The role of the public inspector in the sphere of environmental protection in Ukraine
The obligations and powers of the public environmental protection inspector in the field of environmental protection according to the acting legislation are analyzed. Study of the concept of public control in the field of environmental protection.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 19,4 K |
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Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University Kropyvnytskyi
The role of the public inspector in the sphere of environmental protection in Ukraine
Yevtushenko O.
Globalization and industrialization of modern society arouses the problem of environmental pollution and claims providing rational of usage nature. These processes require state and public control, implementation of environmental protection measures, development of environmentally secure technologies and methods of rational managment of natural resources.
Public control in the area of environmental protection is a form of ecological control carried out by public environmental protection inspectors, public organizations and particular citizens interested in the safe condition of the natural environment, with the aim of control of abidance by concerns, institutions, organizations independent of the form of their ownership, public authorities, their officials, as well as citizens, the requirements of environmental protection legislation.
Public inspectors for environmental protection are a weighty component of the environmental management system and play an essencial role in providing of the realisation of public policy in the area of environmental protection.
The labor activity of public inspectors is ordinated by the State Ecoinspection, its territorial and interregional authorities, other state organs that control the protection, rational usage and reproduction of natural resources, organs of state executive power and local self-government, public ecological (environmental protection) organizations.
In the current article is the obligations and powers of the public environmental protection inspector in the field of environmental protection according to the acting legislation of the year 2022 are analyzed.
The obtained results permit us to claim that public inspectors are granted with a range of powers that give them a possibility to supervise compliance with environmental protection requirements by subjects and in certain measure to control the effectiveness of the work of state environmental protection inspectors.
Key words: natural environment, public inspector, state authorities, specialized control, public control, inspection, raid, violation of requirements of environmental protection legislation.
Роль громадського інспектора у сфері охорони навколишнього природного середовища в Україні. Євтушенко О.Т.
Глобалізація та індустріалізація сучасного суспільства викликає проблему забруднення навколишнього середовища та вимагає забезпечення раціонального природокористування. Ці процеси потребують державного та громадського контролю, впровадження природоохоронних заходів, розробки екологічно безпечних технологій та методів раціонального використання природних ресурсів.
Громадський контроль у сфері охорони навколишнього природного середовища - вид екологічного контролю, який здійснюють громадські інспектори з охорони довкілля, громадські організації та окремі громадяни, зацікавлені в безпечному стані навколишнього природного середовища, з метою перевірки дотримання підприємствами, установами, організаціями незалежно від форм власності, державними органами, їх посадовими особами, а також громадянами, вимог природоохоронного законодавства.
Громадські інспектори з охорони навколишнього середовища є важливою складовою системи екологічного менеджменту та відіграють значну роль у забезпечені реалізації державної політики у галузі охорони довкілля.
Роботу громадських інспекторів організовують Держекоінспекція, її територіальні та міжрегіональні територіальні органи, інші державні органи, які здійснюють контроль за охороною, раціональним використанням та відтворенням природних ресурсів, органами державної виконавчої влади та місцевого самоврядування, громадськими екологічними (природоохоронними) організаціями.
В статті проаналізовано обов'язки та повноваження громадського інспектора з охорони довкілля у сфері охорони навколишнього природного середовища відповідно до діючого законодавства станом на 2022 рік.
Отримані результати дозволяють стверджувати, що громадські інспектори наділені рядом повноважень, які дають можливість їм проводити нагляд за дотриманням природоохоронних вимог суб'єктами та певною мірою контролювати ефективність роботи державних інспекторів з охорони навколишнього природного середовища.
Ключові слова: навколишнє природне середовище, державний та громадський інспектор, органи державної влади, спеціалізований контроль, громадський контроль, перевірка, рейд, порушення вимог природоохоронного законодавства.
The problem under discussion. According to the requirements of Article 50 of the Constitution of Ukraine, everyone has the inalienable right to an environment safe for health and life as well to have information about the state of the environment [5].
One of the guarantees of environmental rights of citizens in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine «On Environmental Protection» is public control over compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, carried out, in particular, by public environmental inspectors [4].
The dictionary of foreign language words defines control (from Fench controle) as a check or observation for the purpose of verification. «Control» is a function which ensures that any process avoids negative, undesirable actions and consequences [1].
The functions of special control bodies are performed by a number of state services and inspections within the central executive authorities.
That is, specialized control is a state control over the observance of norms and rules in the field of environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, including land, subsoil, surface and ground water, air, forests, other objects of flora and fauna, marine environment and natural resources of territorial waters, continental shelf and exclusive (maritime) economic zone, territories and objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, as well as in the field of waste management, compliance with environmental safety standards [6, 7, 15].
The effectiveness of public administration in the field of environmental protection, to some extent, depends on the level of interaction between the bodies representing the state authorities and civil society institutions. Public control is one of the elements of such relations. Issues related to the functioning of state structures, whose activities have an impact on the interests and rights of citizens and are of public interest, should be highlighted and controlled by the public. This is especially true for institutions related to natural resources, the scope and activities of which directly affect the quality and protection of the environment. Accessibility of this information to citizens indicates the degree of openness between society and public authorities. Thus, public control is one of the instruments of influence on public authorities and one of the factors stimulating their improvement [8-10].
Analysis of recent research and publications. In general enough works are devoted to the issues of interaction of public authorities of our country with public control and the role of the public environmental inspector in the field of environmental protection. Among the publications on the abovementioned topics, it is worth highlighting the works of S. Berzina, V. Boreyko, Buzan, O. Fedorovska, O. Golovkin, Z. Gladun and official sources of the Ministry of Environment and the State Environmental Inspectorate [1-3, 8-12].
Presentation of the main material
One of the main reasons for violations of environmental legislation is the extremely low environmental awareness of the population, on the one hand, and the insufficient number of inspectors in the controlling bodies, on the other. To strengthen control and involve the public in its implementation, public control over environmental protection was introduced [1, 13].
Public control in the field of environmental protection is carried out by public environmental inspectors (public inspectors) [1, 7].
The legal status of public inspectors is determined by their public purpose - to assist government agencies in environmental protection, prevent violations of environmental rules, educate citizens in the spirit of respect for the law, etc. All of them are the guardians of natural resources, are reliable assistants of state environmental inspectors [1]. public environmental protection inspector
The purpose of public control in the field of environmental protection is to ensure a safe environment. This type of activity is regulated by legal norms on verification of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation by state bodies, local selfgovernment bodies, individuals and legal entities [1].
The object of public control in the field of environmental protection is the actions and inaction of enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, state bodies, their officials, as well as citizens who affect or may affect in the future the state of the environment [1, 8].
The subjects of public control in the field of environmental protection are, first of all, public environmental inspectors, public organizations, individual citizens or their groups interested in ensuring a safe and high-quality state of the environment [1, 8].
The State Environmental Inspectorate, its territorial and interregional territorial bodies directly organize the work of all public inspectors [1, 6, 7].
Only a citizen of Ukraine who has reached the age of 18, has experience in the field of environmental protection and has passed an interview in the relevant body can become a public inspector [7].
The public inspector is obliged to have the relevant basic knowledge of the main environmental laws and other regulatory legal acts related to his further work on a voluntary basis [1, 7].
After obtaining a certificate, which can be extended annually in case of positive results of the evaluation of the public inspector's work, which he reports quarterly and annually to the specialist assigned to the State Environmental Inspectorate, the public inspector monitors the protection and use of natural resources without additional remuneration, that is, on a voluntary basis, without dismissal from the main job [15].
The public inspector may be involved in inspections or raids carried out by the State Environmental Inspectorate with the preparation of the relevant act on the relevant inspection.
The public inspector is authorized to draw up reports on administrative offenses in case of violations of environmental legislation with further submission to the relevant body of the State Environmental Inspectorate in order to bring the offender to justice for the committed environmental crime [7].
Unlike the state, a public inspector has the right to stop a vehicle (land and floating) for inspection [6, 7].
In addition to the above, the public inspector has the right to deliver violators of environmental legislation to law enforcement agencies or local governments; to check documents for the legality of extracted objects of flora and fauna or their derivative products; to inspect other things; to take photos, sound and video, in order to use them in the future as auxiliary means of evidence in court proceedings and to act directly as a witness; explain, if necessary, to citizens their environmental rights and requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection; participate in environmental assessment; has the right to have information about the state of the environment and measures taken to stabilize the situation in case of sources of negative impact on the environment [7].
The public inspector is obliged not to violate the requirements of environmental legislation, to report to the relevant body of the State Environmental Inspectorate on the results of inspections or raids, as well as to submit to the State Environmental Inspectorate the relevant annual and quarterly reports according to the environmental work performed [1, 15].
In case of failure to provide or violation of the deadlines for submission of quarterly or annual reports, unsatisfactory work, excess or abuse of the granted rights, or committing any violations of the requirements of environmental legislation by a public inspector, the State Environmental Inspectorate may decide to immediately deprive the relevant inspector of his powers and revoke his certificate ahead of schedule [1, 7].
The environment is a means, source and place of human life, the existence of all other biologically active organisms. Its protection, rational use of natural resources, ensuring environmental safety is, first of all, a condition of life itself. In order to protect the environment, Ukraine should implement an environmental policy aimed at preserving the environment safe for the existence of living and non-living nature; protecting the life and health of the population from the negative impact caused by environmental pollution; achieving harmonious interaction between society and nature; protection, rational use and reproduction of natural resources.
Public inspectors, monitoring the observance of environmental legislation by detecting violations, taking measures to punish offenders, carry out useful work for the society - they are fighting for the preservation of their native land, rational use of natural resources.
The legal status of the public environmental inspector requires further improvement by expanding the rights and duties of the public inspector and defining the scope of his/her responsibility. Increasing the level of legal training of public inspectors is a prerequisite for effective environmental control.
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2. Головкін О.В. Екологічний контроль та нагляд в Україні: монографія. Кам'янець-Подільський: ТОВ «Друкарня Рута», 2014. 440 с.
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7. Про громадських інспекторів з охорони довкілля: наказ Міністерства екології та природних ресурсів України від 27.02.2022 № 88, зареєстрований в Міністерстві юстиції України 20.03.2022 за № 276/6564. URL: z0276-02#Text (дата звернення 05.11.2022).
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