Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders

Implementation of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, the involvement of professional competence in the direction of the nominal task of social, public, educational and law enforcement agencies, services.

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Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders

Vasyl Ollo,

PHD., Associated Professor,

Professor of the department of provision with fuel and lubricants Military Academy.

Odessa, Ukraine.


Implementation of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, the involvement of professional competence in the direction of the nominal task of social, public, educational and law enforcement agencies and services. Accordingly, the problem of unlawful behavior of juvenile offenders, which is noted by the general aspects of society, that is, solving the problem in the form of prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders using the ethical and moral aspect of society in the context of state responsibility. The perspective state of minors is the future of the nation, that is, the implementation of strengthening and improving the globalization of Ukraine. Accordingly, during the solution, application and implementation of the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders in the prevention of crimes ofthiscontingent,thatis,thecreativityofthesolution on professional issues and the application of professional competence by police officers to strengthen modernity in relation to citizens of the Ukrainian statehood. Timeliness of response in the form of response measures and solutions to the child's homelessness, i.e. drug use, alcoholism and / or domestic violence to identify and record the potential for the existence of difficult life circumstances in their own modern sociality of the situation that a minor found himself in and requires the participation of a police officer. The statement during the clarification of the problem of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, which in modern times exists in the form of lack of social protection, capacity and ability, confrontation with negative manifestations, that is, material, psychological and antisocial content in resolving conflict perceptions and involvement of professional competence on the part of police officers. Accordingly, the indication of the problem of prevention of offenses with the use of police officers during the implementation of measures, that is, the elimination of offenses by minors will undoubtedly contribute to the blocking and neutralization of the determinant of illegal behavior with the involvement of professional competence of the police officer. Prevention of delinquency and the implementation of nominal measures among juvenile offenders is determined by a number of these psychological and social features, that is, the lack of experience, skills, knowledge and skills of modern and collective life in society. The negative impact of the tort environment, reducing the level of social, legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical support, that is, during the implementation of measures to help the family towards the minor in terms of personal attention in particular.

Keywords: crime prevention; police officers; professional competence; juvenile offenders; improvement of pedagogical; social and public relations.


Олло Василь Петрович,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри забезпечення пальним та мастильними матеріалами.

Військова Академія.

Одеса, Україна.

Анотація. Впровадження профілактики правопорушень офіцерами поліції відносно неповнолітніх правопорушників, тобто залучення професійної компетенції у напряму номінального завдання соціальних, громадських, освітніх та правоохоронних органів та служб. Відповідно проблематика протиправної поведінки неповнолітніх правопорушників, що зазначається загальносуспільними аспектами, тобто розв'язання проблематики у вигляді профілактика правопорушень офіцерами поліції відносно неповнолітніх правопорушників із застосуванням етичного та морального аспекту розвитку суспільства у контексті державної відповідальності. Перспективний стан неповнолітніх майбутність нації, тобто впровадження щодо зміцнення та поліпшення глобалізації Україні. Відповідно протягом вирішення, застосування та впровадження профілактики правопорушень офіцерами поліції відносно неповнолітніх правопорушників під час запобігання злочинів зазначеного контингенту, тобто креативність вирішення щодо фахових питань та застосування професійної компетентності із боку офіцерів поліції щодо зміцнення сучасності відносно громадян української державності. Своєчасність реакції у вигляді заходів реагування та вирішення відносно дитини безхатьки, тобто вживання наркотичних препаратів, алкоголізм та/або насильство у родині щодо визначення й фіксація потенціалу щодо існування тяжких життєвих обставин у власній сучасній соціальності ситуації, що опинився неповнолітній та потребує участі офіцера поліції. Констатація під час з'ясування проблематики профілактики правопорушень із боку офіцерів поліції відносно неповнолітніх правопорушників, що у сучасності існує у вигляді відсутності соціальної захищеності, спроможності й здатності, протистояння негативним проявам, тобто матеріального, психологічного та асоціального змісту під час вирішення конфліктних уявлень та залучення професійної компетентності із боку офіцерів поліції. Відповідно зазначення проблематики профілактики правопорушень із застосуванням офіцерів поліції протягом впровадження заходів, тобто усунення правопорушень із боку неповнолітніх безсумнівно сприятимуть щодо блокування та нейтралізації детермінанту протиправної поведінки із залученням професійної компетентності офіцера поліції. Профілактика правопорушень та впровадження номінальних заходівсеред неповнолітніх правопорушників визначається низкою зазначених психологічних та соціальних особливостей, тобто відсутність досвіду, вмінь, знань та навичок сучасного й колективного життя у суспільстві. Негативний вплив деліктного середовища, зменшення рівня соціальної, правової, медичної, психологічної та педагогічної підтримки, тобто протягом впровадження заходів допомоги родині у бік неповнолітнього із розрахунку особистої уваги зокрема особистості.

Ключові слова: профілактики правопорушень; офіцери поліції; професійна компетентність; неповнолітні правопорушники; удосконалення педагогічних; соціальних та громадських відносини.


Problem statement. Historically, in the context of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual, transformation processes associated with the reform of social spheres of public life in general and state bodies in particular, the branches of juvenile legislation are updated, that is, the improvement of pedagogical, social and public relations in nominal areas. crime prevention police officer

Accordingly, in the course of elaboration in connection with the change and improvement of the system and legal status of public authorities and local selfgovernment, the importance of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders is accompanied by aggravation and increase of social problems. The problem is negatively outlined during the formation of the personality of juvenile offenders, that is, for a long period of time confuses the public, the government, the pedagogical sphere, and the scientific work of law enforcement The purpose of the application is to involve the professional competence of specialists and preventive measures, taking into account the views and recommendations of the EU countries and / or many countries of the world. The deviant fact among juvenile offenders is vagrancy, begging, prostitution, domestic offences, alcoholism, drug addiction, i.e. the acquisition of nominal spread and spread of types of crime that were previously largely inherent mainly with the participation of adults. Accordingly, drug trafficking, robbery, computer crimes, racketeering, kidnapping for ransom, i.e. evidence of statistics of indicators during the acquisition of professional competence and positive results of criminal investigations carried out by police officers.

Accordingly, the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, control and reduction of crime with an indication of the key issues of criminology in the current political, economic and military situation of Ukraine in the form of the acuteness of the problem, that is, nominal, social, pedagogical aspects, which focuses on the social development of juvenile offenders during the functioning of a civilized civil society. The weight of the argumentation for assistance during the commission of illegal acts by juvenile offenders, the identification and elimination of conditions and factors is carried out with the involvement of police officers, that is, the involvement of juvenile offenders in positive activities. Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders in the direction of drunkenness and begging, that is, police officers during their daily work are faced with the need to implement preventive measures directly with juvenile offenders. Undoubtedly, the current relevance of the problem of prevention of offenses by police officers is in the focus of attention and requires the acquisition of professional competence and further research, especially in the context of ensuring and improving the quality of education of juvenile offenders, the growth of offenses among the contingent, that is, the involvement of the pedagogical field in order to solve a certain range of educational problems.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the scientific literature, the subject of committing offenses by juvenile offenders is noted by the growth of research by domestic scientists in the field of crime prevention by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, the thoroughness and expediency of comments and attention from N. Golovko [1], N. Maksimova [2], K. Muranenko [3], I. Tkachuk [4]. Accordingly, along with the indication in modern conditions that it is necessary to conduct nominal research on the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, taking into account the peculiarities of reforming the legal system of Ukraine and the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine.


The article consists purpose of this studyin theoretical analysis and determination of nominal criteria for advanced training of police officers, that is, the prevention of offenses against juvenile offenders to justify the need to acquire professional competence and specific skills, knowledge and skills during the provision of comprehensive police services exclusively in the interests of juvenile offenders. Accordingly, the analysis of the current approaches to defining the category of this goal in the article sets the following task: prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders in relation to crime with the involvement of social, public, pedagogical and special criminological measures of individual preventive influence.

Accordingly, it is organically carried out during the acquisition of professional competence and development, that is, the forms of crime prevention are specified, taking into account the individual characteristics of juvenile offenders. Neutralizing the criminogenic determinants of the personal and situational schedule, measures of individual prevention of the process of acquiring professional competence and preventive influence, that is, the level of completeness and integrity is provided in the form of ensuring the results of achieving nominal results during the solution of crime prevention tasks.


It is well known that the birth of a criminal is against the natural capacity, that is, the acquisition of the status of a criminal is obtained with the involvement of certain life circumstances. Accordingly, juvenile offenders consider it appropriate that the act committed with the exclusion of responsibility, that is, taking into account age. Accordingly, humanity, increasing the level of sensitivity duringtheattitudetowardsjuvenileoffendersinsocietymeanspityand

concessions, that is, the absence and disabling of the above-mentioned problems regarding the prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders to prevent the repetition of erroneous events. The statistics of the study shows that the increase in the number of juvenile delinquents in the absence of involvement in the educational process and employment, that is, leads to a corresponding increase in the number of juvenile delinquents in the case of controlling the level of social behavior and goes beyond the moral and legal norms.

Н. Golovko in the textbook notes that the main causes of juvenile delinquency, as already mentioned, include the shortcomings of upbringing in the family, which are manifested not only in the bad influence of parents on children, but also in the lack of parental involvement in the upbringing of children, in the lack of care for their education, employment, culture of behavior, circle of interests, etc. Circumstances that contribute to the asocial formation of a person in the family:

a) incomplete family or other circumstances that prevent the implementation of daily supervision of children, the absence of one of the parents, illness of parents, etc;

b) failure of parents to fulfill their responsibilities for the necessary upbringing of children, inattention to their interests, rudeness, despotism of parents;

c) the presence of antisocial views in the family;

d) negative example of parents or other family members: quarrels, scandals, alcoholism, drug addiction;

e) involvement of children in begging, prostitution, theft and other forms

of criminal activity [1, p. 76].

Accordingly, the marginal household environment of minors, difficult financial situation of the family lack of control by adults, low level of pedagogy of parents during upbringing, professional and educational lack of capacity of teachers, indifference to minors, that is, the promotion of criminal activity. Н. Holovko notes in the textbook that general crime prevention should be understood as activities to identify the determinants of crime, as well as the development and implementation of measures aimed at their elimination or neutralization. Such activities are carried out by state bodies and public organizations and affect the interests of all members of society. Individual prevention is a system of purposeful, organized, taking into account pedagogical requirements, educational influence on the consciousness, feelings, will of the person with whom prevention is carried out in order to eliminate, neutralize, block negative and, at the same time, the formation of positive qualities, stereotypes and habits of law-abiding behavior [1, p. 124].

Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders in the direction of increasing the number of crimes among minors, ie:

• in the case of theft of personal, public and/or collective property and vehicles, respectively, attention is drawn to the fact that the number of thefts of personal property nominally increases in comparison with theft of public and/or collective property, ie to some extent it is explained that the security means and access to material values are applied due to the freer capacity;

• in the case of violent crimes, hooliganism, the desire of the juvenile offenders to assert themselves, which pushes some juvenile offenders to conflict situations, to commit apparently unreasonable and incomprehensible criminal acts, i.e. conflict of events, lack of understanding in random circumstances, are mentioned.

The vast majority of crimes are committed in groups and in a state of strong alcohol and drug intoxication and / or refusal to resist because of a sense of horror, that is, in the absence of the fact of legal knowledge by minors. Juvenile delinquency is increasing by about 20% due to the use of drugs and alcohol. Accordingly, the complexity of the criminogenic consequences during the involvement of minors in group criminal acts with the use of weapons, that is, in modern times, the percentage of armed attacks with a certain growth trend is controlled by police officers, but over time, the consequences of the growth of the use of weapons by juvenile offenders in the future will increase in terms of variability and acquisition of professional competence by police officers.

Accordingly, I. Tkachuk emphasizes the directions of activity of secondary schools in the system of prevention of juvenile delinquency, that is, three levels of preventive activities are noted:

1) primary prevention - this link is represented by the education system, as it contributes to the value formation of young people and is reflected in the pedagogical activities of teachers, trainings, clubs, information campaigns, etc.

I. Tkachuk proposes to involve not only teachers, but also children themselves in preventive actions, according to the principle of "peer-to-peer". The main goals of this level are: value-oriented education, formation of legal consciousness of youth, establishing constructive interaction between children;

2) secondary prevention involves the application of appropriate measures against children who commit administrative offenses. The author calls the juvenile police, district police inspectors as the subjects of this link, pays special attention to the work of a school psychologist and a social pedagogue, who should carry out psycho- correctional work, educational work, and consult with children, parents, and teachers.

3) tertiary prevention concerns minors who have committed criminal offences and is aimed at their rehabilitation and resocialization [4].

Accordingly, the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, taking into account a comprehensive study of deviant behavior of juvenile offenders, mastering the system of suitability with the involvement of components, ie:

• complex potential of the goal in the form of prevention by police officers of deviant capacity in the environment of juvenile offenders;

• complex potential of the task in the identification by police officers of character traits among juvenile offenders prone to deviant means of behaviour and conducting nominal preventive and corrective work;

• comprehensive capacity in relation to the content of theoretical requirements, provisions, norms, rules and concepts that provide social, public, legal and professional protection of juvenile offenders in combination with measures of criminal legal influence with the use of police officers;

• comprehensive potential of the involved methods of police officers to form the consciousness and professional competence of the personality of a juvenile offender;

• comprehensive potential during the organization of activities, the formation of positive experience by police officers regarding the social behavior of juvenile offenders;

• comprehensive potential to stimulate the activities of police officers to achieve positive behavior of juvenile offenders;

• complex potential of self-education of consciousness and subconsciousness of a juvenile offender with the involvement of means and measures of prevention by police officers;

• comprehensive potential with the use of psychology, psychotherapy and pedagogy methods, taking into account the professional potential and acquisition of professional competence by police officers;

• comprehensive capacity involving the principles of humanistic orientation regarding the educational impact of police officers on juvenile offenders;

• comprehensive potential taking into account individual psychological and age characteristics and individual capabilities of juvenile offenders;

• comprehensive potential in the form of unity of educational influences of the juvenile offender's family, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, social services and the public to adjust these areas by police officers;

• comprehensive capacity for the application of personality-oriented influence by police officers during an unforeseen phase of criticality of the situation on the part of a juvenile offender;

• comprehensive potential and support for the positivity of results during the personality of the pupil of a juvenile offender by police officers;

• comprehensive potential to stimulate the activity of the personality of a juvenile offender and the participation of police officers in the social and social activities of the community;

• comprehensive potential of this form of cooperation between police officers and juvenile offenders in the form of significant, group and individual preventive and educational cooperation;

• comprehensive potential for the involvement of police officers in the functions of analytical, diagnostic, prognostic, projective, organizational and control assessment of the capacity of a juvenile offender in the modern form;

• comprehensive potential of suitability of measures for subjectivity and objectivity of prevention among juvenile offenders by police officers;

• comprehensive capacity to assess and correct the results of prevention among juvenile offenders by police officers;

• comprehensive capacity in the interrelationships between the components of the education of juvenile offenders by police officers with the involvement of professional competence in the form of prevention of crime prevention;

• comprehensive capacity to carry out a comparative analysis of the nominal features of preventive work with juvenile offenders;

• comprehensive potential to substantiate the directions and prospects for further improvement of the system of prevention of deviant behavior of juvenile offenders with the involvement of the basics of implementation of creative ideas of modern experience of society;

• comprehensive potential and priority of social and legal protection measures in the form of personality development of juvenile offenders and modern forms of guardianship;

• comprehensive potential in terms of professional training of police officers in providing preventive measures among juvenile offenders.

K. Muranenko offers an analysis of the modern view on the system of prevention of juvenile delinquency, which should be holistic and implemented in an integrated approach. To implement these requirements, the legislation should clearly regulate the activities of each entity and clearly delineate the functions performed by the entities. In addition, effective prevention activities involve cooperation and interaction between bodies and institutions involved in prevention. Preventive activities in relation to minors should be based on the national ideological concept, which is respect for the rights, freedoms and interests of the child, social values, characterized by a proactive, restorative approach and take into account the psychological characteristics of minors in general, their age characteristics, the situation of social development, etc. and to implement an individual approach to each child [3]. Accordingly, the educational influence of police officers during the formation of a law-abiding minor is undeniable, that is, during the effective implementation of nominal prevention measures with juvenile offenders with the involvement of professional experience and professional knowledge of police officers in the field of law enforcement to introduce professional competence and gain practical experience in pedagogical disciplines. Accordingly, measuring the effectiveness of the police officer during the registration of the registration and prevention case of a juvenile offender, that is, preventing further violations of the law and preventing crimes against the contingent for the purpose of socialization in the form of realization of social and public rights of a minor in the direction of obtaining nominal education and the implementation of measures for further employment.

Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders, that is, ways to improve in the context of professional tasks:

• clarification and evaluation of the current system of prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders and identification of elements of the desire for the integrity of the problem on the part of police officers;

• to identify and assess the system of actors involved in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and to determine the impact of police officers;

• clarification and evaluation of the system of legal regulation of the activities of police officers in the prevention of juvenile delinquency;

• clarification and assessment of the definition of concepts, content and peculiarities of the legal status of juvenile offenders, i.e. citizens of Ukraine;

• clarification and assessment of the causes and conditions of juvenile offenders' committing types and motivation of offenses;

• clarification and assessment of the classification of nominal forms and methods of activity of a police officer in the direction of prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders;

• clarification and evaluation of the legal basis and form of interaction of police officers with the subjects of civil, public, social and pedagogical prevention of offenses involving juvenile offenders;

• clarification and assessment of the possibilities for Ukraine to apply the experience of foreign countries in the field of prevention of juvenile delinquency;

• clarification and evaluation of the formulation of proposals on the activities of police officers in the prevention of juvenile delinquency;

• clarification and evaluation to ensure conditions for stopping the growth of crime among juvenile offenders;

• clarification and evaluation of the implementation of a phased change in the structure of crime in relation to the level of minimal danger in relation to modern society;

• to find out and evaluate the increase of the level of legal culture of juvenile offenders in the field of crime prevention and public order protection;

• to identify and evaluate the reduction of the number of negative social, psychological, pedagogical and public consequences of crimes committed by juvenile offenders;

• to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the system of measures to combat and prevent crime among juvenile offenders;

• to identify and evaluate the system of measures to combat and prevent crime among juvenile offenders;

• clarification and evaluation of the formation of a system of legal education of juvenile offenders;

• identification and evaluation of the promotion of the participation of citizens and public associations in the fight against crime among juvenile offenders;

• clarification and evaluation of the creation of an information complex to ensure adequate perception of the criminological situation by juvenile offenders;

• to find out and evaluate the stimulation of nominal forms of assistance by juvenile offenders to the requirements of law enforcement agencies in the form of police officers.

Accordingly, the introduction of research methods used for the purpose of legal education of juvenile offenders. Prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders in the form of explanations, stories, conversations, reading works, lectures, discussions, debates on legal issues, "round tables” on legal networks, that is, the use of verbal and interactive methods - games, exercises, trainings, contests, competitions, Olympiads and existing modern educational, psychological and entertainment activities.

Prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders,

i. e. activity in the nominal sense is considered as a means of social regulation of social relations in order to eliminate the determinant of crime among juvenile offenders, i.e. the interaction of joint measures of social, public, pedagogical, economic, pedagogical, educational, organizational and legal nature in order to combine nominal levels during crime prevention.

I. Tkachuk proposes the principles of preventive activity:

1. Proactive, restorative approach, which involves the elimination of the causes of juvenile delinquency, active participation of the community in the creation of preventive measures, the formation of children's sense of responsibility for their actions and awareness of the consequences of illegal behavior.

2. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of children, namely their physical and moral condition, social situation of development, psychological needs, etc. Thus, it is necessary to identify the true causes of youth crime, which are usually psychological in nature, and to promote their elimination.

3. Respect for social values. Since delinquency among children is a reflection of the whole society, it is extremely important to form respect for social values, personality, formation of moral foundations of society, tolerance, etc.

4. Recognition of the rights of the child, which is provided for in international legal acts and includes respect for the rights and freedoms of the child, requires the implementation of an individual approach to juvenile justice, giving preference to resocialization and psychocorrectional measures instead of punitive ones [4].

Accordingly, the criminogenic situation in Ukraine is assessed by the level of reduced control over growth by the police, that is, in the case of a decrease in the use of preventive measures, it turns into a dangerous social disaster. The problem of the peculiarities of modernity with the aim of pedagogical influence on juvenile offenders, taking into account the sociality of deviation in relation to the moral development of the individual.

H. Maksimova interprets that in general, the factors of juvenile delinquency are distinguished, that is:

I. Negative influence of the family. Studies show that the vast majority of juvenile offenders had a dysfunctional family. Often it is a general atmosphere of disrespect of parents to children, cruelty towards them, demonstrative indifference, drunkenness. A dysfunctional family can be a family in which both poverty and prosperity reign. Today, every day an average of 32 children (about

12 thousand per year) become orphans with living parents. In general, 2.5 million children in Ukraine do not have family care. About 40% of juvenile criminals come from single-parent families, 5% - did not know their parents at all. Meanwhile, the number of broken families is constantly growing. This leads to the fact that children feel unnecessary, strangers in their families, begin to seek contacts outside the family and, in contrast, transfer negative experiences and accumulated anger to others.

2. Shortcomings in school education. In the conditions of a deep socioeconomic crisis, secondary schools and vocational schools are far from what is required of them. Some teachers have a low level of culture and professional training, do not enjoy authority among students. The best teachers move to elite schools - lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. There is no new concept of education and upbringing of students. All this alienates children from school, they lose interest in it. Idols in the teenage environment are successful businessmen, regardless of the cost they got rich and currency prostitutes. The system of vocational education is in an extremely difficult situation. A significant number of vocational schools have been liquidated or merged with other institutions, not provided with adequate funding. But it is in them that there are tens of thousands of children from disadvantaged families who need special attention. Leisure and sports are increasingly losing their educational value for them, as they are commercialized.

3. Unemployment in socially useful work. Every year many graduates of secondary schools and vocational schools fail to find a job during the year. Now enterprises refuse to hire them. They can not find a permanent job and are "screened out” from schools. As a result, about half of juvenile offenders have not studied or worked anywhere. As for working minors, there is no educational influence on them from the labor collectives today. For enterprises that are in a difficult economic situation, the main task is to survive by any means. Unfortunately, underage workers are dismissed in the first place. And this is despite the fact that paragraph 2 of Section III of the Law "On promotion of social formation and development of youth in Ukraine" states: "The state guarantees able-bodied youth the provision of the first job for a period of not less than two years after graduation or termination of study in secondary general, vocational and higher educational institutions".

4. Negative influence of the microenvironment. Adolescents have an increased desire for communication, which facilitates their socialization. Having found a reference group for himself, the teenager values his position in it. However, often he cannot critically comprehend the situation. Brute force, cynicism, arrogance, mockery of the weaker, which such a group offers him, are perceived as a standard of behavior. Authorities are often persons with solid criminal experience. And here the role of adults in involving adolescents in criminal activity is quite clear. Former "hangouts" of teenagers with their insignia - skulls, metal plaques, etc. - are losing their positions. Now mobile "brigades" of 10-20 people are being created, which "work" under the guidance of adults, although in many cases they show their own initiative: protection of "authorities", imposition of "taxes", destruction of retail outlets, drug trafficking, prostitution, etc. Some groups travel outside their place of permanent residence to commit crimes (for car thefts, thefts in rural areas, etc.).

5. Shortcomings in the work of law enforcement agencies to prevent juvenile delinquency. In particular, criminal police units for juvenile affairs work poorly, focusing mainly on solving crimes that have already been committed. There is an unwillingness of employees to be active in identifying adolescents who need to be registered and to conduct individual preventive work with them. There is no interaction with the public. As for the juvenile affairs service, today it is not able to really engage in crime prevention: there is a lack of staff and funding. Legal education of the younger generation is minimized. All this leads to the fact that juvenile offenders are convinced of their impunity, which, in turn, contributes to their further criminalization [2].

A personality-oriented approach to juvenile offenders with the involvement of practice, that is, the effectiveness directly in relation to the teacher's consideration of nominal typological features in relation to these properties in relation to the potential of the category of juvenile offenders.

K. Muranenkointhecourseofcooperationwiththepoliceinthe

framework of preventive activities of juvenile delinquency, the legislation of Ukraine allocates an extensive system of subjects of prevention. Thus, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Bodies and Services for Children and Special Institutions for Children" of 24.12.1995, the protection of legal rights and interests, as well as the prevention of offenses of persons under the age of eighteen is carried out by:

1) the central body of executive power that ensures the formation of the state policy in the sphere of family and children, the central body of executive power that implements the state policy in the sphere of family and children, the executive body of the AR of Crimea in the sphere of family and children, relevant structural subdivisions of regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city, district state administrations, executive bodies of city and district councils in cities;

2) authorized bodies of internal affairs;

3) reception and distribution centers for children of internal affairs bodies;

4) schools of social rehabilitation and vocational schools of social rehabilitation of educational authorities;

5) centers of medical and social rehabilitation of children of health care institutions

6) special educational institutions of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine;

7) shelters for children;

8) centers of social and psychological rehabilitation of children;

9) social rehabilitation centers (children's towns) [3].

The result of the activity is expected to be an increase in the level of trust in police officers, the upbringing of a creative generation of minors, that is, a decrease in the level of juvenile delinquency, including recidivism, which in this case has a special place in the introduction of nominal prevention, starting from kindergarten and primary school. The prospect of building the foundation of the basis of the character of the minor, the attitude towards the surrounding citizens of modern society and the behavior of the minor, that is, the effectiveness of nominal achievements in modern times by police officers is below satisfactory, taking into account the capacity of the school, which should bear moral responsibility for the actions of juvenile offenders.

Accordingly, special skills, knowledge and skills are needed to form specialized juvenile competence by police officers with an indication of current issues in the training of future police officers in preventive activities.


Accordingly, during the solution of this goal in the direction of prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders is carried out using theoretical research methods: analysis of the current state of the problem under study during the implementation of nominal research methods in the field of prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders, that is:

• improvement of the provisions of the theory of prevention of offenses

amongjuvenileoffenders,whichissubstantiatedbytheanalysisof the

prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders in the form of measures of the socio-pedagogical field;

• improvement of creative development of the definition of the system of prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders and types of research of subjects, that is, fixing the significance of the impact and application of professional competence by police officers;

• improvement during the implementation of theoretical provisions, characterized by the legal status of juvenile offenders of Ukrainian citizens, taking into account the peculiarities of regulatory legislation;

• improvement of nominal conditions during the confrontation with police officers, that is, the commission of offenses by juvenile offenders;

• improvement from the point of view of analytics of the mechanism of legal regulation regarding the legal means of determining the peculiarities of legal regulation of the activities of police officers in the direction of prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders;

• improving the characteristics of the main forms and methods of activity of the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine in the field of prevention of juvenile delinquency;

• improvement of the development of the definition of legal principles and forms of interaction between police officers and subjects of social, public and pedagogical prevention of juvenile delinquency;

• improving the analysis of the experience of EU countries in the field of prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders, that is, finding out the possibilities of applying the problem in modern times;

• improvement of formulated and substantiated preventive measures regarding the organizational and legal framework of police officers in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.


Accordingly, in relation to the principle of prevention of offences by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, with regard to the analysis of the causes of the increase in crime, which indicates, ie:

• the impact of the weakening of the educational role in the family of the juvenile offender;

• the impact of loss of interest in acquiring skills, knowledge and ability to work during the growth of insecurity in the future, that is, the emergence of feelings of irritation and aggression;

• influence on the education of juvenile offenders to respect the law;

• influence of the feeling of intransigence towards misfortune and violence among juvenile offenders;

• the impact of transformation regarding administrative and legal influence during the provision of pedagogical assistance to juvenile offenders;

• impact on the knowledge of certain laws by juvenile offenders;

• influence on the norms of behavior of juvenile offenders, that is, the use of public and civil associations in the direction of modern society and awareness of the harm caused, responsibility and acquisition of legal consciousness within certain limits, that is, deterrence of violations of the rules of their own behavior among juvenile offenders.

Involvement of minors forcibly and / or voluntarily in illegal actions and deeds from the public in relation to the contingent in the form of students in the field of educational institutions, ie lyceums, secondary schools, colleges, vocational and technical schools. During the analysis of social circumstances, police officers noted that the proportion of minors who are absent during the educational and practical process is decreasing significantly, that is, the effectiveness of the prevention of deviant behavior among minors is becoming more relevant.

Accordingly, it is determined that sociality and nominal protection and protection of the rights of minors, that is, authorized in the form of police officers, to attract and implement these subjects, that is, in relation to institutions:

• legal representatives of minors;

• educational institutions;

• health care;

• social;

• law enforcement agencies.

Accordingly, the prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders is problematic and carefully considered in the form of a nominal part of pedagogical activity on the part of a police officer, taking into account the boundaries and standards of educational institutions. It is not enough to address the causes of offences in the course of educational work with juvenile offenders separately within educational institutions.

The involvement of legal education measures in relation to the prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders, that is, the distribution of the use of means by police officers, ie:

• reverse means of updating legal skills, knowledge and skills;

• reverse and creative means to increase professionalism in the pedagogical field;

• reverse and thorough means of psychological training;

• reversible and proactive means of cooperation with the community;

• reverse means of stabilizing the juvenile offender's traits and relations with the social society.

A significant area of prevention of juvenile delinquency is the use of drugs and alcohol. During the elimination of the problem, methods are used in the form of actions, competitions, performances, distribution of information and advertising material, the Internet, radio, television and print and electronic media. The artificiality and targeted effect of increasing the effectiveness of the prevention of offenses among juvenile offenders is considered to be the training and individuality of the methodology and prevention by police officers.


As a result of the theoretical analysis, it was found that the study of the problem of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders in these methodological recommendations for the implementation of the issues covered in the nominal tasks, that is, crime among juvenile offenders is considered in relation to the application of the considered and applied methods and prevention and application of professional competence by police officers.

The modernity of improvement and development of Ukrainian society is characterized by innovations and creative changes, i.e. it is covered in the sphere of strengthening the level of living. During the observation of the problem of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, living in the most difficult situation due to the development of a nominal system of strong moral beliefs, that is, the nominal orientation of the inadequacy of the reaction of social society to the events of juvenile offenders.

Accordingly, there is a constant concern about the facts that indicate a relative increase in the manifestations of aggression among juvenile offenders, that is, given the significant importance of increasing the problem of correction of negative behavior in relation to the initial stages of crime among juvenile offenders.

The load of the volume of crime among juvenile offenders and increases accordingly the list of types of crime, ie:

• application of conditions and commission of malicious murder;

• application of conditions and commission of grievous bodily harm;

• application of conditions and commission of robbery, robbery and rape.

The lack of variability in the equipment of the crime structure, that is, the

prevention of juvenile delinquency is a nominal attribute of modern society. Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders is carried out with the involvement of information on the lack of, ie:

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of certain laws;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of the norms of social behavior;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of their own constitutional duties in the context of society;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of the awareness of the committed act and/or harm;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of the level of responsibility and acquisition of legal awareness in accordance with existing legislation;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of the rules of ethics of a certain framework;

• knowledge by juvenile offenders of the motivation that distorts the abstinence from violating the rules of certain behavior.

Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders, taking into account the above in the context of acquiring professional competence in the direction of strengthening responsibility and professional control by police officers, ie:

• cycle control over the behavior of juvenile offenders;

• cycle control of dysfunctional families;

• cyclic control on the peculiarities of paying attention to the social and psychological development of juvenile offenders;

• cycle control of the moral state of juvenile offenders;

• cycle control on increasing the quantity and quality of preventive measures on the part of crime prevention among juvenile offenders;

• cyclical control of the need for state and non-governmental organizations to strengthen efforts to return to the state underage citizens of the perspective plan.

Accordingly, this article analyzes the rationale for individual crime prevention among juvenile offenders, that is, the specific features, purpose and nominal task are determined, that is, the implementation of measures to solve the problem of crime prevention within the framework of individual preventive influence on police officers.

The importance of effective prevention of crime among juvenile offenders, respectively, is the organization of meaningful own time of the specified contingent, that is, the need to develop the directions of the sports environment and increase the number of optional directions with the involvement of professional competence and responsibility on the part of police officers.

Prospects for further research. The presented results of the research are the initial link in the development of the model, taking into account the situation of Ukraine, is represented by the nominal study of civil law on the social formation of coordination regarding the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders regarding the tasks and forms of measures, that is, the involvement of parents, doctors, psychologists, social workers, teachers, legal authorities, juvenile prevention, educational institutions in the form of kindergartens, schools, universities in order to create a nominal family, healthy child and educated and highly moral nation in order to acquire professional competence on the part of police officers.


[1] Н. І. Головко, Соціальна профілактика правопорушень. Київ, Україна: ДП «Видав. дім «Персонал», 2017. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: Дата звернення: Жовт. 05, 2022.

[2] Н. Ю. Максимова, Л. А. Мороз, Л. І. Мороз, С. І. Яковенко, Злочинність

неповнолітніх: причини, наслідки та шляхи запобігання. Київ, Україна: КЮІКНУВС,2005.[Електроннийресурс].

Доступно: Дата звернення: Жовт. 05, 2022.

[3] К. Ю. Мураненко, «Організація системи профілактики правопорушень серед неповнолітніх», Актуальні проблеми психології. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. Соціальна психологія, т. 1, вип. 53, с. 81-852, 2019. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: Дата звернення: Жовт. 05, 2022.

[4] І. В. Ткачук, Організація системи профілактики правопорушень серед дітей та підлітків на основі гуманізації сучасної школи. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: Дата звернення: Жовт. 05, 2022.


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