Theoretical principles of motivation management in the territorial community

The main analysis of the impact of employee motivation in the territorial community on their productivity and involvement in community development. Creating a positive working atmosphere that promotes mutual cooperation and community development.

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Theoretical principles of motivation management in the territorial community

Iryna Boryshkevych, Valentyna Yakubiv


The importance of employee motivation in a territorial community lies in its impact on their productivity, efficiency, and engagement in community development. Motivated employees demonstrate greater initiative, creativity, and collaboration skills, which contribute to achieving community goals and solving its problems. Moreover, motivation helps retain talented individuals, increases job satisfaction, and creates a positive work atmosphere that fosters cooperation and community development as a whole. The article explores the historical origins of the term "motivation" and its main stages of evolution. It examines interpretations of the concept of motivation by both domestic and foreign scholars and proposes its own definition. Motivation is understood as "the main management function that consists of a set of specific motives that drive employees to more productive and efficient work in order to achieve their own goals and the goals of the organization, as well as to apply employees' professional potential in a strategic period". The dynamics of the number of scientific publications in the Scopus database on motivation research over the past 10 years, including by Ukrainian scientists, are analyzed. The search results show an increasing interest of researchers in studying the concept of motivation, with a total of 13,072 works in 2022. The main stages of the employee motivation process are considered. This process includes six main stages: the emergence of a need, seeking ways to satisfy the need, setting goals and directions of action, implementation of specific actions, receiving rewards for actions performed, and satisfaction of the need. A comparative characteristic of the terms "motivation" and "stimulation" is provided based on the following comparison criteria: scope of application, duration of action, stimulating measures, relation to work, organizational form, and overall goals. A well-developed motivation system that combines both material and non-material incentives ensures improved productivity, as motivated employees are more inclined to high-quality and productive work. By improving motivational management, a community can stimulate employees to achieve better results in their duties and attract and retain talented personnel, as competition for talented specialists becomes increasingly intense.

Keywords: motivation, motive, motivational management, stimulation, incentive, territorial community, public administration.


Боришкевич Ірина, Якубів Валентина. Теоретичні засади мотиваційного управління у територіальній громаді.

Важливість мотивації працівників у територіальній громаді полягає у тому, що вона впливає на їхню продуктивність, ефективність та залученість до розвитку громади. Мотивовані працівники проявляють більшу ініціативу, креативність та здатність до співпраці, що сприяє досягненню поставлених цілей та вирішенню проблем громади. Крім того, мотивація сприяє збереженню талановитих кадрів, підвищує рівень задоволеності роботою та створює позитивну робочу атмосферу, що сприяє взаємному співробітництву та розвитку громади в цілому. У статті досліджено історичні витоки терміну «мотивація» та основні етапи еволюції. Розглянуто трактування поняття «мотивація» як вітчизняними, так і зарубіжними науковцями, а також запропоновано власне його визначення. Під мотивацією ми розуміємо «основну функцію управління, що є сукупністю певних мотивів, які спонукають працівників до продуктивнішої й ефективнішої роботи з метою досягнення власних цілей та цілей організації, а також застосування професійного потенціалу працівників у стратегічному періоді». Проаналізовано динаміку кількості наукових публікацій у базі даних Scopus в напрямку дослідження мотивації за останні 10 років, в тому числі українськими вченими. Результати пошуку показали зростання зацікавленості науковців до дослідження поняття «мотивація», зокрема у 2022 р. кількість праць склала 13072. Розглянуто основні стадії процесу мотивування працівників. Даний процес включає 6 основних стадій, а саме: виникнення потреби, пошук шляхів задоволення потреби, визначення цілей та напрямків дій, реалізація конкретних дій, отримання винагороди за виконані дії та задоволення потреби. Здійснено порівняльну характеристику термінів «мотивація» та «стимулювання» за такими ознаками порівняння: межі застосування, тривалість дії, стимулювання заходів, відношення до праці, форма організації та загальні цілі. Якісно сформована система мотивації, що поєднує як матеріальне, так і нематеріальне стимулювання, забезпечує: покращення продуктивності - мотивовані співробітники більш схильні до високоякісної та продуктивної роботи. Шляхом вдосконалення мотиваційного управління, громада може стимулювати працівників до досягнення кращих результатів у своїх обов'язках; залучення та утримання талановитого персоналу - конкуренція за талановитих спеціалістів стає все більш інтенсивною.

Ключові слова: мотивація, мотив, мотиваційне управління, стимулювання, стимул, територіальна громада, публічне управління.


In the conditions of a state of war in Ukraine and the process of reforming the management system, effective human resource management, including quality motivation, which is a factor in enhancing the activity of territorial communities, gains significance. The function of motivation is aimed at activating the employees of territorial communities to better fulfill the tasks assigned to them. Despite the research conducted by various theoretical and applied scholars on the principles of motivation, modern local self-government bodies do not fully utilize the existing potential that can be derived from the results of motivation in the management system. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the function of motivation in the activities of territorial communities, including its concept and classification.

Motivation is the driving force that urges employees to strive for set goals by satisfying their needs with maximum effort. Motivation is one of the five key functions of management (planning, organizing, motivating, controlling, and regulating) necessary for making effective management decisions to accomplish assigned tasks.

In its evolution, motivation has gone through several historical stages: from the well-known "carrot and stick" approach, which was based on a system of punishment and rewards, to the concept of "human resources" that perceives employees as key figures determining the final outcomes of activities. In a broad sense, motivation is the process of encouraging employees to perform activities in order to implement the organization's strategy and tactics.

The purpose of this article is to investigate the concept of "motivation", characterize employee motivation in the public and private sectors, and conduct a comparative analysis of the terms "motivation" and "stimulation".

Literature review, generalization of main statements

Research on the question of motivation in human activity is carried out by both domestic and foreign scientists, including Banuri & Keefer (2015); Dennis M. McInerney (2019); Domenico & Ryan (2017); Laufer (2013); Steinmayr, Weidinger, Schwinger & Spinath (2019); Taylor (1911); Herasymenko (2022); Hridin, Zaika & Zaika (2022); Orlov & Fediunina (2022); Pryimak & Antonenko (2019); Samiilenko (2019); Urmanov & Kasimova (2017) and others. However, an analysis of their works indicates that there is no unified interpretation of this concept, thus requiring further research. The existence of different views among scholars is evidence of certain contradictions and underscores the importance of forming a unified interpretation.

The concept of "motivation" derives from the Latin word "movere", which means "to move". Motivation is that internal force of a person's will that impels them to take certain actions in order to achieve set goals, both in professional and everyday life. The Academic Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language states that motivation is a combination of motives and evidence aimed at justifying something, and it is a process of motivating (Motivation (n.d.). One of the founders of the interpretation of the term "motivation" is considered to be Frederick Taylor, the founder of the School of Scientific Management. He wrote that if a worker is not guaranteed a constant pay increase, it is impossible to compel them to work harder over a long period of time compared to other workers in their environment (Taylor, 1911). In other words, he believed that fair and worthy wages are the main motivation for productive activity.

The term "motivation" is the subject of study in various scientific fields that seek to understand the causes of human behavior. Specifically, motivation is studied in philosophy, economics, sociology, public administration, jurisprudence, biology, medicine, and other disciplines. For example, in medicine, motivation is understood as ways of satisfying important biological needs of a person, while in economics, it refers to the process of internal and external inducement of a person to engage in activities to achieve set goals - economic, social, psychological - as well as the mechanisms for their implementation.

In scientific literature, there are different views on the term "motivation". Let's consider some of them in Table 1.

Tab. 1 Interpretation of the concept of “motivation” by various scientists



I. I. Boryshkevych, V. M. Yakubiv, K. R. Romaniuk

Motivation is an important and integral tool of public administration. It ensures the achievement of both the personal goals of civil servants and the goals of the state in general (Boryshkevych et al., 2022)

Dennis M. McInerney

Motivation is a psychological construct designed to describe the mechanism that enables individuals and groups to select and emphasize certain behaviors (Dennis, 2019)

S. Di Domenico, R. M. Ryan

Motivation is associated with people's spontaneous tendencies to be curious and inquisitive, seek challenges, and develop their own skills and knowledge, even in the absence of shareable rewards (Di Domenico & Ryan, 2017)

H. Laufer

Motivation is a combination of motives that govern a person's behavior, thoughts, and actions at the present moment (Laufer, 2013)

R. Steinmayr, A. F. Weidinger, M. Schwinger

Motivation involves the self-perception of goals, values, abilities, and the motives for achievement (Steinmayr et al., 2019)

A. V. Herasymenko

Motivation is the process of stimulating individuals to engage in various types of activities, the outcomes of which lead to the achievement of set goals (Herasymenko, 2022)

O. V. Hridin, S. O. Zaika, O. V. Zaika

Motivation is a complex process that shapes the psychological state of an individual, influencing their behavior under specific circumstances, forming attitudes towards phenomena and processes, and activating and directing them towards achieving set goals (Hridin et al., 2022)

O. H. Orlov,

O. R. Fediunina

Motivation is a psychophysiological process aimed at shaping a person's stable behavior in professional activities in the long term (Orlov & Fediunina, 2022)

N. S. Pryimak, O. V. Antonenko

The motivation of public officials in state authorities and local self-government is a combination of internal and external motives, mechanisms, and ways of their integration that enable the achievement of positive goals in the functioning of local self-government bodies (Pryimak & Antonenko, 2019)

H. M. Samiilenko

Motivation in government agencies and local self-government is one of the key functions that directs civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies to work efficiently and productively. It contributes to the optimal utilization of their labor potential and encourages responsible work in the long term (Samiilenko, 2019)

F. Sh. Urmanov, A. A. Kasimova

Motivation is a combination of internal and external factors that ultimately drive an employee to engage in activities aimed at achieving their personal goals as well as the goals of the organization (Urmanov & Kasimova, 2017)

Source: author's research

Saiko (2023), in his research, systematized the concept of "motivation" based on its essence, content, and expected outcomes. According to Saiko, motivation is a combination of internal and external factors in terms of its essence. In terms of content, these factors compel employees to perform their activities effectively. As for the outcomes, motivation allows for the fulfillment of personal goals as well as organizational goals.

Banuri and Keefer (2015), in their research works, investigate prosocial motivation in the public sector. Such motivation pertains to an individual's internal drive to help others, demonstrate commitment to the public good, and contribute to the well -being of those around them. It supports behavior aimed at improving the welfare of other individuals or the community as a whole (Banuri & Keefer, 2016).

The main task of modern organizational leadership is to create a system of work motivation that takes into account the characteristics of all generations of employees working in a particular organization. In order to establish a comprehensive system of motivation in today's conditions, managers need to understand what specifically motivates individual employees and what does not. The individual approach to selecting motivational factors is an effective tool that significantly enhances the level of employee productivity and loyalty (Boryshkevych & Yakubiv, 2022).


Having synthesized the interpretations of the term "motivation" explored by various researchers in contemporary scientific literature, we come to the conclusion that motivation is one of the fundamental functions of management. It encompasses a set of specific motives that drive employees towards more effective and productive activities in order to achieve personal and organizational goals, as well as utilize the employees' labor potential in the long term.

If we examine the number of scientific publications in the Scopus database using the keyword "motivation" over the past 10 years, we can observe its dynamic growth, which indicates the researchers' interest in studying this topic (Fig. 1.).

Fig. 1. Search results for the keyword "motivation" in the Scopus database during 2013-2022

Source: author's research based on Scopus

The interest of Ukrainian researchers in studying motivation and publishing research results in the Scopus database over the past 10 years can be seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Search results for the keyword "motivation" and affiliation to Ukraine (affiliation country) in the Scopus database during 2013-2022

Source: author's research based on Scopus

According to Figure 2, we can see that the interest of Ukrainian researchers in studying the concept of "motivation" has been increasing over the past 10 years and was the highest in 2020.

Motivation in the public and private sectors has both similarities and differences. In ge neral, researchers identify 5 main work-related needs in both sectors, which include: compensation, security, career advancement, achievement, and job content. However, there are some distinct characteristics, such as:

Employees in the public sector have less aspiration for prestige, monetary rewards, and career advancement compared to employees in private enterprises.

Employees in the public sector exhibit a greater need for job stability, security, and additional benefits. They are also more motivated by intellectual and challenging work. motivation territorial community cooperation

Compared to employees in the private sector, employees in the public sector demonstrate a greater desire to contribute to society (Chen, 2016).

In the scientific literature, the terms "motivation" and "stimulation" are distinguished. Motivation is the process that impels individuals or others to engage in a particular activity with the aim of achieving personal and organizational goals. On the other hand, stimulation refers to external factors that induce action and can be a driving force, incentive, or stimulus that affects the sensory organs. However, these terms are interconnected and can complement each other. For example, stimulation can be a means of achieving motivation.

The process of motivation largely depends on needs, which serve as its source. If the needs of employees align with the needs of the organization, they will exert maximum effort to satisfy their needs and derive satisfaction from their work. This, in turn, leads to increased labor productivit y and better decision-making by management.

Employee motivation can be implemented at different levels of management:

At the level of the entire collective: At this level, employee motivation involves changes in the overall corporate culture. Motivation at the collective level should be closely aligned with the organization's strategic goals and contribute to their achievement.

At the level of employees in specific areas: This level entails changes in the quality of work based on specific areas of activity or processes. This is because motivation facilitates the interaction among employees working on the same process or in the same direction.

At the individual employee level: Motivation at the individual level should be directly linked to established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that impact the organization's overall performance (Ustilovska, 2017).

Motivation is considered as a process that involves the realization of certain sequential stages (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. Stages of the process of motivating employees

Source: author's research (Samiilenko, 2019)

Next to the concept of "motivation", we should consider the concept of "stimulation". Sometimes these concepts are considered synonymous, but stimulation can be one way of enhancing motivation. Motivation is based on a motive, which is the internal desire of a person to engage in an activity, while stimulation is based on a stimulus, which is an external incentive. In Table 2, we will examine a comparative characteristic of these two concepts.

Tab. 2 Comparative characteristics of the terms “motivation” and “stimulation”




Limits of application

Organization of work in the


Within the scope of employee work motivation.

Duration of action

Long-term perspective.

Short-term perspective.

Stimulating activities

The influence on internal desires of a person.

External adjustment of human actions.

Attitude to work

The influence of conscious and mutually agreed leadership on


Restrictions on the behavior of

subordinates that are not always agreed upon by them.

Form of organization

Change of the existing state,

formation of working conditions.

Recognition of actual achievements in work.

General goals

Encouraging employees towards

effective performance.

Encouraging employees to perform better than what is stipulated in the contract.

Source: author's research (Vasiurenko, 2018)

In his book "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us," American author and journalist Daniel Pink explores three types of human motivation. The first type, which he refers to as "Motivation 1.0," is associated with basic biological needs such as safety and physiological needs. The second type, "Motivation 2.0," is based on rewards and punishments and represents a more traditional approach to motivation. The third type, "Motivation 3.0," focuses on individual desires and interests and is considered to be intrinsic motivation. However, it may be ineffective if the level of material motivation is insufficient. It is worth noting that Pink (2011) was included in the "Top 50 Business Thinkers in the World" ranking.


After studying publications in the chosen thematic direction, it can be concluded that there are many different approaches to interpreting the term "motivation." Motives can include needs, interests, behavior, values, attitudes, and more. According to the scientific works reviewed, work efficiency can be measured by quality and productivity, which reflect the efforts expended to achieve the final result.

Within their responsibilities, modern leaders at all levels of power in Ukraine should understand that the performance of individual employees depends not only on material rew ards such as wages, various forms of bonuses, and benefits but also on other conditions that are integral elements of the work motivation system. According to numerous studies, individuals only realize about 30-40% of their potential during their professional activities, and motivation is a decisive factor in their performance.

Therefore, the goal of motivating employees in territorial communities is to create favorable working conditions and utilize incentives that foster their dedication to tasks and goal attainment. This, in turn, helps increase the effectiveness of their activities.


1. Banuri, S., & Keefer, P. (2015). Was Weber Right? The Effects of Pay for Ability and Pay for Performance on Pro-Social Motivation, Ability and Effort in the Public Sector. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 7261.

2. Banuri, S., & Keefer, P. (2016). Pro-social motivation, effort and the call to public service. European Economic Review, 83, 139-164.

3. Boryshkevych, I. I., & Yakubiv, V. M. (2022). Influence of the theory of generations on the formation of employees' motivation. Economy and society, 41.

4. Boryshkevych, I. I., Yakubiv, V. M., & Romaniuk, K. R. (2022). Use of theories of motivation of human activity in the civil service. Scientific works of MAUP, 1(61), 12-18.

5. Chen, C. A. (2016). Employee Work Motivation. In A. Farazmand (Eds.), Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance. Springer, Cham.

6. Dennis, M. McInerney. (2019). Motivation. Educational Psychology, 39(4), 427-429.

7. Di Domenico, S., & Ryan, R. M. (2017). The emerging neuroscience of intrinsic motivation: A new frontier in self-determination Research. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11(145).

8. Herasymenko, A. V. (2022). Motives, interests, incentives, stimulation as the main categories that reveal the essence of work motivation. Economy and Society, 40.

9. Hridin, O. V., Zaika, S. O., & Zaika, O. V. (2022). Actual aspects and prospective directions of improvement of personnel motivation systems. Economy and Society, 42.

10. Laufer, H. (2013). Praxis erfolgreicher Mitarbeitermotivation. GABAL Verlag GmbH. (in German)

11. Motivation. (n.d.). In Academic explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language (1870-1980).

12. Orlov, O. H., & Fediunina, O. R. (2022). Motivation in managerial activity. Actual priorities of modern science, education and practice. 368-370. (in Ukr.)

13. Pink, D. (2011). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Canongate Books Ltd.

14. Pryimak, N. S., & Antonenko, O. V. (2019). Motivational strategy of officials of state authorities and local self-government. Bulletin of the Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade, 2(71). 30-37.

15. Saiko, V. R. (2023). Study of the concept of "motivation" in the context of personnel management. Scientific notes of the Lviv University of Business and Law, 36. 60-69.

16. Samiilenko, H. M. (2019). Motivational aspects of work in the system of state and local authorities. Public administration: scientific research and development, 1(7). 51-65. (in Ukr.)

17. Scopus bibliographic and reference database.

18. Steinmayr, R., Weidinger, A. F., Schwinger, M., & Spinath, B. (2019). The importance of students' motivation for their academic achievement - replicating and extending previous findings. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1730).

19. Taylor, F. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. Harper & Brothers.

20. Urmanov, F. Sh., & Kasimova, A. A. (2017). Motivation is the main factor in the effectiveness of managerial work. Bulletin of the Zhytomyr State University of Technology, 4. 98-102. (in Ukr.)

21. Ustilovska, A. S. (2017). Personnel motivation as one of the main tools of successful personnel management. Young scientist, 4.4 (44.4). 112-115. (in Ukr.)

22. Vasiurenko, L. V. (2018). Motivation as a factor in the organization of labor remuneration in the conditions of globalization. Scientific view: economics and management, 1(59). 36-41. (in Ukr.)

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