Legal basis of confidential cooperation in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

Investigation of the state of legal support for confidential cooperation using evidence from the activities of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. Identification of gaps, contradictions, and conflicts and ways to improve legislation.

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Дата добавления 23.07.2023
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National Academy of Internal Affairs

Legal basis of confidential cooperation in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

Viktor Kateryniuk

Postgraduate Student



legislation corruption bureau state

The relevance of this study is conditioned upon the fact that special legislation regulating investigative operations, combating organized crime, ensuring the security of people cooperating with law enforcement agencies, adopted in 1992-1994, does not meet the conditions of modern life (liberalization and digitalization of society; changes in the banking and financial sector; ease of crossing borders, etc.), and the challenges facing the law enforcement system (transnational crime; development of technologies that complicate the technical removal of information; use of cryptocurrencies and quasi-money, etc.). The main disadvantage of this legislation is the lack of regulation of confidential cooperation as the main tool for combating crime. The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of legal support for confidential cooperation using evidence from the activities of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; to identify gaps, contradictions, and conflicts; to identify ways to improve legislation. General scientific, logical, and general legal methods were used. The paper analysed the state of scientific research on the subject under study, systematized the current legislation of Ukraine, and compared its individual norms. The main study results are that the legal basis of confidential cooperation is considered for the first time as a system of legal norms of an intersectoral legal institution, not limited exclusively to the procedural aspect or scope of application. The present study is the first to investigate the functioning of the institution of confidential cooperation in the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine. The paper stated that the absence of proper statutory regulation at the level of laws of Ukraine and the lack of systematization of existing norms, which creates risks of abuse, violation of citizens' rights and freedoms. It was noted that the gaps in the legislation are filled in by departmental regulations of the relevant law enforcement agencies with the appropriate classification of secrecy. The study covered the essence and purpose of confidential cooperation, the legal norms prescribed in various laws, the specifics of their application, the subject of their legal regulation, as well as analysed differences in the legal regulation of cooperation with confidants and whistle-blowers. The practical value of this study lies in the fact that its results can be used by practising lawyers, namely investigators, prosecutors, and barristers, for whom the institution of confidential cooperation is new considering the secret forms and methods of its functioning

Keywords: confidant; whistle-blower; informant; mentor; human intelligence


Правова основа інституту конфіденційного співробітництва в Національному антикорупційному бюро України

Віктор Вікторович Катеринюк Аспірант Національна академія внутрішніх справ, м. Київ,

Актуальність теми зумовлена тим, що спеціальне законодавство, яке регулює оперативнорозшукову діяльність, боротьбу з організованою злочинністю, забезпечення безпеки осіб, які співпрацюють з правоохоронними органами, прийняте у 1992-1994 роках, не відповідає умовам сучасного життя (лібералізації та цифровізації суспільства; змінам у банківському та фінансовому секторі; легкості перетину кордонів тощо) та викликам, які стоять перед правоохоронною системою (транснаціональна злочинність; розвиток технологій, які ускладнюють технічне зняття інформації; використання криптовалют і квазігрошей тощо). Основним недоліком цього законодавства є неврегульованість конфіденційного співробітництва як основного інструменту боротьби зі злочинністю. Метою роботи є дослідження стану правового забезпечення конфіденційного співробітництва на прикладі діяльності Національного антикорупційного бюро України; виявлення прогалин, суперечностей і колізій; визначення шляхів удосконалення законодавства. Використано загальнонаукові, логічні та загальноправові методи. У роботі проаналізовано стан наукового дослідження теми, систематизовано чинне законодавство України, здійснено зіставлення його окремих норм. Основні результати дослідження полягають у тому, що правову основу конфіденційного співробітництва вперше розглянуто як систему правових норм міжгалузевого правового інституту, не обмежуючись виключно процесуальним аспектом чи сферою застосування. Уперше досліджено функціонування інституту конфіденційного співробітництва в Національному антикорупційному бюро України. Констатовано відсутність належного нормативно-правового регулювання на рівні законів України та несистематизованість наявних норм, що створює ризики зловживань, порушення прав і свобод громадян. Зауважено, що прогалини в законодавстві заповнені відомчими нормативними актами відповідних правоохоронних органів з відповідним грифом секретності. Розкрито сутність і призначення конфіденційного співробітництва, проаналізовано норми права, закріплені в різних законах, особливості їх застосування, предмет їх правового регулювання, а також відмінності в правовому регулюванні співпраці з конфідентами та викривачами. Практична цінність результатів дослідження полягає в тому, що їх можуть використовувати юристи-практики, зокрема слідчі, прокурори й адвокати, для яких інститут конфіденційного співробітництва є новим з огляду на таємні форми й методи його функціонування

Ключові слова: конфідент; викривач; інформатор; наставник; агентурна розвідка


Corruption has been one of the fundamental issues of Ukrainian society, despite Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. Centralization and monopolization of power, censorship in the media, concealment of data on state funds and expenditures, secret and non-competitive state purchases, reduction of financial control over representatives of state authorities and local self-government, etc. create a favourable environment for corruption. The same circumstances reduce the effectiveness of public methods of work of law enforcement agencies, including the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, in combating corruption, which is already hidden (latent) in nature. In this regard, more attention should be paid to covert methods, the main of which is the undercover method or human Intelligence, which in law enforcement activities is usually called confidential cooperation.

Confidential cooperation is a relationship that is established and maintained by employees authorized to carry out investigative operations and/or pre-trial investigation (mentors or handlers) with physically capable individuals (confidants) to assist these individuals in the performance of the tasks assigned to them by these bodies, on a paid or free basis and based on confidentiality and voluntariness (Kateryniuk, 2021).

The definition of the terms “confidant” and “confidential cooperation” in the legislative acts of foreign countries is similar. The author of this study examines the UK practices in regulating confidential cooperation. According to § 26 (8) of the UK Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 20001 “a person is a confidant (covert human intelligence source, CHIS) if: a) they establish or maintain a personal or other relationship with a person for the covert purpose of facilitating the doing of anything falling within paragraph (b) or (c) b) they covertly use such a relationship to obtain information or to provide access to any information to another person; or c) they covertly disclose information obtained by the use of such a relationship, or as a consequence of the existence of such a relationship”. (Kateryniuk, 2021).

Section 29(5a) of the UK Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act of 20002 implicitly defines a handler as an officer who is given dual responsibility by the police service for managing the day-to-day activities of CHIS (sources) and for CHIS's security and welfare (Henry, 2022).

The principal issue, according to the author, which both scientists and practitioners face when investigating the legal basis of confidential cooperation is the lack of systematization of legislation regulating confidential cooperation. There is no special law that would govern these legal relations. None of the regulations defines the concept of confidential cooperation, subjects, and content of legal relations. Separate legal norms are found in the Law of Ukraine “On Investigative Operations”3 and in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine 4, but in most cases, during scientific research and in law enforcement activities, scientists are forced to resort to the analogy of right and the analogy of law, which regulate cooperation and ensuring the security of individuals assisting in the detection, prevention, investigation, and solution of crimes.

The importance and universality of the tool of cooperation between law enforcement officers and citizens in the fight against crime is also confirmed by international practices, namely the practices of Western European countries, the United States of America, and Canada, which were investigated by D.I. Nykyforchuk, V.V. Matviichuk and A.V. Savchenko (2004), as well as Ye.Ye. Hrechyn and I.I. Musiienko (2015). The main differences are related to the approach to legal support of confidential cooperation (in laws, sub-legislative acts, codes of practice); subjects authorized for confidential cooperation; persons with whom it is allowed to establish relevant relations; the limits of such cooperation; the procedure for registration of involving a person in cooperation, as well as the use of its results. The study and use of international practices began in the 2000s and continues today.

Foreign practices indicate that the cooperation of law enforcement officers with citizens is the most effective source of information in the fight against crime. For instance, in France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, over 85-90% of serious crimes are solved through cooperation with the population (Kozachenko, 2018). In addition, O.I. Kozachenko (2018), comparing the international and national practices of legal regulation of ensuring the security of confidants and confidential cooperation in general, gives arguments for the effectiveness of the institution of confidential cooperation in countering crime and connects it with the ability of states to really provide a prominent level of legal, social, and physical protection of confidants.

To develop a model of legislative regulation of confidential cooperation, which is the purpose of this study, it was necessary to analyse the current state of legal support, identify gaps, conflicts, and contradictions, investigate analogous studies, as well as consider the international practices of rationing this type of activity of law enforcement agencies.

Literature Review

The Ukrainian practices of using citizens' assistance in the fight against crime indicate that despite significant achievements in science, the rapid development of information technologies, this type of activity is still the main means of preventing and detecting crimes, and in some cases - their investigation (Gribov & Kozachenko, 2019). M.L. Hribov and O.I. Kozachenko (2019) reveal some “secrets of success” of using confidential cooperation in developed Western democracies, which consist in the wide opportunities of authorized bodies to motivate people to cooperate, including those from the criminal environment, as well as in real opportunities to ensure their security. Furthermore, the said researchers investigate the approaches to the legal support of confidential cooperation, specifically at the level of laws and departmental regulations. The researchers propose to regulate the rights, obligations, and legal guarantees of confidants at the legislative level, including those related to exemption from criminal liability and punishment.

K.V. Antonov also addressed the issues of statutory regulation of the use of confidential cooperation (Antonov, 2020). Antonov continued the discussion between practitioners and scientists about the expediency of authorizing confidential cooperation between an investigator who does not have an unspoken apparatus, since this is not one of the priorities of their activities. The researcher notes that criminal procedural activities are generally public, and issues of prevention, detection, and solving of crimes are included in the subject of investigative operations, which are covert.

V.M. Davydiuk investigated the issue of the legal grounds for ensuring the security of confidential cooperation. Davydiuk emphasizes that the risks taken by the confidant can be considered justified only if safety measures are observed, reliable regulatory provision of relevant guarantees and proper organization of operational and investigative measures, covert investigative (detective) operations and various combinations (Davydiuk, 2019).

In addition, the scientific community does not stop discussing the place and role of confidential cooperation in criminal proceedings. The position expressed by, among others, D.B. Serheieva, prevails, who does not include confidential cooperation in the list of separate covert investigative (detective) operations, but considers it as a security measure for their implementation (Serheieva, 2016).

This discussion is also supported by D.V. Talalai and S.M. Saltykov, who generally agree with D.B. Serheieva. However, these researchers provide arguments in favour of a certain similarity of confidential cooperation, if not with covert investigative (detective) operations, then with investigative and procedural actions. They address the common ultimate purpose - the search and recording of evidence, as well as the main difference - the lack of regulation of the procedural consolidation of the course and results of confidential cooperation (Saltykov and Talalay, 2020).

Continuing the research on the topic of procedural aspects of confidential cooperation, it must be noted that during the use of this institution within the framework of the criminal procedure, sufficient empirical material was developed, which was analysed by N.V. Nelevda, who investigated the issue of forms of registration of confidential cooperation (Nelevda, 2021). The author concluded that the current legislation does not clearly define the agreement on confidential cooperation, its terms and conditions, and procedure for execution.

The same subject was covered by Ya.O. Talyzina, who focused on the features of the procedural execution of involving a person in confidential cooperation in criminal proceedings (Talyzina, 2020). Talyzina concluded that from a criminal-procedural standpoint, confidential cooperation is formalized by the written consent of the confidant, the resolution of the investigator on the involvement of the confidant in confidential cooperation, and the protocol/memorandum, which clarifies the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the confidant.

These publications indicate that most researchers investigate certain theoretical and practical aspects of confidential cooperation, while there are no scientific studies in the public domain that accumulate and systematize the norms of national legislation on confidential cooperation and the involvement of citizens in the detection, prevention, investigation, and solving of crimes. This is precisely the gap that the present paper intends to fill.

Among other things, a special feature of scientific research abroad is that confidential cooperation is also actively investigated as a tool for interaction of law enforcement officers with detainees, prisoners, prisoners, etc. As an example, we should cite the binary classification of informants proposed by S.M. Kleinman (2006), according to which the assigned source shares the purpose of his or her supervisor and maintains a cooperative relationship with them, while the detainee is more likely to perceive their interrogator as an enemy and will often try to withhold known information. In terms of the physical environment, S.M. Kleinman notes that the source being interviewed voluntarily communicates with their supervisor and can leave at any time. However, the detained source is in a detention centre, and their physical condition is under the control of the investigator. Thus, a secret source can be considered to exist in one of four possible categories (combinations) depending on the physical situation: prisoner or not, and access to information: active (actively received information, according to the given instruction) or passive (passively received target information without expecting that it will later have to be disclosed to the investigator).

The unipolarity of the study of confidential cooperation in the context of interaction with detainees, prisoners, and captives has led to a lack of research-to-practice studies on the use of confidential cooperation in criminal intelligence and criminal justice, which prompts scientists to actively fill these gaps (Moffett, 2022).

A common feature of Ukrainian and foreign studies is that they are primarily related to practical aspects of confidential cooperation. One of them is high-quality training of practitioners. Along with the special value of the information obtained from the informant, Pamela Henry, Nikki Rajakaruna, Charl Crous and John Buckley (2020) note the risks of confidential cooperation, which may consist of social and personal harm to a person if their identity becomes known; the risk for the authorized employee (handler) regarding manipulation, misconduct/corruption, and personal safety; and the risk to the public body of organizational corruption and legal/regulatory responsibility to ensure the security of the confidant and handler.

Clive Harfield draws attention to the same risks. In his studies, he investigates legal regulation (2009), organization and management (2010), moral principles of confidential cooperation (2012), and also distinguishes such types of confidants as informants and infiltrated confidants (2009). On the one hand, confidants infiltrated into the criminal environment are the most valuable, and on the other hand, they carry the greatest risks both for the authorized person (handler) who cooperates with them and for the state body. Clive Harfield emphasizes that confidential cooperation relations should not only be sufficiently regulated at the legislative level, but also comply with moral and ethical principles, so that society trusts the activities of the relevant law enforcement agencies (2012). According to Harfield, confidential cooperation is most fully and consistently investigated.

Materials and Methods

During the preparation of this paper, several general scientific and general logical methods were used: description, analogy and comparison, analysis and synthesis, systematization; as well as general legal methods: logical legal, formal legal, and comparative legal.

During the study, the norms of the current legislation regulating investigative operations, confidential cooperation, and protection of individuals who assist law enforcement agencies in detecting, preventing, investigating, and solving crimes were described and compared; both differences and identical approaches to the statutory regulation of these relations were established. Using the analogy method, the authors of this study selected legal norms that are not included in the system of norms of special legislation but can be applied to regulate confidential cooperation relations.

The main methods used in this study were methods of analysis and synthesis, which consisted, respectively, in separating legislative acts into separate legal norms to investigate them and combine them into a single whole. To combine the norms of law into a logical structure, the systematization method was used.

The use of the comparative legal method consisted in comparing different legal institutions and categories both within the framework of Ukrainian legislation, and considering the UK practices in regulating confidential cooperation, to determine their differences and common features. The formal legal method was used to cognize particular legal institutions, legal norms, establish their meaning, define concepts and terminology, classify and interpret individual legal norms, determine the structure and construction of individual legal norms and regulations. The logical legal method was used to explain the subject of legal regulation of individual legal norms and legislative acts, systematize and classify legal norms, and combine them into a single logical structure. Using this method, gaps were identified, the practices of overcoming them were investigated, and proposals for improving Ukrainian legislation were proposed.

In the preparation of this paper, the provisions of the following regulations were used:-the Constitution of Ukraine1; Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms2; Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine3; Criminal Code of Ukraine4, Laws of Ukraine “On Investigative Operations”5; “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine6; “On the Legal Principles of Combating Organized Crime”7; “On Ensuring the Safety of Individuals Involved in Criminal Proceedings”8; “On Prevention of Corruption”9; sub-legislative acts and departmental regulations, draft regulations. This study also covered modern scientific sources with the results of research on legal regulation, usage practices and features of registration of confidential cooperation both in Ukraine and abroad.

Results and Discussion

The legal basis of confidential cooperation before the development of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine10 in the 2012 edition was mostly investigated separately as part of investigative operations.

However, since its adoption and in connection with the inclusion in its text of “Chapter 21. Covert investigative (detective) operations”, where the investigators were first given the right to use confidential cooperation, this type of activity has also been considered as part of criminal procedural activity. Confidential cooperation is also investigated as a type of activity of individual law enforcement agencies. This can be explained by the fact that the lack of proper legislative support leads to a different understanding of the essence, role, and place of the institution of confidential cooperation in the legal system, and in this regard to different approaches to its research. Insufficient attention has also been paid to the general legal principles of confidential cooperation.

In terms of the state of scientific development of the topic concerning the use of confidential cooperation in pre-trial investigation, the results of research by O.O. Podobnyi & R.O. Belskyi (2021) should be noted, which state that so far in criminal procedural and forensic studies, the main ways of solving modern issues of the institution of covert investigative (detective) operations have been proposed at the level of doctoral theses and a fairly large number of individual scientific publications. The researchers continue that these studies did not reveal the main problematic aspects of the current theoretical and practical use of confidential cooperation in pre-trial investigations.

Thus, the proposed study is designed to cover not onlythetheoretical aspectsofconfidentialcooperation, but also the possibility of using legal tools in practice.

The principle of confidentiality and the importance of keeping the informant's personal data secret at the same level as the legal guarantees of a confidant for committing crimes during the performance of a special task to prevent or disclose the criminally illegal activities of an organized group or criminal organization, i.e., under control and undercover, are important elements of the institution of confidential cooperation, which are investigated by American and European scientists, as noted by J.E. Ross (2008) in his comparative study.

These relations arise in connection with the law enforcement activities of state law enforcement agencies and are associated with the risk of violation of the constitutional rights and interests of confidants, authorized employees, persons in respect of whom confidential cooperation is carried out, and others.

Therefore, such activities of law enforcement agencies and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine should be legally and statutorily regulated and have a proper legal basis.

Notably, numerous attempts to adopt the Laws of Ukraine “On Investigative Operations”1 and “On Legal Bases of Combating Organized Crime” Draft Law No. 1229 “On Investigative Operations”. (2019, September). Retrieved from Draft Law No. 7043 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine on Legal Bases of Combating Organized Crime”. (2022, February). Retrieved from in the new wording, which propose to regulate the institution of confidential cooperation, are currently failing. Therewith, in the strategy for Combating Organized Crime, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by Order No. 1126-p dated 16.09.2020Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1126-p. “On Strategy for the Fight Against Organized Crime”. (2020, September). Retrieved from, a special place is occupied by the issues of regulatory support for confidential cooperation, protection, and encouragement of confidants.

The study of regulatory support for confidential cooperation in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (the National Bureau) should begin with finding out its place among the authorities, status, and tasks.

The status of the National Bureau is determined by Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”Law of Ukraine No. 1698-VII “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”. (2014, October). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada. (the Law of Ukraine “On NABU”), according to which “the National Bureau is a central body of executive power with a special status, which is entrusted with warning, detection, termination, investigation, and solving of corruption offences falling within its jurisdiction, as well as prevention of new ones”. The main task is “combating corruption and other criminal offences committed by high-ranking officials authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, which pose a threat to national security”.

This norm is important from a theoretical and practical standpoint, as it specifies the particular tasks facing the National Bureau, and for the performance of which the authorized employees of the National Bureau establish confidential cooperation with citizens.

Investigative operations are an independent and strategic type of activity of the National Bureau, which often precedes pre-trial investigation and continues after bringing a person to criminal responsibility and is also aimed at constantly creating opportunities to obtain, record, and implement operationally significant information for effective crime prevention.

After the beginning of the pre-trial investigation, the investigative operations of detectives of the National Bureau do not essentially stop, but continue in the form of conducting procedural, investigative and covert investigative (detective) operations, including in the form of confidential cooperation. Such activities of detectives of the National Bureau in the regulations of the National Bureau are called covert activities, i.e., covert, not subject to disclosure. Thus, investigative operations and pre-trial investigation are inextricably linked, as they are carried out by detectives who are authorized to carry out both types of operations. Detectives carry out covert operations in compliance with the principles of conspiracy to obtain factual data about the illegal actions of individuals and groups (gathering evidence), as well as establishing other information essential for criminal proceedings. In this regard, confidential cooperation should be considered in an indissoluble connection with both investigative operations and pre-trial investigation.

According to Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On NABU”, the legal basis of the National Bureau's activity is the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, this and other laws of Ukraine.

And according to the provisions of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On Investigative Operations”1 (the Law of Ukraine “On IO”), the legal basis of investigative operations is the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On NABU”, on ensuring the safety of persons involved in criminal proceedings, on state protection of court employees and law enforcement agencies and other laws of Ukraine.

Considering the above, the sources of law that form the legal basis of the institution of confidential cooperation in the National Bureau should be classified, considering their legal force, as follows:

1) The Constitution of UkraineLaw of Ukraine No. 2135-XII “On Investigative Operations”. (1992, February). Retrieved from show/2135-12#Text.;

2) Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsConstitution of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine No. 254k/96-BP. (1996, June). Retrieved fromвр#Text.;

3) Criminal Procedural Code of UkraineConvention of the Council of Europe. (1950, November). Retrieved from (the CPCU);

4) Criminal Code of UkraineCriminal Procedural Code of Ukraine No. 4651-VI. (2012, April). Retrieved from Criminal Code of Ukraine No. 2341-III. (2001, April). Retrieved from (the CCU);

5) The Law of Ukraine “On Investigative Operations”Law of Ukraine No. 2135-XII “On Investigative Operations”. (1992, February). Retrieved from show/2135-12#Text.;

6) The Law of Ukraine “On National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine”Law of Ukraine No. 1698-VII “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”. (2014, October). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.;

7) Law of Ukraine “On Legal Bases for Combating Organized Crime”Law of Ukraine No. 3341-XII “On the Legal Foundations of Combating Organized Crime”. (1993, June). Retrieved from https://zakon.;

8) Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Safety of Persons Involved in Criminal Proceedings”Law of Ukraine No. 3782-XII “On Ensuring the Safety of Persons Participating in Criminal Proceedings”. (1993, December). Retrieved from;

9) Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”Law of Ukraine No. 1700-VII “On Prevention of Corruption”. (2014, October). Retrieved from show/1700-18#Text. Instructions on the organization of covert investigative (detective) operations and the use of their results in criminal proceedings, approved by the Order of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 114/1042/516/1199/936/1687/5. (2012, November). Retrieved from page#Text.;

10) Instructions on the organization of covert investigative (detective) operations and the use of their results in criminal proceedings11;

11) Other sub-legislative and departmental regulations.

The present study investigates these sources of law alternately in an indissoluble connection with each other.

When conducting confidential cooperation, the employees of the National Bureau are primarily guided by the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine, namely: the fundamental principle according to which a human, their life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized as the highest social value in Ukraine, and their observance is the main duty of the state (Article 3); the principle of the rule of law (Article S); the principle of freedom and the inadmissibility of coercion, which includes the inadmissibility of coercion to enter into a relationship of confidential cooperation in general and to perform certain tasks (which is also manifested in the right of the confidant to withdraw from the relationship of confidential cooperation unilaterally), as well as the duty of employees National Bureau to act only on the basis, within the limits of authority and according to the procedure prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine (Article 19); principles of equality and inviolability of human rights (Article 21). This also includes the provisions of Articles 27-34, 55-57, 60, which guarantee a human's inalienable rights: to life; on respect for human dignity, which cannot be violated or limited; as well as freedom, personal integrity and housing integrity; prohibition of interference in family and personal life; for free movement and choice of place of residence; on freedom of thought and speech; on the secrecy of private communication, which can be violated and limited only in exceptional cases prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine; for legal protection and compensation for damage caused by the state; the right to know one's rights and obligations, not to carry out an obviously criminal order.

These rules of law, which oblige authorized employees of the National Bureau to respect and not violate the constitutional rights and guarantees of a human and a citizen, apply not only to these employees, but also to confidants, and should be explained to them to prevent the excess of the performer and other offences, as well as to ensure legal guarantees for the security of the confidant themselves.

Comparable legal norms are prescribed in Articles 2-14 of Chapter I of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms1.

In the context of the subject under study, attention should be paid to the fact that the principle of voluntary confidential cooperation comes from the guarantee against forced labour prescribed in Article 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine2 and Article 4 of the specified Convention, and lies in the fact that a person can enter into a relationship of confidential cooperation solely based on their own free expression of will. This question has not only a theoretical nature, but also an essential practical value, as it allows distinguishing coercion, threats, bribery, deception, and other manifestations of deviant behaviour from legal methods of involving individuals in confidential cooperation.

Furthermore, the specified norms of law limit the use of confidential cooperation, if it violates the constitutional rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen; obligate authorized employees to act within the limits and according to the procedure prescribed by the Law; provide legal guarantees to confidants. These norms make it impossible to use confidential cooperation to carry out visual surveillance, survey of publicly inaccessible places, review of correspondence and other actions related to interference in private communication, which require compliance with the relevant procedures prescribed by the CPCU3 and the Law of Ukraine “On IO”4. Such legal norms prevent both operatives and confidants from interfering in the private and family life of persecuted persons.

For instance, when establishing confidential cooperation with a person who has access to the mail correspondence of the persecuted individual, and also has the opportunity to secretly receive such correspondence. Pursuant to the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the authorized employee of the National Bureau is prohibited, without appropriate court permission, to instruct a confidant to receive such correspondence, as this violates the human right to the secrecy of private communication and correspondence. The corresponding prohibition also applies to the confidant's actions. Therefore, during confidential cooperation, the authorized employee is responsible for explaining the rights, obligations, responsibilities of the confidant, the boundaries, and method of performing the assigned tasks.

The basis of the legal regulation of confidential cooperation, as well as of all investigative operations, are the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”. Confidential cooperation is regulated by: Article 1, which defines the tasks of operational units, in the achievement of which confidential cooperation can be involved, specifically for searching and recording information about criminal offences; Article 5, which specifies that the following subdivisions of the National Bureau are authorized to carry out confidential cooperation: detective, operational and technical, internal control; Item 6 of Article 7, according to which the specified operational units shall be obliged to ensure the safety of confidants, as well as their family members and close relatives, independently and with the involvement of other units; Article 8, which defines the rights of operational units, namely: to interview individuals and use their assistance upon consent; to enter dwellings and other premises to perform the tasks specified in Article 1 upon consent of the owners and possessors; to collect information about the illegal activities of individuals who are being checked; to carry out a special task of uncovering the criminal activity of an organized group or criminal organization according to the provisions of Article 272 of the CCU; to use confidential cooperation pursuant to the provisions of Article 275 of the CPCU; to receive information from legal entities or individuals for free or for a fee about criminal offences that are being prepared or committed, and about threats to the security of society and the state; with consent to use office premises, housing, other premises, transport and other property of legal entities and individuals.

Having carefully examined the rights of operational units, the author determined the purposes of using confidential cooperation, namely for:

- collecting information about criminal activities of individuals and groups;

- conducting investigative and covert investigative (detective) operations;

- performing a special task to uncover the criminal activities of an organized group or criminal organization;

- conspiratorial use of premises, housing, and vehicles;

- conspiratorial use of enterprises, institutions, and organizations, and their property.

Important from the standpoint of ensuring the human and citizen rights and freedoms are the guarantees prescribed in Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”1, regarding the ban on disclosure of information about security measures taken and persons taken under protection; information that may harm the investigation and national security; information regarding the conduct or non-conduct of investigative operations regarding a certain person before deciding based on the results of such activity; information related to the personal life, honour, dignity of a person, if they do not contain information about the commission of actions prohibited by law (such information must be destroyed). In addition, the results of investigative operations that constitute a state secret are not subject to disclosure. For the transfer and disclosure of this information, employees of operational units, as well as persons to whom this information was entrusted during the implementation of investigative operations or became known through service or work, shall be liable pursuant to current legislation, except in cases of disclosure of information about illegal actions that violate human rights. To obtain information, it is forbidden to use technical means, psychotropic, chemical, and other substances that suppress the will or harm human health and the environment.

These guarantees, prohibitions, and restrictions are mandatory not only for operational employees, but also for individuals involved in confidential cooperation, as explicitly stated in this study. Therefore, when involving an individual in confidential cooperation, these restrictions, duties, and responsibilities are explained to them. And that is why only those individuals who, based on their personal and moral qualities, personality, and level of education, can be involved in confidential cooperation.

This shows that confidential cooperation is a complex intellectual and procedural activity that must be carried out systematically and purposefully to perform tasks essential from the standpoint of countering crime. Confidential cooperation can only be assigned to operational employees with a sufficient level of education, knowledge, skills, personal and moral qualities, and life experience.

According to Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”2, materials of investigative operations, including materials of confidential cooperation, may be used, namely:

- to start a pre-trial investigation;

- to obtain evidence in criminal proceedings;

- to prevent criminal offences;

- to search for individuals who have committed criminal offences;

- to ensure the safety of employees of the court, law enforcement agencies, confidants, and other individuals involved in criminal proceedings, their family members and close relatives.

The main obligations and prohibitions related to confidential cooperation, as well as the options for formalizing these relations, are defined by Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”. Confidants are required to keep a secret that has been entrusted to them or has become known. At their request, confidential cooperation can be formalized by a written agreement. Such an agreement can only be concluded with a legally capable individual. Operative workers and investigators have no right to involve in confidential cooperation those individuals who are entrusted with the duty of maintaining professional secrecy, namely clergymen, notaries, medical workers, journalists, lawyers, if such cooperation would be associated with the disclosure of confidential information of a professional nature.

Social and legal protection of confidants is defined in Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”, according to which such individuals are under the protection of the state; in case of concluding an employment agreement with them, the cooperation of individuals with the operative unit is counted towards their total length of service, and in case that in connection with the performance of the tasks of investigative operations by such an individual, their disability or death occurred, they are entitled to the benefits prescribed in such cases for employees of operational units (Article 12). In case of a threat to the life, health, or property of an individual involved in confidential cooperation, its protection is ensured according to the procedure prescribed in Part 3 of Article 12 of this Law. Specifically, such individuals shall be subject to the guarantees of legal and social protection prescribed by the laws of Ukraine on the relevant bodies with which they cooperate. If such a threat arises in connection with the implementation of investigative operations by the confidant in the interests of the security of Ukraine, or to identify a grave or particularly grave crime, or to expose an organized criminal group or criminal organization, taking special measures to ensure the safety of the confidant and their close relatives is the responsibility of the operational unit. In this case, the operational unit takes the following specific measures: changing personal data, changing the place of residence, work, study, and other data pursuant to the procedure prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Important for confidants is the legal guarantee of non-liability in case the confidant damages the interests of the state, as well as human rights and freedoms during the performance of the relevant tasks of the operational unit in connection with the detention of an individual; suspected of committing a criminal offence, as well as in the state of extreme need, professional risk, necessary defence.

Thus, the state establishes virtually the same legal and social protection for both confidants and operative units.

A systematic analysis of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”1 shows that the institution of confidential cooperation is not sufficiently regulated in this law. Specifically, the terms “confidential cooperation” and “confidant” are not defined; rights, duties, and responsibilities of parties to confidential cooperation; the procedure for the emergence and termination of confidential cooperation relations, as well as their procedural design, the procedure for setting and performing tasks and assignments. Furthermore, the statement of certain norms on cooperation between operational units and individuals who contribute to the performance of the tasks of the IO causes certain contradictions, namely between the obligation to assist operational units and the voluntary nature of confidential cooperation.

The specified gaps and discrepancies cannot be corrected only by making editorial or minor amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On IO”1, but require the adoption of a new version of the law with a detailed regulation of the institution of confidential cooperation in a separate section of it, which would include the following articles: “Principles of confidential of cooperation”, “Subjects of confidential cooperation”, “Rights, duties, and responsibilities of the parties of confidential cooperation”, “Conditions, purpose, and tasks of confidential cooperation”, “Guarantees of security, legal and social status of confidants”, “Execution of confidential cooperation”, “Performance of a special task to reveal the criminal activity of an organized group or criminal organization”, “Involvement of individuals in the implementation of investigative operations, covert investigative (detective) operations”, “Using materials of confidential cooperation”.

Furthermore, the specified norms of the Law of Ukraine “On IO” regulate confidential cooperation relations that have arisen and are implemented within the scope of investigative operations, and therefore their application to legal relations of confidential cooperation that take place within the framework of criminal proceedings is problematic.

The Law of Ukraine “On IO” and the CPCU Law of Ukraine No. 2135-XII On Investigative Operations. (1992, February). Retrieved from Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine No. 4651-VI. (2012, April). Retrieved from lack the specific norms that regulate the rights, obligations, restrictions, prohibitions, responsibilities, legal and social guarantees of security and protection of the confidant, which complicates their application to confidential cooperation relations that are in force during criminal proceedings. This gap must be eliminated during the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On IO” in a new wording or by amending the CPCU.

In practice, this gap has been eliminated by the relevant regulations of the National Bureau, which equally govern confidential cooperation both during investigative operations and during criminal proceedings.

Furthermore, this gap is compensated by the relevant provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Safety of Individuals Involved in Criminal Proceedings”Law of Ukraine No. 3782-XII “On Ensuring the Safety of Persons Participating in Criminal Proceedings”. (1993, December). Retrieved from, which provide guarantees of protection to individuals who contribute to the detection, prevention, termination, or solving of criminal offences.

At the same time, even if relevant changes are introduced to the legislation of Ukraine and the regulation of confidential cooperation at the level of the Law of Ukraine “On IO”, the need for departmental regulation of these relations will not decrease because different law enforcement agencies have different organizational structures, tasks, numbers, etc., which leads to different approaches to determining priority areas of work, the need to use the capabilities of confidants, etc.


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