Renaming Kyiv’s streets amid the russian war of invasion: the politics of history between "decommunization" and "derussification"
Comparative analysis of changes in the trends of street renaming of Kyiv, published by the Kyiv City State Administration, in two time periods by thematic categories (narratives). Radical changes that occurred in the symbolic space of Ukrainian cities.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.04.2024 |
Размер файла | 822,1 K |
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Список скорочень
INT -- International
KPU -- Communist Party of Ukraine
NKVD -- People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs
NP -- Nonpolitical narrative
NUN -- National Ukrainian narrative
OUN -- Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
SN -- Soviet nostalgic narrative
RW -- Narrative of “Russian World”
UINP -- Ukrainian institute for national remembrance
UNR -- Ukrainian People's Republic UPA -- Ukrainian Insurgent Army USSR -- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ZUNR -- West Ukrainian People's Republic
Figure 1. Timing of renamings of Kyiv toponyms between November 2014 and February 2023 by quarter.
Figure 2. Allocation of the total of 517 renamed toponyms of the city of Kyiv in the period November 2014 to February 2023 according to the “discarded” narratives “Soviet-nostalgic” (SN) and “Russian World” (RW). NP = apolitical
Figure 3. Allocation of the renamed toponyms of the city of Kyiv 2014-2023 in temporal differentiation before and after Russia's comprehensive invasion of Ukraine on 24.02.2022 according to the “detached” narratives “Soviet- nostalgic” (SN) and “Russian world” (RW). NP = apolitical
Figure 4. Allocation of the total of 517 renamed toponyms of the city of Kyiv in the period November 2014 to February 2023 according to the narratives of the newly assigned names “National-Ukrainian” (NU) and “International” (INT). NP = apolitical
Figure 5. Subdivision of naming according to the “national-Ukrainian” narrative into references to “art/culture”, “history”, “science” and “current Russian-Ukrainian war” in comparison of the periods before and after Russia's comprehensive invasion of Ukraine on 24.02.2022
Figure 6. Allocation of the renamed toponyms of the city of Kyiv 2014-2023 in temporal differentiation before and after Russia's comprehensive invasion of Ukraine on 24.02.2022 according to the newly assigned narratives “National-Ukrainian” (NU) and “International” (INT). NP = apolitical
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