukraine and the NCA. It is therefore planned to strengthen the joint work of the two countries' police forces in the fight against transnational organized crime [4].
This was reported by the National Police Press Service on the official website. Head of the National Police Sergei Knyazev stressed that the police forces of the two countries have many areas for cooperation, exchange of information and experience.
Therefore, as part of the working visit, Ukrainian police officers held a series of meetings with law enforcement officials in the UK. In particular, they met with the heads of units in the fight against organized crime, cybercrime, economic crime, as well as the management of the fight against children's online exploitation and protection of children. A Ukrainian official reported that law enforcement officials in Ukraine and the UK were using similar methods to combat certain types of crime. At the same time, British colleagues have a positive experience that is interesting for our country. In particular, it is about the disclosure of crimes against children.
The Head of the National Police added, that the Ukrainian Cyber Police Department is working closely with law enforcement agencies in the UK. Currently, there is ongoing work to build such engagement with British colleagues. According to the Guardian, the lockdown has not reduced the demand for drugs. In 2020, the National Agency for Combating Crime records a 50 percent increase in crimes related to their turnover. According to statistics, by 2019 the crime rate in the country fell by as much as 10 percent. This is the lowest figure since the early eighties. But the rates for some crimes are growing. For example, the percentage of thefts increased by three percent, sexual crimes by seventeen, and fraud by thirty-four percent. It is believed that there are no criminals in the UK, but official statistics and police reports suggest otherwise [6].
Conclusions prospects for further research
An analysis of the main elements of crime prevention involvement in the UK shows that a policy of targeting the public is a key vector for the development of a UK law enforcement strategy that is well spent from the state and local budgets. One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the police of this country at the present stage there is a level of partnership with the local population.
1. A new Approach to fighting crime. Policy paper. London. Home Officer, 2019. 12 p.
2. Білоконь М.А. До питання про латентність злочинності неповнолітніх у країнах ЄС. Наше право. 2013. №2. С. 99-102.
3. Crimestoppers.
4. Crime in England and Wales, July 2020 / Statistical Bulletin. London: Officer for National Statistics, 2020. Pp. 12-13.
5. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary. State of Policing. The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2015
6. Scottish Police Authority. SPA Performance Framework.
7. Тимошенко В.А. Наркотрафік: національна та міжнародна опозиція новим викликам. Київ: Атіка, 2019. 455 с.
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