State policy of economic security regulation of strategies for the development of industrial activities of the country
Deals with the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy in the context of state support and development strategies for the implementation of the state's industrial policy. Substantiation of the state industrial policy in the regulating strategies.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 04.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,0 K |
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Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University
State policy of economic security regulation of strategies for the development of industrial activities of the country
Nazarenko Maryna Oleksandrivna Candidate of sciences in public administration, senior lecturer of the department of public administration and administration
The article deals with the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy in the context of state support and development strategies for the implementation of the state's industrial policy. The main priority tasks of the state policy aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy are highlighted. Variants of approaches to the implementation of state industrial policy are defined. The trends of changes in regulatory policy and the influence of state administration bodies on the sphere of industrial development of the country's economy are studied.
The purpose of the article is the substantiation of the state industrial policy in regulating strategies for the development of the country's industrial activity.
An important function of the state industrial policy is the selection of priorities in the development of industry, the development of a system of protectionist measures, the creation of a regime that most favors the most important and most promising enterprises. Only enterprises capable of producing high-tech products whose production process meets all the requirements of environmental standards should be supported. The main condition is an innovative strategy and tactics at the macro- and microeconomic levels. Important in this process is the correct formation of a system of goals aimed at achieving the planned indicators of the country's industrial development.
The implementation of state industrial policy at the micro level is carried out thanks to support in foreign markets within the limits of the capabilities of state external institutions; normative legal acts and clarifications, as well as comments to them, addressed to representatives of industrial business; economic levers and incentives: tax, tariff, other conditions; administrative measures in the form of issuing licenses, quotas, certificates; in the field of educational services provided to potential or actual employees of the enterprise; management of state property; coordination of measures with the regions of Ukraine.
Keywords: competitiveness, state support, state industrial policy, economic growth, state regulation of industrial development.
Назаренко Марина Олександрівна кандидат наук з державного управління, старший викладач кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування. Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського,
У статті зазначено, що головною метою формування державної промислової політики є створення сучасного, інтегрованого у світове виробництво, здатного до саморозвитку промислового комплексу, який відповідає аналогічним утворенням розвинутих держав світу. Сьогодні суттєво змінюється характер і зростає роль промислової політики, яка є головною складовою економічної політики держави. Вона все більше спрямовується на виконання завдання вироблення інноваційно спрямованої стратегії, націленої на розвиток прогресивних технологічних укладів, застосування усього арсеналу інструментів прямого і непрямого стимулювання інноваційного процесу, а також формування комплексу інфраструктури з використанням новітніх комунікацій та інформаційних технологій.
Метою статті є обґрунтування державної промислової політики в регулюванні стратегій розвитку промислової діяльності країни.
У сучасних умовах державна промислова політика є складовою частиною стратегії суспільного розвитку, заснованої на системі відносин між державними і муніципальними органами влади, що є суб'єктами господарювання, науковими і громадськими організаціями з приводу формування структурно-збалансованої, конкурентоздатної промисловості, інтелектуальне ядро якої представлене новітнім технологічним укладом. Механізм її реалізації припускає систему правових, економічних, організаційних та інших заходів, що сприяють формуванню конкурентоздатного промислового комплексу, забезпеченню його ефективного функціонування. Сутність промислової політики полягає в обґрунтованому виборі її суб'єктами пріоритетних видів діяльності, у наданні їм ефективної підтримки.
Ефективна промислова політика повинна базуватися на поєднанні двох економічних підходів (орієнтований на експорт та на імпортозаміщення в контексті підтримки галузей ), їх комбінуванні та переважанні певного підходу, залежно від промислового потенціалу регіону тощо.
Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність, державна підтримка, державна промислова політика, економічне зростання, державне регулювання промислового розвитку.
Formulation of the problem. State support for economic policy aims the activities of the executive power at forming optimal conditions and factors for the effective operation of industry for the realization of the country's national, regional, and geopolitical interests, aimed at increasing and developing its economic competitiveness. One of the main directions of the state economic policy should be the reorganization of industry to create its optimal structure. The development of industry is organically connected with the territorial transformation of productive forces. Therefore, a balanced industrial policy is one of the important prerequisites for ensuring the economic stability of Ukraine. The success of the socio-economic development of the country depends, first of all, on the existence and effective implementation of a well-thought-out strategy of state economic policy.
Analysis of recent research and publications. A number of works by domestic and foreign scientists, including M. Vasylieva, O. Kraynyk, Yu. Tkachenko, Yu. Yurynets, and others, are devoted to the issues of development and implementation of state policy on increasing the industrial activity of enterprises, growth of their economic competitiveness and innovation potential [1-5].
The purpose of the article is to justify the state industrial policy in regulating strategies for the development of industrial activity and the country.
Presenting main material
The basis of state support for today's economic policy development strategy is the fundamental awareness that increasing the country's competitiveness is possible only under the condition of technological re-equipment and modernization of knowledge-intensive industrial enterprises. Hence, the main idea of the Concept of the nationwide target program for the development of the industry of Ukraine for the period until 2023 is gaining more and more relevance - the creation of a competitive industrial complex of the postindustrial type, capable of solving the main tasks of the socio-economic development of society and the establishment of Ukraine as a high-tech state in the conditions of globalization. State authorities are trying to implement this idea thanks to the industrial policy, which is based on reforming the management system of the industrial complex, overcoming disparities in industrial production, creating favorable conditions for the economic development of business entities of various forms of ownership, full and effective use of the available scientific potential and further its development to increase the competitiveness of high-tech industrial production and products [1, 2, 4].
The main goal of the formation of the state industrial policy is to create a modern, integrated into the world production, capable of self-development industrial complex, which corresponds to similar formations of the developed countries of the world. Today, the nature and role of industrial policy, which is the main component of the state's economic policy, is changing significantly. It is increasingly directed towards the implementation of the task of developing an innovative strategy aimed at the development of progressive technological systems, the use of the entire arsenal of tools for direct and indirect stimulation of the innovation process, as well as the formation of a complex infrastructure using the latest communications and information technologies [2, 3].
An important function of the state industrial policy is the selection of priorities in the development of industry, the development of a system of protectionist measures, the creation of a regime that most favors the most important and most promising enterprises. Only enterprises capable of producing high-tech products whose production process meets all the requirements of environmental standards should be supported. The main condition is an innovative strategy and tactics at the macro- and microeconomic levels. Important in this process is the correct formation of a system of goals aimed at achieving the planned indicators of the country's industrial development [1, 3].
In modern conditions, state industrial policy is an integral part of the strategy of social development, based on the system of relations between state and municipal authorities, which are economic entities, scientific and public organizations regarding the formation of a structurally balanced, competitive industry, the intellectual core of which is represented by the latest technologically. The mechanism of its implementation assumes a system of legal, economic, organizational and other measures that contribute to the formation of a competitive industrial complex, ensuring its effective functioning. The essence of industrial policy consists in the reasoned choice by its subjects of priority types of activities, in providing them with effective support [2, 3, 5].
As the experience of economically developed countries shows, the national government should introduce mechanisms for creating an extensive corporate structure that will comprehensively stimulate and support scientific research and development thanks to their commercialization. In order to integrate the resources of large enterprises and small businesses to achieve innovative development of the economy, it is possible to use franchising technology, which has become widespread in the countries of Western Europe and the USA in the form of a system of contractual relations between large and small firms. The introduction of this technology of economic integration of small and large businesses provides a significant economic effect, especially in the field of trade and services [2, 3].
Ukraine will be able to turn into a high-tech state with an innovative model of economic growth, provided that the industry meets the scientific and technical achievements of the post-industrial society. Overcoming Ukraine's significant lag behind developed countries in terms of labor productivity in all spheres of the national economy, updating fixed assets, implementing energy- and materialsaving technologies is possible only on the basis of industrial innovations [1, 4].
An effective state program to promote the development of small research entrepreneurship in Ukraine would provide an opportunity to significantly expand the scope of activities of small firms and contribute to the strengthening of the system of state financing of scientific and technical progress and the revitalization of risk financing at the stages of commercial development of products, significantly reducing the investment risk of investors [2, 4].
In addition to national tasks that are of a macroeconomic nature, industrial policy can be implemented at the meso- and micro-levels. Thus, the state industrial policy at the meso level is the solution of issues at the regional level, if there is a need to equalize the development of individual regions, such as the largest national network corporations - holdings, financial and industrial groups and other integrated associations, as well as transnational corporations, both domestic and and foreign The state must reasonably determine the purpose and tasks of regional authorities, develop state programs, ensure control over the implementation of legislative acts and legal norms. For Ukraine, regional industrial policy is extremely important due to differences in natural-geographical, economic, socio-demographic and other conditions. As a result of these factors, a uniform approach to regions is impossible [1]. ukrainian economy industrial policy
The functions of state regulation of industrial development at the regional level can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group includes functions for the implementation of the main directions of state regional policy and implementation of state industrial development programs; organization, control and enforcement of normative legal acts of higher bodies of executive and legislative power; fulfillment of state orders and contracts for the production of industrial products, etc. The second group includes functions related to the creation and ensuring the effective functioning of regional and local industrial complexes, solving socio-economic and environmental problems of the region's development. Implementation of both functions in modern conditions should ensure accelerated economic growth both in the regions and in the state as a whole. Industry has all the signs of becoming the main carrier of technical progress and a source of growth in national competitiveness [1, 3].
The implementation of state industrial policy at the micro level is carried out thanks to support in foreign markets within the limits of the capabilities of state external institutions; normative legal acts and clarifications, as well as comments to them, addressed to representatives of industrial business; economic levers and incentives: tax, tariff, other conditions; administrative measures in the form of issuing licenses, quotas, certificates; in the field of educational services provided to potential or actual employees of the enterprise; management of state property; coordination of measures with the regions of Ukraine. In general, enterprises (with a small exception) are interested in their development and improvement, increase in profit and profitability, increase in quality and efficiency of production. The problem is that the realization of this goal can be carried out in different ways, not always in accordance with the national interests, or restrained by factors of external and internal order. Moreover, the insufficient level of management qualification, the search for the most effective courses of action, the lack of necessary information about the market situation, as well as possible direct and indirect threats, to overcome which the enterprise needs to spend significant funds, which depletes already scarce sources, can act as restraining factors. investments [2, 3, 5].
Approaches to the implementation of industrial policy can be reduced to the following options [2, 4]:
1) export-oriented, according to which industries with significant export potential, own opportunities for updating the technological base of production, capable of increasing the volume of production and export of products, significantly influence the formation of budgets at all levels are supported;
2) focused on import substitution in the context of supporting industries that produce products capable of replacing imported goods on domestic markets, displacing foreign competitors.
It is important to update the technological base of production and production of competitive products to attract direct foreign investment, focus on the production of goods for domestic consumption: industrial growth begins in those industries that actually produce products that are in demand on the domestic market. An effective industrial policy should be based on a combination of these approaches, their combination and the predominance of a certain approach, depending on the industrial potential of the region, etc.
The state should be a direct participant in economic processes, the creator and executor of economic, legal, and administrative norms, and the initiator of transformations in the economic system. First of all, the actions of the state are aimed at preserving the remnants of national production, stopping the current decline, maintaining the level of income and employment, restoring and developing production. The next set of measures is the development of non-capitalintensive industries with rapid capital turnover, which will make it possible to fill the budget with money, and the consumer market with goods. And the third block of priorities is the formation of a modern model of the economic system, establishment of global economic ties, support of the most modern science-intensive industries, activation of entrepreneurship, etc. In carrying out industrial policy, the state should implement not individual regulatory measures, but a complex of functions characteristic of a market economy. The state industrial policy should regulate all aspects of industrial activity, regardless of the forms of ownership, industries and categories of economic production. This will make it possible to create cross-industry connections not only internally, but also externally to provide competitive advantages for the domestic manufacturing environment.
1. Danko, T. V., & Lutsenko, A. O. (2015). Vplyv prohram mizhnarodnoi tekhnichnoi dopomohy na rozvytok mizhnarodnoi konkurentospromozhnosti vysokotekhnolohichnykh klasteriv [The Impact of International Technical Assistance Programs on the Development of International Competitiveness of High-Tech Clusters]. Visnyk NTU «KhPI» -- Bulletin of the NTU «KhPI», 54 (1163), 27-32 [in Ukrainian].
2. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy [Constitution of Ukraine] (1996). Pryiniata Verkhovnoiu Radoiu Ukrainy 28 chervnia 1996 r. iz zminamy. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. № 30. St. 141 [in Ukrainian].
3. Tkachenko Yu. V. (2012). Derzhavna promyslova polityka yak instrument vplyvu na rozvytok pidpryiemnytskoho seredovyshcha v Ukraini [State industrial policy as a tool for influencing the development of the business environment in Ukraine]. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen; Odeskyi natsionalnyi ekonomichnyi universytet. № 40. S. 325-330 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vasylieva, M. O. (2010). Nova paradyhma efektyvnosti zarubizhnoi dopomohy rozvytku [New paradigm of the effectiveness of foreign development assistance]. Aktualni problemy mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn -- Actual problems of international relations, 93 (1), 103-07 [in Ukrainian].
5. Yurynets, Yu.L. (2014). Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy [Constitutional law of Ukraine]: navch. Posib. Nats. aviats. un-t. Uzhhorod, Breza, 367 [in Ukrainian].
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