Peculiarities of gender policy formation in the conditions of European integration

Theoretical aspects of the problem of gender and gender policy are considered. It is noted that gender issue and gender policy, especially in the context of Ukraine's European integration aspirations, is important in political processes of the state.

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Дата добавления 17.01.2023
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Peculiarities of gender policy formation in the conditions of European integration

Maksymchuk O.V. Teacher at the Department of Social and Legal Disciplines

The article is devoted to the study of gender policy in the context of European integration aspirations. Theoretical aspects of the problem of gender and gender policy are considered. It has been established that the main conceptual categories of gender policy are gender equality and civil society. It is determined that Ukraine has a sufficient political and legal field for establishing constructive interaction of civil society institutions with public authorities in gender policy. An analysis of the current state of interaction between state institutions and civil society in the implementation of gender policy in our country. The development of strategic policy taking into account the gender perspective is analyzed. The substantiation and introduction of the ideology of equality are considered. The basic principles of gender policy are described. It is noted that the gender issue and gender policy, especially in the context of Ukraine's European integration aspirations, is important in the political processes of the state. It is analyzed that gender policy in Ukraine is based on statistical approaches to the development of equality between women and men. They implement a gender perspective in all areas of public policy, improving and evaluating decision-making processes, legislation, strategic policies and programs in all areas, oblasts and at all levels. It is determined that the national gender policy is the activity of public authorities to address the issues of gender equality in society. At the same time, components of national gender policy are policy towards women, ensuring their equal social status with the help of people, ensuring their equal opportunities as a socio-demographic group, as well as gender awareness, party orientation with women and «Gender Studies» as an interdisciplinary field. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the expansion of women's political participation requires state and legal incentives for their participation in party activities. It is determined that the issue of equal opportunities for men and women is becoming increasingly important in society.

Key words: gender, gender policy, communication, state, formation.


Стаття присвячена дослідженню гендерної політики в умовах євроінтеграційних прагнень. Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти проблеми гендеру та гендерної політики. Встановлено, що головними концептуальними категоріями гендерної політики є гендерна рівність та громадянське суспільство. Визначено, що в Україні сформоване достатнє політичне та правове поле для налагодження конструктивної взаємодії інституцій громадянського суспільства з органами державної влади у гендерній політиці. Проведено аналіз сучасного стану взаємодії інститутів держави та громадянського суспільства в реалізації гендерної політики в нашій державі. Проаналізовано розробку стратегічної політики з урахуванням гендерної перспективи. Розглянуто обґрунтування та упровадження ідеології рівності. Охарактеризовано основні принципи гендерної політики. Зазначено, що гендерне питання та гендерна політика, особливо, в умовах євроінтеграційних прагнень України має важливе значення в політичних процесах держави. Проаналізовано, що гендерна політика в Україні базується на статистичних підходах до розвитку рівності між жінками та чоловіками. Вони реалізують гендерну перспективу в усіх сферах державної політики, покращуючи та оцінюючи процеси прийняття рішень, законодавства, стратегічну політику та програми в усіх сферах областях та на всіх рівнях. Виокремлено, що національна гендерна політика - це «діяльність органів державної влади щодо вирішення проблем гендерної рівності в суспільстві. При цьому, складовими національної гендерної політики є політика щодо жінок, забезпечення їх рівного соціального статусу за допомогою людей, забезпечення їх рівних можливостей як соціально-демографічної групи, а також ген- дерна обізнаність, партійна орієнтація відносин з жінками та «Тендерні дослідження» як міждисциплінарний напрям дослідження. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що розширення політичної участі жінок потребує державно-правових стимулів для їх участі в партійній діяльності. Визначено, що питання рівних можливостей чоловіків і жінок набуває все більшого значення в суспільстві.

Ключові слова: гендер, гендерна політика, комунікація, держава, формування.


Setting of the scientific problem. In the conditions of formation and development of a new independent sovereign democratic Ukrainian state, Ukrainian society faces a number of important problems that require rethinking of many traditional schemes that are irrelevant in modern realities. One of such problems is ensuring equal rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens and eliminating all forms of discrimination on all grounds, including sex, which is an important condition for building a new democratic state. Inequality between men and women is one of the oldest problems of mankind and, unfortunately, it also exists in Ukraine. It has historically been the case that women in public life are limited by certain limits of home, family and family, so any other activity is almost inaccessible to her. Today, the inclusion of women in the field of historical research, the study of gender aspects of the history of the Ukrainian people is experiencing a new rise, but this area has not yet gained proper recognition in the scientific field. Both foreign and domestic scholars deal with the problems of the women's movement and gender policy, which has become one of the dominant ones in modern society.

The relevance of the topic is that, during the transformational changes in society, a radical change is the transition to a new culture, worldview and ideology, which is based on the recognition of equality between men and women in economic, political, social, personal life. The urgency of the topic is due to the elimination of gender imbalance in political issues, which should become a purposeful policy of the state and the consolidated activities of the women's movement. However, it should be noted that many aspects of the study of women's origins in Ukraine remain unexplored in Ukrainian historical thought and historiography, so there is a need for in-depth analysis in this area. The urgency of the topic causes the existence in Ukrainian society of certain differences proclaimed the principles of gender policy and the real situation in society. The introduction of a gender equality democracy will eliminate this dualism and create a society of sustainable development in Ukraine. Further movement of Ukraine through European integration involves not only deepening the process of reforming public administration and economy, but also social transformation in the direction of real affirmation of the values of cultural diversity, tolerance, respect for the rights and freedoms of minorities.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. The number of publications on gender policy, which is considered at both the macro and micro levels, is constantly growing, covering a wide range of issues. And this is natural, because gender equality is recognized as an important value of the United Nations and state gender policy in Ukraine is focused on major international regulations. Fundamental approaches to the development of gender policy in Ukraine, conceptual principles of gender practice are covered in publications, and the relationship of gender issues with social responsibility and gender asymmetry in the labor market are reflected in scientific articles of researchers. In the context of personnel management, publications that address gender aspects of leadership in management and gender interaction of personnel in modern conditions through the prism of psychology deserve attention. Despite the broad representation of gender issues in research in various fields of knowledge, gender policy research in the formation of enterprise personnel management strategy is left out of consideration.

Definition of research objectives. Our work is devoted to the study of gender policy in modern society. To achieve this goal, the following scientific objectives were identified: to analyze the scientific literature and the evolution of the idea of gender policy; consider the main theoretical approaches to the study of gender policy; describe the basic principles of gender policy; to consider gender policy in Ukraine and problems of its formation and implementation; to consider gender policy as one of the conditions for integration into NATO and the EU.

Presentation of the main research material

In the system of world renewal and reform, Ukraine seeks to create a civil society on a modern (humanitarian) basis, which is a prerequisite for a democratic system. Based on this, the urgent need to rebuild Ukraine is to overcome traditional gender stereotypes, create new forms and universal standards for women and men, a new model of gender culture. It is public policy that plays a primary role in modeling living conditions, where equality between men and women is paramount. The introduction of a gender approach in public administration in Ukraine is a means of achieving social justice and is necessary to ensure equal and sustainable human development through the use of the most effective and efficient methods of public intervention. This approach requires the definition of clear state gender strategies and the development of appropriate state gender policies.

Today, the inclusion of women in the field of historical research, the study of gender aspects of the history of the Ukrainian people is experiencing a new rise, but this area has not yet gained proper recognition in the scientific field. Both foreign and domestic scholars deal with the problems of the women's movement and gender policy, which has become one of the dominant ones in modern society. The position of women in society in general and in the political life of the state in particular is discussed in the studies of such foreign scholars as: R. Stolper, G. Rabin, A. Rich and others. Both domestic and foreign scholars, in particular, V. Blyzniuk, T. Vasylevska, S. Garashchenko, N. Hrytsyak, R. Yeruslanova, E. Zuikova, O. Ivanytska, O. Kulachek, dedicated their works to the object of research of gender policy., K. Levchenko, T. Melnyk, M. Piren and others. As a result of the constant dynamics of social relations, gender relations are also changing [3, р. 58].

Gender policy-making has a history. In the 1980s, women from all over the world launched an active international movement for women's rights, which proved to be productive as, for the first time in history, states expressed support for women's rights and recognized it as their «high priority» [3, p. 18]. However, despite promising changes in international law and practice, women around the world are still facing everyday realities. In addition, they often lack the tools and knowledge needed to use the human rights system to combat abuse. Many women do not know about the women's movement or perceive it as something abstract that does not concern them. Although it should be noted that the active work of various women's associations and organizations over the past decade has made women's rights more defined, now the task of world women is to make them more accessible [2, p. 61]. Gender is a socio-cultural category and collective perception that translates the biological differences of the sexes into the language of social and cultural differentiation. The concept of gender comes from the Greek «genos» - the origin, the material carrier of heredity, the one who gives birth. The term «gender» was introduced into the social sciences by Anne Oakley in the 1970s. Gender has a social and legal aspect. The basis of the legal status of the individual is his actual social status, i.e. the real state of man in society. The law introduces this state into the legislative framework. In social terms, status is a certain system of social opportunities. gender european integration

The end of the second millennium is marked for Ukraine by the choice of the gender vector of development. In accordance with its commitments, it supports the gender strategies of the UN, the Council of Europe and the world community [2, p. 11]. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, ratified by Ukraine international treaties on human rights and freedoms, the final documents of the IV World Conference on Women «Actions for Equality, Development and Peace» 1995) and the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of July 12, 1995 «On Recommendations of the Participants of Parliamentary Hearings on the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women», emphasizing the role of family and women in political historical and cultural development of Ukraine, seeking to improve the demographic situation, ensuring the implementation of the family's functions, as well as creating legal and socio-economic conditions to improve the position of women, increase their role in society, the fullest disclosure of their intellectual, spiritual and creative potential. March 1999 by resolution № 475-XVI adopted the Declaration on the General Principles of the State Policy of Ukraine on the Family and Women. The state undertook to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men in accordance with fundamental human rights and freedoms, to solve other fundamental problems related to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women [2, p. 12]. However, a single declaration of antidiscrimination is not enough, and the process is hampered by the lack of a law on gender equality: the draft Law on State Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Men and Women 1999, returned to the Verkhovna Rada for revision and not yet adopted, so there are no legislative guarantees of gender equality and the state mechanism for ensuring it. An important problem in slowing down this process is also the stereotypes that have developed in society that women and power are incompatible.

The creation of state policy to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men in most countries was preceded by state policy towards women. Based on the generalization of world experience, science and practice determine the following types of this policy: 1) patriarchal policy of the state, the purpose and content of which is to focus on the main place and role of women in fulfilling the natural function of motherhood in professional activity, recognition of women's dependence on power, property and ideology formed by men; 2) paternalistic policy of the state is a direction of state activity towards women, the content of which is the proclamation and protection of rights and freedoms on an equal footing with men, organized involvement of women in state forms of government, creating a system of benefits and protection of motherhood and childhood. in the system of production, the promotion of the image of women as equals with men; 3) egalitarian state policy is a purposeful activity of the state to create conditions and opportunities for women on a par with men, providing guarantees for their will, self-affirmation and self-realization, expression of personal strength of both sexes [9]. However, gender policy, as a separate area of public policy, has become a common legal phenomenon in all democracies around the world, after the establishment in 1946 of a special UN Commission to monitor the situation of women and promote their rights. And four UN conferences on the situation of women, which took place during the last two decades of the last century, identified the main directions and principles of gender policy, which are reflected in relevant conventions and other international legal acts [10].

It is important to note that UN Security Council Resolution 1325 is a key international legal regulator in the field of international security policy. She emphasizes the special role of women in preventing and resolving military conflicts around the world and in building peace. The resolution calls on the international community to ensure greater participation of women in public administration at all levels of decision-making, both nationally, regionally and internationally. Particular emphasis is placed on ensuring the equal participation of men and women at all stages and in all aspects of the prevention and resolution of military conflicts.

On October 27, 2018, the Law of Ukraine «On Introducing Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men During Military Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Other Military Formations» was adopted. This ensures equal rights for men and women during military service and strengthens the legal protection of women during military service [9].

Currently, women have the right to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine almost simultaneously. All positions on submarines and surface ships, in the management of the crew of surface ships (except for moral, psychological and medical support) are logical support, work on which is associated with toxic substances. It is not uncommon for people to lose the ability to play a special role.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the UN General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have planned and implemented a number of measures to implement the National Plan for the Implementation of Security Council Resolutions 1325 «Women, Peace, Security» until 2020. the subject of the curriculum has been significantly expanded, taking into account the gender component. Gender policy strategies for all countries, regardless of political regime and historical perspective, are universal: E; equality in employment and education; E; service care for children; E; birth control, contraceptive methods and abortion; E; legal and financial independence; ^ combating sexual oppression and male violence. Ukraine, as a state, is trying to implement a gender policy in various spheres of society. In particular, gender development in the political sphere implies a significant increase in the requirements for the level of representation of women in legislative and executive bodies, local selfgovernment bodies; promoting women's social activism; formation and optimization of the institutional base; legal protection of women in sensitive areas; conducting gender expertise of legislation; combining the efforts of the state and civil society to introduce and strengthen gender control over the process of social and economic change in the interests of establishing a fair social and economic order in the country, overcoming the demographic crisis [9].

For example, gender mainstreaming at the strategic level is the responsibility of senior management. During the discussion with representatives of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, issues were discussed, and Ms. Matilda believed that gender equality in the security and defense sector is not the only thing, equal rights and equal opportunities, but also equal requirements and responsibilities. men. and railway troops.

The directive is based on the concept of «gender mainstreaming», which is a strategy to achieve gender equality in the armed forces - members by stepping up the involvement of women and men in the effective performance of functions assigned at all levels, taking into account. interests and experience of both sexes [11].

The assessment of integration prospects is aimed at identifying gender differences in socio-professional development and attitudes towards women and men in terms of the context reflected in their roles and social interactions, in the distribution of work, power and access to resources. In NATO's strategic teams, gender mainstreaming has been the basis for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 «Women, Peace, Security», as well as additional gender directives.Gender policy in the economic sphere provides for the establishment of equal opportunities for choosing a profession or specialty, employment; creating conditions for the restoration of professional capacity of women who cared for a child; the right to equal access to financial assistance and loans; equal access to business and property rights; developing special policies for women living in rural areas; development of gender statistics in various fields. Gender efforts in the social sphere are aimed at protecting motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; health care; equality in family relations; development and implementation of anti-poverty programs to accelerate the overcoming of trends in the feminization of poverty. Gender policy in the cultural sphere involves changing social and cultural patterns of behavior of men and women to achieve equality, eradication of prejudices, prejudices and other manifestations based on the idea of inferiority or superiority of one of the sexes or stereotyping roles of men and women; ensuring equal rights for women in the field of education. Note that the content of a particular area of state gender policy is not complete, it is constantly expanding and detailed by decisions and actions of public authorities and local governments at the national and local levels. The implementation of gender policy is enshrined in Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men» (2005), which establishes the main directions of state policy to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men [11].

Thus, the state policy on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is aimed at: promoting gender equality; non-discrimination on the grounds of sex; application of positive actions; ensuring equal participation of women and men in making socially important decisions; ensuring equal opportunities for women and men to combine professional and family responsibilities; family support, formation of responsible motherhood and fatherhood; education and promotion of the culture of gender equality among the population of Ukraine, dissemination of educational activities in this area; protection of society from information aimed at discrimination on the grounds of sex. In addition to legislative consolidation, gender policy was implemented through the National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women and Promoting Gender Equality in Society for 2001-2005 and the State Program for Gender Equality in Ukrainian Society until 2010 and a number of other legal acts. As of today, the Draft Concept of the National Program -National Action Plan for the realization of equal rights and opportunities for women and men (gender equality) for the period up to 2016 has been developed» [1, p. 94].


Thus, we can conclude that gender policy plays an important role in the practical implementation of gender principles of society, i. e. the introduction of equal rights and opportunities for men and women in all spheres of public life. The influence of modern world and national politics significantly depends on the involvement in it and the reflection of women's and men's choices in individual, collective and social life, the activity of their attitude to change in the political sphere, and especially in the system of power; their understanding of their place and role in the development and functioning of the entire political system of society, in acquiring the necessary level of political culture. The gender approach is increasingly penetrating the sphere of political governance and governance, becoming a real political force for influencing development, equality and peace.


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  • Lack of protection and increased vulnerability. Refusal to grant asylum to citizens of the CIS countries and China. Abduction, deportation and extradition. Asylum seekers and refugees from Uzbekistan - a group at risk. Migration Policy in Kazakhstan.

    реферат [17,2 K], добавлен 16.04.2014

  • Consideration of sovereignty as a basic constitutional principles of state law (for example, the countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States). Legislative support in Ukraine national development in the socio-cultural (spiritual) sphere.

    реферат [20,1 K], добавлен 13.02.2015

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