Global experience in implementing electronic administrative services

A functioning institution for providing administrative electronic services - one of the factors in the development of civil society in democratically developed countries. Ways to encourage the provision of administrative services in electronic form.

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Global experience in implementing electronic administrative services

Yevhen A. Hetman, Viacheslav S. Poliansky, Kateryna O. Hetman

Євген Анатолійович Гетьман Кафедра міжнародного приватного права та порівняльного правознавства Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого Харків, Україна Відділ координації правових досліджень Національна академія правових наук України Харків, Україна. В'ячеслав Станіславович Політанський Кафедра теорії філософії і права Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого Харків, Україна Відділ координації правових досліджень Національна академія правових наук України Харків, Україна. Катерина Олегівна Гетьман Відділення правознавства Харківський державний автомобільно-дорожній коледж Харків, Україна. СВІТОВИЙ ДОСВІД ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ АДМІНІСТРАТИВНИХ ПОСЛУГ

Анотація. Одним із факторів розвитку громадянського суспільства у демократично розвинутих країнах є дієвий, налагоджено функціонуючий інститут надання адміністративних електронних послуг. Незважаючи на інтенсивність та широкий спектр досліджень, присвячених різним аспектам надання електронних адміністративних послуг населенню, багато питань у цій сфері залишаються досить дискусійними, а також недостатньо дослідженими, що й обумовило актуальність роботи. Стаття направлена на дослідження особливостей впровадження електронних адміністративних послуг у практиці країн з найбільш розвинутими механізмами електронного урядування. При дослідженні проблематики були використані сукупність загальнонаукових та спеціальних методів пізнання, зокрема провідними методами були: діалектичний, порівняльно-правовий, аналізу, синтезу, тлумачення. Проаналізовано критерії оцінки електронних адміністративних послуг в провідних країнах Європейського Союзу та США. Досліджено базові електронні адміністративні послуги для громадян в онлайновому режимі, що надаються у країнах Європейської співдружності. Вивчено світовий досвід впровадження електронних адміністративних послуг у таких країнах, як: США; Франція; Великобританія; Німеччина; Естонія та Швеція. Сформульовано авторський підхід до визначення поняття електронних адміністративних послуг, що ґрунтується на власному розумінні цього поняття, з позиції загальнотеоретичного аналізу. Зроблено висновок про те, що одним із кращих способів стимулювання надання адміністративних послуг в електронній формі у країнах Європейського Союзу є стандартизація їх надання - розробка чітких організаційних та техніко-технологічних правил та вимог, а головна їх позиція полягає в тому, що надання послуг через електронні засоби зв'язку має доповнювати, а не заміняти собою інші канали комунікації

Ключові слова: електронне урядування, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, інформаційне суспільство, адміністративні послуги, електронні послуги, Інтернет

Yevhen A. Hetman Department of Private International Law and Comparative Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Kharkiv, Ukraine Department for the Coordination of Legal Studies National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Viacheslav S. Poliansky, Department of Theory of Philosophy and Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Kharkiv, Ukraine Department for the Coordination of Legal Studies National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Kateryna O. Hetman Department of Law Kharkiv State Automobile and Road College Kharkiv, Ukraine

administrative electronic service

Abstract. One of the factors for the development of civil society in democratically developed countries is an effective, wellfunctioning institution for providing administrative electronic services. Despite the intensity and wide scope of research covering various aspects of providing electronic administrative services to the population, many issues in this area remain quite debatable, as well as understudied, which conditioned the relevance of the study. The study is aimed at investigating the specific features of implementing electronic administrative services in the practice ofcountries with the most developed e-government mechanisms. In the study of the problem, a set of general scientific and special methods of cognition was used, in particular, the leading methods were: dialectical, comparative legal, analysis, synthesis, interpretation. The study analysed criteria for evaluating electronic administrative services in the leading countries of the European Union and the United States. The study examines the basic electronic administrative services for citizens in online mode provided in the countries of the European Commonwealth. The study examines the global experience of implementing electronic administrative services in such countries as: USA; France; Great Britain; Germany; Estonia and Sweden. The author's approach to defining the concept of electronic administrative services is formulated, based on a personal interpretation of this concept from the standpoint ofgeneral theoretical analysis. It is concluded that one of the best ways to encourage the provision of administrative services in electronic form in the countries of the European Union is to standardise their provision - the development of clear organisational and technical-technological rules and requirements, and their main position is that the provision of services through electronic means of communication should complement, and not replace other communication channels

Keywords: e-governance, information and communication technologies, information society, administrative services, electronic services, Internet


A necessary component of the development of e-governance is the widespread use of information and communication technologies in the field of public administration. The current state of providing administrative services in electronic form in the countries of the European Union is described by significant achievements. The achievements of the European Union countries indicate an increase in the attention of the member states to the development of the information society, expanding the scope of application of information and communication technologies in the public sector, etc. However, the development of e-governance in Ukraine, including the provision of administrative services in electronic form, is hindered by the presence of a large number of legal, organisational, material, and technical problems. One of the components of the development of the information society is e-governance - a fundamentally new way of exercising state power towards developing democracy through the use of a wide range of advanced and innovative electronic information and communication technologies that ensure the provision of qualitatively new and diverse public services in real time for all categories of persons, both internationally and nationally and egionally [1].

Its main purpose is to create such relations in society where public administration is carried out based on the principles of openness and transparency, qualitatively new forms of activity of public administration bodies, their interaction with citizens and business entities through access to managerial information resources with the prospect of providing electronic administrative services, to exercise their attitude towards state and local government bodies using Internet resources.

In the legal literature, there are also different opinions regarding the term “service”. Some scientists believe that a service is an activity aimed at obtaining an intangible result [2]. It is possible to distinguish a number of features that are inherent in the institution of administrative services: provision at the request of an individual or legal entity; concerns the rights and/or obligations of such a person, that is, an administrative service is rendered for the sake of providing conditions for the acquisition, change, or termination of the rights and/or obligations of persons; rendering by administrative bodies (primarily executive authorities, local self-government, other state bodies) necessarily through the exercise of power, because the administrative body has a “monopoly' on the provision of a specific administrative service [3].

Defining a new mission setting political goals and objectives of a new quality and developing a strategy for government bodies lead to the development of new management functions and new ways of providing public services. They aim to adjust administrative services and search for new information technologies for providing public services. First of all, political goals are formulated at the state level, taking into account national interests and opportunities for their implementation on the part of the authorities. Then tasks are defined that require the provision of certain services to citizens, businesses, and other government organisations and institutions based on administrative services. And only last of all is attention paid to technologies that ensure the implementation of administrative services. The concept of the state as a consumer-oriented service organisation has become a methodological tool for changes in the provision of public services. The ideological basis of administrative reform should be the introduction of the doctrine of administrative services. Recognition of a person, their life and health, honour and dignity as the highest social value requires rethinking the role of the state and radically changing relations between the authorities and citizens.

In the activities of any organisation, including the state one, there are three levels of processes: 1) primary activity (implementation of the functions of the institution prescribed in the relevant regulatory documents); 2) secondary activity (aimed at improving the main function: information systems and technologies of the organisation); 3) activity aimed at improving the function (development of the strategy and architecture of information technologies of the organisation) [4]. The introduction of administrative services in electronic form is one of the main ideas of e-govemance. In general, electronic services are understood as various types of tangible and intangible services provided in electronic form using ICT, including the Internet [5]. The above leads to the implementation of a study of the provision of administrative services in electronic form on the example of the experience of countries with the most developed e-government mechanisms, which in the future will contribute to improving the quality of administrative services to the population and adapting Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation. In addition, Ukrainian science does not pay enough attention to the issue of studying the specific features of the introduction of electronic administrative services in the practice of foreign countries, and a large number of researchers have not yet agreed on many key issues of the subject matter under consideration.

The study of the features of the introduction of electronic administrative services in the practice of countries with the most developed e-government mechanisms and the generalisation of the existing array of developments on this issue is not easy, which explains its scientific lack of research. Some aspects of this issue, in one way or another, have been studied by such foreign and Ukrainian scientists as: M. Kaluti [6], A. Klich [7], S.A. Marzooqi [8], H.M. Park [9], J. Rocha [10], A. Al-Refaie [11], D.A. Spacek [12], O.M. Andreeva[13], Ye.O.Arkhipova [14], VM. Babaiev [5], V.P. Gorbulin [15], M.S. Demkova [16], S.V. Dziuba [17] ,O.N.Yevtushenko [18],I.V Klymenko [19], Ya.V. Kozhenko [20], N. Kozachenko [3], V Kuznetsov [21], A.I. Semenchenko [22].

The purpose of the study is to investigate the features of the introduction of electronic administrative services in the practice of countries with the most developed mechanisms of e-government based on the generalisation of the existing array of developments of well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists and researchers, as well as in the provision of the author's concept and conclusions regarding electronic administrative services.

1. Materials and methods

To achieve the formulated goals and objectives, the study uses general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition. This made it possible to carefully analyse all the issues related to the specifics of implementing electronic administrative services in the practice of countries with the most developed e-government mechanisms. Thus, the dialectical method made it possible to describe and study the content and ideas of electronic administrative services, which are one of the elements of the structure of e-government, and represent a certain process of finding new approaches to analysing the structure of state processes and searching for new models for describing state activities, which in turn make it more convenient, faster, and more efficient. The comparative legal method was used to study and compare foreign experience and an array of accumulated data from leading foreign and Ukrainian scientists, namely, the study investigated the world experience of implementing basic electronic administrative services for citizens online, provided in the USA and Europe.

The synthesis method helped to establish that a fully electronic administrative service is considered when online interaction is possible at all four stages that are inherent in each type of service: 1) informing - providing online information about the public service; 2) one-way interaction - provided the ability to download document forms; 3) two-way interaction - provided the ability to process document forms, including authentication; 4) conducting electronic transactions - provided the ability to deliver them (for example, payments). Moreover, this method has helped to cover the content of such an important component of electronic administrative services as cross-border administrative services in the European Union countries, which are stipulated in the regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council. The method of analysis helped to identify the list of basic public services in the European Commonwealth countries for business entities, which includes: social deductions for employees; corporate taxes: declaration, etc.; value- added tax: declaration, notification; registration of a new company; submission of statistical data; customs declaration; obtaining permits related to environmental protection; public procurement.

Furthermore, European countries believe that the provision of services through electronic means of communication should complement and not replace other communication channels. Conventional ways of obtaining services (by telephone, mail, or by personal contact) will continue to exist, constantly improving so that all citizens have better access to information and services from their governments. Citizens can choose their channel of communication with their government and pan-European structures. Using the method of interpretation, it became possible to give the author's innovative and legal definition of the concept of electronic administrative services, based on their understanding of this term, from the standpoint of theoretical and legal analysis and modern challenges to the development of society. Using the system method, the content of such an important component of electronic administrative services as cross-border administrative services was covered, which will help in combining individual electronic services into a unified web portal, the functions of which will ensure the provision of a wide scope of public services in electronic form throughout the European Union.

The generalisation method has demonstrated that the introduction of electronic administrative regulations is not so much automation as finding new approaches to analysing the structure of state processes and searching for new models for describing state activities. Moreover, improving the system of providing electronic administrative services for the Member States of the European Union is politically important, since this is how the authorities constantly communicate with citizens on a daily basis.

In addition, the phenomenological method helped to classify electronic administrative services for the possibility of automation: fully automated - administrative services where the relevant processes (acceptance of applications, rendering of services, payment, delivery of the result of administrative services, etc.) are performed in electronic form; partially automated - administrative services in which part of the processes is performed in electronic form, and - part - in “manual mode”; services provided in “manual mode” - administrative - services where all relevant processes are not automated.

2. Results and discussion

The concept of electronic administrative services and the service approach to the essence of the state In the context of the modern development of the information society, the main requirement on the part of subjects applying for administrative services of state and local authorities is the availability and transparency of the provision of these services, which is also effectively ensured by the gradual transfer of these services to electronic form. Such services are also called electronic administrative services. It is the provision of electronic administrative services that is the main prerequisite for bringing the authorities closer to the average citizen, meeting their needs and one of the main priorities for the development of e-governance in the world. The methodological basis for the development of the infrastructure of interaction between the authorities and citizens is the concept of state service to the citizen - the service concept of public administration as a modern understanding of the social purpose of the state, where the priority task of democratic governance is to serve civil society, and the main form of activity of government institutions is the provision of public services [23].

The introduction of administrative services in electronic form is one of the main ideas of e-governance. In general, electronic services are understood as various types of tangible and intangible services provided in electronic form using ICT, including the Internet [17]. In this regard, M.S. Demkova and M.V. Figel express a correct opinion, believing that the provision of electronic administrative services is when a citizen, by filling out a questionnaire (registration card, etc.) directly on the website of a particular body or by filling out a questionnaire in elect-ronic form and sending it by e-mail to the appropriate authority, can receive a particular administrative service, such as registering as a subject of entrepreneurial activity [16].

That is why, based on all the above, it is still considered necessary to interpret it in a slightly different form: an electronic administrative service is any state information service of a public administrative nature, implemented through the use of information and communication technologies and the Internet, provided to the subject of appeal by state and local government bodies in electronic form, and has the goal of improving the quality and improving the process of their provision. Proceeding from the above, the introduction of electronic administrative regulations is not so much automation as finding new approaches to analysing the structure of state processes and searching for new models for describing state activities.

In the process of developing and using e-government institutions in public administration, the state itself is increasingly considered as a service, that is, providing services to the population [6]. The service concept of the state, which became widespread in the United States and a number of Western European countries in the 1980-1990s, considers the purpose of the state in serving the individual, and, in its literal interpretation, almost any state activity that covers interaction with the individual is a state service [20]. The service approach to the essence of the state is associated with such areas of optimization of power and legal activities as the development of network forms of management interaction, the development of “e-government”, communication technologies of control and planning, the development of “online” services, the development of multilateral ties that allow citizens to actively take part in communication with the authorities.

According to O.N. Yevtushenko, the development of a model of “service state”, which should deal with the provision of services, is associated with a change of direction in the state: the understanding that the state exists for people, and not vice versa. In addition, the development of such a model is facilitated by modern technologies and open standards that allow for the transformation of the state into a service organisation for providing services to the population (citizens) and companies [18].

International experience in the development of electronic administrative services

Ensuring the availability of administrative services in electronic form is in the field of view of governments of all countries that implement electronic services. Each country defines its strategy and methodology for providing electronic administrative services. As for the European Union, the criteria for evaluating electronic administrative services in the European Union are as follows: the level of interactivity, the quality of access for the user and the response time from the administrator; the availability of e-services, including the provision of interactive communication 24 hours a day and access for special groups of the population; the advantages and benefits of using e-services - saving time and money for users, improving the efficiency of personnel management and reducing costs for the authorities; the degree of reorganisation of government processes and improving their efficiency; the impact of the proposed e-service on the growth of the number of users, on raising awareness of citizens, etc.; the degree of solving key problems, in particular, improving the security indicators of network operation, the degree of preservation of operational aspects of the implementation of services rendered, such as the use of outsourcing (transfer of part of its tasks or processes by the company to third-party performers on subcontracting terms), expansion of public- private partnership; availability of experience and the degree of use of the potential of administrative employees [15].

In the countries of the European Community, basic electronic administrative services are provided for citizens online: income tax (declaration, etc.); job search through employment services; social assistance; unemployment assistance; child benefit; reimbursement of medical services; tuition fees; personal documents (passport, driver's license); registration of a car (new, used, imported); submission of applications for construction; informing the police (for example, in case of theft); public libraries (availability of catalogues, search tools); birth certificates, marriage (request and provision); application for admission of information about changes in place of residence to a higher educational institution; services related to medicine (interactive consultations, availability of medical services in different hospitals, application for treatment in a particular institution, etc.) [17].

The list of basic public services in the European Commonwealth countries for business entities includes: social deductions for employees; corporate taxes: declaration, etc.; value-added tax: declaration, notification; registration of a new company; submission of statistical data; customs declaration; obtaining permits related to environmental protection; public procurement. Online implementation of 20 basic public services (12 for citizens and 8 for businesses), tracked at the level of the European Community, is represented by four phases: publication of information; one-way interaction; two-way information exchange; full implementation of transactions in electronic form, including the provision and payment of services [21].

For example, 12 basic electronic administrative services for citizens are as follows: birth and marriage certificate, car registration, income taxes, license registration, personal documents (passport, driver's license), health services, relocation notices, social security payments, job search, police report, higher education registration, public libraries. An administrative service is considered fully electronic when online interaction is possible at all four stages that are inherent in each type of service: 1) informing - providing online information about the public service; 2) one-way interaction - provided the ability to download document forms; 3) two-way interaction -provided the ability to process document forms, including authentication; 4) conducting electronic transactions - provided the ability to deliver them (for example, payments) [15].

For example, France has the longest history of building the service component of e-government in all of Europe. It all started with a network of Minitel terminals in 1984, which allowed paying bills, gave access to some public services, and served as a telephone directory. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Minitel spread from France to some other countries, but lost out in the competition to the Internet, the abilities of which the devices could never surpass. They became seriously interested in the development of electronic services in France only in 1998, and developed a certain vision and strategy by 2004. The regulatory act in the field of e-government appeared in 2005, and the year of the actual beginning of the existence of e-government can be considered 2008. In 2014, this country became the first and only one in the world where the level of switching public services to online mode was 100%. From 2012 to 2014, France made great progress in developing its electronic services, and now the country is also exploring options for switching to free alternatives to existing services and other ways to save money. The French get access to public services through a single portal using a personal ID. In addition, the portal launched in October 2000 is still operating. This is an access point to popular information covering all ordinary events in a citizen's life [24]. Here one can find information, documents (published reports of government agencies), information about user rights and administrative procedures. The new policy, introduced in 2012, is aimed at reducing the cost of ICT, encouraging innovation and attracting other actors, such as local authorities and developer communities, joint production of electronic services [25].

Nowadays, there are two approaches to creating administrative service portals in the world - centralised, which is built on the “top-down” principle, and metasystem, built on the “bottom-up” principle. The UK Government Portal is a centralised Internet resource built according to the “top-down” scheme. Its purpose is to integrate Internet services of all authorities to provide public services in a unified information space. The portal is a set of its services and gateways to portals and subports, and is also a single centre of responsibility for providing services for applicants.

In the UK, as a former member of the European Union, it operates - a unified state information website developed by the State Digital Service to create a unified access point for all public services. The beta version of the website was launched on February 1, 2012, and on October 17 of the same year brought together two previously existing major electronic service providers: Directgov and Business Link. The main reason for combining previously existing service providers was to create a unified point of access to public services. The main purpose of is replacement for hundreds of websites of government departments and organisations. Thus, by May 1, 2013, the websites of 24 ministries and 28 state organisations were moved to is a rather complex and systematic set of links to specific websites of institutions and/or sectors, but does not directly provide services to these institutions [26].

In the United States, there is a different approach to developing public service portals. The portal is built according to the “bottom-up” principle. Since regional and local authorities already had developed systems for providing public services using ICT at the time of the creation of the federal portal, the purpose of such a metasystem was to create a kind of database of metadata about public services. All information on the portal is divided into four groups: for citizens, for businesses, for civil servants, and for guests of the country. The internet resource itself is a unified functional centre that provides its visitors with the opportunity to search for and ob-tain information about the procedure for providing public services and additional services [17]. In Germany, the classification of electronic administrative services takes into account two criteria: the depth of service coverage of the “value chain”: information service - communications - transactions. This is a well-known scheme that is widely used. Therewith, it is estimated that about a third of the services are mainly informational in nature (however, in many cases these services include some additional functions, apart from simply publishing information on the Web), another third are procedures for processing various applications that require the implementation of complex processes and regulations and contain components for performing transactions; the content of the service [19].

A unified portal for state and municipal services was established in Estonia in 2003. Currently, the portal provides more than a hundred personal services in electronic form to the portal user who has entered the portal's working environment through mandatory authorisation. The user of the portal, for example, due to the Department of the State Information System can get access to the entire legislative framework of the Republic of Estonia, legislative acts and decisions of various ministries and departments, find and print out the necessary form or certificate, send a request to state and municipal institutions. Among the services that are most actively used are motor- transport insurance, family benefits and employment issues, electronic prescriptions, registration at the place of residence, and others [14]. In Sweden, the Government eLink project was implemented back in 1997, which is designed to ensure reliable and secure information exchange between government agencies. Next year, the state administration was made more focused on citizens, more rights and opportunities were granted in state administration (document “Central Government Administration in the Citizens Service”) [13].

European countries believe that the provision of services through electronic means of communication should complement and not replace other communication channels. Conventional ways of obtaining services (by telephone, mail, or by personal contact) will continue to exist, constantly improving so that all citizens have better access to information and services from their governments. Citizens can choose their channel of communication with their government and pan-European structures [17]. Improving the system of providing electronic administrative services for the Member States of the European Union is politically important, since this is how the authorities constantly communicate with citizens on a daily basis. An important component of electronic administrative services in the countries of the European Union is cross-border administrative services stipulated by the Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC1, the Decision (EU) 2015/2240 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 establishing a programme on interoperability solutions and common frameworks for European public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA2 programme) as a means for modernising the public sector Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council. (2014, July). Retrieved from https://eur-lex.europa. eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0910. Decision (EU) 2015/2240 of the European Parliament and of the Council. (2015, November). Retrieved from isa2/sites/isa/files/celex_en.pdf., etc. [27].

In compliance with the requirements of these regulations, the European Union has introduced the STORK programme, which “taking into account the ID identification technology is available in each country and provides systematisation of data according to generally accepted technical and legal schemes, which ensures understanding between users with each other”. In addition, for the purpose of providing cross-border electronic services in the EU, there is an electronic service “SPOCS (Simple Procedures Online for Cross-Border Services)”, an electronic portal “e-CODEX (e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange)”, created to ensure electronic interaction in the field of justice through online data exchange, as well as the “epSOS” programme, which provides access to cross-border services in the field of healthcare, and the electronic service “PEPPOL (pan- European Public Procurement online)”, introduced for the purpose of online access to public procurement.

The current state of providing cross-border services by administrative bodies in the European Union countries is described by combining individual electronic services for providing these services into a unified web portal, the functions of which would ensure the provision of a wide scope of public services in electronic form throughout the European Union. In particular, the portal “e-SENS (Electronic Simple European Networked Services)” is currently under development, which will combine the functions of the above-mentioned electronic services and “is established to ensure the provision of cross-border public services in electronic form using common and reused technical components”. Analysing the international experience in the implementation of electronic public services, it is necessary to pay attention to the development by national governments of a large-scale strategic approach, which results in a gradual transition to accelerated development and simultaneous use of conventional and electronic channels for providing administrative services. Notably, the provision of administrative services in electronic form in the countries of the European Union usually takes place through unified online services, which collect a considerable number of popular electronic services for both citizens and businesses. Provision of electronic services at the national level through a unified web portal helps to increase the convenience of locating the necessary service and unifying the requirements for obtaining such services, regardless of the state authority that renders these services. However, at the local level, local self-government bodies create opportunities to provide additional administrative services that fall within their competence and are carried out taking into account local characteristics and needs.


The authors found that one of the best ways to encourage the provision of administrative services in electronic form is to standardise their provision - the development of clear organisational and technical and technological rules and requirements. In addition, it is safe to say that the provision of services through electronic means of communication should complement and not replace other communication channels. Conventional ways of obtaining services (by telephone, mail, or by personal contact) will continue to exist, constantly improving so that all citizens have better access to information and services from their governments. Citizens can choose any channel of communication with their government and pan-European structures. Thus, the implementation of internet technologies in the sphere of public power, on the one hand, will increase its efficiency, and on the other hand, it will make the work of public authorities more transparent. Working in the e-Government mode fundamentally changes the atmosphere of interaction between officials and the population. Every ci-tizen gets the opportunity to track events in the activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies, know about their work plans, directly interact with them without queues and unnecessary bureaucracy, reduce their corruption component, which is effectively achieved by introducing electronic services. And the first step in this direction should be the development of a market for administrative and informational electronic services. It should become the engine that will enable the development of a new paradigm of public administration in the process of developing e-governance, which aims to improve the well-being of the population, increase the competitiveness of our enterprises and the state in general, and ensure new priorities for the development of Ukraine.

Thus, the provision of administrative services using information and communication technologies cannot be reduced to merely creating an opportunity to familiarise with the list of documents on the website of the authority or the Centre for administrative services, which is a common practice in public administration bodies. The implementation of certain actions of public administration bodies in electronic form also cannot be considered as the introduction of electronic administrative services, in particular, this refers to a preliminary online appointment for receiving public services, and the possibility of electronic receipt of information about administrative services. Furthermore, a well-built system of electronic administrative services will have a positive impact on the development of the social state with influential civil society institutions, especially on those issues where methods and forms of interaction of public administration bodies with citizens and business entities are of great importance.

The value of the subject matter is shown in the fact that one of the most important issues of modern society is the development and improvement of the level of participation of citizens through information and communication technologies in state affairs. After all, electronic administrative services, as a modernised public administration process and the degree of implementation of its tasks, determine the need to step up research on the legal settlement of this issue.


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