Prospects of legal regulation of relations in the field of artificial intelligence use

The study the existing approaches to the concept, nature, and features of such categories as "artificial intelligence", "robot", and other concepts in order to understand their essence. To determine the possibility of giving them civil legal personality.

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Дата добавления 27.06.2022
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At present, there is no unity among scientists regarding the development of the concept of legal regulation of relations in the field of using the achievements of robotics, as well as regarding the place of robots and artificial intelligence in the structure of civil legal relations. The authors of this study support the expediency of the approach to the differentiated determination of the place of robots in the structure of civil relations, according to which robots with artificial intelligence can be both subjects and objects of civil legal relations.


It is proposed to consider artificial intelligence as modelling of the ability to think abstractly, creatively - and especially the ability to learn - using digital computer logic. At the same time, a robot is a device, a machine whose main ability is to automatically perform one or more tasks on the model of human actions, which is described by signs of mobility, sensitivity, analyticity, etc. The study proved that it is artificial intelligence that gives the robot the properties that are usually used to describe it, namely intelligence, the ability to analyse and process information, as well as to perform tasks for which it is programmed.

The concept of “electronic person” can be applied exclusively to robots with certain features conditioned by endowing them with artificial superintelligence, which would indicate their ability to act independently in public relations, and be holders of specific rights and obligations. This demonstrates the primary importance of a differentiated approach to resolving the issue of: a) whether a particular robot can be a subject of legal relations; b) whether by its features it is covered by the concept of “object of civil legal relations” The development and consolidation of a unified approach to the legal regulation of relations in the field of robot operation and artificial intelligence is not appropriate given the complexity of developing universal definitions, such as “artificial intelligence” and “robot”, as well as the continuous development of innovative technologies, hence the inability to predict further vectors of movement in the field of robotics and comprehend all the possibilities of its future results, which may jeopardise the effectiveness of all regulations. The study also proved the rationality of a differentiated approach to the legal regulation of legal relations in the field of using specific artificial intelligence systems.


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