International standard of access to justice and subject of civil procedural law

The aim of the article is to study the evolution and approaches to the modern interpretation of the international standard of access to justice in civil cases, its impact on the doctrine of the subject of civil procedural law at the doctrinal level.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Дата добавления 14.07.2022
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Analysis of modern approaches to defining the concept of access to justice leads to the urgent need to rethink some classic postulates of the theory of civil procedural law, due to Ukraine's desire to integrate into the European legal space and recognition of the rule of law as a fundamental principle of law in a democratic society. Despite the lack of established views in foreign and domestic literature on the interpretation of the concept of access to justice in civil cases, we can trace certain patterns in this area. The study concludes that a broad approach to the interpretation of the international standard of access to justice in civil cases is appropriate, according to which its elements such as access to justice, access to effective remedies and access to ADR can be distinguished. This approach is based on the idea of procedural pluralism, which is based on the provision of coexistence of multiple forms of protection of violated rights of persons, the effectiveness of which is determined based on the specifics of a particular dispute. Under this approach, the court is recognised as only one of the possible appropriate ways of resolving disputes, along with other ways of resolving disputes.

Nowadays, we can say that the idea of procedural centralism corresponds to the domestic narrow concept of the subject of civil procedural law, and the idea of procedural pluralism - with a broad concept of the subject of civil procedural law. Considering the autonomous interpretation of the term “court” in the practice of the ECHR regarding the interpretation of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the ECHR, as well as the growing popularity of alternative dispute resolution, it is now advisable to adopt a broad approach to defining the subject of civil procedural law, which should cover both the classical form of judicial protection (civil litigation) and various ADR methods, in particular arbitration, international commercial arbitration, mediation, conciliation, etc. In view of the above, the concepts of civil litigation and civil process do not coincide and are not identical. Civil procedure are a more general concept that encompasses both civil litigation and other jurisdictional procedures for the consideration and resolution of civil cases to protect the subjective rights and interests of disputant.


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