Preventive activity of the juvenile prevention police: the experience of the USA and ways of its introduction into the national doctrine

The examination of the activities of the American police in the field of counteraction and prevention of administrative offenses committed by children and in relation to children. The principles of the administrative activity of the juvenile police.

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Дата добавления 09.08.2023
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Размещено на

Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs


Karina PISOTSKA Ph.D. (Law)

Tetyana BORYSENKO Lecturer



Карина Пісоцька, Тетяна Борисенко. ПРЕВЕНТИВНА ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ПОЛІЦІЇ ЮВЕНАЛЬНОЇ ПРЕВЕНТТГТ: ДОСВІД США ТА ШЛЯХИ ЙОГО ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ У ВІТЧИЗНЯНУ ДОКТРИНУ. У статті розглянуто діяльність поліції Америки в сфері протидії та профілактики адміністративних правопорушень, що вчиняються дітьми та відносно дітей. Здійснено аналіз нормативно-правових актів, які регулюють діяльність поліції та інших спеціалізованих органів і установ у справах дітей у США.

Встановлено, що однією з провідних діяльностей поліції ювенальної превенції США визначається стратегічна співпраця та довгострокові плани дій для попередження правопорушень дітьми, як на загальнонаціональному так і на місцевому рівні. Визначено, що сучасними напрямками в адміністративній діяльності поліції США щодо профілактики правопорушень, що вчиняються дітьми є: широке застосування аналізу факторів та причин, що призводять до дитячих правопорушень, так звана превентивна перспектива; високий акцент на експертності поліцейських та інших фахівців, які займаються профілактикою адміністративних правопорушень, що вчиняються дітьми.

Встановлено основні засади адміністративної діяльності ювенальної поліції та інших органів і установ у справах дітей зарубіжних держав, реалізація яких може бути доцільною в Україні. Аргументовано, що для успішної реалізації позитивного зарубіжного досвіду, рекомендується поетапне та поступове внесення змін, або ж, наприклад застосовування новел методом пілотного проєкту на одній з областей чи місті. Така методика дає можливість проаналізувати дієвість змін не зашкодивши правовій системі, державним органам тощо. Кожна держава пройшла свій шлях розвитку та становлення, що відображається в унікальності культури, правової свідомості та світосприйняття. Обгрунтовано пропозиції щодо таких напрямків удосконалення.

Ключові слова: дитина, міжнародний досвід, поліція, США, профілактика правопорушень, адміністративна діяльність.


The article examines the activities of the American police in the field of counteraction and prevention of administrative offenses committed by children and in relation to children. juvenile police prevention children

An analysis of legal acts regulating the activities of the police and other specialized bodies and institutions for children's affairs in the USA was carried out. It has been established that one of the leading activities of the US Juvenile Prevention Police is strategic cooperation and long-term action plans for the prevention of delinquency by children, both at the national and local levels. It has been determined that the current trends in the administrative activities of the US police regarding the prevention of offenses committed by children are: wide application of the analysis of factors and reasons that lead to children's offenses, the so-called preventive perspective; high emphasis on the expertise of police officers and other specialists engaged in the prevention of administrative offenses committed by children.

The basic principles of the administrative activity of the juvenile police and other bodies and institutions for children's affairs of foreign countries, the implementation of which may be appropriate in Ukraine, have been established.

It is argued that for the successful implementation of positive foreign experience, gradual introduction of changes is recommended, or, for example, the application of novelties by the method of a pilot project in one of the regions or a city. Such a technique makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of changes without harming the legal system, state bodies, etc. Each state has gone through its own path of development and formation, which is reflected in the uniqueness of culture, legal consciousness and worldview. Proposals regarding such areas of improvement are substantiated.

Keywords: child, international experience, police, USA, crime prevention, administrative activity.

Relevance of the study

One of the priority tasks of the modem legal system is the protection of the rights and interests of children. The child is not able to independently protect his rights due to his age, psychological immaturity and dependence on the decisions of his parents or other adults who take care of him. As a result, children cannot always seek legal help on their own and are emotionally vulnerable.

Protection of the rights and interests of the child at an appropriate level is not only a matter for one state, or for an underdeveloped state in the world. Today, this problem belongs to the global problems of our time, in the solution of which each country participates individually, both internally and globally, international organizations, communities, associations, agreements, etc. All this is motivated by the need to reduce and prevent offenses committed by and against children.

Juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine play an important role in protecting the rights and interests of children. Therefore, the study of foreign experience of the administrative activity of juvenile prevention units will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness and find ways to introduce the latest into the domestic doctrine. During the study of the issue of the activities of the police of foreign countries in the field of prevention and termination of administrative offenses committed by children or in relation to children, it was proved that there are no modern comprehensive studies on this issue.

Research on this issue is also complicated by the fact that the police system of foreign countries is not identical to ours. For the most part, the issue of juvenile prevention in foreign countries is dealt with by state bodies of juvenile justice, which, unfortunately, have not been created in Ukraine today. Therefore, mainly, we will study the outlined issues of our research through the prism of broader issues, namely: activities of juvenile justice, prevention and prevention of offenses against children and deviant behavior in the environment of minors. That is, within the framework of our research, we will focus on those aspects that can contribute to the improvement of the administrative activity of the juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine.

Recent publications review

The study of foreign experience of the administrative activity of juvenile prevention units was reflected to one degree or another in the scientific studies of G. Tereshchuk, O. Semerak, O. Litvinov, K. Muranenko, O. Navrotskyi, A. Dzyuba, Kravchenko, O. Druchek, I. Ishchenko, R. Opatskyi, I. Verba, R. Myronyuk, V. Moroz and others.

The article's objective is to study the activities of the American police in the field of counteraction and prevention of administrative offenses committed by children and in relation to children.


First of all, we should note that administrative responsibility, as an institution of administrative law, in the usual sense exists only in the countries of Eastern Europe. Thus, in European countries, the activity of police officers in preparing materials for consideration of a case in court is considered an administrative activity. Another difference between the administrative activities of national law enforcement agencies and foreign countries is the legislative acts that regulate their activities, as well as the imposition of sanctions on offenders. For example, in the USA, the main source of law is judicial precedent, so there are no codes or other types of codified laws that would regulate the activities of law enforcement agencies. Instead, the activities of police officers are regulated by so-called acts of parliament - statutes that are approved annually, or regulated by court precedents.

We would like to note that the police system of the United States is one of the least centralized in the world, and its organization is complex, since there are about 40,000 police units in the United States, and there is practically no clear hierarchical subordination between them. Decentralized police systems can also include those operating in Great Britain and Germany [11, p. 206].

J. Stanford in his study "Initiation of the legal process" [3, p. 206] noted that the history of juvenile court dates back to the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899. It is called "About abandoned, homeless and criminal children". Also in the study, Stanford described key trends in the early history of the juvenile court, beginning with the establishment of separate juvenile correctional facilities in the 1820s and ending with the development of critical case law analysis in the 1930s. The Illinois statute distinguished between juvenile offenders and those 18 years of age or older. Courts in the early nineteenth century, however, generally did not make this distinction: children convicted of crimes and children who were abandoned, abused, or simply very poor were often placed in the same institutions. Both criminal behavior and poverty were Today, the legal bases of police activity in the USA are the US Constitution, the Federal Criminal Code, state constitutions, court precedents in cases related to police actions in specific aspects. The key legal acts that regulate the activities of the police, other specialized bodies and institutions for children in the USA are the federal Juvenile Justice Act (1974), the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act (2004) and others. The system of specialized bodies and institutions for children in the USA today includes: the police (more than 75 % of the 13,000 police departments in their structure have special services that deal with children's affairs or implement special programs in the specified field); temporary detention centers for children; juvenile prosecutors; juvenile public defenders; juvenile courts; penitentiary institutions for children. The highest governing body in this field in the United States is the Office of Juvenile Justice and Youth Delinquency Prevention, which is headed by an administrator appointed by the President. At the federal level, there is a Coordinating Council for Juvenile Justice and Youth Crime Prevention, which is headed by the Attorney General and includes: Ministers of Health, Social Services, Labor, and Education; Director of the National Police Narcotics Control Office; other state officials, as well as nine non-officials, who are appointed by the President, the heads of the House of Representatives and the Senate on equal quotas [14, p. 110].

A major emphasis in the preventive activities of American police officers with regard to minors is to implement the maximum preventive barrier before the child commits offenses. These can be the following measures: strengthening the protection of more vulnerable objects, creating anti-criminogenic conditions in the child' s environment, equipping possible objects of crime with signaling devices, wearing police uniforms in the places of deployment of possible (alleged) criminals, etc. The advantage of this preventive measure is its effectiveness and application as an element of the mechanism of relieving the law enforcement and judicial system of a large number of offenses committed by children. The disadvantage of such prevention measures is that minors do not actually commit crimes precisely because of the obstacles created by the police, but not because of an inner conviction about law-abiding behavior.

British and American scientists emphasize the implementation of social crime prevention measures that actively involve the public. Offenses are perceived as a social problem, in the solution of which society as a whole should take part. Among the tasks facing social prevention, priority ones should be singled out: improvement of social living conditions; strengthening the role of social institutions; expansion of opportunities for obtaining education, decent employment, recreation [8, p. 220].

The problem for modern society is the disunity of its members. In large cities, people often do not know their neighbors, do not communicate with each other at their place of residence. Therefore, British and American scientists assumed that the association of citizens by their place of residence (doorway, house, yard, city, etc.) in order to maintain cleanliness, order in their territory and guarantee the safety of their members will reduce the level of crimes. This type of prevention was called "prevention with the help of the public". Police officers take an active part in the organization of preventive activities of citizens' associations. They provide advisory and practical assistance to citizens. The most common forms of this type of prevention are the implementation of "neighborly mutual aid", "stop the criminal" programs, etc. [10, p. 94].

That is, with the help of social prevention, police officers, on the one hand, educate minors, and on the other hand, involve the public in issues of minors.

Examining measures and means of prevention of administrative offenses by US police officers, we can note that the state and law enforcement agencies implement a large number of programs for minors and teenagers. To apply a certain program or preventive measure, police officers take into account whether the child belongs to the so-called risk group. Risk factors can be: improper living conditions, committing offenses by one of the child's parents, living in an area with a high level of crime, etc.

The modern preventive practice of foreign countries is characterized by the presence of many different programs aimed at preventing offenses. Among them, an important role is assigned to the measures of prevention of delinquency among minors, including the measures of early prevention of illegal behavior of minors. Foreign scientists believe that the success of all preventive activities largely depends on the effectiveness of prevention of delinquency among minors. Depending on the object of preventive influence, all foreign programs can be conditionally divided into the following groups: programs aimed at strengthening the family. They are designed to eliminate or weaken the effect of family risk factors; programs aimed at eliminating school risk factors, improving the level of school education, etc.; programs of special prevention of crimes and other offenses among minors, aimed at prevention of illegal behavior of minors, as well as prevention of relapse by minors who have already committed offenses. In the implementation of these programs, various forms of control and supervision of minors with deviant behavior are used, as well as punitive methods for minors who violate the requirements set for them [1].

The following programs are used by the US police to prevent crimes.

"DARE" ("Drug Abuse Resistance Program") is an educational program aimed at combating drug abuse, involvement of children in committing crimes and aggressive behavior. It was founded in Los Angeles in 1983 as a joint initiative of Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates and the Los Angeles Unified School District. The purpose of the program is to familiarize students with the drug use prevention course by police officers. This program is used less often today. In 2009, the DARE program was changed to the Keepin'it REAL training program. Keepin'it REAL is a high school drug prevention program to reduce alcohol and drug use. The main changes that have taken place are the focus of the program exclusively on countering drug and alcohol abuse, and the program is designed to take into account aspects of EuropeanAmerican, Mexican-American and African-American culture, integrated with cultural narrative and performance. "Truancy and Disaffected Pupils Programmer" is a program aimed at reducing the number of absenteeism and the negative attitude of students to the requirements of school discipline. Its content includes measures aimed at improving control over the presence of students at school; prevention of school hooliganism, bullying; work with children who do not attend school without reason; organization of training programs for teachers with the aim of mastering special methods of influencing the child's deviant behavior; educational work with parents [9, p. 161].

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (BPP) is a bullying prevention program designed for elementary, middle, and junior high school students (ages five to fifteen). All students participate in this program, and students who are bullies or bullies receive additional individualized measures. Student Transition and Recovery (STAR) Program: An Evaluation Report (The STAR program serves high school students who are at risk of entering the juvenile justice system. The program resembles a military operation, requiring students to report on one of three tracks of varying duration. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) - through this youth mentoring program, police and other non-governmental organizations promote the positive development of US youth and increase self-esteem, thus reducing delinquency. The BBBSA program was first implemented by the city of Dallas in 2017. The program was created as a way to build relationships between residents and officers. This program brings together police officers and children, who mostly come from poor or single-parent families, or have incarcerated parents. Thanks to this program, there are already 1,090 police associations in the United States with youth in the areas they patrol.

Carrying out the task of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the child and carrying out preventive activities, the police, other specialized bodies and institutions for children in the USA are authorized to use various measures of influence, in particular, administrative. As in Ukraine, in most states of the USA the responsibility of parents for committing illegal acts by their children is legally established. Yes, under Arkansas law, fines apply to parents of children who do not attend school; in the state of Florida, parents are criminally liable if their child uses a weapon that adults have left in an accessible place; most states have laws that disqualify families from receiving public assistance if a child is involved in the use or sale of drugs. As a measure of primary prevention in many states, a ban on the appearance of children on the streets and in public places at night is used [14, p. 110].

Therefore, the study of the foreign experience of the US police in the field of prevention of administrative offenses made it possible to draw the following conclusions. Scientists consider the implementation of early prevention measures to be an advantage of the US police system in terms of the prevention of children's crimes. Police officers work with children starting from preschool age, and also choose the necessary preventive measures depending on which "risk group" the child belongs to.

Administrative and legal preventive measures of the police are aimed at eliminating all factors and reasons that can encourage children to commit crimes. Prevention of delinquency among children is a separate type of state activity in the United States. The specified type of activity is implemented comprehensively, that is, it is carried out at the federal level and at the state level; provides for the implementation of measures of a general social, material and economic, educational and educational nature; implemented on the basis of long-term large-scale programs of correction and intervention; the subjects of its implementation are state (police, social services, educational institutions) and non-state (volunteers, municipal institutions) bodies and institutions [9, p. 160].

A characteristic feature of the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of the police, other specialized bodies and institutions for children in the USA is its focus mainly on correcting the behavior of the child and people from his environment, and not on punitive measures [13, p. 55].

A specific feature of the activities of the US police is the formation of relations between the police and citizens in the form of trust relations. To reduce crime, the police use preventive models such as "elder brother", "elder sister". This is a psychological technique that allows the child to perceive the policeman not as a supervisor or controller, but as a close person to whom you can entrust your problems, ask for help, etc. The administrative activity of the US police in the child's environment is aimed at preventing conflict situations in the family. Police officers can carry out preventive measures immediately both with the child and with the child's parents. The American police has a positive experience in the implementation of such prevention. This is due to the following: 1) the presence of a sufficient number of programs aimed at strengthening and meeting the individual needs of this particular family; 2) focus on a multifactorial (complex) approach and include children from early childhood.

An important aspect of adopting and implementing the experience of a foreign country in the activities of juvenile prevention units of the National Police is a deep study of social needs, the activities of the system of organization of state bodies and institutions in the field of juvenile delinquency prevention, the education system, the legislation system, etc. For the successful implementation of a positive foreign experience, it is recommended to make changes gradually and gradually, or, for example, to apply novelties by the method of a pilot project in one of the regions or a city. Such a technique makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of changes without harming the legal system, state bodies, etc. Each state has gone through its own path of development and formation, which is reflected in the uniqueness of culture, legal consciousness and worldview.


Therefore, noting the importance of studying the foreign experience of the work of the juvenile police and, tangentially, the protection of the rights and interests of children, institutions and organizations, we emphasize the need to study the issue of introducing in Ukraine certain areas of administrative and legal regulation of their activities, in particular, in the field of prevention committing administrative offenses by minors, as well as the development and implementation of new, effective forms and methods of prevention. We would like to emphasize that it is necessary to introduce the latest methods taking into account national characteristics in all spheres of social life.


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17. Pisotska K. O. Ponyattya form administratyvnoyi diyal'nosti pidrozdiliv yuvenal'noyi preventsiyi ta yikh vydy [Concept of forms of administrative activity of juvenile prevention units and their types]. The scientific heritage. 2021.4(65). P. 12-16. [in Ukr.].

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