Public representation in commissions to select members of the judiciary: comparative analysis

Research issues of forming commissions for the selection of judges, which are extremely relevant for Ukraine, taking into account the permanent search for optimal solutions that can improve the unsatisfactory situation with modern Ukrainian justice.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Дата добавления 11.05.2023
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In addition the effective participation of society in the formation of the judiciary is not necessarily limited to the direct election of judges, although this practice had already been used in Ukraine before. The practice of electing judges continues to be used in some European countries, in particular in Switzerland. Society can also be involved by including representatives of the people in the composition of bodies or commissions that carry out the selection of candidates for the position of judges and the bodies that evaluate of the activities of acting judges.

The following important conclusions, based on the results of the research, will help in understanding certain global trends observed in this area.

First, some European countries consider it completely justified and democratic to form commissions that select candidates for judicial positions not only from representatives of the judicial branch of power, but also from other specialists from the extra-judicial system to be completely justified and democratic.

The composition of such commissions is also not limited to legal specialists, but also includes representatives of other professions, even such unexpected professions as theologians, and film directors, etc. The main idea in this approach is to achieve the maximum pluralism of opinions - pluralism of profession, pluralism of experience and pluralism of mentality.

Second, many states in the US, as well as some European countries, also prefer mixed representation in commissions that select judges. This again strengthens the belief in the correctness of the approach, according to which the participation of representatives of civil society and the professional environment minimizes the risks of the formation of closed corporate systems. Systems that reach such a level of autonomy that any intervention from the outside, even if it is completely justified and necessary to improve the quality of work of the judicial system, is perceived as a real threat to its existence.

Third, some US states take a more democratic approach, in which the quantitative advantage in the composition of commissions for the selection of candidates for the position of judges belongs to representatives of the public sector. In Europe, in contrast, there is still a strong trend towards strengthening judicial autonomy. Similar features in the approaches to the formation of bodies that carry out the selection and evaluation of judges, that is characteristic for the respective US states, have a more positive effect on the level of objectivity of the selection of judges and their evaluation, and on the level of trust in such a selection and evaluation, primarily by society. Such development directions must be chosen for Ukraine as well.

The experience of the US shows, that the principles of the formation of selection commissions are also an important part of the system of the selection of judges. Such principles can increase not only the quality of persons in the judicial corps, but also the quality of the composition of the commissions themselves and their expertise. These are, of course, interrelated processes.


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