Russia’s perennial search for the rule of law: origins, detours, revival, impasse

The search for unity of the power in Russia and its importance for maintaining administrative control over the heterogeneous empire that stretched the continent. Incompatibility of this concept with generally accepted principles of the rule of law.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Дата добавления 26.05.2022
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Vinaver has been proven prescient in another matter as well. In his 1905 anniversary speech before the St. Petersburg Juridical Society, he twined the advancement of the law-based state with the development of the Russian legal profession. According to Vinaver, it was the prerevolutionary advokatura that promoted such ideas as freedom, equality, and the rule of law against the capricious actions of the tsarist state.

Today, Russia's diverse group of legal practitioners and scholars-which consist of members of the bar, jurists, law professors, and other human rights activists and NGOS - uphold similar values and risk similar punishment for their outspoken defense of civil liberties and the rule of law. This post-Soviet generation of lawyers serve as the worthy successors of Maxim Vinaver and the prerevolutionary Legal profession. Nevertheless, Like their forerunners from more than a century ago, they have yet to vanquish the unified state and establish a viable system of separation of powers so integral for the law-based state. The recent addition of a new legal principle-the unified system of public powerin combination with other constitutional amendments and pending laws represent just another in a long series of attempts to emphasize state unity over the rule of law in Russia.


power rule law

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