Digitisation of administration and legal basis in Kosovo

In contact with modern technologies, public administration transforms, adopting a new look and changing its legal nature to become an electronic public administration. We can also observe the use of information technologies in the activities of courts.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Electronic public administration represents an altered and modern concept of public administration that has changed the way and purpose of performing state affairs. Technically, it is based on using the Internet and information and communication technologies to carry out regular state affairs and forecast the situation in various social fields. Technical elements also influenced its legal nature. Administrative bodies now perform their duties more efficiently, fostering closer citizen-state contact and allowing citizens to gain insights into state affairs that directly affect their rights and interests.

This shift in the legal nature of public administration towards public service is achieved, with a primary focus on delivering quality public services and ensuring citizen satisfaction. Therefore, the development of electronic public administration enables citizens to fulfil their duties, obligations and tasks more effectively. Beyond developing relations between citizens and administrative bodies, the use of information and communication technologies and the Internet has opened up important legal issues. That is to say, information and communication technologies, in addition to countless advantages, also bring certain challenges and risks. Since the basic tool of work in today's world is information, i.e. data, it is clear that the main challenges are precisely related to their security in the digital environment. Information and data are the main tools of information technology, which, thanks to the Internet and the possibilities it offers, can be shared quickly and easily with a wider audience. In such a state, information becomes an important tool of influence and power, so the one who possesses more information and data can perform their tasks more efficiently and quickly.

All these questions are also valid in Kosovo's legal system, where new forms of electronic public administration have been appearing and developing daily. In this plan, the Law on Electronic Administration has been approved in Kosovo, and, in practice, projects that implement the principles of electronic public administration have been appearing. Equally important are the laws regulating specific administrative areas and procedures, whose digitisation contributes to the establishment of a digital administrative environment. This environment focuses on technical and organisational issues that lead to the progress and further development of electronic public administration.

Administrative protection mechanisms operate both during and after the administrative procedure itself, specifically concerning protecting personal data used in such a procedure. The same actions with cases are carried out through SMIL, from the registration of the case, the movement of the case to the court, the movement of the case between the courts, and archiving. In the research, we concluded that the digitisation projects of the public administration are based on citizens' personal data. This personal data encompasses information about various aspects of the identity of a specific or identifiable person. They refer to physical and psychological characteristics, philosophical and religious beliefs, health conditions, amount of money in bank accounts, etc.


1. Aqifi B, Nimani P and Maloku A, `The Right of Ownership and Legal Protection in Kosovo' (2023) 6(3) Access to Justice in Eastern Europe 221, doi:10.33327/AJEE-18-6.3- a000310.

2. Batalli M, `Reform of Public Administration in Kosovo' (2012) 1(1) Thesis 5, doi:10.2139/ssrn.2627592.

3. Dermaku K and others, `IP Packaging Filtering in Computer Networks Using Artificial Intelligence in the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Communications Kosovo' (2022) 17(2) Journal of Communications 134, doi:10.12720/jcm.17.2.134-142.

4. Dermaku K and others, `Planning Telecommunications Infrastructure in Kosovo through Geographic Information Systems (GIS)' (2020) 3(1) Journal of Mathematics, Computer Science and Education 16.

5. Selimi F and others, `Local Governance Comparative Reviews between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Kosovo' (2018) 11(2) Acta Universitatis Danubius 70.

6. Shala H dhe Halimi D, Udhezuesi per Proceduren Administrative (Akademia e Drejtёsisё sё Kosovёs 2019).

7. Tareck A, `Legal Mechanisms for the Stimulation of the Digital Economy in Developing Countries' (2023) 6(S) Access to Justice in Eastern Europe 72, doi:10.33327/AJEE-18- 6S002.

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