Semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security: case study of the White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine

The issue of the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security based on "The White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine". Determine the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary.

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Semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security: case study of the White Book 2021:

Defence Policy of Ukraine

Liudmyla Zaiats,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages

National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

The article deals with the issue of the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security based on “The White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine”. The relevance of the research is justified by the fact that specialised vocabulary is an essential tool in ensuring the professional communication in any sphere, the increasing importance of the texts relating to national security in Ukraine and in the world, penetrating the sphere of national security into the people's everyday life, as well as lack of information on the chosen topic.

The aim of the article is to determine the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security based on “The White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine”. In the process of the research, the author specifies the concepts ofspecialised languages and specialised vocabulary, highlights the specifics of the sphere of national security, and analyses the vocabulary of the sphere of national security in terms of its semantics and structure.

The research results demonstrate that specialised vocabulary of the sphere of national security is words or phrases that denote concepts of the sphere of special knowledge in the sphere of security of the society and security of the state, their participation in international and global security, and are stable, reproducible elements in this system, occupying certain classification places in it. In terms of semantics, the vocabulary of the national security belongs to different spheres of life of the state and the society, in particular, government, political sphere, military sphere, economics, and law. Structurally, the vocabulary of national security is composed mostly from adjectives and nouns and their combinations, while other parts of speech are rarely used as components of these lexical units. The vocabulary of national security includes one- (simple words, words formed by affixation and compounding, and abbreviations) and semi-component units (two-component formed according to patterns “adjective + noun”, “noun + noun”, three-component formed according to patterns “adjective + adjective + noun”, “adjective + noun + noun”, “noun + noun + noun” and four-components units formed according to pattern “adjective + noun + noun + noun”).

Ke ywords: specialised language, specialised vocabulary, national security, The White Book, structure, semantics.

Людмила ЗАЯЦЬ,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри романо-германських мов Національної академія Служби Безпеки України (Київ, Україна)


У статті розглядаються проблема семантичних та структурних особливостей англомовної лексики у сфері національної безпеки на прикладі видання «Біла книга 2021: Оборонна політика України». Актуальність дослі-дження обґрунтовується тим, що спеціальна лексика є необхідним інструментом у забезпеченні професійного спілкування в будь-якій сфері, зростанням значення текстів, що стосуються національної безпеки, в Україні та світі, проникненням сфери національної безпеки в повсякденне життя людей, а також недостатнім ступенем дослідженості даної теми.

Метою статті є визначення семантичних та структурних особливостей англомовної лексики у сфері націо-нальної безпеки на основі видання «Біла книга 2021: Оборонна політика України». У процесі дослідження автором уточнено поняття мови для спеціальних цілей та спеціальної лексики, висвітлено специфіку сфери національної безпеки, проведено аналіз лексики сфери національної безпеки з точки зору її семантики та структури.

Результати дослідження свідчать про те, що фахова лексика сфери національної безпеки - це слова чи слово-сполучення, які позначають поняття сфери спеціальних знань у сфері безпеки суспільства та безпеки держави,

їх участі в міжнародній та глобальній безпеці, а також стабільні, відтворювані елементи в цій системі, займаючи певне місце в її класифікації. Семантично лексика національної безпеки належить до різних сфер життєдіяльності держави і суспільства, зокрема до сфери державного управління, політичної сфери, військової сфери, сфер економіки, права. Структурно лексика національної безпеки складається здебільшого з прикметників та іменників та їх сполучень, тоді як інші частини мови рідко вживаються як компоненти цих лексичних одиниць. Лексика національної безпеки включає одно- (прості слова, слова, утворені шляхом афіксації та словоскладання, абревіатури) та багатокомпонентні одиниці (двокомпонентні одиниці, утворені за моделями «прикметник + іменник», «іменник + іменник», трьохкомпонентні одиниці, утворені за моделями «прикметник + прикметник + іменник», «прикметник + іменник + іменник», «іменник + іменник + іменник» та чотирьорхкомпонентні одиниці, утворені за схемою «прикметник + іменник + іменник + іменник»).

Ключові слова: мова для спеціальних цілей, спеціалізована лексика, національна безпека, «Біла книга», структура, семантика.


english vocabulary national security policy

The formation and maintenance of peace are often confused with security. According to Kautilya, “the vanquished is preparing for the next round, and victor is taking advantage of it”. On the other hand, security, is a much broader and multidimensional concept that refers to a condition in which there is no perceived threat to one's survival, and it incorporates many aspects of national and international interests and goals (Singh, 2015: 1920), and national security broadly means survival of the state and its citizens.

As communication is a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people, which is generated by the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, its perception and understanding between people, and the development of a single strategy of interaction (Берестенко, 2013: 15), properly organized communication ensures an effective exchange of information, makes it possible to understand the interlocutor more deeply, predict the specifics of further business interaction with a partner (Харицька, 2020: 150), and professional communication allows accurate and comprehensive transfer of knowledge and experience. A language for special purposes appears as a means of professional communication in the sphere of national security.

After the events of 2014, and, especially, after Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022, the sphere of national security has become of crucial importance for the Ukrainian society. In this regard, of particular interest is “The White Book” published by the Ukrainian government to systematically inform the public about the activities of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service, the status of development measures, ensuring the validity of decisions of military authorities on national security and defence, and force development (White Book 2021, 2022: 2). It includes specialised vocabulary that previously was seen as such relevant only for specific audience, while today it becomes valued and needed even by broad audience.

The fact that specialised vocabulary is an essential tool in ensuring the professional communication in any sphere, the increasing importance of the texts relating to national security in Ukraine and in the world, penetrating the sphere of national security into the people's everyday life, as well as lack of information on the chosen topic justify the relevance of the conducted research.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The history of the specialised languages movement can be traced back to the 1960s, though several books and materials designed to teaching English for specialists in different fields (especially business and economics) were published even in the first decades of the XX century. More recently, lexicographers and terminologists have started to focus less on the didactic aspects and more on the problem of specialised languages, this time the main question being not necessarily how to teach specialised languages, but what such languages look like (Nagy, 2014: 262-264).

It was further studied by such foreign and domestic authors as O. Berestenko (2013), L. Hoffmann (1985), S. Kharytska (2020), Z. Krasnozhan (2009), T. Kyiak (2008), A. Mishchenko (2013), O. Romanova (2013), O. Sliusarenko (2017), L. Tomilenko (2015), S. Vyskushenko (2015). However, the vocabulary of national security is still not sufficiently studied and need further research.

Aim of the article. The aim of the article is to determine the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security based on “The White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine”. In the process of the research, the concepts of specialised languages and specialised vocabulary were specified, the specifics of the sphere of national security was highlighted, and the vocabulary of the sphere of national security was analysed in terms of its semantics and structure.

english vocabulary national security policy

Presenting main material

The term “language for specific purposes” is used in linguistic research to denote all forms of verbal and non-verbal professional communication within the scientific and technical field. In addition, different definitions of the term “language for specific purposes” emphasize the relevant properties of professional languages in view of the range of scientific interests of the researcher (Міщенко, 2013: 448).

Language for specific purposes is a collection of all lexical nominations of the communicative and professional sphere. It is the basis of any professional speech. Language for specific purposes is productively used in non-specialist texts: artistic, journalistic, conversational, enriching and diversifying the stylistic possibilities of the language. Special lexemes included in an artistic or journalistic text, used figuratively, perform a completely different function (Красножан, 2009: 10).

The most extensive and relevant coverage of the concept of “language for specific purposes” is proposed by the German linguist L. Hoffmann, who puts forward the thesis that language for specific purposes is a set of all language means used in a certain specialised field of communication for ensuring mutual understanding between specialists employed in this field (Hoffmann, 1985: 53). By the set of language means, the author understands not only phonetic, morphological and lexical elements and rules of syntax, but also their interaction. The author distinguishes: a) language means that are presented in all sublanguages, b) language means that are presented in all specialised languages, and c) language means that are present only in one specialised language (Hoffmann, 1985: 53).

According to the most general classification, languages for specific purposes are divided into scientific (languages of astronomy, genetics) and those that approach the practical needs of modern society. In addition, all languages for specific purposes can be classified “horizontally” and “vertically”. Horizontal division includes the division of languages for specific purposes by subject areas. Thus, within languages for specific purposes, it is customary to distinguish between languages of social sciences and technical fields, which have differences not only at the level of the term system, but also at the level of text organization and language structure. Vertical division involves the differentiation of languages for specific purposes according to the level of abstraction, the type of language from the point of view of naturalness / artificiality, the composition of communication participants, the sphere of functioning. It is important to note that, although vertical classifications are considered auxiliary, their importance cannot be denied (Вискушенко, 2015: 142).

Specialised languages have many features in common with the general language, so that a definition of special languages must include the following characteristics: 1) the distinctive elements of special languages are not isolated phenomena, but rather interrelated sets of characteristics; 2) the purpose of communication is more important than other, complementary functions; 3) the special nature consists of differences in subject field, user knowledge, and area of usage (Nagy, 2014: 266). Thus, the specifics of languages for specific purposes is the presence of a special set of lexical units oriented to the needs of a certain profession, which nevertheless have smooth and flexible connections with the commonly used vocabulary also presented in the language for specific purposes. On the other hand, the latter is distinguished by the specific frequency of use of certain grammatical, syntactic, and stylistic means (Кияк, 2008: 22).

Specialised vocabulary is words or phrases that name objects and concepts that belong to different spheres of human labour and are not commonly used. In other words, specialised vocabulary is words or phrases that denote scientific concepts and are stable, reproducible elements in the system of special knowledge, occupying certain classification places in it (Романова, 2013: 43).

In general, the specialised vocabulary is characterized by the following important features: 1) secondary use of lexical units, which develops on the basis of their original general use; 2) special formation of artificial markings; 3) limited scope of use; 4) impossibility of direct translation into other languages; 5) impossibility of arbitrary replacement of individual elements without coordination with the industry tradition; 6) specific attitude to such linguistic phenomena as polysemy, antonymy; 7) increased denotative connection (Слюсаренко, 2015: 181).

Specialised vocabulary is often contrasted with commonly used vocabulary on the basis that it differs, firstly, in its content related to the objects of a certain field, secondly, in the fact that, within the limits of professional communication, it has a high frequency, and from the point of view of the vocabulary in general, it is included in the sphere of sufficient frequency only to a small extent. However, it is impossible to clearly contrast specialised vocabulary with commonly used (non-terminological) one. Between them lies a wide band, in which the terms exist as if in constant fluctuation between ideal requirements (unambiguity, neutrality, lack of synonyms) and real laws of a living and dynamic lexical system (Слюсаренко, 2015: 184). It is in this “transitional” lane that there is an active interaction between terms and non-terms, so users use them equally in their own speech activity. As a result of such interactions, there are systematic transitions of vocabulary from one realm to another: terms into the realm of general vocabulary (determinologization) and vice versa - replenishment of the scope of terms at the expense of general vocabulary resources (terminologization) (Томіленко, 2015: 17).

Formerly, “national defence” meant military preparedness to protect national territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty against actual attacks from external aggressors (Tapia-Valdes, 1982: 10). Today, the definition of national security depends upon the definer's ideology. However, today it is more a political category than a military one, a part of state policy in which the military component is but one element engaged in national security functions. Given that understanding of national security, one might attempt to define national security as that part of government policy that has the objective of creating national and international conditions that are favourable to the protection or extension of vital national values against existing or potential adversaries (Tapia-Valdes, 1982: 11).

The sphere of national security today includes security of the society (regardless of ethnic, ethical, racial and ideological origin or commitment of its members) and security of the state, but also their participation in international and global security. It involves a certain condition of protection of their vital interests and values which is optimized by the function of military and civilian, state and non-state sector of the national security system, with relying on numerous international (non-governmental and inter-governmental) subjects in many aspects of international cooperation in the field of security. Entities at all levels of security - individuals, societies, states, and the international community - participate in the protection of national security (Mijalkovic, Blagojevic, 2014: 52).

The aforementioned justifies the fact that the vocabulary of the national security belongs to different spheres of life of the state and the society, in particular:

1) government: During that time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the defence sector at large demonstrated a high readiness to repel the enemy, which was one of the key factors in stabilizing and avoiding negative scenarios for the whole of Europe, which could have global consequences (White Book 2021, 2022: 5);

2) political sphere: In 2021, key strategic documents on the formation and implementation of national policy in the military, defence and force development domains were finalized and approved (White Book 2021, 2022: 13), including the sphere of international affairs: Moreover, working trips of foreign representatives to the Joint Forces Operation area were organized, which helped to impose (continue) sanctions against the Russian Federation, develop military and technical cooperation, increase aid in addition to that already provided to our country (White Book 2021, 2022: 15);

3) military sphere: The Russian Federation openly threatened with a large-scale armed escalation, concentrating troops near Ukraine's state border (White Book 2021, 2022: 5);

4) economics: Significant investments were also made in the procurement of modern armament and equipment of national production, including advanced research and development (White Book 2021, 2022: 6);

5) law: In pursuance of the Law of Ukraine on Defence Procurement, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has prepared a draft resolution amending the Terms of Reference on the Ministry of Defence in terms of the Ministry of Defence's powers to perform government functions on government quality assurance, as the primary government body responsible for defence procurement and the national defence customer (White Book 2021, 2022: 21).

The vocabulary of national security has certain structural features. In particular, it is composed mostly from adjectives and nouns and their combinations, while other parts of speech are rarely used as components of these lexical units. The vocabulary of national security is structurally divided into:

1) one-component units including:

- simple words: The strategic exercise involved a total of about 12 500 people, over 600 weapons and military equipment from Ukraine, and over 900people (White Book 2021, 2022: 25);

- words formed by affixation, mostly suffixation: Civil-military cooperation units facilitated effective coordination between the executive and local selfgovernment agencies and leaders of military-civil administrations in the Joint Forces Operation area in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, helped to address issues related to identifying civilian needs that can be met by the Armed Forces (White Book 2021, 2022: 20) and combining prefixation and suffixation: ensuring a high-level combat efficiency due to rearmament and development of military equipment (White Book 2021, 2022: 82);

- words formed by compounding: giving priority to conducting bilateral command post exercises between brigade headquarters (with force identification) using combat simulation tools (White Book 2021, 2022: 25);

- abbreviations: planning and commanding units during tactical training at all levels using standard decision-making processes of NATO member-states - MDMP (battalion-brigade) and TLP (squad section company) (White Book 2021, 2022: 25) where MDMP stands for Military Decision Making Process, TLP - for Troop Leading Procedures;

2) semi-component units:

- two-component units formed according to the patterns “adjective + noun”: The main efforts are focused on the development of new doctrinal documents that regulate all functional areas of the Armed Forces (White Book 2021, 2022: 22), and “noun + noun”: The main efforts were aimed at acquiring and increasing operational capabilities of the updated vertical command and control system of the Armed Forces in the J-structure (White Book 2021, 2022: 22);

- three-component units formed according to the patterns “adjective + adjective + noun”: The activities to optimise military organisational structures have been planned given the increase of the Armed Forces strength by 11 000 people (White Book 2021, 2022: 23), “adjective + noun + noun”: combining operations-based exercises and combat training during joint fire damage and selective using of high- precision weapons platforms (including unmanned systems) (White Book 2021, 2022: 24), and “noun + noun + noun”: exhumations were carried out together with representatives of law enforcement agencies to identify persons of temporarily unidentified bodies (remains) of the dead (White Book 2021, 2022: 21);

- four-component units, for example, formed according to the pattern “adjective + noun + noun + noun”: In 2021, the Ministry of Defence issued the Concept of the Military Human Resources Policy of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine up to 2025 to ensure the Euro-Atlantic transformation of the military human resources policy (the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine No.280 of September 14, 2021) (White Book 2021, 2022: 31).


Specialised vocabulary of the sphere of national security is words or phrases that denote concepts of the sphere of special knowledge in the sphere of security of the society and security of the state, their participation in international and global security, and are stable, reproducible elements in this system, occupying certain classification places in it. The vocabulary of the national security belongs to different spheres of life of the state and the society, in particular, government, political sphere, military sphere, economics, and law. Structurally, the vocabulary of national security is composed mostly from adjectives and nouns and their combinations, while other parts of speech are rarely used as components of these lexical units. The vocabulary of national security includes one- and semi-component units. One-component units are simple words, words formed by affixation and compounding, and abbreviations. Semi-component units are divided into two- (“adjective + noun”, “noun + noun”), three- (“adjective + adjective + noun”, “adjective + noun + noun”, “noun + noun + noun”) and four-components units (“adjective + noun + noun + noun”).

The conducted research revealed that there are wide prospects for further studies. In particular, there is a need to determine the semantic and structural specifics of the vocabulary in the sphere of national security in different languages, as well as specifics of its translation. Moreover, comprehensive research is needed with the aim to determine the specifics of using the vocabulary in the sphere of national security in the texts belonging to different types of discourse.


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