Нормативно-правові механізми забезпечення кібербезпеки в нових державах-членах ЄС

Механізми забезпечення інформаційної безпеки в нових державах-членах ЄС у контексті дослідження їхніх національних кіберстратегій як складової частини національної безпеки з метою їх інтеграції в єдину міжнародну систему захисту інформаційного простору.

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4. Bulgarian National Cyber Security Strategy URL:https://www.itu.int/ en/ITU-D/Regional-Presence/Europe/Documents/Events/2016/Cybersecurity %20Forum%20Bulgaria/Bulgaria_sharkov_todorov.pdf (дата звернення:


5. Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2015-2020 (2015) URL:https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/national-cyber-security-strategies/ ncss-map/CzechRepublic_Cyber_Security_Strategy.pdf (дата звернення:


6. Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for 2015 - 2020 (2015) URL:https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/national-cyber-security-strategies/ ncss-map/cyber-security-concept-of-the-slovak-republic-1 (дата звернення:


7. Cyber Security Law Prom. DV. issue 94 of 13 November 2018, amended DV. issue 69 of 4 August 2020, amended and ext. DV. issue 85 of October 2, 2020 URL: https://lex.bg/bg/laws/ldoc/2137188253 (дата звернення: 01.03.2021)

8. Communication From The Commission To The Council, The european Parliament, The European Economic And Socialcommittee And The Committee Of The Regions "Network and Information Security:Proposal for a European Policy Approach" URL:https://www.academia.edu/ 22286875/Network_and_Information_Security_Proposal_for_a_European_ Policy_Approach_Network_and_Information_Security_Proposal_for_a_ European_Policy_Approach (дата звернення: 06.03.2021)

9. Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions "Protecting Europe from large scale cyber-attacks and disruptions: enhancing preparedness, security and resilience" URL:https://ifap.ru/pr/2009/n090331a.pdf (дата звернення:


10. Програма за развитие на отбранителните способности на Вьорьжените сили на Република Бьлгария 2020 и за определяне чис- леността на вьорьжените сили, приета с Решение на Народното сьбрание от 25.11.2015 г., публикувано в Дьржавен вестник, бр.93, от дата 1.12.2015 URL: https://www.mod.bg/bg/doc/cooperation/20181009_ Programa_razvitie_otbranit%20sposobnosti.pdf (дата звернення: 01.03.2021)

11. Hotararea nr. 271/2013 pentru aprobarea Strategiei de securitate cibernetica a Romaniei si a Planului de actiune la nivel national privind implementarea Sistemului national de securitate cibernetica URL: https://lege5.ro/Gratuit/gm3demzrgq/hotararea-nr-271-2013-pentru- aprobarea-strategiei-de-securitate-cibernetica-a-romaniei-si-a-planului-

de-actiune-la-nivel-national-privind-implementarea-sistemului-national-de- securitate-cibernetica (дата звернення: 02.03.2021)

12. Hotarare Nr.494 din 11.05.2011 privind mfiintarea Centrului National de Raspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetica - CERT-RO URL: https://cert.ro/vezi/document/hg-494-2011 -infiintare-cert (дата звернення: 10.04.2021)

13. Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), Provisional Harmonised Criteria, June 1991 URL: https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/ uploads/2015/01/ITSEC-uk.pdf_(дата звернення: 06.03.2021)

14. Legea nr. 362 din 28 decembrie 2018 privind asigurarea unui nivel comun ridicat de securitate a retelelor si sistemelor informatice URL: http://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/209670 (дата звернення: 02.03.2021)

15. National Cyber Security Strategy of the Republic of Croatia URL: https://www.uvns.hr/UserDocsImages/en/dokumenti/Croatian%20National%20 Cyber%20Security%20Strategy%20(2015).pdf (дата звернення: 04.03.2021)

16. National Strategy on the Digital Agenda for Romania 2020 UrL: https://gov.ro/en/government/cabinet-meeting/national-strategy-on-the- digital-agenda-for-romania-2020 (дата звернення: 02.03.2021)

17. Narodni centrum kybernetickych operaci (NCKO) vypracovalo Strategii kyberneticke obrany Ceske republiky pro obdobi 2018 - 2022 URL: https://www.mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/zpravodajstvi/narodni-centrum- kybernetickych-operaci-vypracovalo-strategii-kyberneticke-obrany-cr-201906/ (дата звернення: 05.03.2021)

18. Report of the Human Rights Committee Volume II General Assembly Official Records Fifty-fifth Session Supplement No. 40 (A/55/40) URL: https://www.refworld.org/docid/3f475a844.html (дата звернення:


19. Romania's Cyber Security Strategy and the National Action Plan on Implementation of the National Cyber Security (2013) URL:https://www.cert.ro/ vezi/document/strategia-de-securitate-cibernetica (дата звернення: 02.03.2021)

20. Romania's National Cybersecurity and Defense Posture. Cyberdefense Report. Policy and Organizations. Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zьrich, Zьrich, October 2020

21. The National Defence Strategy for 2020-2024 was approved by Decision no. 22 of the Joint Meeting of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies on June 30th, 2020, and was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 574 of July 1st 2020. URL: https://www.presidency.ro/files/ userfiles/National_Defence_Strategy_2020_2024.pdf (дата звернення:


22. Treaty Of Lisbon Amending The Treaty On European Union And The Treaty Establishing The European Community (2007/C 306/01) URL:https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A12007L% 2FTXT (дата звернення: 10.04.2021)

23. Климчук О.О., Ткачук Н.А. Роль і місце спецслужб та правоохоронних органів провідних країн світу в національних системах кібербез- пеки. Інформаційна безпека людини, суспільства, держави. 2015. № 3 (19). С.75-83

24. Панченко В.М. Зарубіжний досвід формування систем захисту критичної інфраструктури від кіберзагроз. Інформаційна безпека людини, суспільства, держави 2012. № 3 (10) С.91-100

25. Ткачук Т. Ю. Забезпечення інформаційної безпеки у країнах центральної Європи. Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. 2017 № 5. Ст.106 http://lsej.org.ua/index.php/arkhiv-nomeriv?id=80 (дата звер- нення:04.03.2021)

26. Ткачук Т.Ю. Забезпечення інформаційної безпеки: досвід окремих країн східної Європи. Інформація і право. 2017. № 4 (23). С. 62-72

27. Ткачук Т. Ю. Інформаційна безпека держави у національному законодавстві європейських країн. Visegrad Journal on Human Rights. 2018. № 1. С. 145-150.

28. Agnija Tumkevic . Cybersecurity in Central Eastern Europe: from identifying risks to countring threats. BALTIC JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 2016. December 2016, № 5 C.73-88.

29. Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo, 2014. Rethinking Europe's Freedom, Security and Justice. In: Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo ed. 2014. EU Security and Justice Law. After Lisbon and Stockholm, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, pp.1-17.

30. Information Security Act, passed by the Croatian Parliament at its session on 13 July 2007. URL: https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsImages/ Sigurnost/Security/Information%20Security%20Act.pdf (дата звернення:


31. Dimitrov N., Valentin Najdenov. National Security in Bulgaria - is it really a system? International Scientific Journal "Security & Future". 2019, pp.83-86.

32. Laszlo Kovacs. Cyber Security Policy and Strategy in the European Union and NATO. Land Forces Academy Review Vol. XXIII, No 1 (89), 2018 pp.16-24.

33. Marek Gorka, 2018. The Cybersecurity Strategy of the Visegrad Group Countries. Politics in Central Europe 14(2), pp.75-98.

34. Raphael Bossong, 2018. Intelligence Support for EU Security. Options for Enhancing the Flow of Information and Political Oversinght. SWP Comment 2018/C51, December 2018, 8 pp.1-8.

35. Regulation on information security measures of the Republic of Croatia 2007 URL: https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsImages/Sigurnost/Security/ Regulation%20on%20information%20security%20measures.pdf (дата звернення: 04.03.2021)

36. Security and intelligence System Act of the Republic of Croatia, enacted by the Croatian Parliament at its session on 30 June 2006.

URL:https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsI mages/Sigurnost/Security/Security%20 and%20Intelligence%20System%20Act.pdf (дата звернення: 04.03.2021)

37. Sevdalina Dimitrova, Stoyko Stoykov, Yosif Kochev. National Cybersecurity Strategies in Member States of the European Union. Administrattiva un Kriminala Justicija. 2015. № 4. pp. 54-58

38. Udo Helmbrecht, 2018. Adequate and effective cybersecurity: state of play. Speech by ENISA's Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht - Cybersecurity Conference organised by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. European Union Agency For Network and Information Security Vienna, Austria 3rd December 2018, pp.1-6


1. Act on Cybersecurity and on Amendments and Supplements to certain Acts of January 30, 2018 URL: https://www.nbu.gov.sk/wp- content/uploads/legislativa/EN/Act_Cy bersecurity.pdf (data zvernennia:

03.03.2021) (in English)

2. Action Plan for the National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the Period from 2015 to 2020 URL: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/national-cyber-security-strategies/ncss-map/ CzechRepublic_Cyber_Security_Strategy.pdf (data zvernennia: 05.03.2021) (in English)

3. Action Plan for the Implementation of the Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for 2015-2020 URL:https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/ national-cyber-security-strategies/ncss-map/ActionPlanfortheImplementation oftheCyberSecurityConceptoftheSlovakRepublicfor20152020_3_.pdf (data zvernennia: 03.03.2021) (in English)

4. Bulgarian National Cyber Security Strategy URL:https://www.itu.int/ en/ITU-D/Regional-Presence/Europe/Documents/Events/2016/Cybersecurity %20Forum%20Bulgaria/Bulgaria_sharkov_todorov.pdf (data zvernennia:

01.03.2021) (in English)

5. Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2015-2020 (2015) URL:https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/national-cyber-security-strategies/ ncss-map/CzechRepublic_Cyber_Security_Strategy.pdf (data zvernennia:

05.03.2021) (in English)

6. Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for 2015 - 2020 (2015) URL:https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/national-cyber-security- strategies/ncss-map/cyber-security-concept-of-the-slovak-republic-1 (data zvernennia: 03.03.2021) (in English)

7. Cyber Security Law Prom. DV. issue 94 of 13 November 2018,

amended DV. issue 69 of 4 August 2020, amended and ext. DV. issue 85 of October 2, 2020 URL:https://lex.bg/bg/laws/ldoc/2137188253 (data

zvernennia: 01.03.2021)

8. Communication From The Commission To The Council, The european Parliament, The European Economic And Socialcommittee And The Committee Of The Regions "Network and Information Security:Proposal for a European Policy Approach" URL:https://www.academia.edu/ 22286875/Network_and_Information_Security_Proposal_for_a_European_ Policy_Approach_Network_and_Information_Security_Proposal_for_a_ European_Policy_Approach (data zvernennia: 06.03.2021) (in English)

9. Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions "Protecting Europe from large scale cyber-attacks and disruptions: enhancing preparedness, security and resilience" URL:https://ifap.ru/pr/2009/n090331a.pdf (data zvernennia:

06.03.2021) (in English)

10. Програма за развитие на отбранителните способности на Въоръжените сили на Република България 2020 и за определяне чис- леността на въоръжените сили, приета с Решение на Народното събрание от 25.11.2015 г., публикувано в Държавен вестник, бр.93, от дата 1.12.2015 URL: https://www.mod.bg/bg/doc/cooperation/20181009_ Programa_razvitie_otbranit%20sposobnosti.pdf (data zvernennia: 01.03.2021) (in Bulgaria)

11. Hotararea nr. 271/2013 pentru aprobarea Strategiei de securitate cibernetica a Romaniei si a Planului de actiune la nivel national privind implementarea Sistemului national de securitate cibernetica URL: https://lege5.ro/Gratuit/gm3demzrgq/hotararea-nr-271-2013-pentru- aprobarea-strategiei-de-securitate-cibernetica-a-romaniei-si-a-planului- de-actiune-la-nivel-national-privind-implementarea-sistemului-national- de-securitate-cibernetica (data zvernennia: 02.03.2021) (in Romania)

12. Hotarare Nr.494 din 11.05.2011 privind mfiintarea Centrului National de Raspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetica - CERT-RO URL: https://cert.ro/vezi/document/hg-494-2011-infiintare-cert_(datazvernennia:

02.03.2021) (in Romania)

13. Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), Provisional Harmonised Criteria, June 1991 URL: https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/ uploads/2015/01/ITSEC-uk.pdf (data zvernennia: 06.03.2021) (in English)

14. Legea nr. 362 din 28 decembrie 2018 privind asigurarea unui nivel comun ridicat de securitate a retelelor si sistemelor informatice URL: http://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/209670 (data zvernennia:

02.03.2021) (in English)

15. National Cyber Security Strategy of the Republic of Croatia URL: https://www.uvns.hr/UserDocsImages/en/dokumenti/Croatian%20National%20 Cyber%20Security%20Strategy%20(2015).pdf (data zvernennia: 04.03.2021) (in English)

16. National Strategy on the Digital Agenda for Romania 2020 URL: https://gov.ro/en/government/cabinet-meeting/national-strategy-on-the- digital-agenda-for-romania-2020 (data zvernennia: 02.03.2021) (in English)

17. Narodni centrum kybernetickych operaci (NCKO) vypracovalo Strategii kyberneticke obrany Ceske republiky pro obdobi 2018 - 2022 URL:

https://www.mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/zpravodajstvi/narodni-centrum- kybernetickych-operaci-vypracovalo-strategii-kyberneticke-obrany-cr-201906/

(data zvernennia: 05.03.2021) (in Czech)

18. Report of the Human Rights Committee Volume II General Assembly Official Records Fifty-fifth Session Supplement No. 40 (A/55/40)

URL:https://www.refworld.org/docid/3f475a844.html (data zvernennia:

06.03.2021) (in English)

19. Romania's Cyber Security Strategy and the National Action Plan on Implementation of the National Cyber Security (2013) URL:https://www.cert.ro/ vezi/document/strategia-de-securitate-cibernetica (data zvernennia: 02.03.2021)

(in Romania)

20. Romania's National Cybersecurity and Defense Posture.

Cyberdefense Report. Policy and Organizations. Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zьrich, Zьrich, October 2020

21. The National Defence Strategy for 2020-2024 was approved by Decision no. 22 of the Joint Meeting of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies on June 30th, 2020, and was published in the Official Journal of Romania,

Part I, no. 574 of July 1st 2020. URL: https://www.presidency.ro/files/ userfilesZNational_Defence_Strategy_2020_2024.pdf (data zvernennia:

02.03.2021) (in English)

22. Treaty Of Lisbon Amending The Treaty On European Union And The Treaty Establishing The European Community (2007/C 306/01)

URL:https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A12007L %2FTXT (data zvernennia: 06.03.2021) (in English)

23. Klymchuk O.O., Tkachuk N.A. (2015). Rol i mistse spetssluzhb ta pravookhoronnykh orhaniv providnykh krain svitu v natsionalnykh systemakh kiberbezpeky [Role of law enforcement bodies and special services in national cyber security systems of leading countries]. Naukovyi zhurnal, seriia "lurydychni nauky" Informatsiina bezpeka liudyny, suspilstva, derzhavy [Scientific Journal Series "Juridical sciences", Information Security of the Person, Society and State], 19 (3), 75-83 (in Ukrainian).

24. Panchenko V.M. (2012). Zarubizhnyi dosvid formuvannia system zakhystu krytychnoi infrastruktury vid kiberzahroz [Foreign experience in forming the systems of critical infrastructure protection]. Naukovyi zhurnal, seriia "Iurydychni nauky" Informatsiina bezpeka liudyny, suspilstva, derzhavy [Scientific Journal Series "Juridical sciences", Information Security of the Person, Society and State], 10 (3), 91-100 (in Ukrainian).

25. Tkachuk T. Yu. (2017). Zabezpechennia informatsiinoi bezpeky u krainakh tsentralnoi Yevropy [Information security ensuring in the countries of central Europe] Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal [Juridical scientific and electronic journal], 5, 104-110 http://lsej.org.ua/index.php/ arkhiv-nomeriv?id=80 (data zvernennia: 04.03.2021) (in Ukrainian)

26. Tkachuk T. Yu. (2018). Zabezpechennia informatsiinoi bezpeky: dosvid okremykh krain skhidnoi Yevropy. [Information security ensuring: experience of individual Eastern European countries. Information and law].

Informatsiia i pravo. [Information and law], 23 (4), 62-72 (in Ukrainian).

27. Tkachuk T. Yu. (2018). Informatsiina bezpeka derzhavy u natsionalnomu zakonodavstvi yevropeiskykh krain [Information security of

the state in the national legislation of European countries]. Vyshehradskyi zhurnal z prav liudyny [Visegrad Journal on Human Rights], 1, 145-150 (in Ukrainian).

28. Agnija Tumkevic . Cybersecurity in Central Eastern Europe: from identifying risks to countring threats. BALTIC JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 2016. December 2016, № 5 C.73-88.

29. Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo, 2014. Rethinking Europe's Freedom, Security and Justice. In: Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo ed. 2014. EU Security and Justice Law. After Lisbon and Stockholm, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, pp.1-17

30. Information Security Act, passed by the Croatian Parliament at its session on 13 July 2007. URL: https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsImages/ Sigurnost/Security/Information%20Security%20Act.pdf (data zvernennia: 04.03.2021) (in English)

31. Dimitrov N., Valentin Najdenov. National Security in Bulgaria - is it really a system? International Scientific Journal "Security & Future". 2019, pp.83-86

32. Laszlo Kovacs. Cyber Security Policy and Strategy in the European Union and NATO. Land Forces Academy Review Vol. XXIII, No 1(89), 2018 pp.16-24

33. Marek Gorka, 2018. The Cybersecurity Strategy of the Visegrad Group Countries. Politics in Central Europe 14(2), pp.75-98

34. Raphael Bossong, 2018. Intelligence Support for EU Security. Options for Enhancing the Flow of Information and Political Oversinght. SWP Comment 2018/C51, December 2018, 8 pp.1-8

35. Regulation on information security measures of the Republic of Croatia 2007 URL: https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsImages/Sigurnost/Security/ Regulation%20on%20information%20security%20measures.pdf (data zvernennia: 04.03.2021) (in English)

36. Security and intelligence System Act of the Republic of Croatia, enacted by the Croatian Parliament at its session on 30 June 2006. URL:https://www.zsis.hr/UserDocsImages/Sigurnost/Security/Security%20 and%20Intelligence%20System%20Act.pdf (datazvernennia: 04.03.2021) (in English)

37. Sevdalina Dimitrova, Stoyko Stoykov, Yosif Kochev. National Cybersecurity Strategies in Member States of the European Union. Administrattiva un Kriminala Justicija. 2015. № 4. pp. 54-58

38. Udo Helmbrecht, 2018. Adequate and effective cybersecurity: state of play. Speech by ENISA's Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht - Cybersecurity Conference organised by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. European Union Agency For Network and Information Security Vienna, Austria 3rd December 2018, pp.1-6

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