Gender-responsive government transitional justice policies - a path to sustainable peace and post-conflict reconstruction
The Russian war against Ukraine. The women and men are disproportionately affected by armed conflict. Analysis of work of state institutions in the context of the formation of state policy of the transition period, taking into account the gender aspect.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,6 K |
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levgeniia Lukianchenko,
Postgraduate student of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Gender advisor to the Office of Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
Problem statement. The Russian war against Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014. Over the past seven years, it has become clear that women and men are disproportionately affected by armed conflict. This problem is exacerbated by women's and men's unequal access to decision-making, resources, and power, as well as existing stereotypes about the roles of women and men in public and political life. At the same time, women remain more vulnerable to the negative consequences of war: according to official statistics, the number of women-internally displaced persons (IDPs), unemployed IDPs, victims of gender-based violence and other vulnerable groups exceeds the number of men. Women are significantly involved than men in the resolution of the international armed conflict in Ukraine as part of security and defence structures and official negotiation missions.
Since 2019, the Government of Ukraine has taken active steps to reinvigorate peace talks in the OSCE-led Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) and through negotiations in the Normandy format. The Ukrainian delegation to the TCG consists of seven members, of whom only two are women, who are responsible for humanitarian and socioeconomic issues, while security and political issues are handled by the male members of the delegation. Recent research has shown that 71.1 % of respondents from the amalgamated communities of Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts who participated in the UN Women survey considered the participation of women in conflict prevention, peace negotiations and recovery processes as vital and necessary.1
At the same time, there is an urgent need to define a specific list of measures implemented by the state in the process of de-occupation and reintegration. However, no concessions can be made to the aggressor state regarding the territorial integrity and state sovereignty of Ukraine. Society has a demand for justice and certainty. Therefore, the formation of an inclusive state policy of transition period is relevant.
The object of an article is to analyse the current (actual) work of state institutions in the context of the formation of state policy of the transition period, taking into account the gender aspect.
Presentation of the basic material of the research
To begin with, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and temporary occupation of part of its territory has led to significant violations of fundamental human rights, such as life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and security. Since 2014, the state has been taking measures aimed at responding to the challenges that arise precisely because of the ongoing armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. However, most of the measures taken by the state so far are response measures that do not correspond to the situation in the seventh year of armed aggression, in particular the fact that the current legislation contains numerous inconsistencies and gaps in both terms and approaches. Situational responses to the challenges that Ukraine faces give the impression of inconsistent state policy.
Therefore, in September 2020, the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories (hereinafter referred to as MRTOT) initiated work on the formation of a state policy for the transition period. The main goal was to determine the basic principles, the so-called “red lines” of de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories; to compile and unify the terminology of transitional justice; to distribute regulation to the conflict and post-conflict periods, which will allow to determine a certain algorithm of state actions during the reintegration of temporarily occupied (de-occupied) territories and their residents, de-occupation of temporarily occupied territories including issues of demilitarization and disarmament, addressing humanitarian issues, restoration of justice, etc.; strengthening social ties with the temporarily occupied territories; introduction of elements of transitional justice, in particular, liability for offences related to temporary occupation, restrictions on the election and appointment of Ukrainian citizens who have been involved in the activities of occupation forces and occupation administrations of the Russian Federation, measures for sustainable peacebuilding and non-recurrence of occupation; introduction of the convalidation institute of transactions committed in the temporarily occupied territories; creation of prerequisites for formation of the personnel reserve for work in the de-occupied territories; imposing restrictions on circulation of the aggressor state's currency during the transitional period.
On June 2, 2021, bill No. 226/2021 of the President of Ukraine “On the implementation of the Decision of the National Security and Defence Council on some issues of intensifying the process of peaceful settlement of the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.” The Bill of the President of Ukraine №226/2021: According to the decree, within two months, the Government shall prepare a framework draft law on the implementation of transitional justice in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. As a result, on August 4, 2021, at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Draft Law “On the Principles of the State Policy of Transition Period” (hereinafter referred to as the Draft law) was approved.
It should be noted that the development of the draft law on the state policy of the transition period and the procedures of the transition period is also provided for in several other regulations, in particular, Article 21 of the Plan of legislative work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 2021 The Resolution of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:, step 70 of the Government's Priority Action Plan for 2021 The plan of Government's priorities for 2021: na-2021-s240321, and the Decree of the President of Ukraine from March 24, 2021, which implemented the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine from March 11, 2021 “On the strategy for de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.” The Bill of the President of Ukraine №117/2021: The aforementioned regulations are vivid proof that there is currently a synergy of efforts of all branches of government to ensure a consistent public policy of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories and transitional justice.
According to international practice, transitional justice includes the following elements: reparations for losses incurred during the armed conflict; institutional reforms for the non-repetition of the armed conflict; accountability for serious crimes; and the right to know the truth about the armed conflict. National Strategic Plan on improvement of women's life 2013-2020: national-strategic-plan-for-advancement-of-women-2013-2022
These elements themselves became the basis for the development of the draft law. In addition, the draft law is based on the UN international principles on transitional justice UN Approach to Transitional Justice:, and on the 1990 Copenhagen criteria, as a key document of the OSCE member states, which define obligations for democratic elections, the rule of law, and fundamental rights and freedoms. Copenhagen criteria:
Following the UN principles on transitional justice processes and mechanisms, transitional justice processes shall necessarily account for the ensuring of the rights of women and girls. Report of the Secretary-General on the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies S/2004/616, p. 4 (23 August 2004): Since any armed conflict contributes to gender inequality in society and increases the vulnerability of women and girls to human rights violations, including sexual violence, in the time of armed conflict. According to official statistics, women make up the majority of internally displaced persons affected by gender-based violence and other vulnerable groups. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, as of July 6, 2021, there were 1,473,650 registered internally displaced persons in Ukraine, of whom 59 % were women, including 65 % of women over the age of 65. Official data on IDPs:
The experience of previous armed conflicts shows that the participation of women and men in post-conflict recovery processes is unequal, while transitional justice does not fully address the needs of different groups of women and men affected by conflict. Therefore, it is crucial for Ukraine that transitional justice mechanisms include measures that ensure that women and girls, men and boys have equal and meaningful participation in all transitional justice measures and that victims of conflict-related sexual violence are guaranteed justice and reparations.
At the end of 2020, Ukraine adopted its second National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” (hereinafter referred to as NAP 1325) until 2025, which provides for several measures aimed at ensuring post-conflict recovery, development and implementation of transitional justice systems based on the principles of equal rights and opportunities for women and men, and ensuring protection from sexual violence in armed conflict and peacetime.11 According to NAP 1325, international standards and a gender-sensitive approach must be taken into account when developing a strategy for the de-occupation and reintegration of the occupied territories, as well as national legislation in the field of transitional justice.
On August 9, 2021, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered the bill № 5844 “On the principles of the State Policy of Transition Period.” Article 11 of the bill envisages two vital components in the field of ensuring equal rights for women and men. First, the state ensures equal and meaningful participation of women in all measures of transitional justice. This component is vital because transitional justice measures are one part of sustainable peacebuilding. According to the Global Study on the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 National action plan on implementation United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: zatverdzhennya-nacionalnogo-a1544r, when women sit down at the peace negotiation table, there is a 20 % increase in the likelihood of a two-year peace agreement; a 35 % increase in the likelihood of a 15-year peace agreement. According to a published study by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security in 2020 The role of women in the peacebuilding process: amidst-conflict/, a total of 352 peace agreements were reached between 1990 and 2019, but the inclusion of gender mainstreaming in peace agreements declined from 45 % in 2013 to 29 % in 2019.
Given these dynamics with the reduced involvement of women in peace processes, it is an important task for Ukraine to ensure at the legislative level equal participation of men and women in peace building and post-conflict recovery.
The second important component is that the state guarantees responses to sexual violence in armed conflict. The Women, Peace, Security agenda, which is formed by UN Security Council resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106, 2122, 2242, 2467, 2493, focuses on the issue of sexual violence in armed conflict. Sexual violence is a serious human rights violation that can constitute international crimes, especially if committed in situations of armed conflict. This crime can be classified as a war crime, a crime against humanity, or an act of genocide, depending on the manner and context of the crimes committed. That is why a clear understanding of this crime, the establishment of a gender-based mechanism for documenting the facts of sexual violence in conditions of armed conflict, bringing perpetrators to justice, compensation, rehabilitation and prevention of the recurrence of such crimes in the future is a priority component in the state policy of transitional justice. Speaking of Ukraine's experience, we should also refer to the international experience of transitional justice as a path to peacebuilding.
Let us take the experience of Myanmar as an example. In 1948, Myanmar proclaimed independence, since then, there has been a non-international armed conflict between governmental and non-governmental armed forces for almost 60 years. In 2015 there was a ceasefire between the Government of Myanmar and numerous armed groups. UN Women led survey for the development of second NAP 1325: second-nap-on-unscr-1325/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The Global Study on resolution 1325 (2015): 12 13 A short history of Burma: Amid conflict, women seek to overcome obstacles to participation in public life and address women's needs.
Although Myanmar has not adopted a national action plan pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1325, it has its National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women until 2022 (the Strategic Plan), adopted in 2013 and based on the World Conference on Women, 1995. GIWPS on women's involvement at the peace agreements: Provisions-Peace-Agreements.pdf Many women in Myanmar are active participants in peacebuilding. A large number of women's NGOs emerged as a result of public uprisings against the military regime, as well as in areas affected by conflict. Women's organizations have played a direct role in peace processes, assist in ceasefire negotiations, monitor compliance with the ceasefire, and engage in political dialogue and consultation with stakeholders in the peace process. Their involvement has led to the inclusion of several gender-related provisions in peace process agreements, including a 30 % quota for women's participation in political dialogue. A key strategy for women's movements in Myanmar had been to use international platforms and mechanisms for peacebuilding, advocacy for women's empowerment in all decision-making processes.
Despite their still under-representation in the Government, they have achieved significant progress at the Civil Society Forum and in social issues discussions at the Union Peace Conference in Panglong What does the Panglong conference mean for the peace process? conference-mean-for-the-peace-process/
, and some women serve as key advisers for ethnic armed organizations that negotiate for peace.
Conclusions. Despite the different nature of armed conflicts in Myanmar and Ukraine, several common conclusions can be drawn regarding the development of women's rights and women's involvement in peacebuilding, namely that women can use regional and international standards and norms to protect women's rights and peace, as well as the formal involvement of women in peace and political processes, can create greater opportunities to strengthen women's civil society organizations in times of conflict.
armed conflict transition period gender aspect
Лук'янченко Є.В.
Гендерно-оріентована державна політика перехідного правосуддя - шлях до розбудови стійкого миру та пост-конфліктного відновлення
Постановка проблеми. З 2014 року в Україні триває російська війна проти України. За останні сім років стало очевидним, що збройний конфлікт непропорційно впливає на жінок і чоловіків. Згадана проблема підсилюється нерівним доступом жінок і чоловіків до процесу прийняття рішень, ресурсів, влади, а також наявними стереотипами щодо ролей жінок і чоловіків у суспільному та політичному житті. Водночас жінки залишаються більш вразливими до негативних наслідків війни: відповідно до офіційної статистики кількість жінок внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО), безробітних ВПО, постраждалих від насильства за ознакою статі та інших вразливих груп переважає над кількістю чоловіків. Жінки значно менше, ніж чоловіки, залучені до врегулювання та розв'язання міжнародного збройного конфлікту в Україні у складі структур безпеки і оборони та офіційних переговорних місій.
З 2019 року український Уряд вжив активних заходів для пожвавлення мирних переговорів у Тристоронній контактній групі під керівництвом ОБСЄ (ТКГ) та шляхом переговорів у нормандському форматі. Українська делегація в ТКГ складається з семи членів, з яких лише дві-жінки, які відповідальні за гуманітарні та соціально-економічні питання, тоді як питання безпеки та політики вирішують чоловіки-члени делегації. Нещодавні дослідження показали, що 71,1% респондентів з об'єднаних громад Донецької, Луганської та Запорізької областей, які брали участь у опитуванні структури ООН Жінки розглядають питання участі жінок у запобіганні конфліктам, урегулюванні мирних переговорів та у процесах відновлення дуже важливим та необхідним.
Водночас існує нагальна потреба окреслити конкретний перелік заходів, які здійснює держава в процесі деокупації та реінтеграції. При цьому не може бути зроблено жодних поступок державі-агресору в питаннях територіальної цілісності та державного суверенітету України. У суспільства існує запит на справедливість та визначеність. Тому на часі формування інклюзивної державної політики перехідного періоду.
Стаття присвячена правовій основі та напрямку діяльності Уряду України у формуванні гендерно-орієнтованої державної політики перехідного періоду. Розкрито міжнародні принципи та зобов'язання України в рамках перехідного правосуддя з урахуванням гендерного аспекта, а також проаналізовано міжнародні та національні зобов'язання України в рамках залучення жінок до процесів розбудови миру та прийняття участі. У статті наводиться міжнародний досвід врахування міжнародних стандартів і норм з метою захисту прав жінок та розбудови миру.
Метою статті є аналіз поточної (актуальної) робота державних інституцій в розрізі формування державної політики перехідного періоду з урахуванням гендерного аспекту.
Ключові слові: перехідне правосуддя, постконфліктний період, гендерна рівність, розбудова миру, Україна, М'янма, порядок денний «Жінки, мир, безпека», сексуальне та гендерно-зумовлене насильство.
Лукьянченко Е.В.
Гендерно-ориентированный государственная политика переходного правосудия путь к развитию устойчивого мира и постконфликтного восстановления
Статья посвящена правовой основе и направления деятельности Правительства Украины в формировании гендерно-ориентированной государственной политики переходного периода. Раскрыто международные принципы и обязательства Украины в рамках переходного правосудия с учетом гендерного аспекта, а также проанализированы международные и национальные обязательства Украины в рамках привлечения женщин к процессам развития мира и принятия участия. В статье приводится международный опыт учета международных стандартов и норм с целью защиты прав женщин и развития мира.
Ключевые слова: переходное правосудия, постконфликтный период, гендерное равенство, развитие мира, Украина, Мьянма, повестка дня «Женщины, мир, безопасность», сексуальное и гендерно-обусловленное насилие.
Ievgeniia Lukianchenko
Gender-responsive government transitional justice policies a path to sustainable peace and post-conflict reconstruction
The article is devoted to the legal basis and direction of the Government of Ukraine in the development of gender-responsive state policy of the transition period. The international principles and commitments of Ukraine in the framework of transitional justice, taking into account the gender aspect, are revealed, as well as the international and national commitments of Ukraine in the framework of involving women in peacebuilding and participation. The article presents international experience of taking into account international standards and norms in order to protect women's rights and build peace. Global evidence indicates that women's meaningful participation in peace negotiations increases the duration of peace. Peace agreements with female signatories are more durable and have a significantly higher number of provisions aimed at political reform and higher implementation rates. The recent study investigating 352 peace agreements in 64 countries between 1990 and 2019 also found that there was a significant increase in the share of peace agreements with gender provisions, from below 10 % in the 1990s to 45% in 2013. Yet, this practice appears to have been halted. In 2019, the share of agreements with gender provisions was only at 29 %. Despite an increasing evidence about the important role of women, their expertise and meaningful participation in preventing and addressing conflict and sustaining peace, women are still underrepresented in the peace processes. Between 1992 and 2019, women constituted, on average, only 13% of negotiators, 6 % of mediators, and 6 % of signatories in major peace processes worldwide. Present peacebuilding experiences also indicate that peace is likely to be lasting only if the security needs of the population are addressed in parallel with the political and socioeconomic aspects of conflict resolution and post-conflict recovery. Women's exposure to conflict may result in their new roles and responsibilities and may open new opportunities for their greater involvement in public life, including peace and security decision-making. Likewise, gender equality positively influences the cohesion and effectiveness of the security sector in increasingly multidimensional peace processes.
Key words: transitional justice, post-conflict period, gender equality, peace development, Ukraine, Myanmar, women, peace, security agenda, sexual and gender-based violence, women's meaningful participation in the peace processes.
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