Theoretical and applied approach to reforming the system of administrative services as a key factor in the transition of Ukraine to the concept of a «service state» implementation

Integration of Ukraine into the European space. Improving the quality of services provided to the population. Decentralization of public power, implementation of administrative reform. Introduction of innovative forms and methods of public administration.

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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs

Theoretical and applied approach to reforming the system of administrative services as a key factor in the transition of Ukraine to the concept of a «service state» implementation

Sydorenko Nataliia Serhiivna Doctor of Law, Professor,

Professor of Management and Administration Department

Pakulova Tetiana Vasylivna Associate Professor of Ukrainian Studies and

Foreign Languages Department

Naumyk Anton Serhiiovych Student



The given work examines theoretical and practical aspects of reforming the administrative system services in the context of Ukraine's transition to the implementation of the concept of a «service state», innovative forms and methods of public administration, etc.

Keywords: state, service, concept, reform, decentralisation, relations, development, digitalisation.


Теоретический и прикладной подход к реформированию системы административных услуг как ключевого фактора перехода Украины к внедрению концепции «сервисного государства»

В данной работе рассматриваются теоретические и практические аспекты реформирования административной системы предоставления услуг в контексте перехода Украины к внедрению концепции «сервисного государства», инновационных форм и методов государственного управления и т.д.

Ключевые слова: государство, служба, концепция, реформа, децентрализация, отношения, развитие, цифровизация.

The reform of public administration institutions, changes in the main vectors of state and legal development, orientation towards a European-centric approach, reformatting of the current conditions for conducting human economic activity and decentralisation policy make it necessery to reform the system of administrative services in Ukraine as a complex phenomenon for a gradual transition to the concept of a «service state» implementation. The relevance of the mentioned processes is stipulated by their practical significance and the need to meet modern requirements and appropriate procedures and standards implemented in leading countries of the world. A large number of Ukrainian and foreign researchers and scientists, including N. Sydorenko [1], T. Mamatova [2], N. Tkachova [3], V. Romanova [4], H. Bondar [5] and others, have studied the problems and possibilities of their solution in the system of reforming and providing administrative services.

The world experience demonstrates the need to reform the specified system to ensure an effective mechanism of free access of citizens to administrative services of the state. Based on the needs of citizens (consumers) of services, the state should create and implement those standards and norms that can lead to the improvement of service provision.

Numerous studies have shown that the majority of Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the quality of administrative services provided by public authorities due to the complexity of administrative procedures, long queues, territorial dispersion of administrative bodies, lack of necessary information, inconvenient working hours and many other reasons [6], which also make this issue relevant.

It should be noted that the legislative basis for a fundamental change in the system of government and its territorial basis at all levels began to take shape in April 2014, when the Government approved the main conceptual document - the Concept of Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Power. This was followed by the approval of the Action Plan for its implementation. These policy documents launched the reform [7, 292]. The development of the modern state and the construction of an effective public administration structure are actively correlated with the functions of the state and the means of their implementation [8, 66], so, the reform of the administrative service delivery system should be fully correlated with the economic, political, social and other functions of the state.

An important stage of the reform was the creation of administrative service centres, institutions that provide comprehensive administrative services to citizens and businesses. The powers of these centres vary by region and locality, but most are similar. Thus, these institutions can provide the following services:

1) permits to carry out construction work and work of increased danger;

2) state registration of enterprises, institutions and organisations;

3) registration of land plots, issuance of documents on regulatory and monetary valuation;

4) permits for advertising;

5) registration of real rights to immovable property and their encumbrances;

6) licensing of educational services (mainly in the field of pre-school and general secondary education);

7) archival services (copies of decisions of executive committees, the mayor, and local self-government bodies);

8) and so on.

In fact, ASCs operate within the limits stipulated by their founders and other public authorities.

It is interesting that the powers and functions of a particular administrative service centre are similar, because even when studying them as a legal institution, it is appropriate to note that in the theory of law, a legal institution is defined as a system of relatively separate and interrelated legal norms that regulate a certain group of homogeneous social relations [9].

It is also worth mentioning that the creation of a network of administrative service centres is also linked to the reform of decentralisation of power and public influence, as the expansion of the powers of these governance entities requires greater flexibility in relation to the population and increased accessibility to these services. The digitalisation of public administration and the system of administrative services to citizens is a rather important aspect of Ukraine's development. Thus, by implementing this process, the state can reduce the financial burden on the budget system and improve the quality of certain services. In addition, the process of a comprehensive digitalisation policy in the state allows improving e-government and document management systems, developing certain platforms of state authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as digital identification of citizens for proper communication between a citizen and a certain state body (a person authorised to perform state functions).

At the present stage of development of social methods of management and public administration, Ukraine is actively raising the issue of implementing effective strategies for the development of state-building processes and searching for innovative models of state governance [10, 88], which, in turn, include digitalisation. In the context of reforming the administrative service delivery system in Ukraine, inter-field, inter-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation between state and municipal authorities, representatives of business, educational and research institutions and civil society institutions is also important, as the development and implementation of innovations in this area also allows for relevant decisions to be made on reforming and ensuring the proper functioning of this system. administration ukraine european service public

Thus, the implementation of measures aimed at reforming the system of administrative services in Ukraine will increase the institutional capacity of state and local authorities to provide quality administrative services to the public and business representatives, which in turn will ensure proper efficiency and transparency in their provision and a gradual transition to the concept of a «service state».


[1] Сидоренко, Н. (б. д.). Становлення та правова основа інституту електронних адміністративних послуг в україні в контексті реалізації адміністративної реформи. У International conference on global practice of multidisciplinary scientific studies dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of "georgian technical university - GTU" (с. 785-789).

[2] Mаmаtоva, Т. V. (2015). Формування нової системи надання адміністративних послуг в умовах децентралізації. Public Administration Aspects, 3(4). /151536

[3] Tkachova, N. M., & Kazanska, O. O. (2021). Administrative services: Theory, decentralization reforms, marketing of e-services. У Development vectors in public management and administration (с. 291-306). Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.

[4] Romanova, V., & Umland, A. (2021). The decentralisation reform in Ukraine: First accomplishments and future challenges. Political Studies, (1), 41 -51. -1 -3

[5] Бондар, Г. Л. (2023). Сучасний стан надання адміністративних послуг в україні за умов децентралізації. Central Ukrainian Journal of Lawand Public Management, (1), 5-11. -1

[6] Про реформу - Портал реформи адміністративних послуг. (б. д.). Портал реформи адміністративних послуг.

[7] Tkachova, N. M., & Kazanska, O. O. (2021). Administrative services: Theory, decentralization reforms, marketing of e-services. У Development vectors in public management and administration (с. 291-306). Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”.

[8] Наумик, А., & Липовська, Н. А. (б. д.). Побудова ефективної структури державного управління. У Розвиток суспільства та науки в умовах цифрової трансформації (с. 66-67).

[9] Сосюк, Ю. (б. д.). Поняття, ознаки та нормативно-правове регулювання адміністративних послуг в Україні. Науковий блоґ.

[10] Наумик, А., & Сидоренко, Н. С. (б. д.). Деякі аспекти проектного управління в органах державної влади. У Технології, інструменти та стратегії реалізації наукових досліджень (с. 88-89).

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