Information security as a component of Ukrainian national security

The importance and role of information security in the context of ensuring the national security of the state. Analysis of the main threats to information security, such as cyber attacks, consideration of strategic approaches to their neutralization.

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National Aviation University

Information security as a component of Ukrainian national security

Lykhova S.Ya.


In recent decades, information has become such a powerful factor in the development of society that it has led to the formation of a new information system that promotes domestic and global integration and reintegration. The urgency of the problem of legal regulation of public relations in the field of information security due to the increasing role of information in all spheres and activities of the individual and the state in the face of external and internal challenges, threats, risks and dangers, as well as the development of new information relations. rights, legitimate interests of subjects in the information and communication sphere. Iryna Sopilko also pointed this out in her works [1].

Presenting main material

It is known that information security belongs to a particularly important place in the modern industrial digital world [2, с. 1].

Information and communication technologies are one of the most important factors influencing the formation of priority areas of the XXI century: unprecedented opportunities for access to information, its collective use and mutual exchange, as well as for the development of education, science, culture, economy. Their influence concerns the way of life of people, education and work, the interaction of government and civil society. S. Lykhova and P. Bilenchuk investigated the issues of counteracting the illegal use of information in their works [3]. The Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress for Peace and Human Welfare, proclaimed by UN General Assembly Resolution 3384 (XXX) of November 10, 1975, states that all states promote international cooperation to use the results of scientific and technological progress in the interests of strengthening international peace and security, freedom and independence for the economic and social development of peoples and ensuring human rights and freedoms in accordance with the UN Charter [4, c. 111-112].

The processes of transformation and realization of knowledge through the materialization of information resources are developed through high information technology, and to obtain and maintain competitive advantages, each action in the information environment will have a significant impact in the world of physical resources: subject, financial - and in various abstract fields.

Over the last forty years, thanks to extremely powerful information technology, the process of transition from the industrial era to the digital information society, characterized by a significant amount of information circulating through communication channels, computer technology, software.

«Information Society» expresses the idea of a new phase in the historical development of advanced countries. That is, not the arrival of a «post-industrial» society, but the creation of a new social model, which is the result of the «second industrial revolution», which is mainly based on microelectronic technology. A growing number of people are necessarily involved in an unprecedented variety of information-oriented types of work. Researchers and technicians collect and produce information, managers and specialists process it, and teachers and communication workers disseminate it. It should be noted that the information can be used both for the development of society and to its detriment [5].

This process of «informatization» does not leave untouched any sphere of social activity: from everyday life to international relations and from the spheres of leisure to industrial relations [6, c. 362].

Experts in the field of informatics note that the information society has no political, social and economic boundaries.

Common features and characteristics of the information society are as follows:

1. availability of information infrastructure consisting of telecommunication networks and information resources distributed in them as stocks of knowledge;

2. mass use of personal computers connected with telecommunication networks;

3. readiness of members of society to work on personal computers and telecommunication networks;

4. new forms and types of activity in telecommunication networks or in virtual space;

5. opportunity for everyone to receive almost instantaneous complete, accurate and reliable information from telecommunication networks;

6. real instant communication of each member of society with everyone and everyone with everyone;

7. transformation of mass media activity, integration of mass media and telecommunication networks, creation of a single environment of mass media distribution - multimedia;

8. lack of geographical and geopolitical borders of the states - participants of telecommunication networks;

9. clash and destruction of national laws of states in telecommunications networks and the emergence of new international law and legislation.

Widespread implementation of scientific and technological progress in all socio-economic and production processes has led to the transfer of information in the category of economic and political categories. This process is objective and subjective, because: there is an increasing role of information not only in human life, but also in the processes of public administration decisions, which is determined by its main factor - obtaining economic benefits; there are qualitative and quantitative changes in the information needs of society, increasing the share of human resources in working with information, which confirms the need and realities of building an information economy; information makes significant changes in the nature of the development strategy of statehood.

The idea that information can be considered as something independent arose together with a new science - cybernetics, which studies the laws of management of information processing systems (cybernetic systems), proving that information is directly related to management and development, ensuring sustainability and survival any systems.

At the stage of development of the information society, information becomes a key factor in production and becomes a basic element of modern society.

Information is one of the most important phenomena, organically and fundamentally «embedded» in modern paradigms of scientific knowledge of man, society and the world.

Information is information, not matter and not energy.

Standing in line with such categories as matter and energy, information has become an extremely broad concept. Depending on the field of knowledge in which the study was conducted, the information received a considerable number of definitions.

Mathematician N. Wiener was the first to formulate the concept of «information»: Information is the definition of content obtained from the outside world in the process of our adaptation to it and the adaptation of our feelings to it. The process of obtaining and using information is the process of our adaptation to the coincidences of the external environment of our life in this environment.

Information law currently recognizes information as the third fundamental factor after matter and energy.

Information is connected with the existence of mankind, and therefore everything that is born of human activity, one way or another has its own information side.

The highest, most complex and diverse type is social information, as it is created and used in society. Receiving this information in the process of communication, people use it to target the impact on society and its management.

All types of information circulating in society are united by the concept of «social information» and are the highest type of information, and information relations acquire social meaning, acting as forms of information processes.

The information answers the question what happened? Knowledge turns information into a resource and answers the question what does it mean? Thus, from the standpoint of a single observer with his personal interests and approaches, information is a powerful product of modern reality. So, if knowledge is a reflection of reality, then information is a form of representation of this reality. Knowledge - the product of social, material and spiritual activities of people; ideal expression of information in the symbolic form of objective properties and connections of the world, natural and human.

Obviously, the quality side involves understanding the meaning, the need for information for certain users. The importance of information is determined by the probability of achieving a certain goal after receiving the information. For a person, the content of information is more important than its volume. Information as a set of knowledge about factual data and the relationship between them becomes a strategic resource of society as a whole and mostly determines its ability to develop successfully.

State information resources are a component of the country's strategic resources and at the same time national infrastructure. Recently, the following state information resources have been created: databases «Legislation and Regulations of Ukraine», «Taxes of Ukraine» (about 10 thousand documents submitted), «Resources of Ukraine» (constantly updated information on 260 thousand enterprises and organizations of Ukraine), «Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine» (entered with the assignment of a unique code to more than 600 thousand business entities), etc.

At present, the activities of government agencies and organizations on the formation and use of information resources are uncoordinated, which leads to some difficulties in creating a single information environment and, consequently, to a low level of information and analytical support of government agencies and institutions. Electronic ministries which represent the interests to the executive, judiciary and legislature already exist or are being created in 23 ministries and agencies. Uncertainty of the legal and financial basis of various entities in the field of informatization leads to information monopoly of management and commercial structures on open public information resources, devaluation of the commodity value of state information resources, and restriction of the right to use state information resources for most citizens.

The integrity of the modern world is ensured mainly through intensive information exchange. Production, management, defense, communications, transport, energy, finance, science and education, the media - they all depend on the intensity of information exchange, completeness, timeliness, reliability of information. Stopping global information flows, even for a while, can lead to a crisis no less than the severance of interstate economic relations. The other side of these processes is the increase in the amount of valuable information that is processed in automated systems, the quality, reliability and efficiency of which depends on most important decisions.

The Law of Ukraine «On the National Informatization Program» [7] formulates a strategy for solving the problem of information needs and information support of socio-economic, environmental, scientific and technical, defense, national, cultural and other activities in areas of national importance. The national informatization program includes: the concept of the National Informatization Program; a set of state programs for informatization; industry programs and informatization projects; regional programs and informatization projects; programs and projects of informatization of local self-government bodies.

The national informatization program is formed on the basis of long-term priorities of socio-economic, scientific-technical, national-cultural development of the country taking into account world directions of development and achievements in the field of informatization and is aimed at solving major social problems. environment and human health, public administration, national security and national defense and democratization of society) and creating conditions for Ukraine's integration into the world information space in accordance with current trends in information geopolitics. The National Informatization Program is a set of interrelated individual tasks (projects) of informatization aimed at implementing state policy and priority areas of creating modern information infrastructure of Ukraine through concentration and rational use of financial, logistical and other resources, production and scientific and technical potential of the state, as well as coordination of the activities of public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership and citizens in the field of information.

According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine «On National Informatization Program», the main purpose of the National Informatization Program is to create the necessary conditions to provide citizens and society with timely, reliable and complete information through extensive use of information technology, information security.

The program aims to solve the following main tasks:

1. formation of legal, organizational, scientific and technical, economic, financial, methodological and humanitarian prerequisites for the development of informatization;

2. application and development of modern information technologies in relevant spheres of public life of Ukraine;

3. formation of the system of national information resources;

4. creation of a national network of information support of science, education, culture, health care, etc.;

5. creation of national systems of information and analytical support for the activities of public authorities and local governments;

6. increasing the efficiency of domestic production based on the widespread use of information technology;

7. formation and support of the market of information products and services;

8. integration of Ukraine into the world information space.

The Law of Ukraine «On Basic Principles of Information Society Development in Ukraine for 2007-2015» of January 9, 2007 № 537-V defined the main strategic goals of information society development in Ukraine:

- accelerating the development and implementation of the latest competitive information and telecommunications technologies in all spheres of public life, in particular in the economy of Ukraine and in the activities of public authorities and local governments;

- ensuring computer and information literacy of the population primarily by creating an education system focused on the use of the latest information and telecommunications technologies in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

- development of the national information infrastructure and its integration with the world infrastructure;

- state support for new «electronic» sectors of the economy (trade, financial and banking services, etc.);

- creation of national information systems primarily in the fields of health, education, science, culture, environmental protection;

- preservation of the cultural heritage of Ukraine through its electronic documentation;

- state support for the use of the latest information and communication technologies in the media;

- the use of information and telecommunications technologies to improve public administration, relations between the state and citizens, the formation of electronic forms of interaction between public authorities and local governments and individuals and legal entities;

- achieving effective participation of all regions in the processes of formation of the information society by decentralization and support of regional and local initiatives;

- protection of citizens' information rights, first of all, regarding access to information, protection of personal information, support of democratic institutions and minimization of the risk of «information inequality»;

- improvement of legislation on the regulation of information relations;

- improving the state of information security in the use of the latest information and communication technologies.


informational national security

It should be noted that Ukraine's membership in the Council of Europe obliges to guarantee respect for human rights in the information sphere and to promote the development of the information society. According to PACE Resolution 1466 and the Explanatory Memorandum, the list of Ukraine's obligations in the information sphere includes:

- transformation of state broadcasters into public broadcasting channels;

- privatization of print media established by public authorities;

- guaranteeing the transparency of media ownership;

- creation of equal conditions for the activity of all mass media by revising the Law of Ukraine of 1997 «On state support of mass media and social protection of journalists» [8];

- ratification of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television;

- ensuring compliance of the new version of the Law of Ukraine «On Television and Radio Broadcasting» with the standards of the Council of Europe and the recommendations of its experts;

- improving legislation to prevent the concentration of media ownership in line with Council of Europe standards;

- removal from the Law of Ukraine «On the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting» of the provision on the possibility of the President and the Verkhovna Rada to express no confidence in the National Council, which leads to the resignation of its members [9];

- liquidation of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting during the revision of the Constitution of Ukraine.


1. Сопілко І. М. Особливості протидії кіберзагрозам правовими методами та засобами. Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». К.: НАУ, 2021. № 4 (61).

2. Біленчук В. Інформаційна безпека: пріоритетні напрями. Бізнес і безпека. Львів, 1997, № 8. С. 1-5.

3. Лихова С.Я., Біленчук П.Д. Космічні і наземні кіберзагрози третього тисячоліття: засоби пізнання, доказування, розслідування. Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». К.: НАУ, 2021. № 2 (59). С. 9-17.

4. Организация Объединенных Наций. Генеральная Ассамблея. Официальные отчеты. Тридцатая сессия. Дополнение № 34(А/10034). С. 111-112.

5. Лихова С.Я., Леонов Б.Д. Інформаційний тероризм як загроза національній безпеці України. Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». К.: НАУ, 2021. № 2 (59). С. 170-176.

6. Лайон Д. Інформаційне суспільство: проблеми та ілюзії. Сучасна зарубіжна соціальна філософія. К., 1996. С.362-380.

7. Про Національну програму інформатизації: Закон України від 04.02.1998 № 74/98-ВР URL: laws/show/74/98-%D0%B2%D 1%80#Text

8. Про державну підтримку засобів масової інформації та соціальний захист журналістів: Закон України від 23.09.1997 № 540/97-ВР. URL: show/540/97-%D0%B2%D 1%80#Text

9. Про Національну раду України з питань телебачення і радіомовлення: Закон України від 23.09.1997 № 538/97-ВР. URL: %D0%B2%D1%80#Text

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