Criteria and principles of effective public governance system

Struggle for territorial integrity, sovereignty, reconstruction of the country in the conditions of Russian aggression. Analysis of criteria and principles of the system of effective public administration. Effectiveness of adopted state decisions.

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State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»

Criteria and principles of effective public governance system

Tetyana Skibina

Today, Ukraine suffers from military aggression by the Russian Federation, destroying social, economic, technological, environmental, and political systems. One of the current areas that require scientific substantiation and revision is the validity and efficiency of government decisions, state programs, and public administration in general. Thus, there is an objective need for research aimed at improving the public administration efficiency. The article deals with the scientific and theoretical principles of an effective public administration to achieve long-term national goals, solve key social, economic, political problems, and crisis management. The general criteria to be met by an effective system of public administration is formed, namely: to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the public administration; to promote the achievement of the activity goal with minimal material, resource, labor costs; to satisfy the needs of society by the management results; to be adapted to crisis phenomena; to have economically expedient functioning and positive impact on the activity results of the national level.

Key words: public administration, management efficiency, management results, system of criteria.

Формування критеріїв та принципів системи ефективного державного управління

Скібіна Т.І.

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Херсонський державний аграрний університет»

Наразі Україна потерпає від військової агресії з боку Російської Федерації, що спричиняє руйнування соціальних, економічних, технологічних, екологічних та політичних систем. Боротьба за теріторіальну цілісність, суверенитет, подальше відбудовавуння країни повинно грунтуватися на дієвих механізмах підтримки, впровадженні результативних проектів відновлення інфрастуктури та галузей економіки, принятті ефективних державних рішень щодо покращення рівня життя населення. Отже, значною мірою саме від рівня ефективності державного управління залежить добробут населення країни та її здатність до відновлення. Саме тому, одним із актуальних напрямів, що потребує наукового обґрунтування та змістовного перегляду є результативність та дієвість прийнятих державних рішень, впроваджених державних програм та державного управління загалом. Виникає об 'єктивна необхідність наукових досліджень спрямованих на підвищення ефективності державного управління, основним завданням яких є формування критеріїв та принципів ефективного державного управління. З метою створення умов, щодо можливості досягнення довгострокових національних цілей, вирішення ключових соціальних, економічних, політичних завдань суспільства та вирішення кризових ситуацій та підвищеню результативності державної політики, у статті розглянуті науково-теоретичні основи формування ефективної системи державного управління. Сформовані загальні критерії, яким повинна відповідати ефективна система державного управління, а саме: сприяти збільшенню результативності та зменшенню витрат у процесі державного управління; сприяти досягненню мети діяльності за мінімальних матеріальних, ресурсних, трудових витрат; задовольняти результатами діяльності потреби суспільства; бути адаптованою до кризових явищ; мати економічно доцільне функціонування та позитивний вплив на результати діяльнвизності загальнодержавного рівня. Визначені подальші напрями наукових досліджень та обгрунтована необхідність ствоерння науково-методичного підходу щодо оцінювання рівня ефективності державного управління.

Ключові слова: державне управління, ефективність управління, результативність управління, система критеріїв.


Problem statement. In the modern public administration, when Ukraine fights for its independence and territorial integrity in the conditions of military aggression, the formation of an effective system of public administration becomes especially important [1]. It can create the preconditions for the national economic recovery, respond quickly to threats to the internal and external environment of public policy impact, promote foreign economic activity and improve domestic business practices.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The current state and actual trends in public administration have been studied in the works of many domestic scholars. Thus, Kovbasyuk Yu.V., Vashchenko K.O., and Surmin Yu.P. have many publications devoted to the topical issues of public administration, its theory, history, and methodology [2].

In their works, Kovalenko Ye.O. and Malinovskaya O.Ya. study the development of theoretical and methodological principles of the public administration mechanism, which will increase the efficiency of state authorities [3; 4].

Dyachenko O.P. and Grishova I.Yu. assess the positive experience of developed countries of the European Union and the possibility of its use in Ukraine [5; 6].

Areas of ensuring the public administration quality, defining the development determinants, analysis of the mechanisms for implementing state policy predominate among the foreign studies of public administration [7; 8; 9].

However, there are no studies on the criteria and principles of forming an effective public administration in domestic and foreign publications. This issue remains debatable and needs further research.

Purposes of the article. It is impossible to ensure a sustainable pace of social, economic, and political development without an effective public administration. Implementing an effective state policy enables achieving long-term national goals, solving key social, economic, political problems, and resolving crises. However, despite the importance of creating an effective public administration system that would achieve high results, today, this issue has not been sufficiently studied. Thus, the purpose of the article is to form the criteria and principles of an effective public administration.

effective governance aggression

Presentation of the main material

Public administration is a complex professional process of civil servants and officials of different levels of self-government. The management result impacts living standards in the state. It is the system of effective public administration that ensures the self-preservation, existence and development of the nation and determines the path of its development in the future. Modern public administration relations cover social and economic issues, many-sided theoretical and practical problems. However, despite the importance of effective public administration, there are currently no scientific approaches that consider the specifics of public administration and define its effectiveness criteria [10].

That is why there is an objective need to study the conceptual framework of effective public administration to study the principles of effective public administration. It is necessary to develop clear criteria for definition and delineation of the principles of effective public administration.

We study in more detail the existing concepts to determine the management efficiency (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Formation of a criteria system for effective public administration Source: compiled by the author using the [2; 5; 6; 9; 12; 13; 14]

Conceptual principles for understanding the concept of public administration efficiency can be divided into those that consider effective public administration as the achievement of the result, and those that assess the effective performance of the head and his contribution to achieving the ultimate goal (Figure 1).

Among the scientific and theoretical approaches to the general understanding of management effectiveness, regardless of the field, the following areas can be identified: first, those that consider the effectiveness of units and their effective interaction; secondly, those that consider the effective performance of the head or staff. Instead, there is no approach allowing to assess public administration in terms of a systematic approach, taking into account all the elements.

Among the most common approaches to understanding management efficiency is the classical concept. It considers management efficiency to achieve maximum positive results at minimum cost for them [11]. According to the classical concept, the public administration efficiency can be mathematically expressed as follows:

where Ea - public administration efficiency;

R - the results of the public authority's activity;

V - costs for the results of public authority's activity.

Thus the management efficiency should be within the mathematical expression where:

The effective concept considers management as a process to achieve the goal and the planned result. According to this concept, Key Performance Indicators (KRI) systems have been implemented in public authorities [12]. The system includes numerical indicators that allow the management process to measure optimality in numerical terms. According to this concept, management efficiency is characterized by the level of objective achievement.

where Ra - actual result of activity;

Rp - planned result of activity.

According to the effective concept, management efficiency is:

Thus, public administration is considered effective if it meets or exceeds the planned results.

Based on achieving a "balance of interests" [11; 13], researchers of the management efficiency concept believe that public administration is primarily aimed at meeting the expectations and needs of all individuals and social groups interacting within and outside the state. That is why management efficiency is seen as a degree of society's expectations satisfaction.

where Ea (Rae) - management efficiency according to the result of achieving a balance of interests;

Ra - actual result of activity;

Rei - expected result of social groups and individuals.

The expectations of social groups and individuals will be different. It is impossible to satisfy their final needs. The "balance of interests" will be achieved only when the needs of all social groups that the state focuses on in the management process are met. Thus, the management efficiency by concept characterizes the following expression:

where Bei - the level of satisfaction of the i-number of social groups and individuals by the public administration.

At the same time, the functional concept of efficiency considers management in terms of the effective work of the management staff, organizational structure, and compliance with their generally defined guidelines set by national authorities and international organizations [14]. Thus, efficiency is defined as the level of quality performance of management functions.

As a management result, the effect includes the management system results obtained in the process of incurred costs for its operation. The obtained management effects can be in the form of economic, social, technical, innovative implementations and can be achieved precisely due to the well-established activities of the management staff.

where Ra - results from the public administration;

Va - public administration expenditures.

According to the definition of this concept, such management is effective, which allows increasing efficiency under the condition of effective functioning of the management staff. Thus, the following conditions must be met:

Organizational theory determines that management efficiency is expressed through the effective work of the management staff and its ability to improve overall performance and how effective the management system and its organization is. The main criteria for this concept are the ability of the organizational and managerial structure to increase productivity and quality of work, increase sales, etc [11].

The system concept of management efficiency states that internal and external factors affect public administration results. Management efficiency describes the degree of the organization's adaptation to environmental factors [14].

The systems theory supposes that public administration should be considered as a set of elements interacting with each other in an interdependent manner. Thus, public administration at each level should be considered as part of the national management system. Therefore, it is possible to introduce an adaptability criterion, which will assess the resumption of effective public administration in case of destabilizing crises. The ability to successfully overcome the crises that arise during the implementation of public administration will characterize the public administration body as a stable system that can quickly come to a steady- state (Figure 1).

The adaptability to the impact of external factors is not calculated. It contains qualitative features that cannot be assessed only by mathematical formulas. However, according to the system concept, effective management characterizes the following expression:

where A - adaptability level.

The conceptual approaches to understanding management efficiency provide many aspects when determining effectiveness. Among the main aspects (principles), one should note functional, structural, organizational, and subject-oriented.

According to the functional aspect, an effective public administration system must meet the following principles: economical, adaptability, flexibility, consistency, efficiency and timeliness of identifying and solving management problems [8].

The structural aspect of efficiency is characterized by rational goal setting; rational functioning of the organizational structure and distributing of responsibilities and powers.

Organizational and institutional aspect of efficiency determines the place of public authority in the system of state relations, the level of adaptability to state strategic goals, established social norms and international standards.

According to the subject-oriented aspect, the public administration system varies depending on the established criteria regarding the obtained effect. It is divided into organizational, economic, technological, social, legal, psychological, political, ethical, environmental efficiency (Figure 1) [2].

The above concepts consider the management efficiency of using standard approaches. They can be identified by the scope of definition, temporal and level.

Thus, in terms of time, there are statistical and dynamic efficiencies. The first is a ratio of different costs and results obtained based on quantitative indicators. Static efficiency is the main form of the short-term management assessment when operational and tactical issues are solved.

Dynamic efficiency provides higher results due to flexible variation of available resources and changes in technology in the long run [14].

An integrated approach to public administration efficiency defines the overall performance, affected by many partial results. This approach enables us to consider the versatility of its definition. An integrated approach is based on the indisputable fact that many factors have a stimulating or disincentive effect on the final results. It will enable to more accurately determine the management efficiency and increase the effectiveness of the managerial decisions.

However, the traditional approach to determining management efficiency considers the effectiveness of each activity separately. It is reasonable to use the traditional approach to find the public administration effectiveness, to assess the efficacy of individual innovations, motivation systems, to introduce new marketing tools, projects, etc.

The level approach to determining the public administration effectiveness has the following levels of efficiency, including individual, group, local and general level of state [13].

The individual level of efficiency is the productivity of individual employees of public authorities. The group management efficiency is defined by calculating the work effectiveness performed by public authority units. Individual and group efficiency is the basis for ensuring the management efficiency of public administration in general.

The level approach allows taking into account the synergistic effect that arises during public administration. Thus, the obtained results of local and national levels of management efficiency may be greater than the sum of individual and group results, which is explained by the synergetic effect.

Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the diversity of aspects and approaches that should be taken into account when determining the public administration effectiveness.


The study of concepts and aspects for determining the public administration effectiveness allows to form general criteria that must be met by an effective system of public administration: to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the public administration; to promote the achievement of the activity goal with minimal material, resource, labor costs; to satisfy the needs of society by the activity results; to be adapted to crisis phenomena; to have economically expedient functioning and positive influence on the activity results of the national level.

The formation of the scientific and methodological approach to evaluating the effectiveness and practical recommendations for improving the public administration effectiveness requires further research.


1. Aggression against Ukraine: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/ES-11/1. Available at: (accessed 27 March 2022).

2. Kovbasyuk Yu.V, Vashhenko K.O., Surmin Yu.P. (2012) Derzhavne upravlinnya [Governance]. Kyiv: NADU, 564 p. (in Ukrainian)

3. Kovalenko Ye. O. (2016) Metodologiya ocinyuvannya efekty'vnosti derzhavnogo upravlinnya yakistyu zhyttya naselennya [Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of public management of the quality of life]. Pravo ta derzhavne upravlinnya, no. 1(22), pp. 70-77.

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7. D'Inverno, G., & De Witte, K. (2020) Service level provision in municipalities: Aflexible directional distance composite indicator. European Journal of Operational Research, no. 286(3), pp. 1129-1141.

8. Geys, B., Heinemann, F., & Kalb, A. (2019) Voter involvement, fiscal autonomy and public sector efficiency: Evidence from German municipalities. European Journal of Political Economy, no. 26(2), pp. 265-278.

9. Hauner, D., & Kyobe, A. (2010) Determinants of government efficiency. World Development, no. 38(11), pp. 1527-1542.

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11. Makarenko M. (2005) Formation of the mechanism for managing the effective functioning of the enterprise. Actual problems of the economy, vol. 1, pp. 126-135.

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14. Xrystenko L. N. (2001) Efektyvnist upravlinnya: naukovi pidxody do vyznachennya [Management efficiency: scientific approaches to definition]. Ekonomika. Menedzhment. Pidpryyemnycztvo, no. 6, pp. 209-214.

Список використаних джерел

1. Aggression against Ukraine: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/ES-11/1. URL: (дата звернення: 27.03.2022).

2. Ковбасюк Ю.В., Ващенко К.О., Сурмін Ю.П., Державне управління. Київ: НАДУ, 2012. 564 с.

3. Коваленко Є. О. Методологія оцінювання ефективності державного управління якістю життя населення. Право та державне управління. 2016. № 1(22). С. 70-77.

4. Маліновська О. Я. Теоретико-методичні засади ефективного державного управління. Економіка та управління національним господарством. 2019. № 4(21). С. 88-92.

5. Дяченко О. П. Зарубіжний досвід щодо державних механізмів детінізації економіки країн Європейського Союзу. Держава та регіони. 2017. № 3. С. 145-153.

6. Gryshova, І. Ju. The implementation of the principles of consumerism in the strategy of the development of business. Науковий вісник Полісся. 2017. № 2(10). Ч. 1. С. 41-48.

7. D'Inverno, G., & De Witte, K. Service level provision in municipalities: Aflexible directional distance composite indicator. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020. 286(3). Р. 1129-1141.

8. Geys, B., Heinemann, F., & Kalb, A. Voter involvement, fiscal autonomy and public sector efficiency: Evidence from German municipalities European Journal of Political Economy. 2019. № 26(2). Р 265-278.

9. Hauner, D., & Kyobe, A. Determinants of government efficiency. World Development. 2010. № 38(11). Р 1527-1542.

10. Pawlowski M., Piqtkowski Z., Zebrowski W. Management efficiency. Foundations of Management. 2009. № 1(1). Р. 95-110.

11. Makarenko M. Formation of the mechanism for managing the effective functioning of the enterprise. Actual problems ofthe economy. 2005. Vol. 1. Р. 126-135.

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13. Kaplan, Robert S., and David P Norton. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.

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