Investigating communicative competence of civil protection service officers and its impact on their professional activities

Signs of professional training of officers of the State Service of Ukraine for emergency situations. Pedagogical concepts based on the idea of communicative competence of future specialists as a basis for the formation of their professional competences.

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Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes

Investigating communicative competence of civil protection service officers and its impact on their professional activities

Yuliia Nenko,

Doctor of Educational Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department

Cherkasy, Ukraine


The presented article investigates characteristic features and content ofprofessional training of the officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine within the pedagogical concept, based on the understanding of communicative competence of future specialists as a base and means of forming their professional competencies. It has been analyzed that communicative competence is a paramount indicator of professional competence of a civil protection service officer, and therefore its formation is one of the basic tasks of vocational education in departmental educational institutions. The author accented that training of future officers is carried out in two directions simultaneously: civil standardized and special non-standardized. Based on the analysis of normative documents, key vocational qualification requirements for the professions (positions) of civil protection workers were traced. The content of communicative competence is revealed, its main components (personal, cognitive) are defined. It is revealed that personal component reflects motives, values, attitudes, etc.; cognitive component is the system of knowledge. The author traces understanding of the phenomenological essence of key concepts related to the concept “communicative competence of an officer”», in particular: “communicative activity”», «officer's readiness for professionally oriented communication activity”, etc. The author's views on the leading directions offormation of the officer's communicative competence during training in the departmental institution of higher education are presented: development of communication skills; development of general and special educational skills; development of compensatory skills; development of a positive personal attitude to the language; development of skills necessary for accumulation of experience, realization of creative, search activity; learning by means of a foreign language.

Key words: communication, communicative competence, communicative activity, officer, education, educational institution.



доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов Черкаського інституту пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля (Черкаси, Україна)


У представленій статті досліджено характерні ознаки та зміст професійної підготовки офіцерів Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій у межах педагогічної концепції, заснованої на уявленні комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців як бази і засобу формування їхніх професійних компетентностей. Проаналізовано, що комунікативна компетентність є першорядним показником професійної компетентності офіцера служби цивільного захисту, а отже, її формування є одним з основоположних завдань професійної освіти у відомчих закладах освіти. Автором акцентовано, що професійна підготовка майбутніх офіцерів здійснюється за двома такими напрямами одночасно, як: стандартизована цивільна та спеціальна нестандартизована. На підставі аналізу нормативних документів простежено ключові професійно-кваліфікаційні вимоги до професій (посад) працівників у сфері цивільного захисту. Розкрито зміст комунікативної компетентності, визначено її основні компоненти (осо- бистісний, когнітивний). Встановлено, що особистісний компонент відображає мотиви, цінності, установки та ін.; когнітивний компонент є системою знань. Автором простежено розуміння феноменологічної сутності ключових понять, пов'язаних із концептом «комунікативна компетентність офіцера», зокрема: «комунікативна діяльність», «готовність офіцера до професійно орієнтованої комунікативної діяльності» тощо. Викладено авторські погляди на провідні напрями формування комунікативної компетентності офіцера під час навчання у відомчому закладі вищої освіти: розвиток комунікативних умінь; розвиток загальних і спеціальних навчальних умінь; розвиток компенсаторних умінь; виховання позитивного особистісного ставлення до мови; розвиток навичок, необхідних для накопичення досвіду, здійснення творчої, пошукової діяльності; навчання засобами іноземної мови.

Ключові слова: комунікація, комунікативна компетентність, комунікативна діяльність, офіцер, освіта, навчальний заклад.

Formulation of the problem

Personnel of bodies and subdivisions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine performs an important task ensuring fire and civil protection of every citizen and society as a whole. To effectively solve this problem highly educated, theoretically and practically competent officers are being trained in educational institutions. They realize the social significance of their future profession; can work in a team and in cooperation with senior management and subordinates; are able to make organizational and managerial decisions in situations of risk and bear responsibility for them; can prevent and constructively resolve conflict situations in the course of their professional activities; promptly respond to rapidly changing conditions and also work ahead of schedule, taking into account already existing and only emerging dangerous phenomena.

Research analysis

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future civil protection service officers are considered in the scientific works of O. Bykova, G. Gribenyuk, V. Hora, O. Ivashchenko, L. Mokhnar, O. Stelmakh, G. Vasianovich, O. Yevsyukov etc. However, analysis of scientific literature gives grounds to state that conceptual and applied aspects of professionally oriented communication training of future civil protection service officers have not been sufficiently developed.

The purpose of the article is to identify the essential characteristics of communicative competence of an officer, which is manifested in typical and extreme situations, and conditions of its formation.

The main material

The educational process in the institutions of higher professional education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is regulated by educational programs, which are a system of documents, developed on the basis of state educational standards of higher professional education in relevant specialties (areas) and qualification requirements for the level of professional (special) training of graduates. Thus, the educational process is conducted in two directions simultaneously: civilian standardized and special nonstandardized (Golubev, 2015). Special vocational training is, on the one hand, a combination of special knowledge, skills and abilities, qualities of an officer, professional experience and norms of professional behavior, providing the opportunity to successfully perform service duties in a particular profession and position. On the other hand, vocational training is the totality of relevant knowledge, integrated abilities, skills and the transition of trainees from academic to educational-professional and professional activities according to their official purpose.

Quality of education received at departmental universities is determined by the degree of its compliance with state policy in the field of civil protection, current level of development of science and technology, as well as the needs of the state and society as a whole, therefore, studies of various aspects of the problem of improving training of future officers are always relevant.

Among possible directions for improving training process of the personnel for the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine, the most promising, in the opinion of a number of native and foreign academicians (Golubev, 2015; Moskalenko, 2014; Nenko, 2018), is consideration of the educational process at a university/ institute within the framework of a unified pedagogical concept based on the presentation of the communicative competence of future officers as the basis of their professional competencies. Therefore, competencies are a regulatory requirement for a cadet's preparedness to carry out activities in accordance with the educational tasks to be solved. Competence structures all educational areas and subjects, integrates them into a system.

Qualitative development of competence requires such social experience, which, firstly, allows a future officer to produce new interpretations of existing information; secondly, does not lose its significance beyond the boundaries of educational activity itself.

Researchers of the problem of competency-based approach in education (Golubev, 2015) unanimously consider communicative competence to be key, that is, the most universal in nature and degree of applicability, one of the basic indicators of professional competence of specialists.

Communicative competency is the ability to establish and maintain contacts with other people, to receive and exchange information that is the ability to communicate. The composition of communicative competence includes: knowledge, skills providing effective communication; social settings; communicative personality traits. Communicative competence is not an innate ability; first of all, it is formed in the process of socio-communicative experience. In addition, communicative competence is formed during the educational process within each academic discipline.

In departmental universities of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine communicative competence is also a key competence. In addition to the tasks and responsibilities included in the content of Handbook of Qualification Characteristics of Civil Protection Workers (Order of SESU No 707 of 05.12.2018), the following general requirements are set out for the employees of civil protection units:

- for managers (their deputies, assistants): knowledge of law, economics, administration, finance, human resource management, fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy; ability to navigate freely in today's socio-political space, analyze and synthesize information, to produce new ideas, management decisions, social technologies; ability to develop planning and guidance materials, to create opportunities for future development, to form innovative models of development; to introduce normative and guidance materials, to provide conditions for improvement division labor, performance of works and management of divisions; to promote effective service relationships and relationships between employees; ensure compliance with the requirements of job descriptions; to analyze the state of implementation of plans, organization of works, executive skill of employees; implement measures for the professional development of employees in order to achieve high results; to improve forms of motivation of work of employees in accordance with their professional qualities, complexity and working conditions, results of activity; participate in the implementation of state policy in the field of civil protection; be able to speak a foreign language (English) at the minimum necessary (limited working) level of communication (not less than SMP-2 “Minimum required” (Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1));

- for professionals and experts: ability to realize plans and tasks in the field of civil protection, fire and technogenic safety within the limits of professional activity; knowledge of law, fundamentals of psychology; ability to receive information, to allocate the contents in it, to analyze and to generalize it; have analytical thinking, high level of professional knowledge, skills and skills; to speak a foreign language (English) at the level of everyday communication (not less than SMP-1 “Elementary” (Elementary (A1-A2)) (Order of SESU No 707 of 05.12.2018).

Thus, the most important component of an officer's professionalism is the ability to interact effectively with other employees in a variety of conditions and situations. Professional activity of the graduate also implies availability of good basic engineering and technical training, physical training, ability to improve this training, to carry out self-education and selfdevelopment (Nenko, 2018). Consequently, professional success of an officer in the field of civil safety and fire protection depends largely on communication skills, information acquisition, i.e. communication skills and competencies that provide professional activity.

Analysis of modern scientific content gives grounds to claim that despite the widespread representation of the concept “communication”, the categorical status and content of these concepts are not unidentified.

Generalizing the views of scientists and analyzing the concepts of “communication”, “communicative activity” made it possible to consider “communicative activity” as a system of consistent communicative actions, acts of activity, the basis of which is the process of communication between the subjects of interaction, which involve the activity of such subjects, development of a common perspective and are marked by the presence of purpose, motive (need) and concrete result. professional communicative competence

On the basis of analysis of normative legal acts and governing documents of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the main spheres of communication activity of the officers of Civil Protection Service are distinguished: official, functional, social (social-communicative) and social-household. Social (social-communicative) activity is related to the sphere of industrial relations of a specialist in a labor collective. Social and everyday life is inherent in everyday life and household, leisure, family communication, physical and cultural development, etc. and can influence the quality of professional and social-communicative tasks. Functional is directly aimed at fulfilling the tasks assigned to a specialist as a professional (Moskalenko, 2014; Nenko, 2018).

Preparedness of a future civil defense officer for professionally oriented communication activities is an integrative long-term state of personality and a natural result of special training and education, upbringing and self-education, containing axiological, knowledge and activity components, qualities that provide a full- fledged ability of a graduate of a higher educational institution of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to pursue a professionally oriented communication in the professional sphere (Nenko, 2018).

Theoretical analysis of the problem of essence, structure, formation of communicative competence of a future specialist allows us to single out the following definition: communicative competence of an officer is the ability to dialogue with all participants of combat service; motivated willingness to perform combat missions, ability to build emotional and value relationships that arise in the course of performing such tasks, to exert a willful regulation of these relations; ability to obtain information and exchange information.

In the officer's professional training communicative competence acts as a basic and integrative personality trait for professional development. There are two main components of an officer's communicative competence: personal and cognitive. Personal component reflects the motives (desire to receive and impart information to participants of the dialogue), values (appear in relation to oneself and other people, in tolerance to various social phenomena), attitudes (above all social, manifested in willingness to perceive, evaluate, carry out necessary actions to in relation to socially significant objects).

Cognitive component of communicative competence is a system of knowledge: about the laws of communication, personal qualities, feelings and emotions of the participants of the dialogue, which can promote, and may impede effective communication; methods of verbal and non-verbal communication; linguistic laws of communication; ways of analyzing and forecasting the situation; ways to obtain information, as well as accessible ways of delivering necessary information to participants of interaction.

Formation of communicative competence of the future officer should be carried out in the following directions:

development of communicative skills (ability to lead a discussion, listen and hear the interlocutor, defend one's point of view, supported by arguments, find a compromise with the interlocutor, read and understand the content of authentic texts of different genres and types; verbally carry out a dialogue; transmit the contents of the text; transmit information in writing);

development of general and special educational skills (ability to work with information, navigate in the information space, systematize knowledge, highlight the main idea, draw conclusions and generalizations, work with a book, textbook, reference literature);

development of compensatory skills (in case of shortage of language tools, ability to get out of a difficult situation due to, for example, periphrase, proper selection of various language tools; find several solutions to the problem, predict the consequences of decisions made);

development of a positive personal attitude to the language (system of moral values; evaluative and emotional attitude to the world; positive attitude to a foreign language, to the culture of the people who speak this language, mutual understanding, tolerance; understanding the importance of learning a foreign language and the need to use it as a means of communication in conditions the entry of our country into the world community);

development of skills necessary for accumulation of experience, implementation of creative, search activity (formation of a mechanism of linguistic guesswork and ability to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation; linguistic, intellectual and cognitive abilities; value orientations, feelings and emotions; ability and willingness to engage in foreign language communication);

education by means of a foreign language (understanding the peculiarities of one's thinking; comparing the language being studied with native language, understanding their peculiarities; knowledge of culture and traditions of the country, language of which is being studied; understanding of the role of native language and culture comparing with the culture of another people).

In conclusion, we note once again that communicative competence of an officer is a basic component of his/ her professional competence; it determines the ability of a commander to manage subordinates in various situations of service and combat activity, to effectively transmit and receive necessary information. Formation of communicative competence of a future specialist in the field of civil and fire protection is one of the main tasks of higher education.


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