Public mechanism for developing a barrier-free environment in Ukraine

The systematization of public decisions regarding the development of barrier-free accessibility in Ukraine at the national level. Systematization of the methodological provisions for the development of a barrier-free environment at the local level.

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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Размещено на

Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics

Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia


Nikolina Iryna Ivanivna PhD, Associate Professor,

Department of Management and Administration

Nikolina Inna Ivanivna PhD, Associate Professor, Department of world history

Hulivata Inna Olexsandrivna PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Law



The fundamental principles of the development of modern democratic states are consistent with the sustainable development goals. The sustainable development goals formed a universal doctrine of guidelines for the progress of the European community and Ukraine, which shares European values. The development of a barrier-free environment is a determinant of sustainable development of territorial communities in Ukraine, especially today, when the number of people with special needs is growing rapidly in war conditions.

Overcoming inequality, as one of the goals of sustainable development, is ensured by free access to resources and opportunities for every individual. The concept of barrier-free accessibility is complex and multifaceted. Many people associated this definition only with overcoming physical obstacles, but the category of "barrier-free accessibility" is much broader. It applies not only to people with disabilities, but also to each of us. In our society, there is a complex of obstacles for various groups, including those with reduced mobility, regarding accessibility in the infrastructural, economic, educational and digital spheres. In order to minimize and prevent such barriers, it is necessary to develop and implement a set of measures to remove access problems and better integrate different population groups.

More and more officials of territorial communities are interested in foreign and Ukrainian advanced practices of creating a barrier-free environment. Therefore, today, more than ever, it is expedient to improve our knowledge and optimize relevant activities, since the war in Ukraine causes the aggravation of this problem also due to the increase in the number of groups with limited mobility and people with special needs.

Generalization and implementation of advanced public experience will help apply best practices to ensure equal conditions and opportunities for everyone to exercise their rights and receive services in all spheres of life, which became the aim of the research. To achieve the aim, the following tasks were fulfilled: the theoretical and legal dimension of developing a barrier-free environment in Ukraine was carried out; best practices were analyzed and highlighted, recommendations were formulated to strengthen inclusion policy and develop a barrier-free environment.

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: the systematization of public decisions regarding the development of barrier-free accessibility in Ukraine at the national level is proposed; the methodological provisions for the development of a barrier-free environment at the local level are summarized; the ways of removing access problems and better integration of different population groups are determined based on the analysis of foreign experience and advanced domestic practice. barrier-free public local accessibility

Keywords: public mechanism, accessibility, barrier-free environment, inclusion policy, low-mobility population groups, persons with disabilities.


Ніколіна Ірина Іванівна кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Державного торговельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця

Ніколіна Інна Іванівна кандидат історичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри всесвітньої історії, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця

Гулівата Інна Олександрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри права, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Державного торговельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця


Фундаментальні засади розбудови сучасних демократичних держав суголосні цілям сталого розвитку, які утворили універсальну доктрину орієнтирів поступу європейської спільноти та України, що поділяє європейські цінності. Розбудова безбар'єрності є детермінантом сталого розвитку територіальних громад в Україні, особливо сьогодні, коли в умовах війни стрімко зростає кількість осіб з особливими потребами.

Подолання нерівності, як одна з цілей сталого розвитку, забезпечується вільним доступом до ресурсів та можливостей для кожного індивіда. Поняття безбар'єрності є складним та багатогранним. Ця дефініція у багатьох людей ототожнюється виключно з подоланням фізичних перешкод. Категорія ж «безбар'єрність» стосується не лише людей з інвалідністю, а й кожного з нас. В нашому суспільстві спостерігається комплекс перешкод для різних, в тому числі, й маломобільних груп щодо доступності в інфраструктурній, економічній, освітній та цифровій сферах. Задля мінімізації та запобіганню таких бар'єрів потрібно розробляти й впроваджувати комплекс заходів для зняття проблем доступу та кращої інтегрованості різних груп населення.

Зарубіжними та українськими передовими практиками розбудови безбар'єрного простору цікавляться все більше посадовців територіальних громад. Тому сьогодні, як ніколи, доцільно покращувати свої знання та оптимізувати відповідну діяльність, оскільки війна в Україні зумовлює загострення цієї проблеми й через збільшення кількості маломобільних груп населення та людей з інвалідністю.

Узагальнення та систематизація передового публічного досвіду допоможе впроваджувати кращі практики щодо забезпечення рівних умов і можливостей, усім реалізувати свої права й отримувати послуги у різних сферах життєдіяльності, що і стало метою дослідження. Для досягнення мети реалізовано завдання: здійснено теоретико-правовий вимір розбудови безбар'єрного середовища в Україні; проаналізовано та виокремлено передові практики, розроблено рекомендації для посилення політки інклюзії та розвитку безбар'єрного простору.

Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в тому, що: запропоновано систематизацію публічних рішень щодо розвитку безбар'єрності в Україні на національному рівні; узагальнено методичні засади щодо розбудови безбар'єрного середовища на місцевому рівні; виокремлено шляхи зняття проблем доступу та кращої інтегрованості різних груп населення на основі аналізу закордонного досвіду та передових вітчизняних практик.

Ключові слова: публічний механізм, доступність, безбар'єрне середовище, політика інклюзій, маломобільні групи населення, особи з інвалідністю.


Barrier-free accessibility is a new step in the history of Ukraine, which had to face another cruel, bloody war. Today it is impossible to remain silent about the people who became and are still becoming victims of the armed conflict. War brings unbearable pain, suffering, and destruction of everything we love so much. In such a difficult time, everyone needs help, but how do disabled people feel in such a situation? The answer is clear to everyone - low-mobility population groups cannot live normally without physical or material assistance.

We believe that barrier-free accessibility is the joint responsibility of the state, business entities, and citizens. Currently, society needs to overcome stereotypes of thinking, small and medium-sized businesses need to transform the conditions for providing services for population groups with inclusion, and public authorities, both at the national and local levels, need to eliminate physical, informational, operational and behavioral barriers, minimize the risks of limited access of all population groups to various spheres of life.

Literature review

Some works [1-6] are devoted to the theoretical and practical issues of ensuring barrier-free accessibility, but we believe that this issue is under-researched.

Generalization and implementation of advanced public experience will help apply best practices to ensure equal conditions and opportunities for everyone to exercise their rights and receive services in all spheres of life, which became the aim of the research.


At the beginning, we suggest considering how barrier-free accessibility is arranged in a foreign democratic society. The efforts of state institutions, private structures and civil society regarding barrier-free accessibility in Europe and the world are now mostly focused on separate areas [5]. Defined practices correlate with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, for example, ensuring inclusiveness, security, livability and environmental sustainability of cities and settlements.

The generalizations of advanced world practices regarding social inclusion by Ya. Radchenko show that the Scandinavian countries and the Federal Republic of Germany comprehensively approached the development of a barrier-free environment [4].

The EU has approved a number of program documents on inclusion and barrier-free accessibility. Barrier-free accessibility in the EU primarily presupposes: the creation of decent living conditions for all people in society; the realization of everyone's opportunities in the process of culture development; leisure provision and the maintenance of a space for self-expression; the formation of equal opportunities and free access to education, in particular education throughout life, as well as mastering additional skills. The adopted Strategy and Council of Europe Action Plan for Social Cohesion, the implementation of which was the responsibility of a specialized intergovernmental body, testify to the importance of inclusiveness and barrier-free accessibility in Europe [5].

Presently, the special Lifelong Learning Strategy is operating in Estonia, which is obliged to provide the necessary learning opportunities at any level of education, namely: supporting social and individual development of all students; raising the level of education; entrepreneurship; creativity.

Each country has its own, individual approach to the issue of ensuring architectural accessibility. Therefore, for example, in the city of Warsaw, in Poland, changes are being made in the architectural accessibility of the city within the framework of the Warsaw plan adjusted for the population with limited mobility, and it is considered as one of the main components of ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities. A similar situation can be seen in the architectural plan of Berlin, which is aimed at observing the rights of people within the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, who require special living conditions.

A universal design of architectural accessibility is created and provided in the cities of Norway. Such a model of architectural accessibility can be both the foundation of larger accessibility programs for citizens with reduced mobility, and a separate part of the city's sustainable development program.

The analysis of foreign experience shows that inclusive education and work, equality between employees, encouraging of employers to hire people from lowmobility groups have a positive impact on both people and the country's economy.

Ukraine and Ukrainians are moving in a difficult but correct direction - the development of their own country that meets all European standards, one of which is the creation of a barrier-free environment. During the years of independence of our sovereign state, the theoretical and legal principles of barrier-free accessibility have been developed in Ukraine.

It is important to emphasize the fact that in order to implement barrier-free solutions, it is necessary for every object that is planned, reconstructed, built in the community to meet the norms of inclusion. The new infrastructure of Ukraine should not correspond to such concepts as “not for everyone”, “ill-conceived”, “inaccessible”, “inconvenient”. The picture of the future barrier-free Ukraine must be created by means of the opposite terminology.

The process of developing the plan, the implementation of which should ensure equal opportunities for every person to exercise their rights, receive services, promote the integration of different population groups, i.e. make Ukraine barrierfree, began back in July 2009. It was at that time that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued the Resolution “On approval of the plan of measures regarding the creation of a barrier-free living environment for persons with limited physical capabilities and other groups with limited mobility for the years 2009-2015 “Bezbarierna Ukraina” (“Barrier-free Ukraine”) [7].

On December 3, 2020, the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyy issued the Decree "On ensuring the creation of a barrier-free environment in Ukraine” [8], in which he stated the following: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the involvement of the National Institute of Strategic Studies, representatives of state and local self-government bodies, institutes of civil society, scientists, experts, taking into account the best domestic and international experience, to develop and approve the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free environment in Ukraine by April 12, 2021.

On April 4, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued an order “On the approval of the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free environment in Ukraine for the period until 2030” [9]. The purpose of the Strategy is to create a barrier-free environment for all population groups, to ensure equal opportunities for each person to exercise their rights, to receive services on a par with others by integrating physical, informational, digital, social and civil, economic and educational barrier-free accessibility to all spheres of state policy.

According to the statistics, the number of people who need special conditions for a proper quality of life is quite large. The percentage of residents with reduced mobility reaches about 30%: these include people in wheelchairs, the blind, parents with strollers, people on crutches, and the elderly [1]. Currently, the percentage of people with special needs is increasing.

There should be no obstacles in life that would make it impossible for a person to use services or move around. In this direction, there are certain rules aimed at facilitating the life of groups with reduced mobility. O. Chernyshov claims that right now, for the first time in the years of independence, full-scale changes have begun at the highest level of the state. These changes should create a universal environment and equal opportunities for all residents under the slogan “Barrier-free accessibility - for everyone” [6].

On October 23, 2021, during her visit to Germany, the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair “The Barrier-Free Handbook” [11] prepared on her initiative and in cooperation with public organizations, human rights defenders, psychologists, and parents raising children with disabilities. The Handbook was created by Ukrainian and international experts as a guide on correct communication with the new norms of barrier-free language. The structure of the Handbook includes separate sections. The “Components of Barrier-Free Accessibility” section explains in simple and accessible language what barriers, stereotypes, inclusion, engagement, non-discrimination, tolerance, acceptance, accessibility, gender equality, universal design, etc. are. In the section "Ethics of Interaction" there are explained principles of barrier-free language -language that does not contain words or phrases that demonstrate a prejudiced, stereotypical or discriminatory attitude towards a person. “Barrier-Free Calendar” tells about important dates, notable and memorable days and explains how to celebrate them and when greetings are inappropriate. In the new realities of war, a new section has been created in the “Handbook” - “In Wartime”.

Currently, the process of developing the Album of Barrier-Free Solutions [12] continues.

A special course in barrier-free accessibility has been developed on the online platform “Diya” [13]. Viewers get a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the principles of barrier-free accessibility, which are based on typical life situations that we face every day. In 2021, the Ministry of Digital Transformation presented its newest course “Bezbarierna Hramotnist” (“Barrier-Free Literacy”) [14].

Let us consider existing practices regarding the development of a barrier-free environment at the local level in Ukraine.

In Vinnytsia, the development of barrier-free accessibility is regulated by the Strategy 3.0. The results show that the largest share of people with reduced mobility is the elderly. People with disabilities rank second. As of March 2021, the population of Vinnytsia was 370,609,000 people, 149,500 [3] of which were low-mobility population groups, which was 40% of the total number of citizens. 107 low-floor vehicles and 82 sound devices for voicing traffic light signals operate in the city space for the integration of people with special needs. Also, picnics for people with disabilities are organized in Vinnytsia. For example, visitors of the “Harmony” Rehabilitation Center learned to cook over an open fire. Such meetings are called “Polyova Kukhnya” (“Field Kitchen”). To make it easier to get to the venue, the events are held in different parts of Vinnytsia [15, 16].

Despite the war, the employees of the “Harmony” Rehabilitation Center continue to actively take care of their clients: psychologists, speech therapists and social pedagogues consult them online and outside the premises.

Continuing to analyze the process of building a barrier-free environment in Ukraine, we analyzed the activities of the city of Lviv. On July 9, 2021, the Integrated Development Concept: Lviv 2030 was approved during the session of the Lviv City Council (LCC). As noted in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, the approval of the concept will provide Lviv with an up-to-date and flexible European planning tool based on modern principles and values of sustainable development, with the help of which the city will formulate the most important development goals, as well as measures and projects necessary to achieve them [17].

One of the most important directions of Lviv's development strategy is the construction of a city in which it is comfortable to live, study and work [18]. The first steps have already been taken. On August 3, 2022, the press service of the Lviv City Council published news about the creation of a city house with supported living for people with disabilities [19]. “We are resuming work on the reconstruction of the house. Because the war should not stop us, on the contrary, we need to work even harder. And we did not give up on the dream of creating in Lviv a city building with supported living and decent opportunities for adults with disabilities”, - noted the press service of the LCC. A house with supported living is a space equipped for living of 20 adults with disabilities and assistants who will help them in everyday life. The premises consists of a basement and two floors where bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, bathrooms and an elevator will be arranged. It is also planned to additionally build an inclusive public space for joint activities of people with disabilities and residents, for daytime art therapy workshops, joint movie screenings etc.

In addition, Pinzel museum [20] will be opened in Lviv after renovation, where 29 works of the unique master of baroque sculpture, 5 works of his students and 9 portraits of the nobility and clergy are exhibited. Currently, the arrangement of a barrier-free space is being completed. The museum should become fully accessible to various visitors, including people with visual or hearing impairments, the elderly, and parents with small children, etc. On the way to Pinzel museum, all the necessary elements of barrier-free accessibility have been implemented. Among the elements of accessibility implemented here are a tactile path from the public transport stop to the museum building, sound beacons at the entrance that help visually impaired people orientate in the space, clear navigation inside the premises, an elevator leading to the hall with exhibits.

Carrying out further research on the development of barrier-free accessibility in Ukraine, we analyzed the first city with its own barrier-free strategy. The city of Slavutych received the status of a laboratory for barrier-free solutions within the framework of Olena Zelenska's “Bez Barieriv” (“Free of Barriers”) initiative. As a result, the city will pay considerable attention to the creation of a barrier-free environment [21]. On May 31, 2021, the Strategic Plan for the Development of the City of Slavutych until 2025 was approved, where 5 stages of barrier-free development of the city were presented. Barrier-free accessibility and architecture are closely related, therefore, within the framework of the barrier-free physical environment development program, the city concentrated a lot of efforts on the audit of architectural accessibility. Slavutych will also have an accessibility map of the city, an interactive tool on which the presence or absence of barriers on individual routes will be indicated by color, from red - when there is no accessibility and there are many obstacles, to green - when there are no barriers.

The leaders of Slavutych have set a goal of increasing the number of people with limited mobility who can enter and leave their own home from 46% to 90%. The group of experts determined that the share of administrative institutions, cultural and leisure facilities that are architecturally accessible is about 20%, so it was decided to increase it to 100%.

Children with special educational needs require special help and support. In 2014, Ukraine adopted the Law “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on education regarding the organization of inclusive education” [22].

Inclusive education is based on the principles of non-discrimination, consideration of a person's multifacetedness, effective involvement and inclusion of all its participants in the educational process [22]. The most important task of inclusion is the achievement of educational, social and cultural processes in which the child should not feel somehow different and alienated.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has established the right for children with special educational needs to: general education schools and classrooms “adjusted” for their needs; inclusive and special groups (classes) in general education institutions; adapted curricula and programs, etc.

As of January 1, 2020, 4,681 pupils with special educational needs were studying at preschool education institutions. Since the 2019/2020 academic year, inclusive education has also been introduced in institutions of professional, vocational and technical and higher education, where 1,312 students with special educational needs receive inclusive education [23]. In general, over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in: 1) the number of students covered by inclusive education - 4.5 times; 2) the number of teacher assistants - 6 times; 3) the number of inclusive classes - 4.6 times; 4) the number of general secondary education institutions with inclusive classes - 2.7 times.

Subventions for providing support to persons with special educational needs amounted to UAH 209.46 million in 2017 and UAH 504.4 million in 2021.

As of January 1, 2020, 19,345 students with special educational needs were studying in inclusive classes. As we can see, this number has increased 7 times compared to previous years. At the beginning of 2020, 12,782 inclusive classrooms were set up in Ukraine. Therefore, in 2019/2020 35% of the total number of general secondary education institutions organized inclusive education.

As of today, there are inclusive resource centers operating in Ukraine. The inclusive resource center is an institution created to realize the right of children with special educational needs aged 2 to 18 to receive preschool and general secondary education, in particular, in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions and other educational establishments that provide general secondary education [21]. To date, 627 inclusive resource centers have been created and are operating in this country. Inclusive resource centers are available in all regions of Ukraine, so any child with special educational needs and their parents can receive appropriate services at their place of residence.

On the initiative of the First Lady Olena Zelenska, Ukraine came one step closer to EU standards having become a member of the Biarritz Partnership - an international initiative of equal rights and opportunities for all - on September 11, 2020. In the same year, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a plan of measures to implement the commitments of the Government of Ukraine, taken within the framework of the Biarritz Partnership international initiative for gender equality [9].

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the necessity of developing a public mechanism for a barrier-free environment in Ukraine: during the war, it is not easy to ensure the appropriate level of inclusiveness and barrier-free accessibility (primarily in education, employment, access to basic public services), but it is extremely necessary. We identified the ways of improving barrier-free accessibility: to improve mechanisms and the institutional environment; to ensure constant connection and communication with the population; to carry out activities to increase “physical”, “digital” and “informational” accessibility; to ensure monitoring of the implementation of state programs in the field of barrier-free accessibility; to develop the “philosophy of a barrier-free environment” in Ukrainian society.


We recommend that the following steps should be taken in order to strengthen the policy of inclusion and development of a barrier-free environment in Ukraine:

1. Labor market development - low-mobility population groups, persons with disabilities, pregnant women and women with children under 6 years of age, and the elderly need, as is known, special conditions and opportunities for employment. To create such an environment, it is necessary to apply a number of actions that should be aimed at educational practice, adaptation of elderly people to the modern information and communication system, software for the disabled.

2. Obstacle-free infrastructure environment - formation of the latest architectural solutions, restoration and improvement of cities, implementation of approaches to unique design in a public space. Such measures in this direction are aimed at creation of a public environment and transport infrastructure;

3. Education policy - lifelong learning is actively promoted in developed countries as a tool for integration. The development of education policy is based on considering the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, groups with reduced mobility, pregnant women, and the elderly.

4. Policy in the field of administrative services provision - modern society cannot be imagined without digital technologies and tools. The development of digital technologies in the field of providing administrative services should be carried out taking into account the interests of people with disabilities, groups with reduced mobility and older people;

5. Barrier-free social policy - implementation of the policy of removing all existing barriers for vulnerable population groups. Barrier-free policy is aimed to promote the improvement of the social situation of disabled people, women with children under 6 years of age, vulnerable groups in the field of social and economic welfare, special support and implementation of measures for reasonable adjustment in society.


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