The state policy on formation of information space

Influence of state policy on the formation of information space. Methods and means of promoting presidential power in the development of librarianship in leading countries. Formation of a single information space with the help of government agencies.

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The state policy on formation of information space

Kostyk Ye.V.


The article studies the influence of the state policy on formation of information space and also the methods and means of facilitation of the presidential power to development of librarianship in leading countries of the world. This experience will be useful for use in realities of developing countries, including Ukraine, to optimize activities of libraries, active formation of a common information space with help of government structures. Also, a reverse process is considered - information support of the presidential power by public and library institutions, the experience of Ukraine is particularly highlighted. Thus, the president s policy towards librarianship has various methods of influence both on its development and its inhibition - from legislative initiatives to establishing new libraries. The process of information-analytical support offunctioning of the presidency by not only specialized state institutions and non-governmental and public organizations having wider operational capabilities through access to databases both domestic and foreign information structures remains to be important.

Keywords: President, library, librarianship, information space, Internet, state policy.



Костик Є. В.

У статті досліджується вплив державної політики щодо формування інформаційного простору, а також методи і засоби сприяння президентської влади розвитку бібліотечної справи в провідних країнах світу. Цей досвід буде корисний для використання в реаліях країн, що розвиваються, зокрема для України, щодо оптимізації діяльності бібліотек, активного формування єдиного інформаційного простору з допомогою державних структур. Крім того, розглянутий і зворотній процес - інформаційне забезпечення президентської влади громадськими та бібліотечними установами, зокрема висвітлений досвід України. Таким чином, президентська політика щодо бібліотечної справи має різноманітні методи впливу як на її розвиток, так і на гальмування - від законодавчих ініціатив до побудови нових бібліотек. При цьому, залишається важливим процес інформаційно- аналітичного забезпечення функціонування інституту президентства не лише спеціалізованими державними установами, а й не урядовими та громадськими організаціями, які мають більш ширші оперативні можливості завдяки доступу до інформаційних баз даних як власного виробництва, так і зарубіжних інформаційних структур.

Ключові слова: президент, бібліотека, бібліотечна справа, інформаційний простір, Інтернет, державна політика.



Костик Е. В.

В статье исследуется влияние государственной политики по формированию информационного пространства, а также методы и средства содействия президентской власти развития библиотечного дела в ведущих странах мира. Этот опыт будет полезен для использования в реалиях развивающихся стран, в частности для Украины, по оптимизации деятельности библиотек, активного формирования единого информационного пространства с помощью государственных структур. Кроме того, рассмотрен и обратный процесс - информационное обеспечение президентской власти общественными и библиотечными учреждениями, в частности освещен опыт Украины. Таким образом, президентская политика по библиотечному делу имеет различные методы воздействия, как на ее развитие, так и на торможение - от законодательных инициатив к построению новых библиотек. При этом, остается важным процесс информационноаналитического обеспечения функционирования института президентства не только специализированными государственными учреждениями, а и не правительственными и общественными организациями, которые имеют более широкие оперативные возможности благодаря доступу к информационным базам данных как собственного производства, так и зарубежных информационных структур.

Ключевые слова: президент, библиотека, библиотечное дело, информационное пространство, Интернет, государственная политика.

Institute of presidency is one of the most important institutions in many countries of the world. Presidents impact not only on all aspects of domestic life but also on the global civilizational changes taking place in modern society. And every presidential election race confirms a primary role of presidential power in a society despite constant changes in the volume of presidential constitutional powers in many countries even with established democratic traditions.

The task of a president is to build coordination mechanisms of information and communication interaction between all branches of a government on the one hand and civil society on the other. One of components of this process is a promotion of the national information space through deliberate and effective information policy. state policy presidential power

Each country creates its strategy of information policy which defines all aspects of information support of international relations. For example, in the USA the state information policy is aimed at supporting national interests in the international information space, it is part of the US military doctrine and the American security strategies. In addition this information policy does not contradict to a principle of general accessibility of information and support intellectual property rights of an every individual and certain sectors of society.

The information policy consists of two main parts: internal - focused on meeting of information needs of society, optimization of government control, and foreign policy - aimed at promotion of country's interests in the world and formation of its positive image [7, p. 269]. Today it is safe to say that solving political, economic and social problems is entirely depends on quality of information policy of a state.

This study aims to study methods and means of facilitation of the presidential power to development of librarianship in leading countries of the world. This experience will be useful for use in realities of developing countries, including Ukraine, to optimize activities of libraries, active formation of a common information space with help of government structures. Also, a reverse process is considered - information support of the presidential power by public and library institutions, the experience of Ukraine is particularly highlighted.

The basis of the information policy is optimization of library and information centers' activities. The development of social consciousness and its influence on politics of top state leadership depend on qualitative content of their daily activities and provision of information support for scientific, cultural and social processes. The presidential power in many countries supports sociohumanitarian projects and public initiatives to ensure development of the information society and entry into the global information space. One of the not last places in this process is taken by the policy of promotion of development of national libraries. So relationships of latter with higher state authorities affect the development of libraries in general. In many countries in Europe, America and Asia a head's of state information policy is aimed at:

legislative support of libraries' activities;

presidential initiative for development of librarianship and its

information support;

participation in construction of new facilities;

participation in special events.

In countries with presidential and presidential-parliamentary form of government presidents have a right to issue decrees, orders governing relations in various spheres of social life, particularly in the information sector which includes the librarianship. In parliamentary republics presidents sign the laws passed by the Parliament. Thus they are legally affect activities of libraries, development of their information support. Most of all legislative initiatives and regulations are aimed at improving activity, raising to a new level in society (giving a national status), expansion of services, introduction of new technologies in functioning of libraries and to construction of new more modern and efficient facilities. But sometimes there are destructive orders. For example, let us take the initiative of the former President of Turkmenistan, Turkmenbashi S.Niiazov (1990-2006) on the closure of rural and regional libraries. His rationale is quite interesting: «Nobody here reads books, people do not attend libraries. Let the Central Library and students' libraries in universities remain, and all the rest need to be closed» [18]. Fortunately in today's society, such cases are very rare.

Sometimes presidents change libraries' status to obtain their own powerful information resource consequently limiting access of certain sections of population to its funds. Thus the Library of Office of the President of Azerbaijan which was established in 2003 by initiative of that time President - Heidar Aliiev united together the oldest city library of Baku City - Central City Library and the Library of Economic Department Office of the President of Azerbaijan, thus becoming, in according to Azerbaijan journalists' opinions «a standard of librarianship of modern Azerbaijan» [11] while serving only representatives of the government. However, information work of this library in electronic space was aimed at wide social groups and all interested in issues of history of Azerbaijan republic establishment and environmental problems in the world [19].

Another example is establishment of the Presidential Library named after Boris Yeltsin in Russian federation, the official opening of which took place on May 27, 2009 in St. Petersburg. According to words of the acting at that time President of RF D. Miedviediev (2008-2012) said at the opening «the Presidential Library will be not only a books repository and scientific and educational center, but also the largest information portal created based on advanced technologies. And thanking to a network of branches in all regions of Russia - it is a communication link to the library system in the country» [12].That is the main purpose of creating this library is a formation of a common information space which would promote respect for Russian history and statehood, popularization of government institutions' activities and strengthening their ties with the society as well as close relationship and cooperation between public authorities, research institutions and public organization dealing with Russian state problems. The Presidential Library was created as a continuation of the policy of the Russian leadership to strengthen and centralize power in the society. This library was conceived as an electronic communication system between whole library systems of the country. It combined not only educational and patriotic function but also implementation of new modern technologies. Today it is one of the three national libraries of the Russian Federation.

Economic problems affect all areas of society with no exception for librarianship and information business. This influence is evident in reduction of funding for libraries and at the same time they remain a source of modern knowledge that helps get new skills, optimize economic process to confront the crisis conditions. Therefore the support of the government including the president is badly needed by libraries today. For example, the President Barack Obama (2008-2016) was receptive to the development of libraries even taking into account the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. According to his words «Libraries play an important role in the American economy, as 73% of public libraries is the only institution of the local community, where you can access the Internet, and in rural areas this figure reaches 83%». He also added that «the closure of libraries in the financial crisis would be a great mistake of the power». In support of his words Obama signed several decrees on economic stimulation of libraries' activities. Under one of them public libraries were allocated 200 million USD as grants for additional equipment with modern computers and 90 million for connection to digital television [13]. At the same time in recent years in the federal budget there is a tendency to reduce funding for the library sector, abandonment of many grant programs; state institutions were affected the most in particular. Thus, in the federal budget for 2016 there was a fall of federal grant allotment to state libraries by $ 1 million [1].

Realizing the popularity and importance of electronic resources' development and remote access the presidential power supports initiatives of informatization, the use of electronic information resources and digitization of the national heritage. Thus, the French President Jacques Chirac (1995-2007) in 2005 proposed a project to create an electronic archive funds of European national libraries «for dissemination of knowledge, languages and cultural heritage preservation» [4]. This initiative resulted in a project of a single online library of Europe «European Digital Library» ( which was opened in November


In 2007 the President of Kazakhstan proposed to create a national electronic library at the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the City of Astana to improve educational level of students and development of domestic science, linking all the national libraries, universities, and foreign information centers [15]. This library opened on December 5, 2007, was intended on the entire population of Kazakhstan, particularly in rural and socially vulnerable strata. It includes not only texts of legislation acts but also comments of lawyers, easier way to find necessary information unlike to legal databases.

The Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaiev always supported social initiatives in educational, scientific and cultural spheres. The last event taken place with his participation is an opening in Astana on July 2, 2014 the Library of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation, which embraced not only achievements of architectural thought («the example of ecological architecture») but also those of modern information technologies (projects «Cloud Funds' archive 20+» and «Mobile library of the Leader of the nation») [5].

Presidents often take an active part in construction of new premises for national libraries. A striking example is the former French President Francois Mitterrand (1981-1995), thanks to his active role a construction of a new building of the National Library of France was started. It was opened on December 20, 1995 after Mitterrand left the presidential palace, but still it was named his name. The second example - the National Library of Belarus - a new building which appeared due to active support by the President Lukashenko (1994-present) (from transfer of two presidential salaries to direct involvement in construction during the Republican Saturdays). The construction of the library became a national project that raised the status of librarianship to a higher level even compared with countries in Eastern Europe.

Occasionally, president conversely hampers construction of new premises of a library. So many years the conflict last between the government of Czech Republic, including the former President Vaclav Klaus (2003-2013), and supporters of the architectural design of a new building of the Czech National Library (architect Jan Kaplytskyi died in 2009) as an octopus. This project in March 2007 won an international competition which was attended by 355 architects from around the world. Under this project the library was to be built before 2011 with a budget of 93.2 million dollars, have 9 floors above ground and 35 thousand sq. meters of area which should accommodate reading rooms, cafes and shops. The new building was designed to hold 10 million books that were to be stored in underground storage [4]. According to the authorities this project did not fit the architectural style of old Prague. Only in 2014 the current Czech President Milos Zeman (2013-present) supported this idea and promised to get the start of construction [2]. But still, this situation has not resolved yet.

Presidents also take part in the official celebrations which take place with participation of national libraries. Thus, the German President opens all conferences, symposia, seminars taking place at the Berlin National Library. The main events of the National Library of Iran always involved a former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami (1997-2005), who was a director of the library before he was elected as the president. He also supported the library, contributed to construction of new facilities (97 thousand sq. m) [14].

Separately let us select activities of former presidents in development of librarianship and preservation of cultural heritage. For example, in Ukraine the former President Leonid Kuchma and his charitable organization Presidential Foundation «Ukraine» for several years consistently supported a project to support rural libraries both in material terms and in filling the library collections.

The former Mexican President proposed a project to create «The Museum of Presidents» ( - Spanish) at a complex which in addition to a museum included mega-library and the Center for the Study of Democracy. This idea resulted in creation of the Center of Vicente Fox, opened in 2007 as a research institute on issues of the presidency in countries of the world. The library of the Centre assembled the most comprehensive selection of books and periodicals on democracy, national and international politics, history, international relations and so on. The library's fund has over 10 000 volumes and consists of four collections: the general collection, collection of reference books, Books for children and young people, collection of articles in periodicals [3].

It should be noted that supporting information and library sector the presidential power expects an increase in a level of information support of its activities which also affects the success of international information activities of the presidency.

With the development of information and dissemination of information technologies in all spheres of human activity a process of information and analytical support of state authorities including the presidency is changed. The effectiveness of management activities depends on a level of communicative and information security. In connection with this for optimization of solving problems arising during management activities a manager must possess a significant amount of information about the situation in the country and the world [7, p. 407]. According to some experts' opinions it is information provision at all levels of government determines the public perception of certain actions of the government, a level of coordination of central and local authorities and adequacy of decisions taken [10, p. 233]. However, it is important not only to review timely current information but identify problematic situations and forecast further developments.

Despite a focus of the presidential power at its own analytical structures and institutions that have the best information and have an ability to attract leading experts, a cooperation with public organizations gives more positive results. Firstly they are more mobile, able to respond to current events, and secondly these institutions are generators of new ideas for government, offering analytical products, innovative solutions and mechanisms for their implementation, while using off-budget funds for their design. That is, the state can attract additional intellectual resources without spending budget. On the other hand these analytical centers function as tools of public control over decisions of authorities.

The positive experience of a mutually beneficial cooperation of state bodies that ensure the operation of the presidency with institutions of socio-humanitarian sphere is the Ukrainian one including activities Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. This experience is incomparable to a process of support to the Library of Congress of the USA - the higher state government in the USA but for countries that do not have sufficient human and material resources it will be useful.

In the early 90-s of the XX century, a system of relations of information centers of the largest libraries with the highest state authorities was formed in Ukraine. With its funds in a large array of information resources of theoretical and practical importance on actual issues of state government the National Library of Ukraine named after Vernadskyi organized a work of several units that were focused on meeting needs of state bodies, namely the Service of Information and Analytical Support of state power (SIAZ) and the Laboratory of Forecast-Analytical bibliometry, which later became part of the Fund of Presidents of Ukraine (FPU) [17, p. 91].

SIAZ worked on cooperation with all bodies of the highest state power and regional state administrations and the Fund of Presidents of Ukraine focused on serving the President Administration of Ukraine. The operation of information and analytical units of Vernadskyi National Library, especially SIAZ, was directed to: operational preparation of information materials based on publications in Ukrainian and foreign media, including party press; creation of special analytical materials on experience of state formation, state government and foreign experience in solutions of important social and economic problems and to help authorities in legislative activities through a comparative analysis of a legal framework of leading foreign countries. In addition, even at the first stage of development SIAZ started preparing their own information and analytical products that were distributed to state bodies at different levels [8].

It should be noted the fact that the information-analytical units were established in the largest library of Ukraine where there are established traditions and experience of assembly, scientific systematization, storage and use of collection funds. The Vernadskyi National Library has a vast documentary electronic information resource. In addition, it allows to effectively combine information resources in library, information, bibliographic, analytical services both users of the Vernadskyi National Library and the state bodies.

Information resources today have became a core value to society and every individual, and modern information and communication technologies provide a broad access to a variety of informational materials virtually to all categories of population. But their quality in recent years, with a rapid development of informatization of society, is growing much slower than their volumes. And it is a library, with centuries of experience in handling information, experience in summarizing human knowledge, have a real opportunity to improve this situation.

An array of archival materials of presidential election runs allows to analyze the evolution of a political and technological influences on the political elite of Ukraine, the history of use of different information and communication and PR-technologies as well as political growth of leading Ukrainian politicians.

Therefore in a process of interaction with the state bodies including the institution of the presidency, the main function of library institutions is not so much the actual libraring, searching services to staff of relevant services and institutions including information support to processes of making the most optimal decisions.

Thus, the president's policy towards librarianship has various methods of influence both on its development and its inhibition - from legislative initiatives to establishing new libraries. These methods of influence do not only enhance an image of the president as a cultural figure, but a status of librarianship of a country. Many initiatives of informatization, building a common information space, creation of electronic libraries, opening new modern premises in other countries take place without a participation of presidents, even if they have significant powers and a strong influence on public policy. But in countries where such library processes are supported be the presidential power, a head of a country put an emphasis by his actions on importance of this area, the need not only for the development of new technologies and more effective dissemination of knowledge, but also for better preservation of cultural national heritage for future generations. The process of information- analytical support of functioning of the presidency by not only specialized state institutions and non-governmental and public organizations having wider operational capabilities through access to databases both domestic and foreign information structures remains to be important.


1. Federal library funding cut in proposed budget, Title from screen; Lisa Peet Proposed Federal Budget Could Cut State Library Funding by Nearly $1 Million

2. Ian Willoughby Zeman backs revival of plans to build Blob in Prague.

3. Martin Diego Rodriguez Azcarraga, Salinas Pliego, Slim y Roberto Hernandez Entre asociados del Centro Fox La Jornada.

4. Pascal Lupien Le Meilleur, (2005). (The Best) de l'internet: A Review of French-Language Information Sources Searcher. The Magazine for Database Professionals 13 no. 8.

5. Pavla Horakova Changes ahead for the Czech National Library.

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7. Hazhiienko, H., (1998). Deiaki aspekty informatsiinoho zabezpechennia orhaniv derzhavnoi vlady (na oblasnomu rivni) [Some aspects of information support of organs of public power (at the regional level)], Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' UADU pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy 1: 406-412.

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9. Karpenko, V.O., (2006). Informatsiina polityka ta bezpeka [Information Policy and Security]. Kyiv: Nora-Press.

10. Kyrychenko, V.M., (2003). Informatsiine zabezpechennia derzhavnoho upravlinnia v Ukraini [Information support of public administration in Ukraine], Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' UADU pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy 1: 233-238.

11. Miasnikova, A., (2007). Kultura dlya izbrannykh [Culture for the elite], Zerkalo.

12. Obrashcheniye Prezidenta [Address of the President].

13. Pozytsiia Prezydenta SShA [Position of the President of the USA], Materialpodgotovlen A. Yankovympo materialam zarubezhnykh saitov.

14. Prezident Irana prinyal uchastiye v tseremonii otkrytiya novogo zdaniya Natsionalnoi biblioteki Irana [The President of Iran took part in the opening ceremony of the new building of the National Library of Iran], IRNA (2005).

15. Prezident Kazakhstana Nursultan Nazarbayev predlagayet sozdat' natsional'nuyu elektronnuyu biblioteku [The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev proposes to create the National Electronic Library].

16. Prezident Turkmeniyi otkryl biblioteki, zakrytyye Niiazovym [The President of Turkmenia opened the libraries, which were closed by Niiazow],

17. Tanatar, N.V., (2003). Informatsionno-analiticheskoye obsluzhyvaniye vysshykh organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti s ispol'zovaniyem avtomatizirovannykh system kliuchevykh fragmentov publikatsii [Information and Analytical Service of the supreme organs of state power with the use of automated systems for the key fragments of publications], Biblioteki natsyonalnykh akademii nauk: problemy funktsionirovaniya, tendentsii razvitiya 2: 91-100.

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  • The role of constitutional principles in the mechanism of constitutional and legal regulation. Features of transformation in the interpretation principles. Relativism in the system of law. Local fundamental justice in the mechanism of the state.

    реферат [24,7 K], добавлен 10.02.2015

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