Formation of the social-public potential of state development: marketing aspect

Study of the role of public participation in the development of the state. Disclosure of the relationship between public control over the activities of public authorities and the stability of the functioning of the sphere of public administration.

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Formation of the social-public potential of state development: marketing aspect


The role of public participation in the state development is one of the main areas of research in the field of political science, sociology, public administration, marketing. The origins of the social-public dialogue date back to ancient Greece, where Pericles argued that `the involvement of the citizens in public affairs supports the common good' [1]. Over time, many scholars have noted that the political culture of the population directly depends on its ability to participate in the administration of public affairs and that this, in turn, contributes to the stability and longevity of the democratic society.

Presentation of main material. The concept of public control, developed by D. Valades, we consider relevant in the perspective of this study, because it reveals the relationship between the public control over the activities of the public authorities and the stability of functioning of the sphere of public administration. The scientist identified the functional role of public control in the society and noted that it stimulates a continuous process of improving the administration mechanism. The meaning of this concept is to carry out systematic professional monitoring of compliance with all legal norms in the activities of the public authorities and officials, and as well as to ensure the implementation of the functional powers and protect the interests of the society [2].

In our opinion, using this methodological construction, the scientist reveals the essence of public control as a tool for obtaining the necessary information, developing areas for optimizing the field of public administration and compliance with relevant regulations for implementation of regulation of the public-state relations.

In the context of the functional diversity of the public control, the dependence of the activities of the state authorities on the established norms that regulate the spheres of the society and protect the interests of citizens can be clearly traced. Thus, in the process of public control over the performance of the public authorities of their duties there is a clear definition of compliance with the regulations of a particular activity of the object under control, and this, in the future, should ensure a high level of effectiveness of such activities.

In this regard, analyzing the current state of legal regulation of communication between the public authorities and the public, we can conclude that today, the state of communication does not fully meet the interests and wishes of the citizens [3]. Given this, the task is to build a modern socially oriented state, that its success is ensured by such important factors as knowledge of the desires and needs of the citizens, rapid and flexible response to their demands. This is ensured through the study of opportunities and effective use of various methods, forms and ways of promoting public goods and services, the formation of demand among existing and potential consumers, on the basis of public marketing, which actualizes the research problem.

From the point of view of H. Atamanchuk, for the effective functioning of any state, under modern conditions, it is necessary to have the following signs of state control [2]: public administration authority

political form of organization of the society, in which the state implements the relevant goals and objectives;

an effective state apparatus for combining specialists who exercise professional control over the implementation of

decisions of the public authorities;

the control function is entrusted to the public authorities,

regardless of their type of activity;

the obligation to follow the instructions of the controlled objects to eliminate the shortcomings identified by the control bodies;

the possibility of prosecuting violators and applying to them a number of measures of state coercion.

From our point of view, such characteristic features of state control show a clear difference between it and the public control, however, their legitimacy should be regulated by the exercise of supervisory powers of the representatives of public organizations. This situation is determined by the fact that the synchronicity of the state control, in relation to public control, is the main condition for increasing the level of democratization of the public administration system, and, also, increasing the efficiency of activity of state control.

This form of implementation of public administration as control by the state should ensure verification of compliance with the statutory norms and rules in order to prevent any violations [2].

The participation of the public sector, in this case, is necessary to democratize the activities of the public authorities and increase its effectiveness, as well as to achieve balance in the process of realization of the state control.

In their works, C. Boix and D. Posner [4] write that in order to establish a high level of cooperation between the citizens and the government, it is necessary to apply, first of all, the institutional approach.

As J. Caddy rightly points out, `subject-object feedback characterizes the expediency and rationality of one's own, internal organization and activity of the subject of the public administration in general, its subsystems, units and individual components. They provide an opportunity to see, understand and evaluate how each lower level reacts to the decisions and actions of the higher one, to what extent and how it takes them into account in its activities, what is its real attitude to the higher level, and so on'.

According to M. Tavitz, the main stages of formation of the social-public potential of state development should take place by adopting a two-dimensional measure of responsibility for both parties: the state and the citizens. The citizens must work actively with the government agencies to gain the right level of trust. The government, in turn, should promote the mobilization of the citizens, which should serve as a basis for political initiatives. The political activity of the government, in response to social demands, is measured by the amount of resources allocated for proper communication and organizational- resource provision of such the most popular areas as: medicine, housing and communal services, education, etc.

We will note that communication is an important component of preparation and adoption of the public administration decisions. Moreover, in this context, it improves the institutional efficiency of the public authorities and measures, to some extent, the management capacity of the government. In our opinion, in communities with a high level of social-public dialogue, the government is not an `external participant', but a community partner. Secondly, communication effectiveness does not always depend on public support, but can be improved through institutional reforms.

In general, in our opinion, the impact of communication on the development of public policy is manifested through its appropriate communicative dimension, that it should be understood as the basic principles and criteria of informational influence of the public administration entities on the public, in the process of exercising power and the relevant power-administration relations. This indicates that the communicative essence is a necessary attribute in the process of formation and implementation of public policy, as it traditionally involves the establishment of feedback between the public authorities and the public. Interesting in this regard is the approach of E. Peterson, who in his report `Introduction to Communication and Public Policy' in 2008, wrote that the dissemination of information about the activities of the state institutions to the public is important for the development of a democratic society. The public-state communication engages the citizens in discussions and debates about public services that can push the legislators to solve problematic issues, he added in the report he wrote for the 2008 International Colloquium on Communication. Truly democratic decisions can be made at the state level only when information about them can be made available for public discussion, writes M. Beckman, back in 1975, in the article `The Problem of Effective Communication with Public Policy: Bill C-256 and Winnipeg Businessmen' for the `Canadian Journal of Political Science' [5].

Summarizing the analysis, we can identify at least four main stages of formation of the socio-public potential of state development (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Stages of formation of the social-public potential of state development

When developing a specific behaviour plan, for all participants in the social-public dialogue, it is important to prevent overloading of the communication system and, as a consequence, to prevent distortion of the information content. Distortion can be both intentional and unintentional. The possibility of unintentional distortion of the information content of information is also possible due to the complexity of the public administration relations, especially within the multilevel organizational structures of the public authorities. Unintentional distortions of the information content of the socio-state dialogue can also be associated with attempts to find the best way to control the communication process.

In a situation where there are many administration layers in the public administration, the central government must clearly define the long-term goals and objectives that must be performed by the lower subunits. However, in a multi-layered system of communication support for the public administration these lower units may not have sufficient authority to make complex decisions in their area of competence. This can lead to a decrease in their own initiative and, in a broader sense, to the habit of comfort, routine and lack of innovative communication process. On the contrary, a properly organized social-public dialogue develops on the basis of incentives for its self-organization and selfimprovement [6].

The main functions of the second stage of the formation of the social-public dialogue for state development are the adjustment and coordination of the main tasks of information exchange and the formation of an atmosphere of mutual support and trust. The trusting nature of the social-public insurance of the public administration is a prerequisite for the communication process through which information for public decision-making is passed from one member of the organization to another. This very form of social-public dialogue has the potential to be an integrated means of bringing together often the conflicting participants in the communication process to ensure that joint and mutually acceptable decisions are made.

Defining the goals of the social-public dialogue for state development allows us to formulate its main tools within the public administration. According to G. Simon, who is known for his theory of administrative behaviour, `without communication there can be no organization' [7]. His concept of communication in the public administration states that the organization of the public administration is a two-way process: it is understood as the transfer of information from a particular decision-making center and the transfer of the decisions themselves received from this center to the other parts of the organization. The public authority must provide the necessary means of communication that pass in all areas of its activities. These means are both formal and informal.

The whole system of the public administration should be permeated by means of communication, which, in turn, will contribute to:

achievement of the state national goals;

organization of the process of providing public services more sensitive to local needs;

providing the citizens with greater opportunities to participate in the government decision-making, etc.

Conclusions. Thus, the main problem of the formation of the social-public potential of state development is that not all information relevant to decision-making is in the hands of the decision-maker. That is why a necessary part of the democratic form of the public administration is the establishment of meaningful means of communication between the public authorities and the public. Failures in the results of communication in the public administration occur whenever it is forgotten that the behaviour of the citizens is a means to achieve a communicative balance in the relationship between the state and the civil society. It is also necessary to remember that M. Weber claimed - `modern state communication is one of the factors of growth and development of the welfare of the state' [8]. In this regard, the main means of forming the social-public potential of state development are presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Means of formation of the social-public potential of state development

The specificity of the above means of the social-public development is that:

- the communications in the public authorities in most cases are mandatory and the processes of their implementation are determined by the influence of internal and external factors;

the communication processes at the places of consumption of public services are constituent elements of the procedure of using these services (managerial/administrative, public, social, etc.);

through the establishment of communicative processes the public authorities exercise operational control over the effectiveness of their influence on solving social problems;

the public authorities must meet not only their own information-communication needs, due to the tasks and the need for effective administration decisions, but also the needs of individuals, legal entities and central state executive authorities.

Along with this, another feature of the communication characteristics of the means of the social-public dialogue is that they, within the system of the public administration are always associated with the administrative model of the state administration. The legal reflections of this model determine the competencies of individual means of the communication process and determine the complexity of the communication relationships [9].


1. Held D. Models of Democracy [Text] / D. Held. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - p. 14.

2. Tereshchenko M.M. Interaction of State and Public Control as a Tool for Implementing Public Administration. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration on a specialty 25.00.02 - Mechanisms of Public Administration. Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2020. 211 p. PAGE 59-60.

3. Chaplay I.V. Methodical Support of Social-Public Dialogue: International Experience / I.V. Chaplay // Investments: practice and experience - 2017. - No. 23 December 2017 - P. 76-78.

4. Boix C., & Posner D. N. Making Social Capital Work: A Review of Robert Putnam's Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy [Electronic Recourse] : Working Paper No.96-04 / C. Boix, D. N. Posner // Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. - Harvard University, 1996. - 22 p.

5. Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique [Electronic Recourse]. - 1975. - Vol. 8. - No. 1. - 188 p.

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7. Simon H. A. Administrative Behavior - A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administration Organization [Text]/ H. A. Simon ; Second Edition. - New York : The Free Press; London : Collier-Macmillan Limited. - 1965. -p. 35.

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