Prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest with goverment officials when carrying out teaching activities in the case of combining them with other activities: legal aspects
The condition of administrative and legal support of activities of public officials in the case of restriction on holding more than one office and combination with other activities if a conflict of interests arise, in particular, teaching activities.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,6 K |
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Prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest with goverment officials when carrying out teaching activities in the case of combining them with other activities: legal aspects
Blahodarnyi Andrii Mykolayovych Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor at the Department of General Law Disciplines, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine
The Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption” does not define the concept of “conflict of interest”, but gives its understanding through its types “real conflict of interest” and “potential conflict of interest”. The term "conflict of interest" is defined in scientific circles. The content of the definition of “teaching activity” is disclosed, which is allowed to be combined in their activities as part of their main work, with persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government in the context of the emergence of relevant conflicts of interest.
It has been stated that part-time work is considered to be the performance by an employee, in addition to the main one, of other paid work under the terms of an employment contract during free time from the main job at the same or another enterprise, institution, organization or employer - an individual and receiving wages for the work actually performed. It is argued that teaching activity includes activities based on the following criteria: (1) aimed at the formation of knowledge, other competencies, worldview, development of intellectual and creative abilities, emotional-volitional and/or physical qualities of education applicants; (2) permitted types of paid activities; the subject of the relevant activity is a teaching (scientific and pedagogical) worker, a self-employed person (except for persons for whom this form of teaching activity is prohibited by law) or another individual on the basis of an appropriate employment or civil law contract; (3) the legal basis for the implementation of such activities is an employment or civil law contract; (4) the subject to whom the relevant activity is directed is an applicant for education in the understanding of the law.
The position of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated October 6, 2010 № 21-rp/2010 is given that in order to effectively use working time by government officials, the legislator may provide additional licensing mechanisms (regulators) that normalize their participation in scientific and teaching activities not at the place of work , but not by recognizing these actions as corrupt and establishing administrative liability only for the very fact of its implementation outside of working hours. It is concluded that restrictions on part-time work and combination with other types of activities related to conflicts of interest for certain categories of government officials, including officials of legal entities of public law in the healthcare sector, operate differently, and this depends on the functions assigned to them and tasks.
Keywords: administrative and legal support, conflict of interest, restriction, teaching, prevention of conflict of interest, settlement of conflict of interest, prevention and settlement of conflict of interest, government officials, healthcare.
Запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів у посадових осіб державних органів при здійсненні викладацької діяльності у випадку сумісництва їх з іншими видами діяльності: правові аспекти
Благодарный Андрій Миколайович доктор юридичних наук, професор, професор кафедри загальноправових дисциплін, Національна академія Служби безпеки України
Закон України «Про запобігання корупції» поняття «конфлікт інтересів» не визначає, а надає його розуміння через його види «реальний конфлікт інтересів» й «потенційний конфлікт інтересів». Визначено термін «конфлікт інтересів» у наукових працях. Розкрито зміст дефініції «викладацька діяльність», яку дозволено суміщати у своїй діяльності в межах основної роботи, у осіб, уповноважених на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування в умовах виникнення відповідних конфліктів інтересів. Констатовано, що сумісництвом вважається виконання працівником, крім основної, іншої оплачуваної роботи на умовах трудового договору у вільний від основної роботи час на тому самому або іншому підприємстві, в установі, організації або у роботодавця - фізичної особи і одержують заробітну плату за фактично виконану роботу.
Аргументовано, що викладацької діяльності належить діяльність із такими ознаками: (1) спрямована на формування знань, інших компетентностей, світогляду, розвиток інтелектуальних і творчих здібностей, емоційно-вольових та/ або фізичних якостей здобувачів освіти; (2) дозволені види оплачуваної діяльності суб'єктом здійснення відповідної діяльності є педагогічний (науково-педагогічний) працівник, самозайнята особа (крім осіб, яким така форма викладацької діяльності заборонена законом) або інша фізична особа на основі відповідного трудового або цивільно-правового договору; (3) правовою підставою здійснення такої діяльності є трудовий або цивільно-правовий договір; (4) суб'єкт, на якого спрямована відповідна діяльність, є здобувачем освіти в розумінні закону.
Наведено позицію Конституційного суду України від 06.10.2010 р. за № 21-рп/2010 що метою ефективного використання державними посадовими особами робочого часу законодавцем можуть бути передбачені додаткові дозвільні механізми (регулятори), які унормовують їх участь у науковій і викладацькій діяльності не за основним місцем роботи, але не шляхом визнання цих дій корупційними і встановлення адміністративної відповідальності лише за сам факт здійснення її не в позаробочий час. Зроблено висновок, що обмеження щодо сумісництва та суміщення з іншими видами діяльності, які пов'язані із конфліктом інтересів, для певних посадових осіб юридичних осіб публічного права, у тому числі посадових осіб сфери охорони, діють по-різному, і це залежить від покладених на них функцій та завдань.
Ключові слова: адміністративно-правове забезпечення, конфлікт інтересів, обмеження, викладацька діяльність, запобігання конфлікту інтересів, запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів, посадові особи державних органів, охорона здоров'я.
Problem formulation
Ensuring proper organizational and legal settlement of conflict of interests is a strategic priority of anti-corruption activities of public authorities and civil society institutions. The importance of reforming anticorruption legislation and building an anti-corruption institutional framework is normatively defined as an unconditional priority in Ukraine and the member states of the European Union [1, p. 261]. Within the scope of leveling the occurrence of corruption risks in the public-authority activities of persons authorized to perform the state or local self-government functions, special attention is paid to the regulation of restrictions on part-time work and combination with other types of activities that are associated with a conflict of interests. Such areas of corruption risk undoubtedly include such areas as law enforcement, health care, land, education, tax, customs, public procurement and public service [2]. The State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 states the imperfection of the legal regulation of prohibitions and restrictions on part-time work and combination with other types of activities that are associated with a conflict of interests [3].
Analysis of recent research and publications
Separate works were devoted to the study of administrative and legal support for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in the activities of the judicial authorities [1], the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interests as a way of countering corruption [4], conflicts of interests in the field of public service [5, p. 407-427], anti-corruption prohibitions and restrictions in the activities of police officers in Ukraine [6], legal settlement of conflicts of interest in the system of anti-corruption law [7], combination of public service with other types of activities and conflicts of interests [8], etc. A comprehensive analysis of these scientific studies gives grounds for asserting that in administrative and legal science there is no tradition of a systematic study of the legal support for restrictions on holding more than one office (part-time work) and combination of activities in terms of a conflict of interests.
The purpose of the article is to understand the condition of administrative and legal support of certain types of activities of public officials in the case of restriction on holding more than one office (part-time work) and combination with other activities if a conflict of interests arise, in particular, teaching activities.
Presenting key material
Among the main normative legal acts that regulate the rules of restrictions on holding more than one office and combination with other types of activities by persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government there are the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" dated October 14, 2014 No. 1700-VII, the Law of Ukraine "On Education", methodological recommendations of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption dated October 21,2022 No. 13 "Regarding the application of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" regarding the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest, observance of restrictions on the prevention of corruption" [9] and others. The Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" dated October 14, 2014 No. 1700-VII indicates restrictions on holding more than one office and combination with other types of activities for the persons specified in Clause 1, Part 1, Art. 3 of this Law. These persons are prohibited from engaging in other paid (except for teaching, scientific and creative activities, medical practice, instructor and referee practice in sports) or entrepreneurial activities, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution or laws of Ukraine (Clause 1, Part 1, Art. 25) [10]. Therefore, restrictions on holding more than one office (part-time work) and combination with other types of activities that are associated with a conflict of interest apply differently to certain categories of public officials, officials of legal entities under public law, including officials in the field of security, and it depends on functions and tasks assigned to them.
For example, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 120 of the Constitution of Ukraine [11] members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, heads of central and local executive bodies have no right to combine their official activities with other work, except for teaching, scientific and creative work outside of working hours, to be part of the governing body or supervisory board of an enterprise or organization, which aims to make a profit. Thus, in the Law "On the Status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine" dated November 17, 1992 No. 2790-XII [12], the requirements on the incompatibility of the deputy's mandate with other types of activities allow a People's Deputy of Ukraine to engage in teaching activities in his/her free time from performing the duties of a People's Deputy. The President of Ukraine has no right to engage in other paid or entrepreneurial activities at all (Part 4 of Article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine) [11].
The Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" dated October 14, 2014 No. 1700-VII does not define the concept of "conflict of interest", the legislator provides an understanding of it through its types - "real conflict of interest" and "potential conflict of interest". In particular, a "real conflict of interest" is defined as a contradiction between a person's private interest and his/her official or representative powers, which affects the objectivity or impartiality of decisionmaking, or the performance or non-performance of actions when exercising these powers; the term "potential conflict of interest" means the presence of a person's private interest in the field in which he/she performs his/her official or representative powers, which may affect the objectivity or impartiality of his/her decision-making, or the performance or non-performance of actions when exercising these powers; private interest means any property or non-property interest of a person, including those caused by personal, family, friendship or other extra-professional relations with natural or legal persons, including those arising in connection with membership or participation in public, political, religious or other organizations [11]. There is no single approach in understanding the concept of "conflict of interest" in scientific sources. In particular, O.M. Shevchuk points out that a conflict of interest in public officials is a situation in which a public official, performing his/her duties, has a private interest (personal interest), which although not necessarily causes the adoption of an illegal decision or the commission of an illegal act in the sphere of public service, but can lead to this in the case of making decisions, or performing or not performing actions when executing official powers [5, p. 425]. The components of a conflict of interests (real, potential) are: (1) private interest, (2) discretionary official or representative powers (at that, the professional duties of a public official and his/her powers as a manager are also important), (3) the presence of a contradiction between private interest and powers [9], [10].
Let's consider the content of the term "teaching activity", which is allowed to be combined in one's activity within the framework of the main job, for persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, in order to further define the situations where relevant conflicts of interest may occur. Regarding the content of the term "teaching activity" according to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" dated September 5, 2017 No. 2145-VIII, teaching activity is defined as an activity aimed at the formation of knowledge, other competencies, worldview, development of intellectual and creative abilities, emotional volitional and/or physical qualities of education seekers (lecture, seminar, training, courses, master class, webinar, etc.), and which is conducted by a pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) employee, a self-employed person (except for persons for whom this form of teaching activity is prohibited by law) or by another natural person on the basis of a corresponding labor or civil law contract (Part 4 of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education") [13]. It should be noted that the issue of professional competencies in legal education institutions has already been addressed by individual researchers in the legal literature [14], [15], etc. it is worth noting that at the legislative level the following types of education are provided for as integral components of the education system: preschool education; complete secondary education; extracurricular education; specialized education; professional (vocational and technical) education; professional pre-higher education; higher education; adult education, including postgraduate education (Article 10) [13].
For example, in practice, there are frequent cases of initiation of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses related to corruption, provided for in Art. 172-4 of the Code of Ukraine about Administrative Offenses [16] (including at the initiative of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, hereinafter referred to as NACP), regarding combining the activities of public officials with teaching activities, in particular, when public officials work as heads of state examination commissions in higher education institutions. The main factor in sending the protocols on administrative offenses to the court in these cases is that specially authorized entities, such as the NACP, the National Police of Ukraine, the Prosecutor's Office indicate that a person, working as a head of the state examination commission, gets remuneration not only for his/her teaching activities (acceptance of exams, defense of diploma and qualification theses), but also for organizational, including supervising, work as a head, which is not actually teaching activity [17, p.239].
According to the requirements of Art. 102-1 of the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine (hereinafter - Labor Code) [18] and Art. 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Remuneration" [19] stipulate that the part-time work is considered to be performed by the employee, in addition to the main, other paid work under terms of the employment contract in time free from the main work at the same or another enterprise, institution, organization or employer - natural person. The part-time employees are paid for actually performed work. It is important that, taking into account the norms of Art. 102-1 of the Labor Code [18], since July 2022, the concept of "part-time work" and the basic principle of paying for part-time work have been fixed at the legislative level. In addition, the possibility of restrictions on part-time work for certain categories of employees may be established in the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" dated October 14, 2014 № 1700-VII [10]. However, based on the content of Part 2 of Art. 21 of the Labor Code [17], restrictions on part-time work may be stipulated by (1) legislation, (2) a collective agreement or (3) an agreement between the parties.
In the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated October 6, 2010 No. 21-рп/2010 (the case on corruption offenses and the implementation of anticorruption laws), a legal position was expressed, according to which teaching activity is considered as a type of intellectual and creative activity. At the constitutional level, the issue of combining official activities with other work of members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, heads of central and local executive bodies, who have the right to engage in teaching, scientific and creative work outside of working hours is regulated otherwise [20]. All these features of the intellectual sphere of human activity are taken into account by the current Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", which does not establish administrative responsibility for persons authorized to perform state functions for engaging in teaching, scientific, creative activities during working hours. For the purpose of effective use of working time by state officials, the legislator may provide additional permitting mechanisms (regulators) that regulate their participation in scientific and teaching activities outside of the main place of work, but not by recognizing these actions as corrupt and establishing administrative responsibility only for the very fact of its implementation not during of working hours. It should be assumed that any restriction of human and citizen rights should be not only legally justified, but also socially justified and adequate [20].
It should be noted that teaching activities include activities with the following characteristics: (1) aimed at the formation of knowledge, other competencies, worldview, development of intellectual and creative abilities, emotional-volitional and/or physical qualities of education seekers; (2) permitted types of paid activity conducted by a pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical) employee, a self-employed person (except for persons who are prohibited by law from this form of teaching activity) or another natural person on the basis of a relevant labor or civil law contract; (3) the legal basis for carrying out such activity is an employment or civil law contract; (4) the subject to whom the relevant activity is directed is an education seeker within the meaning of the law [9, p.63].
Teaching activities can be carried out not only by educational institutions (legal entities under private or public law and natural persons - entrepreneurs) and their pedagogical or scientific-pedagogical employees, but also by any natural person. At that, such activities may include tutoring, lecturing, conducting trainings, seminars, etc. We draw your attention to the fact that teaching activities cannot be carried out for the benefit of legal entities, since such entities are not education seekers (clause 8 of Part 1 of Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education") [9, p. 64].
combination office conflict interest teaching
For the purpose of effective use of working time by state officials, the legislator provided for additional permitting mechanisms (regulators) that regulate their participation in scientific and teaching activities outside of the main place of work, but not by recognizing these actions as corrupt and establishing administrative responsibility only for the very fact of its implementation not during non-working hours. Teaching activity is a type of intellectual and creative activity aimed at obtaining, spreading, using new knowledge, professional skills, and their practical application.
The components of a conflict of interests (real, potential) are: (1) private interest, (2) discretionary official or representative powers (at the same time, the professional duties of a public official and his/her powers as a manager are also important), (3) the presence of a contradiction between private interest and powers. Restrictions on part-time work and combination with other types of activities, which are associated with a conflict of interest for certain categories of public officials, officials of legal entities under public law, as well as officials in the field of health care, are applied differently, and it depends on functions and tasks entrusted with them. Restrictions on part-time work can be provided for the prevention of conflicts of interest: (1) by legislation (the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"), (2) by a collective agreement or (3) by an agreement of the parties.
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