International telecommunication relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1991–2001)

The role of communication in establishing international relations with countries of the world. Nature of Azerbaijan's activities in international communication organizations. The importance of joining the Trans-Asian-European fiber-optic cable line.

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Sumgayit state university

International telecommunication relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1991-2001)

Karimli Samir Salim

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., chair of history and its teaching methodology



The act of sovereignty adopted by the Azerbaijani Parliament on October 18, 1991, opened a new page in the history of our people. The restoration of Azerbaijan's state independence has led to fundamental changes in all spheres. One of the important tasks of our country was to restructure the economy, governance, infrastructure, as well as communication, inherited from the Soviet period. During the first ten years of the independence - 1991-2001, the radical reforms carried out in the country in accordance with the requirements of the new era motivated the development of communication, which was one of the national strategic areas of the state. At that time, the role of communication was indispensable by expanding the private sector, organizing joint ventures, investing higer incomes to the state budget every year. Thus, communication was an important role in developing proess of the country and reviving the economy.

Communication has played an irreplaceable role in establishing international relations with various countries around the world, along with strengthening state independence. During the resaerch period the Republic of Azerbaijan, was a member of international communications organizations and also signed bilateral agreements with other countries in the field of communications, joined the International Telecommunication Union in 1992 and other communication organizations in further years. The level of service in the field of international communication has been increased year by year, telephone and satellite telephone channels have been launched, and Azerbaijan has joined the Trans-Asian-European fiber-optic cable line, an international communications project called the Contract of the Century. Having a strategically favorable position, the Republic of Azerbaijan has created conditions for the transit of telephone traffic to a number of countries around the world, and to obtain additional funding for the country.

Keywords: Communication, Telephone, Post, Enterprise, Telecommunication


Міжнародні телекомунікаційні зв'язки Азербайджанської республіки (1991-2001 рр.)

Карімлі Самір Салім оглу

Кафедра історії та методики її викладання, Сумгаїтський державний університет (Сумгаїт, Азербайджан)

Акт про суверенітет, прийнятий азербайджанським парламентом 18 жовтня 1991 року, відкрив нову сторінку в історії нашого народу. Відновлення державної незалежності Азербайджану призвело до фундаментальних змін у всіх сферах. Одним із важливих завдань нашої країни була перебудова економіки, управління, інфраструктури, а також зв'язку, успадкованих з радянського періоду. Протягом перших десяти років незалежності - 1991-2001 рр., радикальні реформи, проведені в країні відповідно до вимог нової епохи, спонукали до розвитку комунікації, яка була одним із національних стратегічних напрямів держави. У той час роль комунікації була незамінною через розширення приватного сектора, організацію спільних підприємств, щороку збільшуючи інвестиційні надходження до державного бюджету. Тому комунікація відігравала важливу роль у розвитку економіки країни та відродженні економіки.

Комунікація відіграла незамінну роль у встановленні міжнародних відносин з різними країнами світу, поряд із зміцненням державної незалежності. Протягом досліджуваного періоду Азербайджанська Республіка була членом міжнародних організацій зв'язку, а також підписала двосторонні угоди з іншими країнами в галузі зв'язку, у 1992 році приєдналася до Міжнародного союзу електрозв'язку та в наступні роки до інших організацій зв'язку. Рівень обслуговування у сфері міжнародного зв'язку з кожним роком підвищувався, були запущені телефонні та супутникові телефонні канали, а Азербайджан приєднався до Трансазіатсько-європейської волоконно-оптичної кабельної лінії, міжнародного комунікаційного проекту під назвою «Контракт століття». Маючи стратегічно вигідне положення, Азербайджанська Республіка створила умови для транзиту телефонного трафіку в ряд країн світу, а також для отримання додаткового фінансування країни.

Ключові слова: Communication, Telephone, Post, Enterprise, Telecommunication

Main part

Introduction. From the first years of independence, communications. This is very important opportunity for the Republic of Azerbaijan pays special attention to the the newly independent state, beeing free from the bondage organization of international relations in the field of of a huge empire such as the Soviet Union, to introduce itself to the rest of the world, and for the required large incomes in order to implement construction works in some fields.

Although the Republic of Azerbaijan has established contacts with many countries in the field of international relations, the Republic of Turkey, the Russian Federation and others have played a key role in this regard. It should be noted that telephone communication was more beter, preferable than other field of communication ties.

Discussions. One of the first measures taken at the international level in the field of communications was the commissioning of a new station of the DMS-100/200 type in Baku in 1991 with the direct participation of specialists from the Turkish company Netas. Thanks to this, Azerbaijan's telephone network has automatic access to more than 150 countries, first via Russia, and then through the second alternative route, Turkey (Abdulhasanli, 1995).

However, the implementation of Azerbaijan's international telephone calls only through the DMS - 100/200 station could not fully meet the needs of the republic. For this reason, the construction of the International Telephone Station, built in 1995 with the participation of the Turkish company Alkatel-Teletaз (Teletash), and the commissioning of the first phase of the Intercity Telephone Station should be considered a significant event.

In 1995, the total cost of both stations, implemented as a unit system, was $ 4.5 millionThe cost of the station equipment of the project was $ 2.5 million, and the cost of transmission and line equipment was $ 2.0 million. The international station consisted of 2,000 channels, and the long-distance station of 6,000 channels. At the opening ceremony on December 9, 1995, a new electronic international telephone exchange was put into operation (Aliyev, 1996).

Due to the commissioning of the new station, Azerbaijan not only improved the quality of international telephone communications on its territory, but also had the opportunity to organize international communications between other countries, which created conditions for additional income. The organization of international transit telephone communication earned $ 480,000 in 1998 and $ 2.9 million in 1999 (Mahmudoglu, 2000).

Azerbaijan has also paid attention to the organization of satellite communication channels, along with direct cable telephone channels. 30 channels in the direction of Baku-Ankara were put into operation via the INTELSAT satellite between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey, which first joined the global satellite system in 1991 as an independent state. In order to provide the Republic of Azerbaijan with high - quality satellite telephone communication, in 1993, an F-standard terrestrial satellite station was put into operation in a new TV tower with the participation of the US company IDB. With the commissioning of the station, the quality of satellite communication channels has been improved, and conditions have been created to increase their number. In order to further develop satellite communications, the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan joined the EUTELSAT International Satellite Organization on January 10, 1993 (ATS-92, 1995, p. 22), and the INTELSAT International Satellite Telecommunication Organization on April 7, 1994 (Azarbaycan rabitasi, 2003, p. 23).

In 1993, 30 channels of satellites communication were established between Baku and New York (Central Archive, Lis. 1, Work 8, Volume 1, p. 28), and in 1994, 16 satellite communication channels were established between Baku and London. In 1997, the number of satellite communication channels was increased to 316, in 1999 to 573, and in 2001 to 844. (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 10, Volume 3, p. 70). In addition to Turkey, these channels have been established with developed countries such as Russia, Germany, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In general, Azerbaijan's international satellite communication is organized via 4 satellites - INTELSAT 3590E, STATIONAR 110, EXPRESS 3A, TURKSAT 420. At first, Azerbaijan organized its satellite channels mainly with the INTELSAT 3590E satellite. In 1996, 15 satellite communication channels between Azerbaijan and Germany, and in 1997, 68 satellite communication channels between the United States were put into operation via INTELSAT 3590E satellite (Cenral Archieve, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 4, Volume 4, p. 43).

After the launch of the Turkish TURKSAT satellite in 1996, the existing satellite channels in the direction of Baku-Ankara were transferred from the INTELSAT 3590E satellite to the TURKSAT 420 satellite (Humbatov, 2002, p. 25).

On January 5, 2000, a 9.3 m diameter B standard terrestrial satellite station was installed on the INTELSAT 359 oE satellite. In 2001, the existing satellite channels between Baku and Frankfurt, Germany, London, England and the US company MCI were transferred from the BKU-02-F2 type ground station to another BKU-03-B type ground station, which was more cost-effective. As a result, the Ministry of Communications managed to earn a profit of 576.6 million manat per year (Cenral Archieve, F. 1, Lis. 2, Work 4, Volume 3, p. 96).

The first electronic-digital automatic telephone exchange was put into operation in our country in 1992. On the same day, the Turkish company NETAS put into operation a 20,000 - digit and 5760-channel electronic digital telephone exchange, which resulted in the transfer of 10,000 decadal-step ATS-93 and 8,000 ATS-98 electronic ATSs (Hasanov, 2003).

The Ministry of Communication has been organizing tenders with the participation of foreign companies since 1997 for the reconstruction of the country's telephone network. In November of the same year, the Turkish company Alkatel-Teleta§ (Teletash), the winner of the tender for the reconstruction of a number of telephone exchanges in the Baku city telephone network, and the Ministry of Communications signed a contract in the beginning of 1998 for a total of $ 7294,140. In accordance with the agreement, as a result of renewal of technically and morally obsolete equipment, the reconstruction of ATS 96, 31, 24, 54, 59 and junctions' number 3, 4, 5 was conducted, as well as Bilajari, Zabrat, Kurdakhani and Shagan settlements connected to the telephone network at the expense of additional equipment. Thanks to the hard work, the total capacity of these stations was increased to 69,500 numbers (May ayinda nalar, 1998).

According to the rapid development of the economic, social, other fields in

In this connection, taking into account the impossibility of being satisfied with the reconstruction work of 1996, in 2000 the Ministry of Communications organized an international tender for the complex reconstruction of Baku inter-station communication - transmission network. The winner of the tender, the Israeli company ECI, started the project in 2001 and installed 103,800 channel SDH equipment in the Baku City Telephone Communication Production Association (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 5, p. 68).

SDH networks have a number of advantages over other transmission equipment. Previously, during the reconstruction of any station or the construction of a new station, it took years to build inter-station communication, but with the introduction of SDH technology, the problem of inter-station communication for the construction and reconstruction of ATS with any channel and subscription capacity was solved. Thus, for a long time, the organization of inter-station communication in the telephone network of Baku has been resolved.

At the end of 1997, along with a number of telephone exchanges in Baku, the Turkish company Alkatel - Teletaз (Teletash) won the tender for the restoration of the telephone network in Guba, Davachi, Oghuz, Absheron and Gakh districts of the republic. Azteletom Production Association and Alkatel-Teletaз signed an agreement costed $ 3.5 million for the reconstruction of telephone networks in the five regions. As a result of the reconstruction work, the existing telephone network in these districts was replaced by modern electronic stations and a total of 18,432 subscriber numbers were put into operation (Abdullagizi, 1999, p. 1).

Thanks to the established international relations in the field of communications, it was possible to restore the relations of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with other regions of Azerbaijan. The establishment of communication systems in the Autonomous Republic on the basis of old technology did not allow the population to provide quality communication services and have a significant impact on the development of its economy.

Realizing this situation, 3 communication service channels, 1 Baku-Sharur, 1 Baku-Ordubad, 1 Baku-Julfa and 1 Baku-Sadarak canals were established between Baku and Nakhchivan by Azerbaijani communicators passing through Iran.

Another communication line between Baku and Nakhchivan was put into operation via Turkey. Thanks to the equipment put into operation by Alkatel-Teletaз, 60 analog channels were established between Nakhchivan and Ankara, Turkey. Of these, 30 channels were put into operation in the direction of Nakhchivan-Ankara, and 30 channels in the direction of Nakhchivan-Ankara-Baku. In 1996, 60-channel satellite communication channels were established between Baku and Nakhchivan via TURKSAT satellite. The number of satellite communication channels was increased to 75 in 1997 and to 188 in 1998 (Novruzov, 2002).

The work started by DEU Telecom in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in 1998 in the field of reconstruction of the telephone network was continued in 1999. In general, out of 64 EATS installed in AR (1

in Nakhchivan city, 18 in Sharur, 13 in Ordubad, 13 in Julfa, 12 in Shahbuz, 7 in Babek), there were 16 central automatic telephone exchanges and 48 «Rast» substations (Novruzov,

Thanks to the international relations of our communicators, Azerbaijan's integration into the world economy, as well as into the global communications network has been more increased. Azerbaijan is one of the active participants in the internationally important fiber-optic cable line construction of the Trans-Asian - European (TAE).

China and Germany proposed the construction of a TAE fiber-optic cable in September 1992, at an international seminar on the integration of Asian and European telecommunication networks in Beijing city of China. The TAE line had to connect Shanghai city of China and Frankfurt-Main city in Germany (Manafova, 2000, p. 15).

On October 19, 1999, an international tender was held for the construction of the Azerbaijani section of the TAE («Trans Asia-Europa») fiber-optic cable. 7 companies from 6 countries participated in the tender. As the proposals of the Turkish company «Hesfibel» were announced as a winner for more satrisfactory. The construction of the facility was determined about $ 27.5 million.

On December 28, 1999, construction work began near Baku - between Mushvigabad and Sulutepe settlements. 576 km of the Baku-Gazakh (Western direction), 345 km Baku-Astara (Southern direction) and 125 km Baku - Siyazan (Northern direction) sections of the TAE passing through the territory of Azerbaijan were prematurely and successfully completed at the end of the month at the end of December in 2000 (Humbatov, 2001, p. 23).

Modern equipment was installed at 24 stations along the Azerbaijan segment of TAE and 2,290 channels within the country and 210 channels in the international direction were put into operation (Humbatov, 2001, p. 78).

Central automatic telecommunication sistems of 27 regions of the Republic, including Baku, Maraza, Shamakhi, Aghsu, Goychay, Aghdash, Yevlakh, Goranboy, Ganja, Shamkir, Tovuz, Aghstafa, Gazakh, Salyan, Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Masalli, Lankaran, Astara, Sumgayit, Siyazan, Sheki, Gakh are connected to the TAE line, and in result, the quality of telep - has been significantly improved communication in these regions (Humbatov, 2002, p. 156).

Each country crossing the TAE is interested in using this line to transit its international telecommunications traffic to other countries and to transit the traffic of the world's telecommunications companies in order to make an economic profit. By joining the TAE line, the Republic of Azerbaijan was able to provide all types of modern telecommunications services not only to the Asian and European countries involved in the project, but also to all countries of the world through this highway and, as a result, direct transit revenues to the state budget. The fact that the TAE fiber-optic cable line crosses the Caspian Sea to Europe via the Transcaucasian countries is about 2,000 km shorter than the alternative Turkish-Iranian route shows that the northern version of the project is more usful in economic point of view.

After the launch of the Azerbaijani segment of TAE in 2001, the traffic exchanged between Georgia and Azerbaijan was transferred to the TAE line. German Telecom's traffic was routed to Iran via Azerbaijan. The proposal received from the Iranian Telecommunication Company for the organization of a 2Mbit / s link to Russia via the TAE fiber-optic cable using the transit opportunities of Azerbaijan has been resolved positively (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 5, p. 7).

Along with the TAE fiber-optic line, other international projects also played an important role in communication, which is one of the strategic sectors of the economy. A protocol was signed on October 7-8, 1999, as a result of negotiations between Nadir Ahmadov the Minister of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Enis Oksuz the Minister of Communications and Transport of Turkey (Novruzov, 2002, p. 29). According to the protocol, in order to expand communication and transport links between Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia, the construction of a fiber-optic cable line between Baku (Azerbaijan) - Tbilisi - Poti (Georgia) - Rize - Trabzon (Turkey) and its connection to the TAE line was taken into account.

Another important international project in the field of communications was organized in cooperation with the State Railway Administration of Azerbaijan and the German company Siemens and Betamot company of Slovakia. The project covered the railway line of the Transcaucasian states within the framework of the European Union's TRACECA project. For this purpose, the European Union has allocated 15.0 million euros, of which 6.0 million euros were intended for the Azerbaijani railways. According to the agreement, the Azerbaijani side had to spend an additional 3.0 million euros for the project due to internal resources.

In total, the project covered railways in 1,412 km, of which 550 km covered on the territory of Azerbaijan. In this direction, connecting the Baku-Boyuk Kesik stations railway, 40 stations were connected via the newly commissioned communication line. The project covering the Caucasus was implemented on the route Baku - Boyuk Kesik - Poti (Georgia) - Tbilisi - Yerevan (Armenia), in where a total of 130 railway stations are located. 29,000 electronic automatic telephone exchanges were put into operation within the new project. ATSs in Azerbaijan are operated by the Azerbaijan State Railway.

After gaining independence, the interest of foreign businessmen in our country, the transition to a market economy, the steady development of the economy, especially the establishment of stability through successful domestic policy, and so on. Such processes required the expansion of work in the field of documentary telecommunication and compliance with international standards. For this purpose, bureaufax, telefax, international telex bureaus were opened in Baku telegraph in 1993 (Dovlat antiinhisar siyasati, 1997, p. 29).

In 1994, a telegraph system with 24 channels was established via the Baku-Ankara satellite telephone line. This was the first satellite telegraph system in Azerbaijan (Azarbaycan rabitasi, 2003, p. 23).

In 1995, the British company Datacom LTD and the US company Swift Global established telex and fax centers in the Baku Telegraph that fully meet world standards. Also, on the basis of an agreement signed between the Ministry of Communication and the British company E.C. Datacom in 1995, the company's and Baku Telegraph specialists established a Switching-Tariffing System and applied it at the Baku Telex station (Abdulhasanli, 1995). As a result, it was possible to keep records and tariffs of all telex calls transmitted and received from the republic in our republic, to increase direct international routes and to obtain additional funds. Thanks to the new system, the Azerbaijan Telex Network has switched to the International Telecommunication Union's telex direction number 784 and the AI (two capital letters of the word AZERBAIJAN) telex network identification code. Previously, subscribers of the Azerbaijan Telex Network dialed the former USSR's route code «64», then the subscriber's number and established a connection and received the subscriber's response with the identification code «SU». Thanks to the measures taken, in 1996, the telefax service earned 35.7 million manat (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 8, Volume 1, p. 31).

In 1997, direct telex was established between Azerbaijan, England and Russia, and direct telegraph communication was established with Kazakhstan (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 4, Volume 4, p. 43).

In 1997, for the first time in the Baku Telegraph, modern TDM digital type telegraph equipment with 46 channels was put into operation (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 4, Volume 4, p. 43). In result, the number and quality of telegraph channels have been increased, and the transfer of telegraph traffic from far abroad countries through Azerbaijan to many CIS countries has been ensured.

The strategic position of communication in the national economy of the republic is undeniably great. One of the indicators of this is the growing role of the market economy in economic relations with countries around the world. Azerbaijan benefits from cooperation with many countries in the field of communications. Thus, Azerbaijan cooperates with the United States, Britain, Russia, Germany, Iran, and others. Close cooperation has been established with In 1991-2001, the Ministry of Communications participated in the organization of 10 joint ventures with the participation of foreign companies. 5 of these joint ventures were established in cooperation with 5 Turkish, with 2 American, with 1 British, with 1 Germany and with 1 Israeli companies.

The first joint venture in the field of communication in our country was the Azerbaijan-Turkey Ultel Joint Venture, which established in 1991. Along with the operation of telephone networks, the joint ventures, in close cooperation with the organizations of the Ministry of Communications, provided services for the construction, commissioning, warranty period and post-war period telephone exchanges in the telephone networks of Azerbaijan. Ultel JV provided a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art telephone services to Hyatt Regency, Baku Steel Company, European Tabacco, Hotel Europe, Azerigas Open Joint Stock Company, the Ministry of Economic Development and other large enterprises and organizations (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 151, Volume 1, p. 107).

«Aztel» BM spesialized as a provision and mountage of telecommunication equipment was established at the end of 1993. The joint venture was established by the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Turkish company «Teletas» and the «Ulduz» Scientific Production Association. The size of the authorized capital of the JV is determined as follows: Ministry of Communication 10%, Ulduz Science Production Association 40%, Teletash 50% (Dovlat antiinhisar siyasati, 1997).

On March 5, 1994, the Bakcell Joint Venture was established by the Ministry of Communication of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Israeli company GTIB (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 143, Volume 2, p. 57). Mobile phones belonging to Bakcell JV have the same index of 90 xx xx as in the Baku local network. After the commissioning of the S-12 inter-network electronic digital station in our country, the zone code «55» was allocated for the subscribers of Bakcell JV, and the station was connected to the long-distance station.

Bakcell JV introduced the GSM-2000 digital mobile communication system in 1998 with the investment of Motorola, a company of the USA with extensive experience in the field of mobile communication (Butun mu§tarilarimiza, 1999).

In 1996, AzAvroTel JV was launched. In 1995, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Communications and LUKOIL Europe LTD, a subsidiary of the British CPT and the Russian LUKoil (ATS-92, 1995).

According to the agreement, AzAvroTel JV was established and ATS 92/97 was rebuilt by the joint venture in accordance with modern requirements. The total cost of the work was set at $ 10.0 million. The joint venture provided local, trunk and long-distance communication services in Baku.

Azercell-Telecom was established on January 19, 1996, by the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Turkish company Turkcell in connection with the development of the mobile communication network. On December 15, 1996, the company started operating on a mobile basis with a subscription system.

«Artel» JV was established in 1996 by the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Rumeli Holding Joint Stock Company, one of the largest holdings in Turkey (ATS-92, 1995). The Ministry of Communications had a $ 0.68 million (40%) participant share in and in Rumeli Holding Anonymous had a $ 1.02 million (60%) share in the Joint Venture. Artel JV created the National Data Network (Inter-Computer Data Transmission Network) to establish interbank e-mail exchange, wireless telephone communication, paid television services, organization of radio and television studios, installation and operation of card telephones, installation of fiber optic and radio relay lines and exploitation, etc. operated on. According to the agreement, 40 percent of the revenues should have come from the Ministry of Communications and 60 percent from Rumeli Holding (Central Archive, Volume 1, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 151, p. 186).

Baku and Boston TV, an Azerbaijan-US Joint Venture founded in 1996, provided cable television installation and maintenance services. In 2001, the JV had 5,000 subscribers. The initial charter capital of Baku and Boston TV was $ 1.4 million, and the value of investments was $ 1.0 million. The JV employed 41 people in 2001, 90 percent of whom were local (Central Archive, Volume 1, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 151, p. 134).

Caspian-American Telecom JV was established on October 15, 1997, by the Ministry of Communications and Omni Communication Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Omni Metromedia Caspian). As the shares of the participants in the authorized fund are 50% - 50%, in accordance with the law, the distribution of income in the ratio of 50% - 50% is taken into account. The company was involved in wireless telephone installation and invested $ 42.5 million in its initial operation. 160 Azerbaijani citizens were employed in the JV (Khanveli, 1999).

Founded in February 1998 by the Ministry of Communications and the Turkish company Akpinar Holding, Azerin provided internet services to legal entities and individuals. Akpinar Holding accounted for 49 percent of the joint venture's charter capital and the Ministry of Communications for 51 percent (May ayinda nalar, 1998). The Azerin Joint Venture provided its users in the country with in-demand and high-speed Internet connections via international satellite channels to Turkey and the United States.

The 10th joint venture established in Azerbaijan in the field of communications is ADANET Closed Joint - Stock Company. The Azerbaijan-Germany Joint Venture was established in 1998 (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 151, Volume 1, p. 32). In 2001, the JV, which provides Internet communication services, had 1,000 regular subscribers.

Joint ventures established as a result of international cooperation have established their activities in various fields of communication, paid a lot of money to the state budget, and helped to provide jobs for local citizens in our country during the unemployment problem. In 2001, a total of 6,285 people worked in joint ventures, about 98 percent of whom were local citizens. The total value of fixed assets of enterprises in 2000 was 886145.2 million manat. In 1998-2001, 10 joint ventures paid a total of 237,718.3 manat to the state budget (Humbatov, 2002, p. 18). This amount reflects the position of joint ventures in the development of the national economy.

Numerous measures in the field of communications required the involvement of large sums of money. For this purpose, special attention was paid to both domestic and foreign investment. Although the volume of investment in communications fell sharply with the restoration of Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, progress was made in the following years.

In 1993, 297.3 million manat (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 151, Volume 1, p. 29), in 1996, 30.0 billion manat, in 1999, 66.0 billion manat were invested in all areas of communications. According to the 1st of January 2002, $ 465.0 million had been invested in communocation fields between 1991 and 2001 years (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 2, p. 129). In general, most of the investment in communications was foreign capital. The Republic of Azerbaijan has been working hard since the first years of independence to establish international communications. Thus, our country has signed agreements on cooperation in various fields of communication with a number of countries, became a member of a number of international organizations, established various types of communication - direct telephone channels, satellite, telex, telegraph, postal communication.

In 1992, Azerbaijan joined the Regional Communication Union, which was established with the participation of the CIS member states. Due to this, the Ministry of Communication of Azerbaijan managed to restore the weakened relations with the communicators of other republics after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Regional Communication Union was established on December 17, 1991. Along with 12 CIS countries, the RRI Postal Commission includes communication services from Turkey, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania (Huseynov, 1965).

The 22nd meeting of the Regional Communication Union was held in Baku on November 18-19, 1999, where «On the experience of creating a single network in telecommunications», «On the experience of the Regional Communications Union in the application of economic methods in the use of radio frequency spectrum» and other issues has been discussed (Huseynov, 1965).

The Republic of Azerbaijan was accepted as the 167th member of the International Telecommunication Union on April 10, 1992, and the organization assigned the code «994» to Azerbaijan. However, although Azerbaijan was a member of this organization, it did not have the right to vote.

In order to have the right to vote, each state must accede to the Statute and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, adopted in Geneva in 1992, as well as to the amendments signed in Kyoto. On March 14, 2000, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan «On Accession to the Charter and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, as well as amending documents», and the Milli Majlis (National Assambly) ratified it. (Beynalxalq Telekommunikasiya, 2000, p. 12).

The Universal Postal Union is one of the largest international communications organizations operating under the auspices of the United Nations. The organization was established on October 9, 1874, at the First Congress of 22 countries in Bern, Switzerland, in order to expand and improve the international postal services. Since then, October 9 has been celebrated annually as a World Post Day. Azerbaijan, a member of the Universal Postal Union since April 1, 1993, has already established bilateral postal relations with 41 countries in 2001, exchanged money orders with 17 countries and organized 33 types of additional services in postal enterprises (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 10, Volume 3, p. 68).

On July 15, 1999, the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of the European Organization of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT). (3, p. 29). On May 2, 2000, the Charter and Convention of the European Organization of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations were approved by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Boran, 1998, p. 33).

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of telecommunication and postal services on June 18, 1997, in Tashkent. According to the agreement, the exchange of all types of postal items between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, including express mail and remittances, the exchange of all types of postal items with the Kyrgyz and Tajik republics using the territory of Uzbekistan as a transit, etc. intended (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 1, Work 10, Volume 3, p. 53).

In 1999, protocols on cooperation were signed between the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Turkey and the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Russian Federation (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 6, p. 46).

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Georgia signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of communications on March 22, 2000 (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 6, p. 47). According to the agreement, the two countries could use each other's territory as a transit country, and all types of postal items should be received and sent between the countries.

The first founding conference of the Eurasian Postal Union was held on June 5-7, 2001 in Istanbul, Turkey. The postal administration of Azerbaijan also took part in the conference. Representation of the postal representation of the republic was provided both at the conference and in the committee on «eurogiro» system. The union mainly covered the post offices of Turkic-speaking countries (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 134, Volume 10, p. 246).

The achievements in the field of communications, which are great importance in the national economy, were highly appreciated not only within the country, but also outside of Azerbaijan. According to the results of 2000, the headquarters of Azerexpresspocht was awarded the gold category «European Arka» by the BID organization in Madrid, Spain. One of the main reasons for the award is the company's role in expanding high commercial and economic ties in the European market (Central Archive, F. 1, Lis. 12, Work 143, Volume 2, p. 183).

The important role of communication in the life of the country is proved by the fact that communicators are closely involved in all events held within the country. In the beginning of 1995, the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC) was established with the participation of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan and 11 foreign oil companies. AIOC has been extracting oil and gas since the summer of 1996 from the Azeri and Chirag fields and from the deeper part of the Gunashli field. Over the past period, AIOC has implemented an extensive program of activities in the country (Huseynov, 1965).

In addition to Villa Petrolia, the company's main office, AIOC specialists have implemented important work at the Sangachal oil terminal, Shelflayihtikinti shipyard and the Chirag-1 platform. In order to increase the coordination of the activities of all these facilities and the efficiency of the work done, there is a need to establish communication between them. For this purpose, an agreement was signed in the beginning of 1997 with the Turkish company Alkatel-Telecom. According to the agreement, Alkatel-Telecom was to maintain the communication system in the future. The total value of the contract was $ 1.2 million. The work was completed by the summer of 1997. Because the facilities are so far from each other, a new television tower opportunity was used to connect them. (Huseynov, 1965).

Conclusion. International agreements signed by the Republic of Azerbaijan in various fields of communication, large-scale projects implemented not only improved the quality of communication services, but also made our country one of the most strategically important countries in the region.

Also, the process of integration of our country into the world has intensified, and the state budget has received large incomes. To ensure the attraction of foreign investment in the field of communication, joint enterprise were established with the participation of the Ministry of Communication and foreign companies, and thus the total value of the charter capital of joint ventures reached $ 80.0 million. In 199l-2001, the Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of a number of international communications organizations, including the Regional Communication Union, the Universal Postal Union, and the European Organization of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT).


communication international optic european

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7. Boran, B. (1998, April 10). Biz hsr il rabitsdsn qazanilan milyonlarla AB§ dollarmm xarics axmmm qar^ismi alacayiq [We Will Prevent the Outflow of US Millions Dollars Coming from Communications Every Year]. Baku. «Azsrbaycan» newspaper, 78.

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21. Hasanov, M.N. (2003). Baki §shsrinds rabitsnin inki^af msrhslslsri [Stages of Development of Communication in Baku]. Materials of the Republican Scientific-technical Conference Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Ministry of Communication. Baku: Printing house of Azerbaijan Technical University, 66-70.

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