Information security: role of national stability, mobilization and territorial defense
It was the determined that the definition of the management process, mode of operation and monitoring of the relevant industry is also relevant to the issue of information openness in the field of civil protection. The latter should be based on.
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Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
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Information security: role of national stability, mobilization and territorial defense
Haman Petro Ilyich, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Honored Health Care Worker of Ukraine, awarded the Order of Merit of the 3rd Degree, Head of the Protection Measures Department of the Research Center of Civil Protection, Institute of Public Administration and Scientific Research on Civil Protection
It was determined that the definition of the management process, mode of operation and monitoring of the relevant industry is also relevant to the issue of information openness in the field of civil protection. The latter should be based on historical and chronographic customs and relate to timely notification and informing about the state of emergencies of the residents of the respective cities, administrative- territorial units and self-governing territories on the territory of the European Union.
It has been analyzed that a peculiar system of mutual information assistance has been formed on the territory of the European Union. Protecting the population from emergency situations is a problem of a global scale, therefore material and resource assistance to an EU member state is always welcome. This is possible thanks to the Global Monitoring System for Environment and Security. The information space of civil protection is the basis of its stability and protection of the interests of ordinary people.
It is noteworthy that several countries of the European Union choose the semantic concept of ensuring information stability and openness in emergency situations. We are talking about Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. Similar competence is usually assigned to the National / Federal Offices of Civil Protection (depends on the administrative-territorial structure of the state), which carry out information control in the civil protection and civil security spheres.
The information and security structure of civil protection developed in the Netherlands appears to be quite peculiar and suitable for analysis. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Main Directorate of Civil Protection direct and coordinate the information policy, within the framework of which the country was divided into 12 autonomous self-governing districts. On the ground, the Provincial Commissioner, the Head of the Civil Protection Service, and the Civil Protection Headquarters are responsible for information openness.
Keywords: information security, civil protection, administrative and territorial organization of the state, emergency situations, countries of the European Union.
Гаман Петро Ілліч доктор наук з державного управління, професор, Заслужений працівник охорони здоров`я України, нагороджений орденом «За заслуги ІІІ ступеня», начальник відділу заходів захисту науково-дослідного центру цивільного захисту, Інститут державного управління та наукових досліджень з цивільного захисту
Визначено, що дотичним до питання інформаційної відкритості у сфері цивільного захисту також є визначення процесу керівництва, режиму функціонування та моніторингу відповідної галузі. Останній повинен базуватися на історико-хронографічних звичаях та стосуватися своєчасного сповіщення та інформування про стан надзвичайних ситуацій жителів відповідних міст, адміністративно-територіальних одиниць та самоврядних територій на теренах Європейського Союзу.
Проаналізовано, що на теренах Європейського Союзу сформовано своєрідну систему взаємної інформаційної допомоги. Захист населення від надзвичайних ситуацій є проблемою глобального масштабу, тому предметно - ресурсна допомога країні-члену ЄС завжди вітається. Це можливо завдяки Глобальній системі спостереження за навколишнім середовищем та безпекою. Інформаційний простір цивільного захисту -- основа його стабільності та схоронності інтересів простого населення.
Примітно, що одразу декілька країн Європейського Союзу обирають семантичний концепт забезпечення інформаційної стабільності та відкритості надзвичайних ситуацій. Йдеться про Великобританію, Німеччину, Францію та Італію. Подібну компетенцію зазвичай покладено на Національні / Федеральні Управління цивільного захисту (залежить від адміністративно -територіального устрою держави), що здійснюють інформаційний контроль у цивільно - захисній та цивільно-безпековій сферах.
Досить своєрідним та придатним до аналізу видається інформаційно - безпекова структура цивільного захисту, розроблена в Нідерландах. Міністерство внутрішніх справ та Головне управління цивільного захисту спрямовує та координує інформаційну політику, в рамках якої країну було розподілено на 12 автономно-самоврядних округів. «На місцях» за інформаційну відкритість відповідають Комісар провінції, Начальник служби цивільного захисту та Штаб цивільного захисту.
Ключові слова: інформаційна безпека, цивільний захист, адміністративно- територіальний устрій держави, надзвичайні ситуації, країни Європейського Союзу.
Formulation of the problem
information security national mobilization
Civil defense in the EU is a means of protecting the public good, a source of creating a safe space for existence and an aspect of maintaining a stable position of an individual country in the international arena.
Legal, social states always determine the issue of government transparency, openness, along with the rule of law. Because of this, it is important to comprehensively investigate the issue of conformity of civil defense information trends in the EU.
An important aspect of informational openness in the field of Central Intelligence is the adequate, accurate and balanced work of mass media. Therefore, it is important to determine the relationship, cooperation and interaction of the public authorities of the EU Central Committee and specialized information organizations that transmit relevant industry information to the population.
Tangent to the issue of information openness in the field of CG is also the definition of the management process, mode of operation and monitoring of the relevant industry. The latter should be based on historical and chronographic customs and relate to the timely notification and informing of the residents of the relevant cities, administrative-territorial units and self-governing territories on the territory of the European Union about the state of emergency.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Information openness in the field of civil protection is the subject of subject-theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scientists. We consider the research work of O. Trush, V. Fedorenko, T. Volkova, A. Rogul, I. Ivanchenko, V. Tyshchenko, V. Kostenko, O. Baril and others to be applicable.
The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the aspectual concepts of information openness of public authorities of the member states of the European Union in the field of Central Security as a unitary method of stabilizing the process of emergency protection, ensuring the objective safety of the population and maintaining the state border regime.
Presenting main material
Civil protection of EU member states should be considered as a separate, structurally integrated system. An important role in the formation of a sustainable concept of industry management is played by institutional organizations, the competence of which is inseparable from that of public authorities and requires priority analysis.
Therefore, it is worth outlining the basics of the Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union. The purpose of operation is to create effective means of protecting property, assets and resources of the population in the event of adverse threats (such as emergency situations). It is important to emphasize the extraterritoriality of the Mechanism's work - its competence extends not only to EU member states, but also beyond the borders of the Union [1].
It should be noted that the EU Civil Protection Mechanism consists of relevant state and supranational bodies with a special status (Monitoring and Information Centers, Rapid Response Groups, Evaluation and Coordination Groups, etc.) that are directly or indirectly responsible for ensuring the process of transparency and information timeliness in the field CZ.
Actually, informational openness regarding the work of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is ensured by means of a complex structure of relevant measures. Among them, in particular, it is worth mentioning: timely informing of the population and relevant EU organizations about the implementation of branch training programs on the issues of CG; provision of an appropriate information base at the level of employees in the field of central planning with the continuation of the "chain" to the general population; development of a procedure for the connection between information and the emergency communication system of the central office; timely informing about the migration (transportation / movement) of the relevant strategic resources, which are applicable in the field of Central Intelligence, etc.
At the same time, it is worth paying more attention to internal information openness in the field of the EU Central Committee. Thus, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is directed by the Emergency Response Coordination Center (Brussels, Belgium), which, in turn, operates the EU Civil Protection Platform, providing access to the resource to EU member states. That is, the exchange of industry information between the member countries of the Union forms a unique system of providing qualified assistance in the event of man-made and natural disasters. A special feature is the option of receiving aid from any affected country (member / non-EU member) in the case of a preliminary application for aid through the abovementioned Center.
In addition to the above, the Unified Information System of Emergency Communication operates in Europe. The purpose of the activity is to ensure the safety of emergency situations, as well as related areas of the Central Security, such as migration and technological-nuclear stability. Again, it is worth talking about the introduction of open information about the state, prospects and concepts of the protection of central nervous system in Europe with the help of specialized resources.
In the future, it is worth focusing on the information and analytical system of the central government in Europe. Such public-authority bodies as the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Commission play an important role in the creation of the informational wealth of the Center. The task of the work of the three above-mentioned institutions is the safety of society and the formation of a non-threatening informational and territorial space. Thus, a symbiosis of functioning with the institutional bodies of information support (Mechanism of the Central Committee of the EU, the Unified Information System of Emergency Communication), etc., is created.
In addition, a unique system of mutual information assistance has been formed on the territory of the European Union. Protecting the population from emergency situations is a problem of a global scale, therefore material and resource assistance to an EU member state is always welcome. This is possible thanks to the Global Monitoring System for Environment and Security. The information space of the central government is the basis of its stability and protection of the interests of ordinary people.
It is noteworthy that several countries of the European Union choose the semantic concept of ensuring informational stability and openness of the National Security. We are talking about Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. Similar competence is usually assigned to the National / Federal Offices of Civil Protection (depends on the administrative-territorial structure of the state), which carry out information control in the civil protection and civil security spheres.
The information and security structure of the Central Security Agency, developed in the Netherlands, appears to be quite peculiar and suitable for analysis. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Main Directorate of the Center directs and coordinates the information policy, within the framework of which the country was divided into 12 autonomous self-governing districts. On the ground, the Provincial Commissioner, the Head of the Central Security Service, and the Headquarters of the Central Security Service are responsible for information openness.
It is important to note that data on the state of the central government should not only be disseminated by mass media or specialized publications. Public awareness is the key to conducting an appropriate, modern and flexible policy in this area. In turn, this requires the stability of the work of the central government bodies of all links [2].
At the same time, in Great Britain, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (national level) and county councils, administrative-municipal associations, committees with special status (local level) are responsible for the informational openness of the central government.
In the future, it will be correct to dwell on the aspects of the implementation of information openness in Denmark, Norway and Finland.
In particular, the Kingdom of Denmark entrusts the function of timely informing the population about civil protection danger to the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Commissionerate. Thus, the country does not have a specialized body responsible for the prevention and leveling of emergencies. The Ministry of Defense of Denmark is recognized as an additional body with a special profile, whose responsibilities include quick response to emergencies and timely transmission of useful information about the state of the center and existing "critical points".
The Department for Rescue and Emergency Planning within the Ministry of Justice and Police is the body responsible for ensuring the information and security openness of the Center in the Kingdom of Norway. The authority's competence includes reporting on the coordination and management features of rescue operations. Additional duties include consideration of proposals for legislative amendments and additions, review of budget-expenditure income and subsidies in the context of the Central Committee, revision activity of terminological and planning iterations to ensure the current state of emergency, its maintenance and prevention of negative consequences due to illogical management decisions.
Therefore, in Finland, the situation with the information space of the central office looks similar. The Ministry of Internal Affairs directs and coordinates the state-political, informational-statistical and subject-providing security policy of the National Emergency. The rights and obligations regarding information openness in the field of emergency services are directly or indirectly reflected in the competences of the Department of Rescue Services, the College of Rescue Services and the Fire Protection Fund [3].
Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the symmetry and originality of the construction of the information-spatial base of the central government in Europe: each body is endowed with a defined circle of competence. Discretion of powers, in turn, is not allowed. This creates a maximally coordinated, socially oriented and reliably adjusted state management policy of control over the safety of emergency situations and the well-being of the population.
At the same time, the Baltic countries are forming a state-management policy in the field of emergency services on the basis of accountability and control to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Latvia, Lithuania) and the Rescue Department (Estonia). It is important to note that reporting on the implementation of fire-rescue interventions is included in the information duties of these institutions; formation of data on state fire supervision; provision of results of inspection of territories for explosive devices, etc.
Informational openness of the Czech Republic's central security is ensured by the adequate functioning of the State Security Council and the Central Crisis Staff (both at the national level) and the Regional Security Council (municipal-local level). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic includes reporting on the emergence of crisis situations in the area of emergencies and the process of their liquidation to the mandatory competences of these bodies. The Law of the Czech Republic "On Crisis Management" defines the Integrated Rescue System as an additional informational and administrative body in the system of providing operationally reliable data on the state of emergency centers and emergencies for civil society.
Instead, in Switzerland, the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports is responsible for ensuring a stable, open and informative Central Intelligence Agency. The Swiss Armed Forces responsible for the identification of cyber, eco- and techno-threats are accountable to the authority. The Department must promptly, timely and independently transmit information about emergencies to the population. The Logistics Organization of the Armed Forces acts as a kind of intermediary, providing the necessary data for the full awareness of the community [4].
The civil defense information policy of Greece also deserves attention. As you know, the state-management mechanism of the "Hellenes" is decentralized, and the country is unitary in its structure. This explains the features of the CG, highlighted in the following paragraphs.
The powers of the Central Government of Greece relate to the development, amendment and public awareness of the adopted Civil Defense Plan (Xenocrates Plan). Within the framework of the policy of the Central Committee, it is envisaged to provide the population with data on special plans for combating eco-catastrophes in the field of natural disasters.
The General Secretariat for Civil Protection is another body with special informational competence in the field of the Central Civil Protection of Greece. The sectoral responsibilities of the body in this area include planning the policy of the central government, its presentation to the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the population itself; approval and verification of regional / city emergency plans with mandatory public awareness; provision of relevant data to NGOs on issues of the central government at the latter's request, etc.
The mandatory procedure for approval by the Inter-ministerial Committee for National Planning of the National Policy on Disaster Risk Reduction (once every 5 years) should be added to the secondary information obligations in the area of the Central Committee of Greece.
In its turn, the Greek government is responsible for coordinating activities in the field of emergency response, information mobilization and protection of citizens' rights from unwanted negative consequences in the field of emergencies. Thus, competent anti-crisis management is a priority for the formation of a safe environment of the center [5].
In my opinion, the example of Spain, a parliamentary monarchy, a decentralized unitary state (according to the 1978 Constitution), is quite interesting from the point of view of informationally open planning of the central government. The state system presupposes the existence of three categories of state governance of the Central Region: central, regional, and local.
Thus, the central level of information openness of the Central Government of Spain includes the preparation of civil protection plans with the provision of information notes; study of programs of the Center for the purpose of their perception (approval) by the population; formation of transparent articles of the state budget for the management of the center and the prevention of emergencies with the coverage of this information in government gazettes, specialized magazines and mass media; management of threats in the field of Central Security, related to the well-being of the population, safety of human life, inviolability of housing and prevention of emergencies with mandatory awareness of relevant bodies and the population; cooperation with the Crisis Cabinet - that is, the provision of information on the Central Committee of the body of operational response to industry threats with a special status [6].
The regional level of information management of the Central Committee in the Kingdom of Spain includes providing clarification on the permanent civil defense agenda; improvement of actions, operations and interventions in the field of central security and ensuring a sustainable emergency; formation of directions for solving supralocal emergencies with mandatory informing (preparation) of communities and territories about the concept of activities for such a case.
At the level of local self-government, the information policy of openness of the Central Government of Spain includes the following competences: coordination activities in the field of providing municipal services; determination of sectoral competence "on the ground" and provision of reliable data on administrative- territorial units [7].
Analysis of the process of information openness of public authorities in the sphere of the EU Central Committee makes it possible to talk about a generally uniform, orderly and systematized state management procedure in this sphere. The supranational level includes the functioning of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the private level - the work of Monitoring and Information Centers, Rapid Response Groups, the purely sectoral level - the formation by individual countries (Switzerland, Greece, Spain) of the “author's procedure” of informing relevant specialized bodies and the population about the state, prospects and threats to the central government at the national and local levels.
1. Trush O. Dosvid pobudovi ta funkcionuvannja civil'nogo zahistu krain chleniv Cvropeis'kogo Sojuzu Zahidnoi' Cvropi / O.O.Trush : Harkiv, 2009 .-- s. 441-447
2. Fedorenko V. Civil'na oborona zarubizhnih derzhav. Mizhnarodna organizacija civil'noi oboroni / V. Fedorenko : Moskva, 2003. -- s. 405
3. Tishhenko V. Mehanizmi derzhavnogo upravlinnja u sferi civil'nogo zahistu // Tishhenko V. : kand. dis. 12.03.12, Kiiv, 2012 // 168 s.
4.Switzerland : Civil Protection System (Federal Office for Civil Protection -- FOCP) // Rezhim dostupu :
5. Greece : Civil Protection (European Committee of the Regions) // Rezhim dostupu :
6. EU Civil Protection Mechanism : European Commission // Rezhim dostupu : https://
7.Spain : Civil Protection (European Committee of the Regions) // Rezhim dostupu:
1. Труш О. ДОСВІД побудови та функціонування ЦИВІЛЬНОГО захисту краін ЧЛЄНІВ Європейського Союзу Західноі'Європи / О.О.Труш : Харків, 2009 .-- С. 441-447
2. Федоренко В. Цивільна оборона зарубіжних держав. Міжнародна організація цивільної оборони / В. Федоренко : Москва, 2003. -- с. 405
3. Тищенко В. Механізми державного управління у сфері цивільного захисту// Тищенко В. : канд. дис. 12.03.12, Київ, 2012 // 168 с.
4. Switzerland : Civil Protection System (Federal Office for Civil Protection -- FOCP) // Режим доступу :
5. Greece : Civil Protection (European Committee of the Regions) // Режим доступу:
6. EU Civil Protection Mechanism : European Commission // Режим доступу :
7. Spain : Civil Protection (European Committee of the Regions) // Режим доступу :
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