Development of e-government in Ukraine: current issues of implementation
Analyse the organization of electronic document circulation in Ukraine. The legislative provision and regulation of this area. The basic features of e-government as a component of the system of relations between the state and business are determined.
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Development of e-government in Ukraine: current issues of implementation
Lesia Kachkovska, Halyna Maleonchuk, Halyna Maleonchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
The scientific study highlights the theoretical foundations of the electronic document management system as an integral component of e-government in Ukraine. The relevance is substantiated, the legislative provision and regulation of this area are characterized, in particular, the basic features of e-government as a component of the system of relations between the state and business are determined.
The normative and legal framework is formed by the laws of Ukraine, which establish the order of organization and activity of the state apparatus, and regulate the general principles of state policy in the field of informatization in general and the administrative process in particular. The analysis of normative document resources such as: «Basic Principles of Development of the Information Society in Ukraine for 2007-2015», laws of Ukraine «About Information», «About Access to Public Information», «About Electronic Document and Electronic Document Management», «About Standardization» is highlighted etc. Taking into account the active implementation of the latest information technologies in the management activity, the law of Ukraine «On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Management» is important, which ensures the implementation of state policy in matters of document management and documentation management support.
It is worth noting that this law represents a consistent theoretical basis for research during the introduction of electronic document management and regulates general issues in this area. The implementation of modern means of electronic government provides an opportunity to improve the quality of public services to citizens radically, and a new level of these services will be achieved through the system integration transformation and improvement of information systems at all levels. It was determined that information and communication technologies open up new opportunities for improving the mechanisms of interaction with authorities, and the implementation of electronic governance in Ukraine is a powerful European integration factor that provides an effective impetus for the interaction of public authorities with citizens, public associations, and businesses by the requirements and standards of the European Union.
Ключові слова: law, e-governance, electronic document flow, management activity, information and communication technologies, information system, document.
One of the main directions of the state information policy is the creation of information systems and networks that actively contribute to the development of domestic e-government. It cannot function effectively without electronic document management systems, which must meet modern requirements, be easy to use, but at the same time increase the efficiency of the work of employees of state institutions, organizations and enterprises.
The main goal of the introduction of electronic democracy is to involve all sections of the population to participate in the processes of making power decisions within the state. Electronic document flow is included in the e-government system as an important component of management decision-making. Today, no institution can work efficiently and effectively without its professional organization, because it affects the efficiency, economy and reliability of the apparatus functioning, the work culture of the staff and actually the quality of management.
The choice of an electronic document management system depends on the direction and scale of the institution's activities, its tasks and the number of employees in its composition. A modern electronic document management system must meet the following requirements: convenience and ease of administration and use; the ability to support any number of users; versatility (possibility of use on different hardware platforms in the environment of different system software); openness (availability of open interfaces in the system for possible modification and integration with other systems).
Based on the above statements, we note that a comprehensive study of problems related to the organization of electronic document management is relevant for modern management, since the clerical sphere, which is aimed at making, documenting and implementing decisions, requires a detailed study and the development of proposals for the optimization of this process, in particular work with official documents, citizens' appeals in the automated electronic document flow system.
The goal of the article is based on the regulatory framework, analyse the organization of electronic document circulation in Ukraine as an integral component of e-government.
Methodology is based on the complex use of general scientific and special methods used to achieve the set goal. It is based on the principles of objectivity, scientificity, comprehensiveness, and systematicity, which together made it possible to characterize the peculiarities of the organization of work in the electronic document management system as a component of e-government.
The methodological basis of the research was made up of complementary general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. Thus, the method of analysis made it possible to characterize and evaluate research sources (laws, by-laws, methodological recommendations, and standards) that directly relate to the specified topic.
Results and discussion
E-governance plays an important role in modern democracy thanks to numerous advances in technology; in recent years, all governments of the world have recognized the importance of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) in ensuring the standard of service quality and increasing the efficiency of public authorities. It is impossible not to appreciate the importance of e-governance, which has become a tool of transparency, accountability, effective and efficient service delivery, and has successfully involved citizens and any other interested parties to participate in decision-making that affect management, interaction with the government [1, p. 35].
The main component of e-governance is e-government - a single infrastructure of interdepartmental automated information interaction of state authorities and local self-government bodies with each other, with citizens and business entities [2].
For the first time, the term «electronic government» (e-government) was applied in 1997 at the initiative of the US National Science Foundation to define the process of administrative reform based on the ideology of new public management and the widespread introduction of ICT in public administration, primarily in the executive authorities.
Later, to define reforms in public administration, which covered all public authorities, this term was modernized into «electronic state».
Electronic state (e-state) - the use of ICT in the public sector to improve access to information, provide public services, increase the efficiency of the administrative apparatus and encourage the participation of citizens in the making political decisions process. It covers the executive branch of power («e-government»), legislative («e-parliament»), judicial («e-justice»), institutions of civil society and the entire system of relations between subjects of public policy («e-governance») [3].
In recent years, ICT has developed strongly and has a significant impact on all spheres of people's lives. The use of the latest technologies is an important factor in increasing both personal and national competitiveness, contributes to the acceleration of economic growth and improves the structure of the economy of a modern state. With this in mind, more and more people feel the need to use the new opportunities opened up by ICT, and the implementation of e-government in Ukraine is a powerful European integration factor that provides an effective impetus for the interaction of public authorities with citizens, public associations, businesses and other enterprises by EU requirements and standards.
Managing content as the lifeblood of a company is more than just organizing information storage and processing. Effective content management is impossible without the proper construction of business processes and document flow in the company. This requires a robust platform that provides a range of capabilities.
Scientists consider e-governance as a technological service that contributes to the transformation of relations between the government and citizens. We believe that e-governance includes e-government as an opportunity to use digital technologies to provide information and services to citizens. In addition, in other words, it is a management process that is based on the use of electronics; the focus is on the use of information and communication technologies since it is assumed that e-government deals with the entire spectrum of relations and networks within the government regarding the use and application of ICT [4, p. 174].
Further implementation of electronic government is based on certain principles. The principle of transparency and accountability is key. The work of the state is public, every citizen has the right to receive the information he needs about the work of state bodies, and society exercises strict control over the activities of the authorities, and the authorities regularly provide the public with reports and other necessary information.
When implementing electronic government in Ukraine, it is necessary to maintain the following principles:
1) an initiative must necessarily come from the leadership of certain authorities (not just an initiative, but an awareness of the need for the electronic government development);
2) the specialists not only from the ICT sphere as well as public organizations representatives and scientists should be involved in the process of developing an e-government implementation strategy. Pay particular attention to the fact that representatives of not only technical sciences but also humanities deal with the topic;
3) particular attention should be paid to the motivation and stimulation of the use of e-government benefits among civil servants and citizens. Without their interest, the process of introducing electronic government, as well as e- governance, will not be effective [5, p. 228].
Scientists emphasize the need to develop a few draft laws: «On Transparency and Openness of Authorities», «On Digital Democracy (citizen participation in the process of making and making management decisions)», «On Guaranteeing Free and Equal Access of all Citizens of Ukraine to Information Using ICT», «About Public Places of Access to the Internet, etc.» [6, p. 198].
The implementation of electronic government tools makes it possible to improve the quality of public services to citizens radically, it should be noted that a new level of such services will be achieved through the transformation and improvement of the system integration of departmental information systems and state, regional and municipal information resources. Integration of interdepartmental interaction and provision of integrated services using both central government and regional or local authorities' portals will improve the efficiency of the state apparatus, and reduce opportunities for financial fraud, violation of laws, tax evasion, etc.
The main difficulty in the implementation of projects in the field of electronic government and interdepartmental projects lies in the organization of the process to adopt relevant standards and coordination of information technology architectures by various organizations and departments. Electronic government projects provide for the following types of standards: data standards, standards for interagency information exchange, metadata and information retrieval standards, and security standards. The specified standards are constantly updated and improved by countries that have an analogue of the government gateway in the e-government architecture.
The architectural model of e-government includes online services for citizens and business structures through a single portal, electronic document circulation in government and parliamentary structures, a common database for various government structures to prevent duplication of information and repeated costs, often a closed specialized information network for intra-governmental transactions, extensive information and telecommunications infrastructure, cryptography systems and other means of information protection (including personal data), digital signature, electronic key, smart cards, other means of authorizing access to information and operations with it.
Therefore, electronic governance makes it possible to change the approaches of the essence of public authorities, to make their activities more transparent and subject to public control, and to build cooperation contacts with domestic businesses.
From the moment of obtaining the status of independence by Ukraine, the question of forming its own regulatory and legal framework in the field of documentation support of management has arisen. According to the requirements it should be built based on legislative and regulatory, methodological acts that regulate the general rules of preparation, registration and organization of work with documents [7, p. 20].
The main law of our country is the Constitution of Ukraine. This Law is the basis of all law-making activity, organizes the functioning of the state and public structures, and formulates the basis of the legal status of a person. Implementation of the Law is reflected in all spheres of society. In particular, about documentation, since this main regulation defines the basics of the state language policy, namely: the state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language as a mandatory means of communication throughout the territory of Ukraine in the exercise of powers by state authorities and local self-government bodies (the language of acts, work, record keeping, documentation, etc.), as well as in other public spheres of social life, which are defined by the Law [8, p. 98].
The normative and legal framework is also formed by the laws of Ukraine, which establish the order of organization and activity of the state apparatus and regulate the general principles of state policy in the field of informatization in general and the administrative process in particular.
The Law of Ukraine «On Information» No. 2657-XII as of February 10, 1992 (as amended of 11.16.2021) significantly complements the organization of work in the field of documentation management. It establishes the general legal basis for obtaining, using, distributing and storing information, establishes the right of a person to information in all spheres of social and state life of Ukraine, as well as the information system, its sources, determines the status of participants in information relations, regulates access to information and ensures its protection. It was this Law that officially introduced such concepts as «information», which is interpreted as any information and/or data that can be stored on physical media or displayed in electronic form, for the first time in Ukrainian record keeping. «State information policy» is viewed as a set of main directions and methods of state activity on obtaining, using, disseminating and storing information. As for «information activity», it is considered a set of actions aimed at meeting the information needs of citizens, legal entities and the state. «Officially Documented Data» is defined as administrative information, and «documented information» information relations [9].
It should be noted that the standard defines several domestic basic terms. In particular, «document» is defined as a material carrier containing information, the main functions of which are its preservation and transmission in time and space [10].
Taking into account the active implementation of the latest information technologies in management activities, the Law of Ukraine «On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Management» [11], which ensures the implementation of state policy in matters of document management and documentation management, are important in document science. It is worth noting that this law represents a consistent theoretical basis for research during the introduction of electronic document management and regulates general issues in this area.
A significant place in record keeping is occupied by the Law «On Stand- artization» No. 1315-VII as of 06.05.2014 (as amended of 02.11.2015) [12], in particular, in Ukraine there are national standards regarding the sample form application of management document, requirements for the registration of organizational administrative documents, development of unified documentation systems. However, it should be noted that according to the aforementioned Law, standards are applied voluntarily, unless otherwise established by legislation. This, in turn, leads to neglect of the requirements of regulatory documents, which are standards. This attitude is manifested during the creation of organizational and management documents, the development of management documents unified forms, etc.
One of the main priorities of Ukraine is the desire to build an information society oriented to the interests of the people, open to all and aimed at development, in which everyone could create and accumulate information and knowledge, have free access to them, use and exchange them, to provide the opportunity every person to fully realize their potential, contributing to social and personal development and increasing the quality of life [13]. In this regard, the Verkhovna Rada approved the Basic principles of the information society development in Ukraine for 2007-2015 [14] to ensure positive changes in the lives of both society and people. These include, in particular, increasing the level of human rights and freedoms protection and their well-being, increasing the participation of citizens in state management, promoting the development of democracy. It is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine, the efficiency of state administration, labour productivity in all spheres of the economy, the level of information security of people, society, and the state, the degree of development of the information and telecommunications infrastructure, in particular the Ukrainian segment of the Internet. Also, ensuring the transition of the economy to a model of scientific, technical and innovative development, increasing the share of knowledge-intensive products, and promoting the quality and availability of education, science, culture, and healthcare services through the implementation of ICT should be included among the foundations of the modern society development; expanding people's ability to access national and global informational electronic resources; creating new jobs, improving working conditions and human life; and deepening the implementation of the normative and legal foundations of the information society [15, p. 36].
The Orders of the State Committee of Archives of Ukraine is a part of the regulatory framework, namely «On the List of Standard Documents Created by Public Authorities and Local Self-Government Bodies, Other Institutions, Enterprises and Organizations with an Indication of Document Retention Periods» [16, p. 170]. It contains a list of documents types that arise during the documentation of the management functions same type performed by state authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations in the course of their activities, as well as documentation created as a result of industrial, scientific, technical activities of institutions. «The Standard Regulation on the Archival Unit of a State Body, Local Self-government Body, State and Communal Enterprise, Institution and Organization» (No. 232/5 as of February 10, 2012) determines the organizational and legal status of the archival unit, its main tasks, and the terms of document storage [17].
A separate group of regulatory and methodical support for record-keeping processes is methodological recommendations, which aim to provide practical assistance to specialists in the field of record keeping in matters of organization and management of current record-keeping. Such regulations also include methodological recommendations for the application of SSU 4163-2003 «State Unified System of Documentation. Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation. Requirements for the Preparation of Documents», which clarify and specify the procedure for the application and implementation of SSU 4163-2003 [18].
Summarizing the given definitions of concepts, according to V. Yevganov, it is more appropriate to use the term «electronic governance», which should be understood as a way of organizing state power with the help of local information network systems and segments of the global information network, which ensures the functioning of authorities in real-time and makes daily communication with them by citizens, legal entities, non-governmental organizations as simple and accessible as possible [19].
Unfortunately, more and more often there are situations when in practice the application of this concept is reduced by civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies only to electronic communication between the government and the public.
The very idea of e-governance should contribute to the solution of the main problems characteristic of the authorities: to reduce the level of bureaucracy through the transition to electronic document management; to make the activities of state administration and local self-government bodies more transparent thanks to the introduction of an electronic form of communication with citizens, thereby bringing it closer to the needs and requests of citizens.
But, according to scientists, this approach is also limited, as it is reduced to the implementation of management activities in real-time, in the online mode. The most acceptable from the point of view of experts is the approach used in the countries with the highest level of IT infrastructure development, the actual progenitors of e-government - the USA, Great Britain and Canada. In these countries, e-government is considered a concept aimed at improving the efficiency of the state apparatus as a whole.
If we turn to foreign sources, the content of which, for the most part, is the classical theory of management in the public sector. Thus, the European scientific school believes that this theory was implemented in practice through the model of public administration (English - public administration), neoclassical management theory - through the model of public management (English - public management), modern management theory - through the model of the new public management (English - new public management) [20, p. 22].
electronic document e-government business
The organization of document circulation is one of the management activity forms that is carried out by state authorities, local self-government bodies, as well as in enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership. Its regulatory support, theoretical and organizational aspects have always been at the centre of the scientists' attention. It is management documentation in any enterprise that is a necessary part of the organizational process. It is difficult to imagine an organization that does not have an event recorded in an appropriate documented manner. After all, the document itself is the basis of documentation support for the institution's management and management decision-making.
Despite a significant number of legal acts that regulate certain issues of record keeping, there is no basic industry law that would clearly and comprehensively prescribe the work with documents: from the moment of their creation to their transfer to storage. The adoption of such a law would have a qualitative impact on documentation support, therefore, shortly, the adoption of a profile document remains relevant, which will significantly affect: establishing the legal basis for the organization of record keeping in Ukraine; implementation of state policy in this area; levels of regulatory and legal support for the organization of the investigation; optimization of documentation processes and document circulation in institutions and creation of conditions for ensuring storage of documentation funds.
We note that the documentation support of the enterprise is regulated not only by the regulatory and legal basis of record keeping but also by organizational documents, which should include: instructions, provisions, and rules. They specify tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities, organization of work, to which the entire activity of the joint-stock company is directed. Also, the procedure, methods, forms of document circulation and documentation of the institution management activities are determined, including the rules of each employee work.
We believe that the electronic document flow system as a component of electronic governance effectively affects the management activities of the institution as a whole, ensuring the speed and efficiency of decision-making based on the information recorded in the documents, and over time will completely replace the traditional paper flow of documents, which requires additional material costs, and the main time for execution.
Electronic document circulation is aimed at automating work with documents that circulate in the institution, which is important for increasing the efficiency of its activities. In the past, almost all document circulation in and between structural subdivisions was carried out in paper form, searching for documents required a lot of work time. Mechanisms for preparing, discussing, accepting and controlling the execution of documents and their accounting were not worked out. Structural subdivisions did not properly exchange even the information that existed in electronic form, which made it impossible to make quick and high-quality management decisions. The same information was duplicated and distorted, becoming unavailable for successful use.
The very idea of e-governance should contribute to the solution of the main problems characteristic of the authorities: to reduce the level of bureaucracy through the transition to electronic document management; to make the activities of state administration and local self-government bodies more transparent thanks to the introduction of an electronic form of communication with businesses and citizens, thereby bringing it closer to their needs and requests.
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Like many other countries, the Constitution of Ukraine defines three branches of government – the legislative, the executive and the judicial. President also has the power, although it is not a branch, but it is the highest official in the country.
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