Privatization of public space: stakeholder analysis in shifting the function of public space case study in Kediri city, Indonesia
Identification of the model of displacement of public space functions in the city of Kediri. The need to take into account the urgent needs and safety of people living around the area where the infrastructure will be built. Public space management policy.
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Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
Privatization of public space: stakeholder analysis in shifting the function of public space case study in Kediri city, Indonesia
Trimurti Ningtyas
Siti Amanah
Infrastructure development must take into account the needs and safety of the people living around the area where the infrastructure will be built. Kediri is one of the cities in East Java that has experienced rapid development in the last ten years. The government is the main actor because the policy on the management of public space is in government agencies. This study aims to determine the shift in the function of public space and how the interests that exist in it. Using descriptive qualitative methods with three data collection techniques, namely interviews, observations and documentation to informants consisting of the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Transportation, Street Vendors, and the general public. The result is a pattern of shifting the function of public space in the City of Kediri, consisting of three, namely the shift of the function of the sidewalk to a trading area, the shift of the function of the road to a parking area, the shift of the function of convenience to fulfillment of needs. In addition, there are three types of stakeholders that have been identified, namely key, primary and secondary.
Keywords: public space, stakeholders, privatization
Приватизація громадського простору: аналіз зацікавлених сторін у зміні функції громадського простору на прикладі міста Кедирі, Індонезія
public space management policy
При розвитку інфраструктури необхідно враховувати потреби та безпеку людей, які мешкають навколо району, де буде побудована інфраструктура. Кедірі - одне з міст Східної Яви, яке переживає бурхливий розвиток в останні десять років. Уряд є головною дійовою особою, оскільки політика управління громадським простором перебуває у державних установах. Мета даного дослідження - визначити, як змінилася функція суспільного простору та як змінилися інтереси, що існують у ньому.
Використовуючи описовий якісний метод із трьома методами збору даних, а саме інтерв'ю, спостереження та документування інформантів, що складаються з Департаменту промисловості та торгівлі, Департаменту транспорту, вуличних торговців та широкого загалу.
В результаті було виявлено модель зміщення функцій громадського простору в місті Кедірі, що складається з трьох, а саме: зсув функції тротуару на торгову зону, зсув функції дороги на паркування, зсув функції зручності на задоволення потреб. Крім того, було виділено три типи зацікавлених сторін, а саме ключові, первинні та вторинні.
Ключові слова: громадський простір, стейкхолдери, приватизація
The administration of public space is indeed the responsibility of the government, the goal is that the function of the public space can reach the recipient, namely the public (the wider community) (Ningtyas, 2019). The existence of infrastructure development and all the impacts it causes, seems to increasingly shift the function of the public space itself. This is where the government does not realize that the implementation and maintenance of public space according to its function will make the interests of the public more realized. Kohn (2004) defines a public space as a state-owned site, open to everyone, and which encourages social interaction between its users. Carr et al. (1992) also defines public space as a place that is open and accessible to the public that facilitates vital activities for community development. So that the public space itself is an important part in efforts to build a society, both physically and non-physically.
Infrastructure development must consider the needs and safety of the people living around the area where the infrastructure will be built, so that the development of friendly and sustainable settlements can be realized. Kediri is one of the cities in East Java that has experienced rapid development in the last ten years. Investment is an important part in increasing economic development in an area, as well as in the City of Kediri. The growth in investment and in the economy, which can be seen from the rapid development of infrastructure, especially for the public, is a proud achievement.
The governance of this area becomes a serious concern when the community is increasingly accommodated or not accommodated for its interests and needs in the city. Therefore, the government needs to strive so that public space remains in accordance with its function without disturbing the growth and development of the city area itself.
In a period of 5 years, from 2016 to 2020, it was found that there was a significant increase in the number of trading facilities in Kediri City. This indicates the various possibilities and impacts caused by an increase in trading facilities. The economic impact is one of the most visible of the development of these trading facilities. In addition, there are problems that arise, namely there are still street vendors whose existence is in public spaces, the existing street vendors have not been organized (Barenlitbang, 2018).
The government is the main actor because the policy on the management of public space is in government agencies. Apart from that, the government and all elements including the community also have a responsibility to ensure that urban development is in accordance with the needs of the community. As regulated in Law no. 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning Article 1, in which it states that each region has the authority to compile and regulate the implementation of spatial planning. This proves that all elements are an important part in the development of spatial planning in the region.
According to Jacinta Francis at all (2012) explained that public space is basically indispensable by the community to create a sense of togetherness and indeed public space exists because it is interrelated. In addition, there must be a guarantee of the quality of the public space which is realized through government policies. Finally, public space is provided by the government as a forum for the community's need for public space itself. The second article is from Dini Tri Hariyanti (Master Thesis, 2008), which describes the pattern of utilization of public open space to serve as the basis for the plan to develop a public space area in Semarang City. Subsequent research entitled The role of stakeholders in the implementation of the conservation village model in Mount Rinjani National Park by Andi et al (2017) which describes collaboration to develop a conservation park in which the national park as public space is studied.
The explanation describes the focus of the problem of this research, namely the privatization of public space by analyzing using the stakeholder analysis method in the City of Kediri. With this research, it can be seen how public space in the city of Kediri is, its use, shifts in the function of public space, and how the interests that exist in it.
Literature review
Kay and Thompson (1975) state that privatization is a limitation of changing conditions in the relationship between the government/public sector and the private sector. This change can be seen through changes in ownership and deregulation of the rules regarding the position of managing facilities for the public. This can be possible in the form of a monopoly or franchise in activities to serve the public. In addition, privatization can also be referred to as a form of effort to reduce the role of the government, so that the private sector can play a more active role in running public facilities (Savas, 1987). In line with the above limitations, it concludes that privatization is one of the public policy instruments that can be used to encourage free competition so that it is considered to reduce the impact of market failure caused by government intervention (Mardjana, 1993). Santoso (2006) also explains that the privatization of public space can make social problems more complicated, one of which is about security issues, the existence of exclusive groups. The limited public space that can be freely accessed by the public makes the public unable to channel their positive activities and the aggressiveness of youth which continues to grow, thus creating social pressure in the midst of the development of privatization of public space.
Carmona (2014) and Kohn (2004) assert that the privatization of public space has a negative connotation of “political discourse” and promotes social isolation. According to Higgins (2009), defines privatization as the involvement of the private sector in the provision of services or facilities which are mostly considered the responsibility of the public sector. Privatization can be in the form of divestment, but is not limited to diversification of state airlines, trains and telephone services, as well as other public facilities such as health, education, housing, and public spaces in the form of shopping centers and paid playgrounds (Kressel, 1998 cited in Nasution and Zahra). , 2011; McDonald and Ruiters, 2006). Additionally, McDonald and Ruiters, (2006), recognize Public Pivat Partnership as another means of privatization that is usually adopted by most cities.
According to Huat (1992), there are two types of public space according to its location, namely out door public space and indoor public space. Outdoor public space means public space that is located outside the building, such as a field, bicycle path, pedestrian path, open green park. The second is indoor public space, which is a public space where it is located in a building, such as shopping centers, office buildings. Tonnelat (2010) argues that the emergence of semi-public spaces managed by private/public partnerships or entirely private includes the definition of public space, in particular the definition given by Kohn (2004). Mierzejewska (2011) argues that public space is not limited to areas captured under the local government umbrella in terms of management and control, but includes other areas managed by other entities that improve the climate, aesthetics and landscape of an area.
Moreover, public space from a social perspective refers to a physical place where people from all walks of life meet and interact with one another (Houssay-Holzschuch, et al., 2009). Socially, public space must accommodate the multiplicity of uses and countries. The term special quality of this social public space as "public". In a sociological sense, the question of the design and application of what public space is and how it is used is paramount (Neal, 2010). Politically, the public sphere is understood as an abstract space for public debate and reflects the power of people's political life (Houssay-Holzschuch, et al., 2009). Again, Houssay-Holzschuch, et al. (2009) show that the strength of democracy, particularly through an inclusive society and citizenship is an indication of a dynamic public sphere. Also, Neal (2010) and Sheller and Urry (2003) agree that the public sphere from a political perspective is related to the role of the public sphere in democratic dispensations, conceptually as a basis for discussion and physically as a place of exclusion or empowerment.
From a juridical point of view, public space is defined as public land (public land). authorities) such as roads, squares, parks, and gardens which are included in the domain of government control (Houssay-Holzschuch, et al., 2009) Public space is a general term consisting of various types of spaces, both indoors and outdoors in outdoor activities such as: libraries, parks, squares, streets, playgrounds and community centers (Carr et al., 1992; Dines & Cattell, 2006 in Fredua, A. 2017; Keller, 2009 cited in Huang, 2014).
Stakeholders basically have the ability to control and influence the use of economic resources by the organization. So that stakeholder ownership can determine the strength of stakeholders over the organization (Ghozali and Chariri, 2007). The success of an organization depends on the existing stakeholders, and how they carry out their roles. According to Kasali (1994) states that stakeholders are any group that plays a role in an organization both within the organization or from outside the organization. According to Ardianto (2008), internal stakeholders include managers, employees, shareholders, etc., while external stakeholders include users, government, distributors, media, etc.
According to Maryono (2005) in Handayani (2017) stakeholders consist of three groups, namely primary, key stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are stakeholders who are directly affected by these activities. Key stakeholders are those who have legal authority to regulate these activities, while secondary stakeholders are stakeholders who support the course of the activity or activity. Analyzing stakeholders there are two parts, namely interests and influence. This section is analyzed through four sections, namely subjects, key players, followers and supporters. Subject to stakeholders means having a high level of interest but has a low influence. Key Players means that stakeholders have an equally high level of interest and influence, while followers are stakeholders who have a low level of interest and influence. Finally, there are supporters, namely stakeholders with a low level of interest but high influence (Reed et al, 2009).
Paper objective
This article tries to explain the shift in the function of public space in the City of Kediri by using the concept of the ideal function of public space from Carr et al (1992) and Houssay- Holzschuch, et al. (2009) which shifted with the privatization according to the concept of Kay and Thompson (1975), Carmona (2014) and Kohn (2004). In addition, the identified stakeholders in the privatization process according to Maryono (2005) and Reed et al (2009). The theoretical discourse is used to map a path in explaining the research focus in this article.
Considering the problem and research focus, this research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Qualitative research was chosen because in this study it cannot be answered using statistical procedures (Straus, 1997). The purpose of this study is to describe the privatization of public space in shifting the function of public space by using stakeholder analysis. In this study, data collection was carried out by means of both structured and unstructured interviews with managers of public spaces, business actors around public spaces and the government of Kediri City for planning and urban planning development as well as income, especially in public spaces and other stakeholders who later will be identified after research observations in the field. Observations are carried out by collecting data through observing phenomena that occur and recording these observations. (Usman, 1998). In this study, observations were made by observing activities in the public space by identifying the shift in function from public to private. Our document research was carried out at the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Transportation, and PD Pasar Joyoboyo.
Result and discussion
1. The Shifting Pattern of Public Space Functions in the City of Kediri
Privatization is a concept that is not foreign to the administration of government, because it is one of the important developments in the management of government institutions. Kay and Thompson (1975) in Dwijowijoto, et al (2008) state that privatization is a limitation on changing conditions in the relationship between the government/public sector and the private sector. This study provides an overview of how privatization functions in the public sphere so that its implementation can be carried out by the private sector, in this case the majority of which are traders. It is not a bad thing when the private sector is involved in the administration of government, especially in utilizing public facilities for the welfare of the community. As stated by Savas (1987) that is a form of effort to reduce the role of government so that the private sector can play a more active role in running public facilities.
Privatization itself is a form of depiction of the involvement of the private sector related to how to provide services to the community in accordance with their expectations (Higgins, 2009). These services are formed through a pattern of productive relationships in the context of privatization such as the one in the City of Kediri. This fact also illustrates that not only state airlines with transportation services or other public facilities, but health, education, housing or children's playgrounds can be managed by the private sector and require costs to gain access (Kressel, 1998 in Nasution). and Zahra, 2011; McDonald and Ruiters, 2012). In the city of Kediri, the concept of privatization exists in the implementation of public services, one of which is the use of roads and sidewalks for road users. Privatization itself highlights the role of the private sector in it so that it has an impact on both road users and other communities. Many things can be obtained from the privatization carried out in public spaces, from positive and negative impacts. There is a positive impact on the management of the facility itself so that the quality of service can be provided with the standards that exist in the private sector, of course also better than the public.
In addition to having a positive impact, the development of private sector involvement can also cause its own problems in the public sphere. This is also expressed by Santoso (2006) also that the privatization of public space can make social problems more complicated, one of which is about security issues, the existence of exclusive groups. Privatization in public space provides a form of understanding that is quite negative in society, especially from a political perspective because it relates to individualism forms of social activity (Carmona, 2008; Kohn, 2004). The shift in the function of public space is one of the problems that arise as a result of the inclusion of the private sector in the management and utilization of public space itself. The following is a shift in the function of public space in the City of Kediri.
The Turning of the Sidewalk Function into a Trading Area
Public space is a place where people carry out joint activities for a normal and sustainable life. However, from time to time the function of public space has shifted. The first shift in function is the shift in the function of the sidewalk to a trading area. Street vendors on the sidewalks and in various areas in the City of Kediri have changed the function of the sidewalk for walking into a trading area. The shift in the function of this public space from its use to a requirement of the public space itself must be considered in carrying out its functions. McDonald and Ruiters (2012) also argue that Public Private Partnership is another form of privatization that is applied by various regions. Their opinion illustrates that privatization is carried out with the implementation of management functions that are applied in government organizations. The city of Kediri has also been colored by the concept of this Public Private Partnership, it can be seen from the number of road users who do not pay attention to the main interests of other users. They sell, park and do other activities on the sidewalks so that their functions are not as they should be. In the implementation of the Public Private Partnership, management functions are also carried out which are realized by the existence of a work contract between the public and private sectors so that they can manage public facilities and services in accordance with private principles. This is also done by traders who are on the sidewalk by making an agreement either by the association, the owner of the house or someone who is considered authorized.
According to Carr (1992) it is stated that a public space must meet the conditions, one of which is democratic, namely that all users can be protected from the fulfillment of their rights from existing ownership. This is because people still have to live side by side with each other. The fulfillment of their rights from existing ownership is a form of the concept of justice that is brought in the public space, that anyone who uses the public space must pay attention to this concept of justice, lest individuals who use public space put forward egocentricity so that they do not pay attention to the use rights for others.
According to Chua, B.H., & Edwards, N. (1992), there are two types of public space according to its location, namely out door public space and indoor public space. Outdoor public space means public space that is located outside the building, such as a field, bicycle path, pedestrian path, open green park. So that the pedestrian path or commonly referred to as the sidewalk is part of the public space that must be used for the public interest. The main pedestrian users are pedestrians because the function of the sidewalk itself is an area for walking. But when the sidewalk is used for other people's interests besides walking, this may be allowed as long as it doesn't interfere. But this is contrary to what has been revealed in the research findings that the use of the sidewalk function for trading is very disturbing to other sidewalk users, especially pedestrians. So of course the government and other stakeholders must be able to provide an open and comprehensive view regarding the use of the sidewalk public space itself.
If this democratic principle is implemented, a middle path may be taken in the use of sidewalks, for example regarding the division of time when it is used for trade and when for pedestrians. Of course, this solution cannot be solely to avoid conflicts about the function of this public space. However, a solution that should involve all stakeholders so that the principle of justice in the public sphere emerges must be formulated and agreed upon together. However, this justice must be obtained by all elements of society without exception, so that an open and effective form of communication is needed with all stakeholders. Communication and negotiation are an important part of building fairness in the use of public space.
The Switching of Road Functions to Parking Areas
The second shift is the shifting of the function of the road into a parking area. In addition to causing traffic jams if there are crowds, illegal parking that arises from the presence of these traders makes road users who drive also experience problems using the road. The illegal parking is not only around the merchants but also in schools that are crowded with parking lots that take up the road. So it is necessary to study schools that have the potential to cause congestion to find solutions so as not to hinder and eliminate the principle of justice for all road users.
Tonnelat (2010) argues that the emergence of semi-public spaces managed by private/public partnerships or entirely private includes the definition of public space, in particular the definition given by Kohn (2004). For road users in the City of Kediri who often feel disturbed by the existence of illegal parking, it can be illustrated that illegal parking, both managed by private institutions and personally as part of the private sector, creates injustice in public spaces. How not, motorists who should be able to use the road to their fullest share with people who are looking for income or profit from it. The disadvantaged party is road users who become permissive with parking even though it is very disturbing and detrimental. It can be concluded that justice in the use of public space has not been fulfilled. Meanwhile, democracy in the public sphere, which means that all users can be protected for the fulfillment of their rights from existing ownership, must remain focused because the community still has to live side by side with one another (Carr, 1992). Road users in the city of Kediri, both in market areas and in shopping areas with dense parking lots and schools with dense parking spaces provide a form of illustration that many do not get justice in the use of the road itself.
Basically road users use it as part of the means of transportation with indeed the main function is for transportation but the need for land is increasing, while the existing land is getting thinner. This makes illegal parking grow on the side of the road to eat up the road so that road users are disturbed in transportation. Not infrequently this also causes conflicts between road users themselves, so of course when there is a conflict, the principle of justice is not fulfilled in the public sphere.
There is an increasing need for parking lots, making it a problem that must be immediately resolved by the government, of course, and the parties involved. So that illegal parking does not grow on many sides of the road which disturbs other users. It is necessary to pay more attention to the construction of buildings and the permits for buildings that are used for the public who must pay attention to how the parking system is. This is done to reduce the use of the road as parking because it has been provided by the public place. One of them is a school or a shop, so when the government issues an operating permit, it should consider the parking area so as not to cause problems about parking in the future.
In principle, the shift in the function of the road as a parking lot is a serious problem that must be immediately addressed by the government and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. One of the solutions offered in this research is to make regulations related to the operating licensing requirements of a public institution, one of which includes a parking area as a condition for the permit. this is done to create a fair public space for all people in the city of Kediri.
The Switching of Convenience Functions to Fulfillment of Needs
Public space from a social perspective refers to a physical place where people from all walks of life meet and interact with one another (Houssay-Holzschuch, et al., 2009). The third shift in function is the function of convenience into meeting needs. Convenience which should be the main thing in the use of public space functions has become a right that is not too concerned because it has shifted to meeting needs. This need is for users, both sellers and buyers, or users of the sidewalk or the road itself.
Carr (1992) states that the requirement for a good public space is to fulfill the responsive element of users, which can be served according to what they need when using public space. This is related to the needs of the community itself whether related to material or non-material satisfaction, comfort or the achievement of the required activities. The requirement for public space regarding this need creates its own paradox for the function of the public space itself. Must prioritize the comfort of the community but must also pay attention to the needs and satisfaction of others. Meanwhile, in the public space, comfort is identified with things that are clear, both physically and in terms of meaning.
The comfort was built by the community with the concept of a clean, quiet public space, and in accordance with what has been made normatively. Likewise in the City of Kediri, that most respondents identify comfort as something that has been regulated and is ideal according to the normative. But the need itself is something subjective, because the needs of society are certainly different for each individual. When using roads and sidewalks to sell is a form of fulfillment for traders, but buyers also enjoy buying and selling transactions on the roadside while interacting or looking around the area. they don't care whether it's jammed or not, whether it's full of traders or not, whether it's convenient or not. The findings of this study indicate that they enjoy the crowd, even enjoy and accept each other and show satisfaction in establishing interactions.
In addition to the responsive element that must be fulfilled in the public space, there is also a meaningful element in the public space, meaning that the public space itself can be a means to strengthen human relations so that socio-cultural and historical conditions can create a good relationship. This is a reinforcement that the form of meeting each other's needs is an interaction that is indeed desired by both parties and has been agreed upon. In addition, it can make a public space in the form of crowds on the sidewalks because many traders and their merchandise are enjoyed by the community so that they are still growing and developing.
The explanation above illustrates that the shift in the function of public space in the City of Kediri is not entirely bad. But there are parts that must be developed because they have great potential to be desired and responded well by the people of the City of Kediri.
2. Involvement of Stakeholders in Shifting the Functions of Public Spaces in the City of Kediri
Mierzejewska (2011) argues that public space is not limited to areas captured under the local government umbrella in terms of management and control, but includes other areas managed by other entities that improve the climate, aesthetics and landscape of an area. This manager is one of the stakeholders in the public space. Stakeholders in the public sphere, of course, the most important are the users themselves and managers. Stakeholders are stakeholders, in this study are the government, traders, associations and the community. According to Maryono (2005) in Handayani (2017) stakeholders consist of three groups, namely primary, key stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are stakeholders who are directly affected by these activities. Key stakeholders are those who have legal authority to regulate these activities, while secondary stakeholders are stakeholders who support the course of the activity or activity.
In this research, stakeholders are identified according to their influence and importance. The following is the identification of stakeholders in the shift in the function of public space in the City of Kediri.
Table 1. Stakeholder Identification
№ |
Institutions |
Elements |
Influence |
Interest Type |
Type |
1 |
Department of Industry and Commerce |
Government |
Registering street vendors Controlling street vendors Give a street vendor permit Making rules about the operation of street vendors |
Duties of the Organization |
Key |
2 |
Department of Transportation |
Government |
Discipline road users Controlling street Vendors who have conflicts on the road Making rules about traffic |
Duties of the Organization |
Key |
3 |
Civil service police Unit |
Government |
Controlling street vendors Give warnings about rules and order to street vendors |
Duties of the Organization |
Key |
4 |
Central Market Regional Company |
Government |
Making rules about market operations Bringing order to traders in the market |
Duties of the Organization |
Key |
5 |
Street vendors |
Private |
- |
Economy |
Primary |
6 |
Market Officer |
Government |
Manage market operations |
Duties of the Organization |
Secondary |
7 |
Shop owner |
Private |
capital |
Economy |
Primary |
8 |
Association |
Public |
Advocacy |
Trader control |
Secondary |
9 |
Road users |
Public |
Criticize service providers |
Public space users |
Primary |
10 |
Sidewalk Users |
Public |
Criticize service providers |
Public space users |
Primary |
11 |
Police |
Government |
Handling merchant conflicts or the use of public space |
Duties of the Organization |
Secondary |
Source: Own compilation
In the table above, it can be seen that there are three types of stakeholders that have been identified, namely key, primary and secondary. Key stakeholders are those who have the authority to make policies regarding shifts in the function of public space, namely Department of Industry and Commerce, Department of Transportation, Civil service police Unit and Central Market Regional Company. The stakeholders consist of government, private and community elements. The involvement of the three stakeholders in the shift in the function of the public space can be seen through the interests and influences that are part of the identification of stakeholders.
All stakeholders should be able to work together to solve the problem of shifting the function of the public space. So that a form of sustainable cooperation can be carried out in the concept of good governance. This is done, there are three main elements in good governance that are included in the shifting stakeholder function of the public space. Of course, this can be a great opportunity to build an effective city planning with the principles of good governance in the City of Kediri.
The pattern of shifting the function of public space in the City of Kediri consists of three, namely the shift of the function of the sidewalk to a trading area, the shift of the function of the road to a parking area, the shift of the function of convenience to fulfillment of needs. These three shift patterns make the main elements of public space to be considered in their use, namely responsive, democratic and meaningfull.
There are three types of stakeholders that have been identified, namely key, primary and secondary. Key stakeholders are those who have the authority to make policies regarding shifts in the function of public space, namely Department of Industry and Commerce, Department of Transportation, Civil service police Unit and Central Market Regional Company. The stakeholders consist of government, private and community elements. The involvement of the three stakeholders in the shift in the function of the public space can be seen through the interests and influences that are part of the identification of stakeholders.
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