Dynamics of public support for Ukraine’s independence as a basis for adjusting the state humanitarian policy

Analysis of the results of the Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991. Comparison with sociological modeling of the all-Ukrainian referendum. Identification of the dynamics and trends of public support for the idea of independence, regional differences.

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Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Scientific and Organization Department

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies

Dynamics of public support for Ukraine's independence as a basis for adjusting the state humanitarian policy

Myshchak I.M., Doctor of History, Professor

Liashenko O.O., PhD (History), research scientist


The aim of the article is to analyze the results of the all-Ukrainian referendum on Decemberl, 1991, to compare them with the sociological modeling of the all-Ukrainian referendum, to identify the dynamics and trends of public support for independence by the population of Ukraine.

Scientific novelty. The latest sociological data on public support for Ukraine's independence are analyzed and summarized, trends and features of changes in the level of support for Ukrainian citizens' independence are clarified.

It turned out that in the conditions of the hybrid war, the opposition to Russian propaganda on the symbolic field has not lost its relevance. One of such symbols is the all-Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991, because its results are the basis of the national state consensus and a factor in the establishment of the Ukrainian nation.

Conclusions. According to opinion polls conducted by various services, public support for independence over the past 30years remains unquestionable. At the same time, there were periods of significant reduction in comparison with the results of the will of Ukrainians during the all-Ukrainian referendum on December 1,1991.

Particular attention is paid to regional differences in the dynamics of public support for Ukraine's independent status. In this context, the Southern and Eastern macro-regions as a whole stand out, especially Zaporizhia, Odesa, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where the negative deviation from the 1991 results is the largest.

The dynamics of public support for independence for 30years after its proclamation was influenced by various factors: socio-economic, political, socio-cultural. In particular, the percentage of Ukrainians who believe that they have lost more since the declaration of independence is quite high. However, in the process of detailing it turns out that this applies only to such aspects of life as job security and employment, while for others - the availability of a wide range of goods and services, social status, freedom of expression, self-realization, opportunities to influence government action - Ukrainians state a better situation in the years of independence compared to the last thirty years before its proclamation.

The data obtained in the course of the study can serve as a basis for adjusting the state humanitarian policy.

Key words: Ukraine, referendum, independence, identity, security.


Динаміка суспільної підтримки незалежності України як основа для коригування державної гуманітарної політики

Мищак І.М., д.і.н., професор, завідувач науково-організаційного відділу Інституту законодавства Верховної Ради України

Ляшенко О.О., к.і.н., науковий співробітник Інституту політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України

Метою статті є аналіз результатів всеукраїнського референдуму Ігрудня 1991р., їх співставлення із соціологічним моделюванням питання всеукраїнського референдуму, виявлення динаміки й тенденцій суспільної підтримки незалежності населенням України.

Наукова новизна. Проаналізовано й узагальнено останні соціологічні дані щодо суспільної підтримки незалежності України, з'ясовано тенденції та особливості зміни рівня підтримки українськими громадянами незалежності держави.

З'ясовано, що в умовах гібридної війни протистояння російській пропаганді на символічному полі не втратило своєї актуальності. Одним із таких символів є всеукраїнський референдум 1 грудня 1991 р., адже саме його результати є основою національного державного консенсусу та чинником утвердження української нації.

Висновки. Як свідчать результати соціологічних досліджень, проведених різними службами, підтримка населенням незалежності упродовж останніх 30 років залишається беззаперечною. Разом із тим спостерігалися періоди помітного її зниження у порівнянні з результатами волевиявлення українців під час всеукраїнського референдуму 1 грудня 1991 р. Особливу увагу приділено регіональним відмінностям динаміки суспільної підтримки незалежного статусу України. У цьому контексті виділяються Південний та Східний макрорегіони в цілому, а надто - Запорізька, Одеська, Донецька та Луганська області, в яких від'ємне відхилення від результатів голосування у 1991 р. є найбільшим.

На динаміку суспільної підтримки незалежності упродовж 30 років після її проголошення справляли вплив різні чинники: соціально-економічні, політичні, соціокультурні. Зокрема, досить високим є відсоток українців, які вважають, що від проголошення незалежності вони більше втратили. Однак у процесі деталізації виявляється, що це стосується лише такої сторони життя, як гарантованість роботи та працевлаштування, тоді як відносно інших - наявності широкого асортименту товарів і послуг, власного соціального статусу, свободи вираження поглядів, можливості самореалізації, можливості впливати на дії влади - українці констатують кращу ситуацію у роки незалежності порівняно з останнім тридцятиліттям до її проголошення.

Отримані в процесі дослідження дані можуть слугувати основою для коригування державної гуманітарної політики.

Ключові слова: Україна, референдум, незалежність, ідентичність, безпека.

Formulation of the problem

The existence and success of any state is based primarily on the ability to protect themselves from the enemy and on a developed economy that can ensure a decent life and defense capabilities. In addition to such purely substantial factors, public consensus on the inviolability of the status of an independent state and the general awareness of the people of their national identity are equally important. This is especially important for national security and defense. The cohesion of society in such matters is no less effective in deterring the external aggressive plans of other countries, as it significantly strengthens the state's ability to withstand internal and external security threats. And, conversely, a lack of public consensus on the inviolability of an independent state status and a stable national and state identity often provokes aggression from other states. In fact, Ukraine faced these problems in 2014, when it was subjected to military aggression by the Russian Federation, and the country's independence was in real danger for the first time since its proclamation in 1991.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Some aspects of the proclamation of Ukraine's independence have been considered to some extent by scholars in various fields of knowledge: historians, political scientists, lawyers, and others. However, as a rule, these were comprehensive studies on various aspects of state building, often appearing before the anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Among such works are the collective monographs of specialists of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «25 years of independence: essays on the history of nation and state» [1] and the I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Political process in independent Ukraine: conclusions and problems» [2]. Some historical and political aspects of the declaration of independence are also uncovered in the collective monograph «Ukraine: Political History. XX - the beginning of the XXI century» [3] and monographs of I. Rafalsky «National-state self-determination of Ukraine: internal factors and external influences» [4]. At the same time, more detailed studies of certain aspects and nuances of the declaration of independence are quite few. Some author's study was devoted to the legal aspects of the proclamation of Ukraine's independence and its withdrawal from the USSR in 1991 [5].

Another segment of research concerning the proclamation of independence is the attempt of theoretical and journalistic understanding of events and processes by their direct participants. For example, memoirs and public speeches of the President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk [6] or scientific and journalistic works of M. Mykhalchenko and V. Andrushchenko [7], V. Lytvyn [8; 9] etc.

The events of the early 1990s, including the declaration of independence and the further development of the Ukrainian state, were also in the focus of scientific interest of foreign researchers. Thus, the political situation in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation has been the subject of special analytical work «Democratic change and authoritarian reactions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova» [10], research by T. Kuzio, Professor at the University of J. Washington [11], British scientist E. Wilson «Ukrainians: an unexpected nation» [12], and their joint work «Ukraine: from perestroika to independence» [13] and others.

According to Ukrainian realities, there is a need for constant monitoring of the dynamics of public sentiment regarding the population's support for the independence of state and scientific understanding of relevant trends. But if the empirical data are fine, because there is a lot of sociological data that simulates the referendum and give an idea of the relevant public sentiment in a certain period of time, then in the case of their scientific comprehension and generalization, a certain vacuum is currently observed.

The aim of the article is to analyze the results of the all-Ukrainian referendum on December1, 1991, to compare them with the sociological modeling of the all-Ukrainian referendum, to identify the dynamics and trends of public support for the idea of independence.

Presenting the main material

It has been 30years since the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Act of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991 and its confirmation in an all-Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991. However, 23years later, in 2014, Ukraine had to fight for its independence in armed confrontation with the Russian Federation. The results of popular support for the Declaration of Independence in 1991 were not convincing, as in the following years the relevant public mood changed for various reasons and thus, not least, pushed Russia to invade and temporarily occupy Ukrainian territories.

The latest Russian propaganda is largely fueled by the spread of the notion of Ukraine as a «failed state», the «artificiality» of the Ukrainian nation, and, ultimately, the outright recognition by Russian ideologues of Russia's impossibility of territorial expansion. And this is a kind of ideological front of undeclared war, which for the aggressor is no less important than purely military. Thus, in 2021, V. Putin's article «On the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians» [14] and V. Surkov's «Where did the chaos go? Unpacking stability» articles became resonant [15].

The first «substantiates» the thesis that Russians and Ukrainians are one people who belong to the same historical and spiritual space. In other words, the Ukrainian identity itself is denied. A significant part of the article is a «summary of the history» of Ukraine and Russia from the times of Ancient Russia until the proclamation of Ukraine's independence. In particular, about the events of 1991, V. Putin says literally: «In 1991, all these territories (union republics - author), and most importantly - the people who lived there, at one time became abroad. And they were already really detached from the historical homeland» [14]. That is, Putin completely ignores the fact that the independence of Ukraine was supported by the vast majority of the population of all administrative-territorial units of the USSR. It should be understood that this is done consciously and intentionally, in order to doubt the Ukrainian public consensus on the independent status of the state. The author of the second publication goes even further, arguing that «for centuries, the Russian state with its stern and sedentary political interior has survived solely due to its tireless pursuit of its own borders. She forgot a long time ago, and most likely never knew how to survive in other ways. For Russia, constant expansion is not just one of the ideas, but a real existential of historical existence». And Russia will do this by chaotizing neighboring countries, as in the case of the «Crimean consensus» [15].

These and similar plans are much easier to implement in Ukraine if the Ukrainian public consensus on the independence of one's own state is undermined and the national and civic identity of Ukrainians is blurred as much as possible. To confirm the vulnerability of Ukrainian society to such information and ideological attacks, we can cite the results of a poll conducted by the «Rating» Group in July 2021. According to them, 41% of the population of Ukraine generally agree with Putin's thesis that Russians and Ukrainians are one people belonging to one historical and spiritual space, and in the East and South such are the majority - 65% and 55% respectively. As O. Antipovych, the head of the Group «Rating», explained, this result is due to the effectiveness of manipulation with a combination of «one nation» and «single historical and cultural space» in one message and rather indicates the effectiveness of Russian propaganda [16].

Thus, the technology of influencing and manipulating the mass consciousness with the use of historical facts occupies an important place among the factors of political struggle, governance and hybrid warfare. Of course, there is no point in entering into a professional scientific discussion with V. Putin or V Surkov. However, in scientific discourse there is such a notion as «historical politics». A distinction should be made between «historical policy» as the activity of state elites aimed at rewriting history and deformation of public memory, and «memory policy» as understanding the conditions of coexistence of different layers of public memory and relevant experiences [17]. Control over historical policy is exercised through the direction of state symbols, including holidays and rituals, interpretive schemes of the most commonly used narratives, organization of historical education, direction of museum exhibits, monumental propaganda, toponymic changes, burial sites, symbols and portraits on banknotes, stamps, etc. [18, p. 108].

In the early 1990s, interest in historical politics was heightened by the collapse of the Soviet Union. In independent states, interest in archival materials relating to national histories has erupted. The result was the removal of many «white spots» in the history of post-Soviet countries, the formation of new assessments of the Soviet past. In Ukraine, there was a large-scale rethinking of national history in search of acceptable to society versions of the Ukraine-centric historical narrative. The peculiarity of the Ukrainian version of historical policy demonstrated the complex intertwining of issues of identity, collective memory and the lack of legitimacy of the post-Soviet state [19, p. 549-553]. After all, it was not least because of these shifts that the December 1, 1991 referendum demonstrated such a high level of support for Ukraine's independence.

In the period up to 2014, there are three main stages of historical policy, which had their own characteristics:

1) 1991-2004: nationalization of the public sphere, symbols and educational system with the dominance of the Ukrainian national narrative;

2) 2005 - early 2010: radical revision of the policy of memory in the direction of nationalism, anti-communism, the creation of the Institute of National Memory, «places of memory», construction of memorials, commemorative practices;

3) from the beginning of 2010 to 2014: combining the national-patriotic version of Ukrainian history with a partially symbolic rehabilitation of the Soviet past [20, p.396].

After the beginning of Russian military aggression and its occupation of Ukrainian territories, the fourth stage began, the leading trend of which was the destruction of the political myth of the «brotherhood of the three Slavic peoples» (especially for generations living in Soviet times). Painful gaps in the collective social imagination created a demand in Ukrainian society for alternative sources of meaning, renewal of historical symbols and modernization of state historical policy with the heroization of defenders of Ukrainian statehood, under the pressure of civil society during the war, a large-scale attempt was made to decolonize the state policy of memory [19, p. 582, 586].

Thus, in the context of the hybrid war imposed by Russia, opposition to Russian propaganda on the symbolic field has not lost its relevance. One such symbol, perhaps somewhat underestimated, is the December 1, 1991 all-Ukrainian referendum, as it is the cornerstone of the national state consensus and the common denominator of the Ukrainian nation, despite differing current political preferences or attitudes toward individual historical figures.

The first thing that made the referendum of December1, 1991, an effective means of counteracting the distortion of history by Russian propaganda was its compliance with the legislation of the time. After all, the proclamation of Ukraine's independence in the very way in which it was implemented, not only corresponded to the internationally recognized right of the people of Ukraine to self-determination, but also took place legally. This is a great merit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which ensured the process of legalization and legitimization of independence, which was confirmed in the all-Ukrainian referendum on December1, 1991. The observance of all necessary legal procedures, including during the referendum also the fact that the international recognition of Ukraine began not after the adoption of the Act of Independence of Ukraine, but immediately after the announcement of the results of the all-Ukrainian referendum. Its results, including the desire of the Crimean population to live in independent Ukraine, were recognized by the international community and are unconditionally perceived today as a sovereign right of the Ukrainian people, implemented in accordance with international law and current legislation of the USSR [5, p. 45].

The results of the referendum on independence of Ukraine showed its support by residents of all regions of Ukraine (except Crimea and Sevastopol) at over 83% (Table 1). The highest level of support for independence was recorded in the Western region (96.48%), in particular in the three Galician regions, and almost the same in the Central region (94.46%). In contrast, in eastern Ukraine, independence was approved by 86.12% of voters (but over 90% in Dnipropetrovsk region), and in the south - 80.93% of voters (mainly due to significantly lower than in the region as a whole, the level of support in Sevastopol and Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - 57.07% and 54.19% respectively). Within the Central Region, differences in the will of voters were minimal.

Table 1

Results of the All-Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991

Participated in the vote, %

Answered YES, %

Answered NO, %

Volyn reg.




Rivne reg.




Khmelnytsky reg.




Ternopil reg.




Lviv reg.




Ivano-Frankivsk reg.




Transcarpathian reg.




Chernivtsi reg.








Vinnytsia reg.




Zhytomyr reg.




Kyiv reg.




Kyiv city




Kirovohrad reg.




Poltava reg.




Sumy reg.




Cherkasy reg.




Chernihiv reg.








Crimean ASSR




Sevastopol city




Zaporizhzhia reg.




Mykolayiv reg.




Odessa reg.




Kherson reg.








Dnipropetrovsk reg.




Donetsk reg.




Luhansk reg.




Kharkiv reg.












Source: arranged by the authors according to [21]

At the same time, the results of the referendum on December 1, 1991, despite the overwhelming unanimity of will, showed a certain regional heterogeneity in relation to Ukraine's independence. In the future, it was the regional factor that testified to perhaps the greatest differences in public support for Ukraine's independence.

Since 2001, various sociological services have been conducting regular polls, which include the following question: «If a referendum on the proclamation of Ukraine's state independence were held today, how would you vote in it?» (Razumkov Center and KIIS) or as the question was formulated in the referendum: «Do you confirm the Act of Independence of Ukraine?» (Research & Branding Group).

According to the consolidated data from the polls conducted by the Razumkov Center and KIIS during 2001-2020, supporters of independence outnumbered its opponents. The highest level of support for independence (70.8% of all respondents, or 88.2% of those who would take part in the vote) is observed in 2019, and the lowest (46.5% of all respondents, or 60.9% from those who would have taken part in the vote) - in 2003. Accordingly, the most numerous opponents of independence were in 2002 (33.9% of all respondents, or 41% of those who would have taken part in the vote). In addition, an important indicator is activity and confidence in own choice. According to consolidated data from polls conducted by the Razumkov Center and KIIS, Ukrainians were most passive in confirming independence in 2008 and 2016, when a quarter of potential voters were reluctant to participate or could not decide [22].

In November 2020, according to a survey by Research & Branding Group, voter turnout in a referendum on independence would be 84% - the same as in 1991. 85% of voters would confirm the Declaration of Independence [23]. Moreover, according to a poll conducted by the Centre «Social Monitoring» in August 2021, 91% of potential voters would take part in the vote, 85.5% of which would say «yes» to independence [24].

If we consider the socio-demographic peculiarities of support for independence, according to Research & Branding Group, the choice of answer in the bulletin is to some extent influenced by age and geographical factors.

Thus, a relatively higher level of support for Ukraine's independence is observed among citizens aged 18-49 (87-88%) and slightly lower among those over 50 (80-81%). ukrainian referendum independence public regional

Depending on the place of residence, the highest level of support for Ukraine's independence is among rural residents (88%), slightly lower in regional centers (85%) and relatively lower in other cities (81%). The biggest differences in choice are due to the region of residence of the respondents. Thus, the highest support for Ukraine's independence would be expressed by residents of the Western (90%) and Central (88%) regions, slightly lower in the South (83%) and lowest in Eastern Ukraine (73%) [23].

The Centre «Social Monitoring» also emphasizes the peculiarities of regional and age factors. Thus, the expected voter turnout would be highest in the Western region (97.1%), in the Central and Eastern regions it would be 93.4% and 90%, respectively, and in the South - 87.1%. The lowest expected activity during the hypothetical voting would be in Donbass (80.9%). The level of support for independence is also highest in the Western region (92.8%), in the Central region - 84.2%, in the South and East - 59.2% and 66.7% respectively (but in Donbass - 53.9%). In terms of age, the differences are smaller: the highest percentage of supporters of independence among young people (86.5%), and the lowest among the age group «60+» (70.1%) [24].

The 2021 study of the Group «Rating» «Generation of Independence: Values and

Motivations» conducted in 2021 gives the most complete opportunity to compare the results of the December 1, 1991 voting with the hypothetical voting by particular regions (Table 2). As can be seen from this comparison, 30years after the referendum, the level of support for Ukraine's independence closest to its results (given the fact that the wording of the question is not entirely identical) remains mainly in Western Ukraine. And not in all regions of the macro-region, but only in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Volyn, where support for independence is still over 90%. On the other hand, in other regions of the West, as well as in all regions of the Central region, support for independence fell below 90% (and in Poltava and Sumy regions even below 80%). Only in Kyiv is the difference between the results of the will of December 1, 1991 and the current public mood comparable to that of the Galician regions.

Another picture is observed in the Southern and Eastern regions. First, due to the temporary occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, we are currently unable to determine the attitude of the population of these Ukrainian regions to the independence of the state. Secondly, there is no such possibility in some occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Among other regions of these macro-regions, the largest decline in support for independence (below 70%) is observed in Zaporizhzhia and Odessa regions of southern

Ukraine and in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Moreover, in these regions, about one in four eligible voters would not support Ukrainian independence, and in Luhansk region, almost one in three.

Obviously, such figures, despite the general significant predominance of support for independence, should be worrying. After all, in the 30years of independent Ukraine's existence, at least one generation has grown up that did not know another, Soviet, Ukraine at all. However, the elucidation of the causal relationship of this phenomenon should be the subject of a separate thorough research.

Table 2

Comparison of the results of the All-Ukrainian referendum December 1,1991 and support for Ukraine's independence in 2021

Voting results in the referendum on December 1, 1991

Would you support the proclamation of Ukraine's independence today if there was such a choice? (Rating Group poll)

Answered YES, % of those who voted

Answered NO, % of those who voted

Answered YES, % of all respondents

Answered NO, % of all respondents

Volyn reg.





Rivne reg.





Khmelnytsky reg.





Ternopil reg.





Lviv reg.





Ivano-Frankivsk reg.





Transcarpathian reg.





Chernivtsi reg.





Vinnytsia reg.





Zhytomyr reg.





Kyiv reg.





Kyiv city





Kirovohrad reg.





Poltava reg.





Sumy reg.





Cherkasy reg.





Chernihiv reg.





Crimean ASSR





Sevastopol city





Zaporizhzhia reg.





Mykolayiv reg.





Odessa reg.





Kherson reg.





Dnipropetrovsk reg.





Donetsk reg.





Luhansk reg.





Kharkiv reg.










* Controlled territories

Source: arranged by the authors according to [21; 25]

If we talk about the dynamics of public support for independence since 2001, there is a general trend towards an increase in the number of those who are «for» and a decrease those who are «against». Statistically significant changes in this direction occurred in waves. The first wave (2003-2005) was the period before and after the Orange Revolution. The second wave (2009-2012) began after the election of Viktor Yanukovych. Finally, the last significant shift in public sentiment occurred between 2013 and 2015. In addition to another change of government, its main reason could be the actualization of patriotic sentiments after the temporary occupation of Crimea by Russia and the beginning of the armed conflict in Donbass. This wave-like dynamic is somewhat reminiscent of changes in public assessment of the direction of events in Ukraine, the levels of confidence in state institutions (these indicators are also temporarily improved with the change of government) [22] and to some extent the dynamics of national civic self-identification [26].

A comparison of the results of the 1991 referendum with the dynamics of further support for independence by macro-region shows the following trends: for more than 90% of the population of the Western region, the choice in favour of independence remained indisputable despite various current circumstances; in the Central region in the period 2006-2011 there was a certain «sagging» of support for independence, but in 2020 it returned to the figures of 1991; on the other hand, in the eastern and southern regions, the decline in public support for independence was the most significant, compared to the results of the 1991 vote. Apparently, the question «what did independence give us?» for them it was not meaningless, and in exchange for loyalty to the Ukrainian state, they expected to provide a certain level of their own comfort [22].

This assumption, as well as the justification for the different decline in support for independence in the regions, has indirect sociological confirmation in surveys by the Centre «Social Monitoring» and Research & Branding Group, which in 2021 asked «You and your family gained / won or lost more from Ukraine's independence? »

Thus, according to the «Social Monitoring» Centre, 42.3% of respondents answered: «won more», 32% - «lost more» and 25.4% - could not answer. In the Western and Central regions, the answer was «gained more» (66.1% and 47.4%, respectively), and in the South and East - «lost more» (38.8% and 51.7%, respectively). Also, the answer «lost more» prevailed among respondents aged 60 and older [24].

The rating scale in the survey of the Research & Branding Group was somewhat different, which provided a variant of the answer «something gained and something lost». The result of the respondents' answers in this survey is as follows: a third of Ukrainians (31%) believe that they and their families have generally gained more since Ukraine's independence (15% - definitely won, 17% - rather won). The opposite view is held by about a quarter (23%) of the country's population (10% - clearly lost, 13% - rather lost). One third of respondents (35%) believe that they and their families have gained and lost something in Ukraine since independence, and one in ten (11%) is undecided. At the same time, compared to 2011, the number of Ukrainians, who believe that in the conditions of Ukraine's independence they and their families have gained more, has doubled (and those who are unequivocally convinced of this have tripled). Instead, the number of those who believe they have lost more since independence has fallen sharply. The share of respondents who have gained and lost in some ways since Ukraine's independence and those who have not decided remains virtually unchanged. The highest percentage of those who believe that Ukraine's independence has provided them with more benefits, among residents of the Western region (54%), as well as among young people under 30 (39%), and the lowest - among residents of Eastern (18%) and South 20%) of regions and representatives of the oldest age category «60+» (22%). On the other hand, among the latter, the largest percentage of those who believe that he and his family have lost more in independent Ukraine (41%). Those who did not decide are significantly more among the youth (25%), because the representatives of this age group did not actually catch up with the times of the USSR. Depending on their self-identification, a relatively higher percentage of those who believe that they and their families have benefited more from Ukraine's declaration of independence are among respondents with national-state (36%) and regional (36%) identities, while the vast majority of people with Soviet / post-Soviet identity believes that since the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, they and their families have lost (76%) [27].

The fact that one third of Ukrainians cannot unambiguously determine whether they have gained or lost since independence also has an indirect sociological explanation. For example, Research & Branding Group experts asked respondents to compare the main tangible and intangible aspects of life (availability of a wide range of goods and services, job security and employment, social status, freedom of expression, opportunities for self-realization, ability to influence government) for over 30years of independence and in the last thirty years before 1991. The result was as follows: during the 30years of independence much more than in the thirty years before its proclamation, Ukrainians are satisfied with such aspects of life as a wide range of goods and services (71% vs. 7%); freedom of expression (65% vs. 9%); opportunities for self-realization (44% vs. 21%); opportunity to influence the actions of the government (38% vs. 8%). To a lesser extent, the years of independence have won in the previous period in the assessment of Ukrainians of their social status - 33% are more satisfied with it in the years of independence, and 25% - consider it higher in Soviet times. The only aspect of life that suited Ukrainians better in the planned economy was job security and employment (55% in Soviet times compared to 17% in the years of independence). It should be noted that a significant percentage of respondents does not see much difference in life before and after the declaration of independence, or cannot determine it. This is especially true of such aspects of life as the ability to influence the actions of the government (25% consider it the same, and 29% - cannot assess). To a lesser extent, such assessments relate to social status (19% believe the same, and 22% - cannot assess); freedom of expression (21% think the same and 15% can't evaluate) and opportunities for self-realization (18% think the same and 17% can't evaluate). The least uncertainty in the assessment of Ukrainians of such aspects of life as the availability of a wide range of goods and services (10% believe the same, and 12% - cannot assess), job security and employment (10% believe the same, and 18% - cannot assess).

Assessment of one or another aspect of life has certain patterns and socio-demographic features. Availability of a wide range of goods and services - despite the fact that most respondents of all categories prefer the years of independence, it should be noted a relatively higher level of preference in Soviet times among the oldest age group «60+» (16%) and among those who identify himself primarily a Soviet person (17%).

Freedom of expression - despite the fact that the majority of respondents of all categories prefer the years of independence, a relatively higher level of preference for Soviet times among the oldest age group «60+» (17%) and especially among those who identify themselves primarily as a Soviet people (29%).

Opportunities for self-realization - the best in Soviet times consider the majority of the oldest age group «60+» (41%) and those who identify themselves primarily as a Soviet person (62%). The rest prefer the years of independence.

The ability to influence the actions of the government - more satisfied in the years of independence of all categories of respondents, except those who identify themselves primarily as Soviet people - most of them prefer the Soviet era (36%).

Social status - its assessment varies greatly depending on age: among Ukrainians under 50, the majority is satisfied with their social status in the years of independence (39-40%), among «fifties» almost as many who prefer sometimes as before (35%), and after (33%) the declaration of independence, among the oldest clearly prevail those who were more satisfied with their social status in Soviet times (50%). And the largest percentage of those who were more satisfied with their social status in Soviet times, among respondents who consider themselves Soviet people (74%).

Job security and employment - in Soviet times more satisfied respondents. The exception is young people under 30 who were born later, but among young people opinions about employment opportunities in different historical periods were divided almost equally (26% in favor of the years before independence against 23% in favor of the years of independence) [28].


Thus, we have reason to believe that the public consensus on the inviolability of the status of an independent Ukrainian state is one of the key elements of the implementation of historical policy as one of the areas of public administration. Such a need was especially urgent in the conditions of military and ideological confrontation with the Russian Federation. In turn, in order to more effectively counter the hybrid component of Russian aggression, there is an urgent need to monitor the dynamics of public sentiment regarding the population's support for Ukraine's independence and, in particular, to scientifically comprehend the relevant trends.

According to opinion polls conducted by various services, public support for independence over the past 30 years remains unquestionable. At the same time, there were periods of significant decline in comparison with the results of the will of Ukrainians during the all-Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991.

Particular attention should be paid to regional differences in the dynamics of public support for Ukraine's independent status. Of concern are the Southern and Eastern macroregions as a whole, and in particular the Zaporizhzhia, Odessa, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where the negative deviation from the 1991 vote is the largest. The dynamics of public support for independence for 30 years after its proclamation was influenced by various factors: social and economic, political, social and cultural. In particular, the percentage of Ukrainians who believe that they have lost more since the declaration of independence is quite high. However, in the process of detailing it turns out that this applies only to such aspects of life as job security and employment, while for others - the availability of a wide range of goods and services, personal social status, freedom of expression, opportunities for self-realization, opportunities to influence government action - Ukrainians state a better situation in the years of independence than in the last thirty years before its proclamation. The obtained data can serve as a basis for adjusting the state humanitarian policy.


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