System of state management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine

Management structure in the field of physical culture and sports, components of this system and their functional features. Problems of separation of powers of state authorities and local self-government. Main ways to improve regulation in this area.

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Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia state pedagogical university

System of state management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine

Yaremenko Oleksandr Ivanovych,

candidate of sciences in public administration, associate professor, dean of the faculty of law, public administration and administration


The article describes the mechanisms of state regulation in the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. It is noted that the system of state bodies in the field of physical culture and sports, depending on the scope of competence, is divided into three types: bodies of general competence; bodies of interdisciplinary (functional) competence; bodies of branch (special) competence. State management of physical culture and sports is carried out: at the central level - management bodies for physical culture and sports; at the regional level - physical culture and sports management bodies; at the local level - local governing bodies Committees on physical culture and sports of district administrations and city councils; at the level of village entities - public commissions or departments for physical culture and sports.

In order to improve regulation in this area, State requirements for physical education are adopted, which contain the main conceptual provisions, characteristics of levels, content and form of physical education, assessment of the activities of those engaged in it, personnel support and management of physical education. They determine the purpose of physical education in the educational sphere and its tasks, the principles of building the pedagogical process of physical culture in educational institutions. Another group of normative legal acts in the field of physical culture and sports includes generally recognized principles of international law, conventions, charters and international treaties of Ukraine on sports. These acts enter into force on the territory of Ukraine after their ratification by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thus, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the European Convention on violence and inappropriate behavior by spectators during sports events, and in particular football matches.

Keywords: competencies, physical culture and sports, mechanisms of state regulation, system of public administration, social and labor activity of people.


Яременко Олександр Іванович кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, декан факультету права, публічного управління та адміністрування, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

Система державного управління фізичною культурою і спортом в Україні

У статті зазначено, що в загальному вигляді структура управління у сфері фізичної культури і спорту включає: Міністерство молоді і спорту, його підрозділи на рівні областей, Департамент фізичної культури і Департамент олімпійського спорту, Республіканський комітет по фізичній культурі і спорту АР Крим, Управління у справах сім'ї, молоді і спорту обласної державної адміністрації, відділ у справах сім'ї, молоді і спорту районної державної адміністрації (державні органи); постійні комісії, комітети, відділи органів місцевого самоврядування; Національний Олімпійський Комітет, його підрозділи на обласному рівні, Національні спортивні федерації і Місцеві спортивні федерації з видів спорту, визнаних в Україні, фонди, велика кількість громадських організацій (недержавні організації) і та. ін., що у свою чергу загострює існуючі проблеми розмежування повноважень органів державної влади і місцевого самоврядування.

Для покращення регулювання у даній сфері приймаються Державні вимоги до фізичного виховання, що містять основні концептуальні положення, характеристику рівнів, змісту та формфізичного виховання, оцінку діяльності тих, хто займається, кадрове забезпечення та керівництво фізичним вихованням. Вони визначають мету фізичного виховання у навчально-виховній сфері та його завдання, принципи побудови педагогічного процесу з фізичної культури в освітніх установах. До іншої групи нормативно-правових актів у сфері фізичної культури і спорту відносять загальновизнані принципи міжнародного права, конвенції, хартії і міжнародні договори України про спорт. Дані акти набувають чинності на території України після їх ратифікації Верховною Радою України. Так, Верховною Радою України була ратифікована Європейська Конвенція про насильство та неналежну поведінку з боку глядачів під час спортивних заходів, і зокрема футбольних матчів.

Ключові слова: компетенції, фізична культура і спорт, система державного управління, державна політика, соціальна та трудова активності людей.

Main part

Formulation of the problem. In the conditions of socio-economic and political transformations of modern Ukraine, the issues of strengthening physical and spiritual health of a person, forming a healthy lifestyle are of particular importance. Physical culture is an integral part of the general culture of society, aimed at strengthening health, development of a person's physical, moral and intellectual abilities with the aim of harmoniously forming his personality. Physical culture is an important means of increasing people's social and labor activity, satisfying their moral, aesthetic and creative needs, the vital need for mutual communication, and the development of friendly relations between peoples.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Various aspects of the problem we are investigating are highlighted in the works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners, in particular O. Andriyko, I. Hasiuk, I. Zalyubovska, O. Kuzmenko, V. Kurylo, V. Groholskyi, L. Luts, S. Stetsenko, M. Studenikina, and others. [1-4].

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the system of state management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine.

Presenting main material. Sport is an organic part of physical culture, a special field of identification and unified comparison of people's achievements in certain types of physical exercises, technical, intellectual and other training.

The system of state bodies in the field of physical culture and sports, depending on the scope of competence, is divided into three types (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Competencies according to the system of state bodies in the field of physical culture and sports

State management of physical culture and sports is carried out [1, 3]:

4 - at the central level - management bodies for physical culture and sports;

4 - at the regional level - physical culture and sports management bodies;

4 - at the local level - local governing bodies Committees on physical culture and sports of district administrations and city councils;

4 - at the level of village entities - public commissions or departments for physical culture and sports

The peculiarity of management in the field of physical culture and sports by bodies of general competence is that they carry out the specified activity and at the same time solve other tasks assigned to their competence - the development of the economy, social sphere, national security and defense, etc. Bodies of interdisciplinary competence coordinate the activities of other bodies of executive power to resolve individual issues of interdisciplinary nature. This group is represented mainly by state committees (state services) and some ministries (for example, in the field of sports, the Ministry of Finance, etc.). Unlike them, for bodies of sectoral (special) competence, management in the field of physical culture and sports is the main or one of the main areas of their activity (Fig. 2).

The system of state bodies of general competence, which exercise management in the field of physical culture and sports, include: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, local bodies of executive power. The structure of management of the sphere of physical culture and sports of state bodies of general competence is shown in Figure 2 [3].

In general, the management structure in the field of physical culture and sports includes: the Ministry of Youth and Sports, its subdivisions at the level of regions, the Department of Physical Culture and the Department of Olympic Sports, the Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Department of Family and Youth Affairs and sports of the regional state administration, the family, youth and sports department of the district state administration (state bodies); permanent commissions, committees, departments of local self-government bodies; The National Olympic Committee, its subdivisions at the regional level, National Sports Federations and Local Sports Federations of sports recognized in Ukraine, foundations, a large number of public organizations (non-governmental organizations) and so on. etc., which in turn exacerbates the existing problems of demarcation of powers of state authorities and local self-government [3, 4].

sports management state government

Fig. 2. Structure of management of the field ofphysical culture and sports of state bodies of general competence

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine determines state policy and carries out legislative regulation of relations in the field of physical culture and sports, and also exercises control over the implementation of the state program for the development of this sphere and the implementation of legislation on physical culture and sports within the limits of its powers [3, 4].

Important functions in this area are performed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which determines the directions of development of physical culture and sports, directs the activities of subordinate bodies to the implementation of the laws of Ukraine «On physical culture and sports» (September 15, 1995). As a subject of state regulation in the field of sports, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine determines the directions for the development of physical culture and sports, directs the activities of subordinate executive bodies; during his term of office, develops a program of activities aimed at revitalizing the relevant industry, concludes intergovernmental agreements and coordinates international cooperation on the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine [2, 4].

As a subject of administrative and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine performs the following functions [1, 3, 4]:

4 - provides information to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine regarding the activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies on the development of physical culture and sports;

4 - determines the list of physical culture and sports institutions that are granted the status of Olympic and Paralympic training bases, approves Memorandums of Understanding on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports;

4 - awards scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to outstanding athletes, coaches and figures of physical culture and sports;

*! approves the procedure for using the funds provided in the state budget for the development of physical culture and sports among employees and military personnel of law enforcement agencies for a certain budget year, etc.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine is the central body of the executive power, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine is part of the system of executive authorities and is the main body in the system of central executive authorities for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of education and science, innovation and informatization, intellectual property, youth, physical culture and sports [2, 4].

Local self-government bodies promote the development of amateur mass sports (it is based on various physical culture and sports sections), encourage and stimulate the activities of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens in this area. Local councils introduce a system of benefits and incentives for enterprises that direct part of their profits to the development of physical education and sports, the construction of physical education and sports facilities, and the organization of recreation [2, 4].

It is not allowed to use the funds of the State Budget of Ukraine and local selfgovernment budgets, as well as extra-budgetary funds provided for physical culture, sports and tourism, for other purposes. Enterprises, institutions and organizations direct funds to the development of physical culture and sports in the manner determined by legislation.

Local councils introduce a system of benefits and incentives for enterprises that direct part of their profits to the development of physical culture and sports, the construction of physical culture and sports facilities, and the organization of recreation. According to the Law of Ukraine dated February 5, 1993 «On promoting the social formation and development of the youth of Ukraine» 1 pupils, students, all minors have the right to free and discounted use of physical education and sports facilities [1, 3].

The Civil and Economic Codes of Ukraine are the traditional acts regulating physical culture, health and sports relations. Analyzing the provisions of the Law «On Licensing of Certain Types of Economic Activity», it should be emphasized that physical culture and health and sports activities (certain types of them) are considered as a type of economic activity and belong to restrictive types of economic activity, for the implementation of which a special permit - a license - is required. This law defines the general concept of a license, license conditions, names the bodies that carry out licensing, the documents necessary to obtain a license and regulates the entire process of issuing licenses in general [3, 4].

State programs for the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine are aimed at the practical implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On Physical Culture and Sports». They reveal the main directions of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, determine their role in the life of society, show the trends in the development of the physical culture and sports movement and outline practical measures for the introduction of physical culture into the lives of citizens, as well as the basic principles of organizational, material and technical, personnel, informational and other provision of it for certain stages of social development [3].

On the basis of the State program for the development of physical culture and sports, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine foresees a corresponding section in the programs of economic and social development of Ukraine.

In order to improve regulation in this area, State requirements for physical education are adopted, which contain the main conceptual provisions, characteristics of levels, content and form of physical education, assessment of the activities of those engaged in it, personnel support and management of physical education. They determine the purpose of physical education in the educational sphere and its tasks, the principles of building the pedagogical process of physical culture in educational institutions [1, 4].

At the level of national legislation, the term «sport» is defined in the Law of Ukraine dated December 24, 1993. «About physical culture and sports».According to Art. 1 of the specified Law, sport is «an organic part of physical culture, a special field of identification and unified comparison of people's achievements in certain types of physical exercises, technical, intellectual and other training through competitive activities.» The task of sports, according to the Law, is to constantly improve the level of health, physical and spiritual development of the population, to promote the economic and social progress of society, as well as to establish the international authority of Ukraine in the world community.

The National Doctrine for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports (Chapter I) states that «sport contributes to the achievement of physical and spiritual perfection of a person, the identification of reserve capabilities of the body, the formation of patriotic feelings in citizens and a positive international image of the state.» The Law of Ukraine of December 24, 1993 «On Physical Culture and Sports» in Art. 2 outlines the tasks of physical culture and sports in Ukraine: constantly increasing the level of health, physical and spiritual development of the population, promoting the economic and social progress of society, as well as establishing the international authority of Ukraine in the world community [1, 2].

Concept of the State-wide targeted social program for the development of physical culture and sports for 2012-2016, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 31, 2011 No. 828. The purpose of the Program is to create conditions for [3]:

4 - involvement of broad sections of the population in mass sports, popularization of a healthy lifestyle and physical rehabilitation;

*! maximum realization of the abilities of gifted youth in children and youth, reserve sports, sports of higher achievements and their education in the spirit of Olympism.

Another group of normative legal acts in the field of physical culture and sports includes generally recognized principles of international law, conventions, charters and international treaties of Ukraine on sports. These acts enter into force on the territory of Ukraine after their ratification by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thus, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the European Convention on violence and inappropriate behavior by spectators during sports events, and in particular football matches.

The specified legal framework establishes a system of conceptual ideas and views on the role, organizational structure and tasks of physical culture and sports in Ukraine.

Conclusion. The system of state management of physical culture and sports includes the Ministry of Youth and Sports, its subdivisions at the level of regions, the Department of Physical Culture and the Department of Olympic Sports, the Republican Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, the Family, Youth and Sports Department of the regional state administration, department for family, youth and sports affairs of the district, district state administration (state bodies); permanent commissions, committees, departments of local self-government bodies; The National Olympic Committee, its subdivisions at the regional level, National Sports Federations and Local Sports Federations of sports recognized in Ukraine, foundations, a large number of public organizations (non-governmental organizations), etc., which in turn exacerbates existing problems of separation of powers bodies of state power and local self-government.


1. Hasiuk, I.L. (2013). Priorytetni napriamy udoskonalennia systemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia fizychnoiu kulturoiu i sportom [Priority directions for improving the system of state management of physical culture and sports]. Ekonomika ta derzhava, 11, 129-132 [in Ukrainian].

2. Luts', L. (2002). The main measures and methods of European legal integration [Main measures and methods of European legal integration]. Pravo Ukrainy, 5, 142-151 [in Ukrainian].

3. Ministerstvo molodi ta sportu Ukrainy: Masovyi sport [Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine: Mass sport]. Mizhnarodnyi dosvid. Retrieved from: category/61 [in Ukrainian].

4. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro fizychnu kulturu i sportu» [Law of Ukraine «On Physical Culture and Sports»]. Retrieved from: (12 [in Ukrainian].


1. Гасюк І.Л. Пріоритетні напрями удосконалення системи державного управління фізичною культурою і спортом. Економіка та держава. 2013. №11. С. 129-132.

2. Закон України «Про фізичну культуру і спорту» [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: (12

3. Луць Л. Основні заходи та способи європейської правової інтеграції. Право України. 2002. №5. С. 142-151.

4. Міністерство молоді та спорту України: Масовий спорт. Міжнародний досвід [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

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