Problems of formation of the modern state policy ondevelopment of animal husbandry

Methodology of conceptual approaches to identifying the problems of formation and implementation of modern state policy for the development of animal husbandry. A set of state-political decisions, tools, a mechanism for their implementation in this area.

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Дата добавления 02.05.2022
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Problems of formation of the modern state policy ondevelopment of animal husbandry

Alexander Lavruk

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


Purpose. The aim of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of conceptual approaches to the identification of problems of formation and implementation of the modern state policy on development of animal husbandry.

Methodology / approach.The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the process of formation of state policy, which contributes to the timely identification of various complex sociopolitical and industrial problems, establishes the causes of their occurrence and allows to determine ways to solve them. To achieve this goal, an integrated approach was applied to the research of the process of public policy development, which includes methods of system analysis, functional, cause-and-effect and expert survey.

Results.The theoretical aspects and problems of formation of the modern state policy, its content, tools, functions and activities are substantiated. It is established that in order to ensure the achievement of a high level of livestock development in the country it is necessary to promote the widespread introduction of public policy decisions deeply thought out, competent, targeted and scientifically sound public policy, which is an important condition for the existence of a legal and democratic state and the effective performance of its functions. It is noted that in the environment of state policy a whole complex of state-political decisions is taken, the necessary tools are developed, the mechanism of their implementation in animal husbandry is formed.

Originality / scientific novelty.The originality of the research is manifested in the development of theoretical and practical foundations, make it possible to reveal the integrity of the characteristics of the state-political process in the development and implementation of public policy. Scientific novelty is to determine for the state policy (an important component of guaranteeing the stable development of the country, the life of society and citizens) a set of problems characteristic of the revival and effective development of the livestock industry.

Practical value / implications.The practical significance of the results of the study is that they can be used in the practice ofpublic authorities in order to improve the process of determining and considering the priority problems ofpublic policy, the development of science-based programs of political and socio-economic development of the country in the formation of public policy to ensure the further development of animal husbandry.

Key words: society, country, state bodies, state policy, animal husbandry, formation, production activities.

Introduction and review of literature

state policy animal husbandry

Agriculture of Ukraine is a socioeconomic system, in which a special place is occupied by animal husbandry, which includes various production areas of structural units. One of the important tasks of livestock development is not only to increase its export potential, but also to ensure food security. However, the reformation changes in animal husbandry do not contribute to the desired result, because there is no increase in the efficiency of development of the main sub-sectors, rational use of its genetic potential is not achieved. There is a decrease in the production of livestock products (mainly due to the lack of technological conditions, especially feeding and protection of animals) and, accordingly, the level of provision of the population with animal products.

One of the reasons for this situation should be considered the absence in recent years of a purposeful and science-based state policy in this sphere of production. In today's difficult economic conditions, public policy is relevant and has a dominant importance, because it makes it possible to respond in a timely manner to the emergence of complex problems in the development of society, individual spheres and sectors of production, the causes and find ways to solve them.

Today, animal husbandry is a specific and one of the industries that produces high-quality products that are necessary to meet the needs of the population in high- nutritious foods. Accordingly, the current state policy on the development of animal husbandry should be aimed at long-term break-even operation of livestock enterprises in all regions in order to ensure food security of the country. Now the formed state policy on development of animal husbandry should not be researched in isolation from other branches of regions and social and economic development of the country.

Theoretical and methodological issues of definition and actualization of policy opportunities and limitations of political activity through the influence of a set of socio-economic conditions were studied by the scientists J. Anderson [1], V. Dann [2]. In M. Brown research public policy is identified with a certain process of regulating the life of society through the use of coercion [3]. The paper by M. Govlet and M. Ramesh to research the various actors in the environment of public policy formation and evaluation have influence of the surrounding institutional arrangements [4]. Investigating the issues of product sales management S. J. Staal focuses on the importance of orientation of production to meet the needs of specific consumers in animal products [5]. Other foreign scientists highlight the role of policy not only in the technological provision of livestock farms [6], but also in the production of livestock products [7; 8].

Among the domestic scientists who research the theoretical and practical aspects of the role of the state, public policy in the formation of economic and political systems, development and management of its environment, it is worth noting V. D. Bakumenko, O. I. Kilievich, I. V. Rozputenko [9; 10; 11]. Research of the process of implementation of agricultural policy in the agricultural sector of the economy and the formation of the mechanism of its state regulation is carried out in scientific papers by S. M. Kvasha [12], P. T. Sabluk [13] and many others.

The important role of interaction of policy and management is given in scientific work by E. A. Afonin, Ya. V. Berezhniy, O. L. Valevski [14]. The conceptual aspects of the definition of state policy, which affects the interests of social groups, classes, nationalities and is determined by the economic condition of society, are studied by V. I. Andriyash [15]. Features, analysis of the environment of public policy and its difference from other activities of the state, the study of the process of formation and implementation of public policy are constantly reflected in the scientific works of V. V. Tertychka [16; 17].

However, the identification of problems that precede the process of formation and creation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of modern state policy in animal husbandry is not given due attention, requiring in-depth research.

The purpose of the article.The purpose of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of conceptual approaches to the identification of problems of formation and implementation of modern state policy for the development of animal husbandry.

Results and discussion

Research have shown that the formation of a democratic and legal state, multi-party, the development of various state institutions necessitate the formation and conduct of a detailed analysis (the main component of the analytical process) of public policy as a factor of public life, which contributes to the improvement of the development of scientific and production programs of socio- economicand politicaldevelopmentofthe country, region, industry nowand in the future.

Typically, the critical detail of government policy and its objectives requires a consistent scientific approach, skill, skilled, and professional analysis systematic public inquiries, discussions, legal decisions on the basis of knowledge and methodological bases of communicative information. In general, it is necessary to highlight a number of still unsolved problems that relate to the understanding and analysis of scientific concepts (aimed at modernity) of the state development, the differences between the theoretical and real provisions of state policy, the specifics of the models of functioning of the state apparatus of the country.

It should be noted that the state policy in most cases includes the following main blocks: institutional (state, public authorities, political parties), normative (activities, normative materials, state programs), material (tools and means to ensure the implementation of the tasks), which are used in its formation and implementation in the framework of solving social problems.

In view of this, it is necessary to determine the problem of the study of the main processes of state policy:

• functioning within specific spheres of its activity (foreign policy, agricultural production, health care, transport) in order to check important aspects of the policy process in practice;

• implementation of the policy process (justification of existing problems, development of options for policy implementation, evaluation of its results and taking into account the shortcomings of the functional actions of state institutions);

• efficiency of application of various types of tools (legal, financial, organizational, economic, information) to solve socio-economic problems in the implementation of animal husbandry policy.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the economy of Ukraine, the problem of further development of animal husbandry needs to be focused and special attention, as it is critically important through a number of unresolved problems of

organizational and economic direction of internal and external nature.

At the moment, a number of common problems associated with the development of not only society, but also in particular the livestock sector play an important role in the study of public policy: the formation of the content of public policy, the study of the influence of political and socio-economic factors on its content and functionality, the establishment of the effect of the influence of various institutional structures and political processes of policy implementation, implementation and evaluation of the consequences of public policy.

Usually, the priority areas of the state: social, economic, agricultural, human rights, tax, innovation, environmental, information and foreign political activities. But the development of animal husbandry and the increase in the volume of livestock products and products of its processing should also be a priority (as one of the types of agricultural) the formation of state policy, since in this industry for 2000-2017 the total number of animals (cattle - by 62.5%, pigs - by 20.2%, sheep and goats - by 30.2%) has dramatically decreased. There is a decrease (in the “Polissia” zone by 61%, “Lisostep” - by 59.5%, “Step” - by 64.7%) in the number of cattle in the context of climatic zones (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Dynamics of changes in the number of cattle, thousand heads Source: author's calculations based on [18, p. 135].

It is appropriate to note that at the moment the state of livestock development, which is a strategic sector of agricultural production, requires the development of evidence-based, balanced and long-term public policy, which would ensure the effectiveness of the mechanism for the implementation of public policy decisions with outlined problems, objectives and identified areas for the withdrawal of the industry from the crisis in order to increase the production of livestock products, some types of which tend to decrease annually (Table 1).

We can see that the total volume of meat products increased due to the growth (by 8.9%) of pork production. The state of poultry production has significantly improved, while for other types of products there is a decrease (beef and veal - by 51.8%, lamb - by 21.5%, meat - by 12.2%, milk - by 18.8%).

Table 1. Production volumes of livestock products in Ukraine, thousand tons

Type of product


2017 to






2000, %

Meat (in slaughter weight)







beef and veal














poultry meat







lamb and goat














Eggs, million pieces







Wool, tone







Source: author's calculations based on [18, p.


Taking this into account, public policy should find its place not only the existing problems of development of social activities, but also those unforeseen situations and phenomena that require the establishment of the causes of their occurrence and identify ways of timely solution. In this case, the relevant state and political decisions should be important, correspond to the existing problems, as well as programs and tools for their implementation in the livestock sector.

It should be noted that animal husbandry received significant support in 2018, when the General Fund of the State budget of Ukraine allocated 4.23 billion of UAH on the program “Support of animal husbandry”, based on one conditional head of cattle and poultry on the average per year amounted to 486,09 UAH, and this is a very meager sum [13]. However, at the end of the year, only 1.87 billion of UAH was utilized in this industry, that requires the establishment of a process of state regulation of the distribution and use of public funds.

In the environment of state policy, various state and political decisions are made, the appropriate tools are chosen and the mechanism for its implementation is formed, especially it should be specific to the livestock sector. Therefore, there is a need to identify the most important problems of public policy, namely:

* responsible performance of duties of the legislative power in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and constitutional laws;

• implementation of more in-depth reform of various spheres of life of the state, society and industries, in particular livestock;

• ensuring economic growth of livestock production in difficult market conditions;

• determination of priority directions and creation of conditions for modernization of production processes in animal husbandry;

• improvement of public administration and local self-government.

It should be noted that in the formation of public policy, which is subsequently implemented through appropriate mechanisms and tools of public administration, it is necessary to improve the system of consistent state activity, which is aimed at solving a set of interrelated tasks for the development of animal husbandry. During the research of the process of livestock development it is important to identify the presence of the initial stage of the social problem that characterizes its crisis, and therefore requires the focus of the state not only to identify the causes and their consequences, but also to predict in public policy the development of strategic directions to overcome them and to urgently address the problem by reviewing unforeseen production events. Instead, it is important to ensure that state institutions are able to anticipate and respond effectively to every event that may lead to undesirable actions in a timely manner.

On the basis of the above, we define the main problems that precede the process of formation and implementation of state policy for the effective development of animal husbandry (Fig. 2). It is worth noting that the existence of these problems, which follow and complement each other, directly affect the state of policy development and implementation, and therefore require mandatory subsequent consideration in order to improve the quality of its structural content.

Fig. 2. Set of problems of formation and implementation of state policy

Source: author development.

First of all, special attention should be paid to the problem of distrust and indifference of society to politics, accessibility, integrity and quality of perception in its implementation. At the same time, it is important to create a public demand among scientists, institutional organizations, producers for their adaptation through the media for the successful implementation of public policies in the field of animal husbandry and changes in the program materials for its revival and intensive development.

Of course, for the timely identification of problems in the study of public policyin the development of animal husbandry, it is important to understand its content (identification of problems and tools to solve them by the authorities, the definition of goals and alternative ways (development of specific tasks and activities) to achieve them) and assess the level (positive or negative with certain consequences) of its implementation. Performance (completeness of achievement of objectives) is usually determined by the development and direct application of a specific model of evaluation and conclusions and the effectiveness of policies (costs (social, political, economic, environmental) are compared with its results).

The main factors of policy effectiveness include organizational and functional relations inherent in the system of public administration (the imperfection of public policy is seen in the absence of a clear division of powers between state bodies and organizations), the validity of tasks and their interpretation by the executors, the qualitative characteristics of the developed policy. Each time the model of policy evaluation involves the definition of common goals, a set of tasks, criteria and stages of their achievement, followed by obtaining conclusions about the possibility of change (modification), the successful completion and implementation of public policy.

Researches have shown, that the livestock industry is one of the most important in the processes of socio-economic development of the state, and the genetic potential of highly productive animals is a strategic resource that can ensure its sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population by meeting its needs for highly nutritious animal products. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the scientific and methodological component of the formation and development of public policy in this area, since at the moment it does not fully meet European requirements and international criteria.

First of all, the country should develop a modern policy for the functioning of animal husbandry, which will directly affect the state of public relations and their legal regulation through a number of normative legal acts, including the Constitution of Ukraine, laws and international treaties of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, acts of Central executive bodies, local executive authorities and local self-government and a number of other acts of national legislation.

According to article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the state protects the rights of all subjects of ownership and management, that is, carries out the functions of the organization of economic life of society [20]. At the same time, the organizational and legal basis for the implementation of the state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity (primarily in animal husbandry) is reflected in the Law of Ukraine “On the principles of state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity”, which States that the authorized regulatory policy in the field of economic activity - this is the direction of state policy aimed at improving the legal regulation of economic relations, as well as administrative relations between regulatory bodies or other public authorities and business entities, preventing the adoption of economically inappropriate and ineffective regulatory acts, reducing state interference in the activities of business entities and removing obstacles to the development of economic activities carried out within the limits, in the manner and manner established by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine [21].

However, today there is an imperfection of the formed regulatory framework in animal husbandry, a weak level of adaptation of villagers to market relations and private property, uncertainty of forms of management in the industry, which ultimately raises the problem of the need to improve production relations in order to revive and intensive development of animal husbandry.

Since the state policy is rather complex and specific for animal husbandry, its implementation can be associated with:

• the problem of the use of land, animals and natural resources;

• the process of production, processing, storage and transportation of livestock products;

• funds for reproduction of genetic potential and acquisition of breeding animals;

• innovative technologies of livestock production;

• technical support of modern livestock farms;

• labor activity of peasants in public production, household and personal economy.

Thus, the strategic objective of the state policy in the development of animal husbandry is to promote the growth of own investment resources to restore the functioning of livestock farms for the purpose of keeping highly productive animals in them, increasing the level of scientific and technical level of production, increasing the production of quality livestock products. In the context of the above, the state should guarantee the allocation of funds for the implementation of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food priority areas of reforms in animal husbandry and provide for this legislation and relevant policy documents.

In order to ensure the achievement of a high level of livestock development in Ukraine, it is necessary to promote the widespread introduction of state and political decisions of a well-thought-out, competent, purposeful and scientifically sound state policy, which is an important condition for the existence of a legal and democratic state and the effective performance of its functions. This thesis is confirmed, 46.2% of the respondent workers in the regions and 52.7% of regional public authorities in the area of “Podillia” It is established that the effectiveness of responsible (public needs, legal aspects) and effective public policy is manifested in the perception of its society, citizens and livestock workers (51.3% of respondents supported this statement).

Now it is necessary to determine the prerequisites for the development of basic principles and priorities of state policy for the implementation of important processes (acceleration of political development of the EU, changes in the formation of international relations, increasing requirements of WTO for the quality of livestock products, the complexity of the norms and values of political culture and literacy of citizens) in ensuring the development of animal husbandry. Considerable attention should be paid to the emergence of new problems in public policy (the formation of complex public policy decisions in accordance with the developed programs and tools for their implementation), reflecting the need for research, analysis and adaptation to market requirements and aspects of political changes in society and, accordingly, in the livestock sector.

Taking into account the fact that the state policy reflects such types as economic, social, budgetary, legal, financial, agricultural (in the structural content of which the development of animal husbandry is a particularly important problem) environmental, it is almost impossible to focus on one generally accepted definition of state policy, since this definition in most cases refers not only to the policy of the Central government, but also to regional state bodies, regional, district and local authorities. All of them are in close relationships and cooperate (guided by their own instrumental capabilities) with various government agencies, based on an effective level of theoretical and methodological awareness of the importance of emerging problems.

Therefore, it is believed that public policy is basically a relatively stable, organized and purposeful activity of the government (carried out directly or indirectly) in relation to the problems to be solved or a set of problems that affect the life of society [16, pp. 80-82]. There is an opinion that “power politics is a purposeful activity of public authorities to solve social problems, to achieve and implement generally important goals of development of society or its individual spheres” [15; 22]. The same order of definition (except a problem the subject of consideration is taken into account) is offered by scientists [23, p. 33] and in researches of other authors [24, p. 12]. However, in this case, the functional orientation of the government is understood as the activities of Central and local executive authorities and local governments.

It is argued that public policy is a specific form of political and administrative activity of the state, because it has its own laws, complex internal structure and plays an important role in the formation and development of social relations [25, p. 12]. In the perception of the state as ''...the subject of state policy, its activities should in some way affect the objective state in a particular area...”. It is immediately denied that not all spheres of public life require active state intervention. In most cases, the state policy is required to work on the errors that are manifested through the monitoring and evaluation procedures in a particular sphere of public life [26, p. 23].

In addition, public policy is characterized as a “direct action or abstention from it, chosen by public authorities to solve a certain or a set of mutually related problems” [27, p. 22] or “power policy is a decision, not an intention or promise” [28, p. 9]. Other studies identify public policy with a certain process of regulating the life of society [3, p. 15]. At the same time, in the words of the famous scientist M. Weber's policy characterizes “the desire to participate in power or to influence the distribution of power” [29, p. 646], that is, politics is only a tool, a means to achieve and retain power by the relevant political forces.

Individual scientists (R. Rouse) state policy determine how and “...a long series of more or less responsible actions and their coordination with a view to adopting concrete decisions” [30, pp. 4-5]. Otherwise, under public policy “ understand the activities aimed at solving problems of social development” [ 20, p. 21]. However, this interpretation reflects only the key factor (social development) of its formation, and not its full meaning.

Consequently, the state policy is a purposeful activity of the state and public authorities, which provides solutions to the existing problems of society, citizens, spheres and industries.

An important problem is the formation of public policy, which is carried out at the following levels: national, functional areas and individual organizations, societies, individuals, enterprises. The process involves a number of actors: the President, political parties, the executive, administrative and legislative bodies, judges, social and scientific organizations, interest groups and, in some cases, individuals. However, the constant changes in institutional structures and the emergence of new participants, especially many political parties (develop and fill their own vision of their election programs), significantly complicate the process of public policy development, underestimate the level of its effective results.

In the formation of state policy to ensure the development of animal husbandry in the first place it is important to attach importance to the problematic issue:

• scientific substantiation of the process of development and implementation of state policy;

• content and sequence of tasks;

• application of rational methods of its implementation;

• analytical analysis of its implementation in other countries;

• drawing on the experience of successful variants of state-legal decisions.

It should be noted that the government uses a variety of tools (effective, logically consistent, politically acceptable) in the implementation of the formed political and legal decisions of the state policy, which allow directly influencing the growth in the economy, social changes and behavior of citizens. First of all, they include such government resources: legislative and regulatory acts (allow to consolidate the rights of citizens in the Constitution and legislative materials, to carry out the process of regulation of economic and social conditions in the state, to coordinate risk situations); public services (provision on a competitive basis of the right of private organizations and enterprises to carry out various services with mandatory monitoring of their costs and effective results). The following instruments of the state budget as financial resources (form the basis of government programs and projects) are particularly important in solving a number of problems. In addition, economic levers (loans, insurance) and taxes, which are primarily used in the implementation of government decisions and encouragement to the process of conducting certain activities, including the revival and development of animal husbandry, have considerable weight.

Usually, the formation and implementation of public policy should take place behind such consistent and interrelated stages:

• the appearance requirements of governmental action as a response for purposes of the existing political, functional and social problems;

• prioritization of the problems taken into account by the government and assigning responsibility for their solution;

• making changes to improve the content of public policy as a result of solving existing problems;

• approval of the current policy on approved proposals and legitimization of its actions;

• ensuring the effectiveness of public policy in accordance with the functional responsibilities of state bodies and organizations of administrative services;

• assessment and analysis of the final results of the implementation of public policy measures and adjustment of additional proposals.

Therefore, the main issues of the above-mentioned stages of formation of state policy by producers should be priority, classification (according to the criterion of importance) and detailed consideration of problems and provision of special attention to only some of them (due to the limited time and resources of legislators and the executive power). In some cases, the majority of unrecognized and non-alternative problems are not put on the policy agenda and are not considered.

It should be noted that the process of formation of state policy in legislative, executive structures, special commissions largely depends on the alternative proposals that are clearly formulated for possible and acceptable criteria (the presence of political, administrative and legal conditions, the reliability of costs and optimal results, efficiency) for evaluation and decision-making.

We believe that the introduction of state management decisions and government programs for the development of animal husbandry will ensure :

• effective state management of the process of reviving the previously achieved milestones in the intensive development of animal husbandry;

• increasing the responsibility of public authorities for the formation of production infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of high-tech production and market standards;

• creation of modern livestock farms and complexes, especially modernized family-type;

• formation of breeding base of highly productive farm animals;

• introduction of achievements in the development of farm machinery and advanced technologies of livestock production.

It is established that the effectiveness of the implementation of state policy in animal husbandry will depend on:

• formation of the structural content and components of the state policy;

• establishing the influence of political and socio-economic factors on the content of state policy;

• determination of the level of effective functioning of institutional structures and political processes in the formation of public policy;

• monitoring and assessment of positive (negative) consequences in the implementation of state policy;

• response to effective actions and adjustment of public policy objectives.

The definition of the basic principles and directions of the administrative impact of power structures on the development of animal husbandry requires a strategic direction of state policy, taking into account the prospects of its implementation and a detailed analysis of the effective activities of the subjects of power in the implementation of their tasks in this strategically important sector of agricultural production. In fact, this issue should be given special importance in the development of national policy documents, which highlights the priorities in the development of animal husbandry, which characterize the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of state policy in this field.

After the adoption of laws by the Parliament and their signing by the President of the country, the process of forming the state policy functionally (drafting of resolutions, regulations, orders) is transferred to the executive authorities (ministries, state committees, departments). The state policy, which is reflected in legal acts and official documents, becomes the basis of the management process, decision-making and their direct implementation. Undoubtedly, after the evaluation of the previously developed and implemented policy by the deputies of Parliament, specialized committees, public and private research institutions (scientifically based and objective verification of the effectiveness, positive or negative consequences), the process of developing the goals and objectives of the new state policy begins anew, which determines the direction of the state development.


Thus, the state policy characterizes the national process directed and guided by the highest bodies of state power. The author's vision of state policy is that it should be interpreted as a purposeful activity of the state and public authorities, endowed with political, legal and financial powers, which provides not only the solution of problems (a set of interrelated problems) of society, citizens, but also the spheres of production, in particular livestock. Therefore, the formation and implementation of a targeted, science-based and long-term state policy for the development of animal husbandry is not only an important process of its functioning, but also the existence of a legal and democratic state. The state policy contributes to the timely identification of various complex socio-political and production problems (ensuring a balance between the needs of citizens and direct livestock workers and the possibilities of their satisfaction by the state and society), determines the causes of their occurrence and allows to determine ways to solve them. We believe that the issues of the concept, content, functions, tools, priorities and various aspects of the state policy for the development of animal husbandry should always be in the critical field of scientists. It should be taken into account that the success of the implementation of public policy (adequate to public needs and regulatory legal values) should be made dependent on the conscious perception of its citizens and society.

The main directions of the state policy regarding the support of livestock entities are: the elimination of bureaucratic barriers to the revival of animal husbandry on small and family mini-farms, the provision of feasible financial support, ensuring possible access to sources of credit, reducing the tax burden, training of qualified personnel capable of working in the business of livestock structures. In the future, prospective research requires the problem of formation and use of effective public policy and its resource capabilities in the process of revival and development of animal husbandry.


state policy animal husbandry

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