Public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine: trends, challenges and solutions
The analysis of the organizational and legal issues of the system of land public administration in Ukraine and elaboration of solutions for its development. The system of land public administration in Ukraine. Administrative procedures in the field.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 26,7 K |
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Public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine: trends, challenges and solutions The work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract № APVV-19-0494 - “Effective land consolidation”.
Prof. Mgr.
Yuliia Vashchenko,
Dr. Habil. (Law), Ph.D. (Law), Professor,
at the Department
of Administrative
and Environmental Law
Comenius University in
Doc. Mgr.
Liudmyla Golovko,
Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of International Law and International Relations Comenius University in Bratislava
проф. маг. Юлія Ващенко,
доктор філософії (право), професор,
професор кафедри адміністративного права та екологічного права Університету Коменського у Братиславі
доц. маг. Людмила Головко,
доктор філософії (право), доцент,
доцент кафедри міжнародного права та міжнародних відносин Університету Коменського у Братиславі
Мета. Стаття спрямована на аналіз організаційних та правових аспектів системи публічної адміністрації у сфері земельних відносин в Україні, визначення сучасних тенденцій та проблем, а також розробку можливих рішень щодо її майбутнього розвитку.
Методи. У статті використано низку сучасних методів наукового пізнання. Діалектичний метод використано для аналізу розвитку системи публічної адміністраціїу сфері земельних відносин в Україні. Метод систематичного та структурного аналізу було використано для характеристики елементів системи публічної адміністрації у сфері земельних відносин, розподілу повноважень між ними та їхніх управлінських зв'язків. Сучасні теоретичні підходи до системи публічної адміністрації було проаналізовано за допомогою методу критичного аналізу.
Результати. У першій частині цієї статті було проаналізовано організаційно-правові аспекти публічної адміністрації у сфері земельних відносин в Україні, зокрема, визначено та охарактеризовано ключові елементи системи публічної адміністрації та зв'язки між ними. Необхідність удосконалення правового регулювання повноважень органів публічної адміністрації, зокрема, щодо їх розподілу між різними суб'єктами публічної адміністрації, в сфері землеустрою, було визначено серед поточних проблем публічної адміністрації у сфері земельних відносин. Друга частина статті присвячена адміністративним процедурам у сфері земельних відносин. Колізії між загальними та спеціальними законами, які регулюють адміністративні процедури у сфері земельних відносин, було визначено серед ключових проблем, а також проаналізовано судову практику щодо вирішення спорів у цій сфері. У третій частині статті проаналізовано сучасні тенденції розвитку публічної адміністрації у сфері земельних відносин, виклики в умовах воєнного стану, а також можливі рішення.
Висновки. Децентралізацію та диджиталізацію визначено як домінуючі тенденції публічного управління у сфері земельних відносин. До ключових напрямів удосконалення публічного управління у сфері земельних відносин віднесено розподіл повноважень між центральними органами виконавчої влади, між центральними та місцевими публічними органами, удосконалення повноважень у сфері землеустрою, а також усунення колізій між загальними та спеціальними правовими нормами, які регулюють адміністративні процедури у сфері земельних відносин. Підкреслено важливість застосування спеціальних механізмів захисту інформації у сфері земельних відносин в умовах воєнного стану, що вживаються органами публічної адміністрації в Україні.
Ключові слова: органи публічної адміністрації, адміністративні процедури, децентралізація, землеустрій, земельний кадастр.
This paper aims at the analysis of the organizational and legal issues of the system of land public administration in Ukraine and elaboration of possible solutions for its further development.
Methods. The dialectic method was used in order to analyze the development of the system of public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine. The method of systematic and structural analysis was used for the characteristics of the elements of the system of public administration in the field of land relations, the distribution of powers between them, and their governmental ties. Modern theoretical approaches to the system of public administration were considered on the basis of the method of critical analysis.
Results. In the first part of this paper, the legal and organizational aspects of land public administration in Ukraine have been analysed. The necessity of improvement of powers, in particular, related to land management, have been identified among current problems. The second part of this paper is devoted to the administrative procedures in the field of land relations. The collisions between the general and special laws related to administrative procedures in the field of land relations have been identified among key problems and the case law on this matter has been analyzed. In the third part of the paper the recent trends, challenges in frames of the state of martial law, and solutions have been analyzed.
Conclusions. Decentralization and digitalization were considered as the dominate trends in the public governance in the field of land relations. The distribution of powers between central bodies of executive power, as well as between central and local public authorities, the improvement of powers related to the land management, and elimination of the collisions between general and special norms on administrative procedures in the land relations were defined among necessary improvements. During the state of martial law, special mechanisms for land data protection introduced by public administration entities in Ukraine have been considered as important solutions.
Key words: public administration entities, administrative procedures, decentralization, land management, land cadaster.
The land is defined among the objects of the right ofpropertyofthe People ofUkraine (Art. 13 ofthe Constitution of Ukraine (Konstitutsia Ukrajiny, 1996)). The effective use of land resources and full realization of the right of property to land is №t possible without the efficient system of public administration.
In the recent years, significant changes took place in the field of legal regulation of land relations. The agricultural land market was opened on 01.07.2021 that led to both opportunities and challenges. Decentralization of public administration functions and digitalization became the dominated trends.
Full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine influences the land sector and requires adequate decisions from public authorities, in particular related to the protection of the State Land Cadaster data.
Some legal issues of public administration in the field of land relations were explored by Ukrainian scholars. Legal issues of land relations are elaborated by the representatives of the Land and Agrarian Law science (e.g., Miroshnychenko, 2009) and Administrative Law Science (e.g., Melnyk and Bevzenko, 2014; Bevzenko, 2015). Okhotnikova, O. (Okhotnikova, 2019) analyzed the international experience of public administration of land management and suggested improvements on the distribution of powers between public administration entities. Nezhevelo, V., Piddubny, O. (Nezhevelo and Piddubny, 2020) analyzed some international and Ukrainian experience in the public administration in the field ofland relations and supported the idea on minimization of discretionary powers of public authorities in order to minimize risks of corruption. Kozhurina, V. (Kozhurina, 2021) stresses the importance of adequate distribution of powers between public authorities on governance of land resources and the role of civil society in these processes.
In this paper, the authors analyze the current state of the system of the public administration in the field of land relations (the land public administration) in Ukraine, with consideration of recent changes, the main administrative procedures used by public administration entities in this field, modern trends, challenges, and express authors positions on possible solutions.
For the purpose of this research, a range of scientific methods were used. In particular, the dialectic method was used in order to analyze the development of system of public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine. The method of systematic and structural analysis was used for the purposes of characteristics of the elements of the system of public administration in the field of land relations, the distribution of powers between them, and their governmental ties. Modern theoretical approaches to the system of public administration were considered on the basis of the method of critical analysis.
The system of land public administration in Ukraine
The functions of land public administration in Ukraine are performed by bodies of executive power and other public administration entities on the basis of delegated powers (e.g., bodies of local self-government and private persons).
The legal basis for the system of land public administration has been formed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and consists of the Constitution of Ukraine and other laws and regulations, in particular: Land Code of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine on Land Management, Topographic-geodesic and Cartographic Activity, Regulation of Construction Activity, State Control over the Land Use and Protection, State Land Cadaster, Land Assessment, and Land Rent.
The system of bodies of executive power in the field of land relations is organized at the following levels: highest, central, republican, and local.
The highest level is represented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Government of Ukraine, GoU) that is responsible for the realization of the state land policy of Ukraine, in particular, for organization of state land cadaster functioning, state control over the organization of land use and protection and organization of land management (Art. 13 of the Land Code of Ukraine), realization of the state policy in the field of land use and protection, encouragement of the realization of state programs on land use and protection, legal regulation in the field of land management (Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On Land Management”).
The GoU established the following central bodies of executive power in the field of land relations and coordinates their activities:
Ministry for Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (MinAgroPolicy),
State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster (StateGeoCadaster).
The MinAgroPolicy is a central body of executive power responsible for the development of the state policy in the field of land relations and organization of its realization. The Ministry is the sole body according to the decision-making procedure established by the Law of Ukraine “On Central Bodies of Executive Power”. The powers of the MinAgroPolicy are stipulated by laws and specified in the Regulation on the Ministry for Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (Polozhennia pro Ministersto Agrarnoi Polityky ta Prodovolstva Ukrajiny, 2021). In particular, the MinAgroPolicy is responsible for the development, approval, assessment, review, amending, and cancellation of the standards in the field of land management and protection, organization of land management, development and realization of state and regional programmes in the field of land management, organization and encouragement of monitoring of land relations.
Whereas the MinAgroPolicy is mostly responsible for the development of the state policy in the field of land relations and organization of its realization, the majority of functions of its realization belong to the StateGeoCadaster. This authority has a status of other central body of executive power (according to the system of central bodies of executive power established by the Law of Ukraine “On Central Bodies of Executive Power”) and it is established in the organizationally-legal form of a service.
The Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, regulations of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other legal acts constitute the legal basis for the StateGeoCadaster. The powers of the StateGeoCadaster are stipulated by laws and specified in the Regulation on State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster (Polozhennia pro Dergavnu Sluzhbu Ukrajiny z pytan geodezii, kartografii ta kadastru Ukrajiny, 2015). The chairperson of the StateGeoCadaster is appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. This authority is coordinated and determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine via the Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. Whereas the MinAgroPolicy is directly represented in the GoU by its chairperson - the Minister, the StateGeoCadaster is represented in the GoU also by this Minister, №t by its chairperson.
The StateGeoCadaster conducts the state geodesic supervision over the topographic and geodesic, and cartographic activity, performs improvement measures regarding the records maintaining and preparation of reports on regulation of the land relations, land use and protection, and development of Eco network. The StateGeoCadaster organizes and controls the use and protection of lands of all categories and forms of ownership.
According to the Law of Ukraine “On State Land Cadaster” the StateGeoCadaster established the public enterprise “State Land Cadastral Center” which performs the functions of the administrator of the State Land Cadaster. It acts on the basis of the legislation and the statute (Statut Derzhavnoho centru zemelnoho kadastru, 2018).
The republican level (at the level of the Auto№mous Republic of Crimea (ARC)) of the public administration in the field of land relations is represented by the Verkhovna Rada of the ARC (a representative authority) and the Council of Ministers of the ARC (a body of executive power).
At the local level, land management powers are divided between the local state administrations (local bodies of executive power) and local self-government bodies. Their powers in this field are stipulated by general laws (primarily, the Laws of Ukraine “On Local State Administrations” and “On Local Self-Governance”) and special laws in the field of land relations.
Also, the important role in the realization of functions of land public administration play self-regulated organizations in the fields of land management and topographic, geodesic and cartographic activity. Such self-regulated organizations, e.g., in the field of land management, define the rules of entrepreneurial and professional activity that are legally binding for their members, perform control over the fulfilment of legislative norms, norms and rules of land management, adequate quality of the land management documentation prepared by certified engineers-land managers - their members, participate in the procedures of examination of future certified engineers- land managers, etc. The status of the self-regulated organization is designated by the StateGeoCadaster according to the legislation, in particular, the Procedure on the Recognition of the Status of Self-regulatory organizations in the field of land management and in the field of topographic and geodesic and cartographic activity (Poriadok vyznannia statusu semoregulivnyh organizacii u sferi zemleustroyu ta u sferi topografo-geodezycnoi i kartografichnoi diyal'nosti, 2013).
It should be noticed that some Ukrainian scholars and practitioners express the opinion that the system of public administration in the field of land relations needs to be enhanced, in particular, in part of the distribution of powers between different public authorities. Thus, Okhotnikova, O. (Okhotnikova, 2019), makes conclusions about the overlapping the powers of MinAgroPolicy and StateGeoCadaster in the field of land management and suggests to establish a specialized public authority responsible for land management. We support the necessity of improvement of Ukrainian legislation regarding the powers of the public authorities related to land management in order to avoid competence disputes, however, in our opinion, it can be done within the current system of public authorities, without the establishment of additional authority.
Administrative procedures in the field of land relations in Ukraine
public administration land public
There are different administrative procedures that are used by land public administration entities, e.g.: regulatory procedures (issuing legal acts by authorized public bodies), service procedures (registration, certification, permission, approval of the land management project, etc.), control (supervisory) procedures (e.g., state control over the land use and protection, supervision over the land management), sanctioning procedures (e.g., the StateGeoCadaster prepares infringement №tices on administrative offences and conducts hearings of cases on administrative offences), monitoring procedures (e.g., land capacity monitoring).
The administrative procedures in Ukraine are regulated by general laws that stipulate the unified principles of certain types of administrative procedures, and by special laws that establish the peculiarities of administrative procedures in certain spheres of relations. The Law on Administrative Procedure (Zakon Ukrajiny “Pro administratyvnu proceduru”, 2022) enters into force on 15th of December 2023. Its provisions will be applicable also to the land administrative procedures.
As to the regulatory procedures, the GoU plays a significant role in by-law legal regulation of land relations. In particular, it approves the model agreement on land management project preparation on allocation of a land plot (Art. 123 of the Land Code of Ukraine), land inventory procedure (Art. 35 of the Law of Ukraine “On Land Management”), land assessment methodology (Art. 38 of the Law of Ukraine “On Land Management”), state land cadaster procedure (Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Land Cadaster).
Only MinAgroPolicy, among other central bodies of executive power, is responsible for legal regulation in the field of land relations. The StateGeoCadaster does not have such powers; however, it is responsible for the drafting the legal and technical documents, state standards, norms and rules in the field of land relations, drafting the standards and technical regulations in the field of the State Land Cadaster, regulations on establishment and updating the cartographic materials, cadaster classificatory, guidelines, and data bases, normative and technical documentations related to geodesy, cartography, and geoinformation systems. MinAgroPolicy approves the annual work plan of the StateGeoCadaster that includes the drafting activity (e.g., Plan roboty Dergavnoi Sluzhby Ukrajiny z pytan' geodezii, kartografii ta kadastru na 2023 rik, 2022).
Rendering administrative services in the field of land relations constitute a significant part of the powers of public administration entities in Ukraine. Via the mechanism of administrative services, the private persons can realize their rights and legal interests related to use of land. Legal relations on rendering administrative services in the field of land are regulated by general laws (in particular, Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Services”) and special laws that regulate land relations. In particular, StateGeoCadaster provides such administrative services as state registration of the land parcel with issuing the excerpt from the State land cadaster, includes data on a land parcel to the State land cadaster with issuing the excerpt. Private persons can find all necessary information related to the administrative services in the information cards presented on the official web (Zemlia ta ekologia).
Certification of the engineers-land managers can be provided as an example of the certification procedures in the field of land relations that are conducted by the StateGeoCadaster. This certification procedure is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Land Management” and Procedure on the Work of the Qualification Commission, issuing and annulling the qualification certificate of engineers-land managers (Poriadok roboty Kvalifikacijnoi komisii, vydachi ta anulyuvannia kvalifikacijnoho sertyfikata inzhenera-geodezista, 2021).
Supervision/control procedures of public administration entities in the field of land relations are applied at different levels and conducted by different authorities. In particular, the GoU is responsible for the organization of state control over the land use and protection (Art. 13 of the Land Code of Ukraine), the StateGeoCadaster - for organization and realization of this control (Art. 15-1 of the Land Code of Ukraine), the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - for coordination of this control activity (Art. 16 of the Land Code of Ukraine), whereas the powers to conduct this type of control are distributed between different public authorities - the executive bodies of Kyiv and Sevastopil city councils conducts (Art. 9 of the Land Code of Ukraine), executive bodies of village, town, and city councils (Art. 12 of the Land Code of Ukraine). The sphere of the state control over the land use and protection is one of the objects for decentralization in the field of land relations, that will be characterized later in this paper.
Sanctioning procedures in the field of land relations are regulated, in particular, by the Land Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Violations. State inspectors in issues of the control over the land use and protection prepare infringement notices on administrative offences and submit requests on elimination of offences (Art. 144 of the Land Code of Ukraine (Zemel'ny kodeks Ukrajiny, 2002). The StateGeoCadaster considers cases on administrative violations in the field of land relations according to Art. 242-2 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Violations (Kodeks Ukrajiny pro administratyvni pravoporushennia, 1984).
Monitoring of land capacity can be provided as an example of the monitoring procedures in the field of land. According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Control over the Land Use and Protection” (Zakon Ukrajiny “Pro derzhavny control za vykorystanniam ta okhoronou zemel'”, 2003) monitoring of agricultural land capacity is conducted by the MinAgroPolicy. The StateGeoCadaster also participates in this monitoring procedure (Art. 8 of the above-mentioned Law).
In some cases, there are collisions between general and special laws that regulate administrative procedures in the field of land relations. In such cases courts decide on the issue. In particular, one of the recent cases is related to the correlation of the Law of Ukraine “On General Framework for State Supervision (Control) in the Sphere of Eco№mic Activity” (general law) and the Law of Ukraine “On State Control over the Land Use and Protection” (special law). In the case in question, the farming enterprise challenged in the court the control measures of the state inspectors of the StateGeoCadaster regarding the fulfilment of the legislation on land use and protection. The state inspectors defined that the complainant used the land parcel without necessary permission and requested to leave the land parcel. Such control actions were conducted in the format of inspections which, in the opinion of the complainant, are subject to the Law of Ukraine “On General Framework for State Supervision (Control) in the Sphere of Eco№mic Activity”, and its №rms were not fulfilled. However, courts of the first and appeal instances dismissed the claim. The Supreme Court, as a cassation court, in its judgement (Postanova Verkhovnoho Sudu, 2022) decided that in this case the Law of Ukraine “On State Control over the Land Use and Protection” shall be applicable to the legal relations of the state control over the land use and protection in the cases of publicly-owned land parcels, but №t the Law of Ukraine “On General Framework of State Supervision (Control) in the Sphere of Economic Relations”, taking into consideration that the object of the inspection was the fact of usage of the land parcel without necessary permission (violation of the legislation on land use and protection), but not an economic activity
of the farming enterprise. This judgement of the Supreme Court is a very significant precedent in the consideration of conflicts of norms of general and special laws related to supervision/control administrative procedure.
Recent trends, challenges and developments in the system of public administration in the field of land relations
In the recent years, important reforms in the field of the land public administration have been started, including digitalization and decentralization (deregulation).
Digitalization aims, in particular, at optimization of activities of public administration entities, improvement of accessibility of administrative services for private persons, and the elimination of corruption risks. In particular, electronic services provided by the StateGeoCadaster include: services available after authorization in the electronic cabinet (e.g., data of the state land Cadaster, provision of the information on a property right subject in the state land Cadaster), services available without authorization (e.g., issuing the excerpt from the State register of certified engineers-geodesists), and services for the certified engineers-land managers) (Elektronni servisy zemelnoho kadastru).
Decentralization means the transition of powers (in particular, control/supervision powers) from the central bodies of executive power to the local authorities. It should be noticed that in Ukrainian legislation and legal doctrine of land law the terms “decentralization” and “deregulation” are often used as synonyms. However, in our opinion, “deregulation” should be understood as a switch from state regulation of certain relations to its elimination, whereas “decentralization” does not usually lead to elimination of regulation, rather to changes in its levels - from the central to the local.
In 2021, changes were made in the land legislation of Ukraine (Zakon Ukrajiny “Pro vnesennia zmin do deyakyh zakonodavchyh akriv Ukrajiny shchodo vdoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia ta dereguliacii u sferi zemelnych vidnosyn”, 2021). In accordance with changes to the Land Code of Ukraine the state control over the land use and protection also is conducted by the executive bodies of the village, town, and city councils. In order to obtain such control powers such local authorities shall make a respective decision (Art. 188 of the Land Code of Ukraine). As to the issues related to the moment transfer of powers form the StateGeoCadaster to the local authorities the case law of the Supreme Court should be taken into consideration. In particular, in case № 280/717/19 on the dispute to the rejection in the approval of the land management project decided that the local council became a legal successor of the StateGeoCadaster in such relations taken into consideration that the abovementioned legislative changes came into force by the moment when the decision of the court of appeal came into effect (Postanova Verkhovnoho Sudu, 2023). However, such changes cannot be considered as a pure decentralization, because it does not mean that the StateGeoCadaster has no control powers in this field anymore. Such powers of the StateGeoCadaster are stipulated both by the Land Code of Ukraine and by the special Law of Ukraine “On State Control over Land Use and Protection”.
In 2023, the StateGeoCadaster was provided with some new powers (Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrajiny “Pro zminy do Polozhennia pro Derzhavnu Sluzhbu Ukrajiny z pytan' geodezii, kartografii ta kadastru ta vyznannia takoyu, shcho vtratyla chynnist', posta№vy Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrajiny vid 12 veresnia 2018 r. № 727”, 2023). In particular, the StateGeoCadaster designates and organizes the activity ofthe administrator ofthe national geoportal, designates the administrator ofgeoportals of the State geodesic network and the topographic data base, and the administrator of the State cartographic and geodesic fund of Ukraine; encourages the organization of formation and maintenance of the State cartographic and geodesic fund of Ukraine; provides the status of the self-government organizations in the field of land management and topographic and geodesic and cartographic activity; conducts the public monitoring of land relations, in particular, monitoring of the land market; brings an action before the court on recognition of the agreements concluded with violations of the legal procedures of sale, rent, gift, mortgage, or exchange of publicly- or communally-owned land parcels as invalid.
At the same time, the supervision over the land management, state control over the losses of agricultural production, provision of the recommendations regarding the use of costs transferred as compensations of losses of agricultural production, and bringing an action before the court regarding the compensation of losses of agricultural production were excluded from the powers of the StateGeoCadaster by the abovementioned Regulation. Also, Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Criteria that are Basis for the Economic Activity Risk Assessment in the Field of Land Relations and for the definition of the periodicity of planned state supervision (control) actions” of 12 September 2018 № 727 was revoked because of exclusion from the powers of the StateGeoCadaster. Such changes can be explained by lack of necessity in such type of additional supervision, because the StateGeoCadaster can supervise the fulfilment of the legislation on land management via the mechanisms of supervision of professional activity of the engineers-land managers, in particular, via the complaint procedure conducted by the Qualification Commission that was mentioned above. However, the function of the supervision over land management still belongs to the central body of executive power that realizes the state policy in the field of land relations and land management (which is currently the StateGeoCadaster) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Land Management” (Art. 14, part 1, p. “ж”) (Zakon Ukrajiny “Pro zemleustriy”, 2003). Therefore, appropriate changes shall be made to this Law.
Due to the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine the land public administration has to develop appropriate measures aimed at the protection of the rights and legal interests in the field of land relations. In particular, the State Land Cadaster in Ukraine in frames of the state of martial law is functioning with peculiarities established by Regulation of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine of 07.05.2022 № 564 “On certain issues of maintaining and functioning of the State Land Cadaster in frames of the state of martial law” (Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv
Ukrajiny “Deyaki pytannia vedennia ta funkcionuvannia Derzhavnoho zemel'noho kadastru v umovah voyennoho stanu”, 2022). This Regulation (with changes made by Regulation of the GoU № 469 of 09.05.2023) aims at the establishment of conditions necessary for the renovation of functioning the State Land Cadaster in frames of the state of martial law, introduction of mechanisms for the protection of the State Land Cadaster data from the unauthorized interventions by the third parties, public and private rights and legal interests during the access to the State Land Cadaster. In particular, such peculiarities include the limited list of the state cadaster registrars who can execute powers, data from the State Land Cadaster is not published, public cadaster card does not function, only defined state registrars, certified engineers-land managers, certified engineers-geodesists can use the data, excerpts, copies, map extracts are not provided.
Land resources is a national wealth of Ukraine. Adequate realization of people's property right to land and efficient functioning of agricultural sector of economy requires effective system of public administration that follows the principles of good governance.
In Ukraine, the functions of public administering in the field of land relations, in particular, land management, land use and protection are distributed between public administration entities at different levels: highest, central, republican, and local. The system of land public administration is represented by the bodies of executive power (the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry for Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster, bodies of executive power of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local bodies of executive power), local self-government authorities and other subjects of public administration in frames of delegated powers.
The main legal framework for the organization and functioning of the land public administration has been approved in Ukraine and consists of general legal acts (e.g., status laws on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on central bodies of executive power, on local state administrations, on local self-government, on administrative procedure, on administrative services, etc.) and special legal acts that regulate land relations.
In recent years, decentralization/deregulation, and digitalization are among topical trends in the development of the land public administration in Ukraine. Due to decentralization/deregulation reforms local authorities were empowered with certain public administering functions that previously were allocated at the central level. Digitalization of the land public administration, in particular, the introduction of electronic administrative services aims at improvement of accessibility of administrative services provided by the land administration for private persons and elimination of risks of corruption.
Despite significant progressive changes in the system ofland public administration in Ukraine, there is a room for improvement, in particular concerning the distribution of powers between central bodies of executive power, as well as between central and local public authorities, and elimination of the collisions between general and special norms on administrative procedures in land relations.
The legal issues ofthe involvement of civil society institutions in the decision-making and control/supervision procedures of the land public administration, the peculiarities of the legal status of self-regulated professional institutions of certified engineers-land managers can be defined as perspective directions for the future scientific research.
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