Legislative base of preporation of the future educators for the charitable activity in Ukraine (90s of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century)

The formation and development of the teacher training system. The development of departmental normative acts of the state administration system, aimed at the development and implementation of models of additional professional training of specialists.

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Lviv Ivan Franko National University

National Pedagogical Drahomanov University


Olena Kvas, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head of the

Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of the higher school

Valentina Ternopilska, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Social Education and Social Work

Lviv, Kyiv


Олена Квас, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри загальної педагогіки та педагогіки вищої школи, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка м. Львів

Валентина Тернопільська, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри соціальної освіти та соціальної роботи Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова, м. Київ


Статтю присвячено нормативно-правовому підґрунтю підготовки майбутніх педагогів до доброчинної діяльності в Україні (90-ті роки ХХ - початок ХХІ ст.).

Проаналізовано Закон УРСР «Про освіту» (1991), «Державну національну програму «Освіта» («Україна ХХІ століття») (1993), «Національну доктрину розвитку освіти», Закони України («Про професійно-технічну освіту» (2012), «Про вищу освіту» (2014), «Про освіту» (2017), «Про повну загальну середню освіту» (2020)), Національну стратегію розвитку системи освіти в Україні на 2012-2021роки, Концепцію розвитку педагогічної освіти (2018), наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України «Про затвердження Положення про атестацію педагогічних працівників» (2022).

Проаналізовано основні положення Педагогічної Конституції Європи (2013), які базуються на вагомих аксіологічних складниках, що пов'язані з орієнтацією освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти на досягнення найвищого морально-духовного розвитку та потенційних можливостей особистостей, детерміновані на засвоєння загальнолюдських і національних цінностей; полягають у забезпеченні психолого-педагогічних умов виявлення, розвитку та реалізації пізнавальної самостійності й смисло-творчої самодіяльності особистості, її становленні як творця власного життя, здатного прогностично робити свідомий вибір і відповідати за дії, вчинки, а також адекватно, мобілізовано й компетентно реагувати на зміни, виклики життя та постійно самовдосконалюватися й досягати успіху, а саме: основні педагогічні цінності (толерантність, демократія, миролюбство, екологічна безпека, права людини і солідарність, милосердя і совість, відповідальність); головні завдання підготовки педагога (формування здатності до практичної навчально-виховної діяльності як динамічного поєднання етичних цінностей і когнітивних, метакогнітивних, міжособистісних і практичних умінь та навичок, знань та розуміння); основні компетентності особистості, що окреслені не лише поінформованістю, а й рівнем інтелекту, волі, здібностей, цінностей тощо; головні стратегії успішної діяльності педагога, серед яких: автентичність, своєрідність, візуалізація знань, демократичність, діалогічність, дослідництво, інтегративність, конструктивізм, лідерство, особистісна зорієнтованість, послідовність, рефлективність, здатність до розвитку, соціальна спрямованість, запозичення відповідного досвіду, співробітництво, цілеспрямованість; аксіологічний складник практичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів; академічна мобільність, котра сприяє формуванню кроскультурних цінностей, толерантності та налаштованості на співпрацю.

Ключові слова: доброчинність, доброчинна діяльність, аксіологічний вимір, підготовка, педагог, нормативно-правова база, Україна, 90-ті роки ХХ - початок ХХІ ст.


The article is devoted to the normative and legal background of training future teachers for charitable activities in Ukraine (90s of the XXth century - the beginning of the XXIst century).

He Law of the Ukrainian SSR «On Education» (1991) was analyzed; the Law of Ukraine «About the charitable activity and charitable organisations» (2012). «State national program «Education» («Ukraine of the XXIst century») (1993), «National Doctrine of Education Development», Laws of Ukraine («On Vocational and Technical Education» (2012), «About higher education» (2014), «About Education» (2017), «About complete general secondary education»(2020)); The National Strategy for the Development of the Education System in Ukraine for 2012-2021, Concept of development of pedagogical education (2018); The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «On approval of the Regulation on the certification of teaching staff» (2022).

The main provisions of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe (2013) are analyzed, which are based on important axiological components related to the orientation of the educational process in higher education institutions to achieve the highest moral and spiritual development, and the potential opportunities of individuals, determined by the assimilation of universal and national values; consist in ensuring the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the identification, development and realization of cognitive independence and meaningful and creative self-activity of the individual, his formation as the creator of his own life, capable of prognostically making a conscious choice and being responsible for actions, deeds, as well as adequately, mobilized and competently responding to changes, life's challenges and constantly self-improvement and success, namely: basic pedagogical values (tolerance, democracy, peace, environmental safety, human rights and solidarity, mercy and conscience, responsibility); the main tasks of teacher training (forming the ability for practical educational activities as a dynamic combination of ethical values and cognitive, metacognitive, interpersonal and practical abilities and skills, knowledge and understanding); the main competencies of the individual, which are outlined not only by awareness, but also by the level of intelligence, will, abilities, values, etc.; the main strategies of the successful activity of the teacher, among which: authenticity, originality, visualization of knowledge, democracy, dialogicity, research, integrativeness, constructivism, leadership, personal orientation, consistency, reflexivity, ability to develop, social orientation, reliance on relevant experience, cooperation, purposefulness; axiological component of practical training of future teachers; academic mobility, which contributes to the formation of cross-cultural values, tolerance and willingness to cooperate.

keywords: benevolence, benevolent activity, axiological dimension, training, teacher, legal framework, Ukraine, 90s - beginning of the XXIst century.


The problem formulation. Intensive reconstruction in Ukraine at the end of the last century led to changes in the moral-valued, ideological-political, socio-economic structure of society, which led to drastic changes in the educational space, the main feature of which was the formation and formation of the newest system of educational policy aimed at further development and adaptation it to the conditions of a socially-oriented economy, transformation and integration into the European and world educational community, which determined the training of specialists of a new quality that meets modern world standards. Therefore, it is education that becomes the source of development of the individual, society, nation and the state, the assurance of the future of Ukraine, which reproduces and increases the intellectual, spiritual and economic potential of society.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of the genesis of charity in the field of education is represented by Ukrainian and foreign studies: in the field of methodology of the history of pedagogy and the history of social pedagogy (O. Adamenko, N. Gupan, I. Zvereva, S. Zolotukhina, G. Laktionova, N. Seiko, V. Stynska, O. Sukhomlynska, L. Taran, S. Kharchenko, L. Shtefan, etc.); on the theory of benevolence (O. Kirdan, V. Lappo, E. Maksimova, Z. Maslovska, A. Sokolova, Yu. Tazmina, V. Ternopilska, Khorkova, d'Aussonville (France), A. Lindermeyer (USA), etc.); on the history of charity (V. Borysenko, Yu. Gubenko, I. Zavulichna, V. Kornienko, Yu. Korobeynikova, T. Kurinna, I. Levchenko, A. Sokolova, O. Tkachenko, S. Cherkesova, S. Shuklina, L. Zashtowta (Poland), etc.).

Therefore, the problems of forming the legal basis for the preparation of teachers for charity in Ukraine, which determines the relevance of the topic of scientific publication, remained outside the attention of researchers.

THE PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH - to analyze the normative and legal basis of training teachers for charity in Ukraine (90s of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century).


Systematic analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific and pedagogical and special literature.


teacher training specialist system

Our scientific search proved that charity is an important component of social responsibility and civic self-awareness. It contributes to the creation of a harmonious and fair society, where every person has the opportunity to develop and live a dignified life.

Philanthropy can take many forms, including helping those in need, volunteering, charity, supporting vulnerable populations, protecting people's rights, and much more. It can have both an individual and a collective aspect, where people come together to achieve common charitable goals.

In the legislation of Ukraine, there is no separate law that directly regulates the preparation of a teacher for charity. However, there is a Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations» (2012) in the regulatory legal framework, which distinguishes the category of charity as one of the aspects of the charitable activity of a future teacher (Zavulichna І., 2022. p. 94-124). However, there are documents that establish requirements for pedagogical activity and pedagogical training, which contribute to the formation of a teacher's benevolence.

The first real step in the formation and development of the teacher training system was the Law of the Ukrainian SSR «On Education», adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on May 23, 1991. This law became the basis for the development of departmental normative acts of the state administration system, aimed at the development and implementation of models of additional professional training of specialists, established rules for the creation and operation of pedagogical educational institutions, as well as norms for the professional development of pedagogical workers.

At the current stage, we already have a number of laws and orders that regulate the professional training of teachers in Ukraine. In particular, the Law of Ukraine «On Vocational and Technical Education» (2012) defined provisions on ensuring a high level of quality of vocational and technical education, defined standards for the training of teaching staff, established requirements for pedagogical activities and teaching methods in vocational and technical educational institutions. The law also included provisions on internships, professional development of teaching staff and other aspects aimed at increasing the effectiveness of vocational education in the country.

An important document on the way to the development and implementation of the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine is the National Strategy for the Development of the Education System in Ukraine for 2012-2021, which provides for the modernization of the educational activities of pedagogical higher education institutions that train pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, based on the integration of traditional pedagogical and the latest information and communication technologies of education, as well as the creation of a new generation of textbooks, teaching aids, didactic materials (National strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, p. 86-106).

In order to dynamically direct the teacher training system, in 2018 the Concept of the Development of Pedagogical Education was adopted, in which the improvement of the system of educational content is planned for the creation of a base for the training of a new generation of pedagogical workers capable of carrying out professional activities on the basis of humanism, democracy, and free competition in the process of continuous improvement. and high technologies, as well as to ensure continuous education of citizens, carrying out the practical implementation of educational policy as a priority function of the state (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, 2018). The legal basis of the organization of higher education in Ukraine was determined by the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (2014), establishing requirements for the training of teaching staff in higher education institutions, including requirements for educational programs and pedagog.

The Law of Ukraine «On Education» (2017) defined the basic principles and requirements for the professional activity of pedagogical workers, including ethical norms.

Requirements for the teaching staff of secondary education institutions, including requirements for the qualifications and professional competence of teaching staff, were established by the Law of Ukraine «On Comprehensive General Secondary Education» (2020).

The procedure for conducting the certification of teaching staff as a system of measures aimed at a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of their teaching activity was established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «On approval of the Regulation on the certification of teaching staff» (2022).

These documents are the basis for regulating the training of teaching staff for charity in Ukraine. They establish norms, requirements and procedures that help ensure a high level of professional competence and ethics of teaching staff.

Analyzing the documents, we note that in accordance with the normative and legal framework, the dominant conceptualization of the basis of reforming modern education in the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural development of the Ukrainian state, and the key role in the education system is attributed to the pedagogue (teacher), through whom the state policy aimed at to strengthen the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation, the development of domestic science and technology, the preservation and multiplication of cultural heritage (Stynska V., 2021, p. 396-400).

The main goal of the content of professional education is the preparation of a future teacher of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, who perfectly knows his profession, capable of effective work in his specialty, ready for constant professional and personal growth.

Analyzing Ukraine's choice of the European path of education development, which involves the development of European criteria for assessing the quality of their work, and therefore, forms the development trend of Western European higher pedagogical education in relation to the creation of a modern system of professional selection of future teachers as a basis for the formation of competitive specialists with a high level of professionalism.

In the context of European integration processes, the conceptual foundations of the development of domestic pedagogical education outline the following main tasks:

• professional and personal development of the teacher on the basis of the personally oriented philosophy of education;

• implementation of two-cycle training of pedagogical workers at the educational and qualification levels «bachelor» and «master»;

• implementation of fundamental, psychological-pedagogical, methodical, information-technological, practical and social-humanitarian training of scientific and pedagogical workers in accordance with the requirements of the information-technological society, which is connected with the rapid progress and expansion of the spectrum of use of information-communication technologies in various fields education and society in general, which provides access to a variety of information, methods of communication and at the same time requires the development of a critical attitude of communication subjects to informational material;

• modernization of the educational activities of higher pedagogical education institutions that train pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers based on traditional and modern educational technologies, creation of a new generation of didactic tools;

• improvement of the system of professional selection of the young generation for pedagogical specialties, expansion of targeted admission and introduction of teacher training based on contracts;

• creation of conditions for continuous education of pedagogical and research-pedagogical workers in institutions of higher education and postgraduate pedagogical education (Tsiuniak О., 2020, p. 517).

In this context, I propose to consider the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe, developed by professors V. Andrushchenko (Ukraine), M. Gunzinger (Germany), A. Hajzhutis (Lithuania), which presents the problems of finding a value and methodological platform for training a new teacher for a united Europe XXI Art. The Constitution covers the main parameters of pedagogical education, principles of development, content, conditions, and expected results of implementation. The authors coped with the rather difficult task of finding the common European foundations of the complex architecture of professional teacher training. Although, on the one hand, it is simplified by the processes of integration and globalization, that is, by the similarity of the problems faced by European countries in the educational space, on the other hand, national peculiarities make it necessary to find the most important, strategic points of contact in joint documents.

Undoubtedly, one of the main positions of the document is the coordination of the value platform of pedagogical education. It crystallized in comprehensive and weighty values that were formed in the history and development of European civilization: people-centeredness, tolerance, democracy, peace, environmental security, human rights and solidarity.

Indeed, if such values become the basis of meaningful training of teachers in European countries, then they will be able to work in the realities of the global and cultural world with its not only positive manifestations, but also negative challenges, ecological cataclysms. Prepared on such a value basis, a new teacher will not be able to look at another as an «enemy»; will be full of tolerance, equanimity and peace-loving, will have an ecological outlook, will respect other people's rights, democracy and solidarity. And the most important thing is that, adhering to these values, he will demonstrate and pass them on to his students.

An equally important provision of the Constitution is the definition of the main competencies of a European teacher. The document provides a concentrated and well-argued list of such competencies as: informational; adaptive; communicative; communication in a foreign language; the ability to learn throughout life; research scientist. Mastering such competencies will enable the teacher to successfully perform functional duties (Preambula Pedagogical Constitution of Europe, 2013). It is appropriate to note that the main provisions of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe are based on important axiological components related to the orientation of the educational process in higher education institutions to the achievement of the highest moral and spiritual development, and the potential opportunities of individuals, determined by the assimilation of universal and national values; consist in ensuring the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the identification, development and realization of cognitive independence and meaningful and creative self-activity of the individual, his formation as the creator of his own life, capable of prognostically making a conscious choice and being responsible for actions, deeds, as well as adequately, mobilized and competently responding to changes, life's challenges and constantly self-improvement and success (Bekh I., 2008, p. 848). Therefore, in the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe, key attention is paid to:

1. Basic pedagogical values (tolerance, democracy, peace, environmental safety, human rights and solidarity, mercy and conscience, responsibility).

2. The main tasks of teacher training (forming the ability for practical educational activities as a dynamic combination of ethical values and cognitive, metacognitive, interpersonal and practical abilities and skills, knowledge and understanding).

3. The main competencies of the individual, which are outlined not only by awareness, but also by the level of intelligence, will, abilities, values, etc.

4. The main strategies of the successful activity of a teacher, including: authenticity, originality, visualization of knowledge, democracy, dialogicity, research, integrativeness, constructivism, leadership, personal orientation, consistency, reflexivity, ability to develop, social orientation, reliance on relevant experience, cooperation, purposefulness (Prokopenko, I., 2013, p. 81-85).

5. A valuable component of the practical training of future teachers, which consists of an end-to-end character and one that occurs throughout life, where the main goal is the integration of the future specialist into the system of social relations, the formation of civic qualities, and an active civic position.

6. Academic mobility, which contributes to the formation of cross-cultural values, tolerance and willingness to cooperate (Lazarenko, N., 2019, p. 365).

In general, the significance of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe lies in the fact that it is able to unite the entire European pedagogical community around the ideas of pedagogical training and development prospects of a new teacher laid down in it, to inspire the implementation of these ideas in life.

Using all of the above up to the level of content of the training of future teachers as a basis for the formation of competitive specialists with a high level of professionalism, which will give them the right to become a competitive specialist and realize their creative potential in any state of the world (Soichuk R., 2021, p. 41-47).

It should be emphasized that it was in the XXIst century that the requirements for the teacher as an individual increased, and his pedagogical functions expanded naturally, primarily in the direction of charity and social education, the professional culture of the future specialist, and his position of recognition. Today, the professional and pedagogical system is being reformed according to the scheme: «social needs - social and educational services», we see an alter native to the same type of higher education in educational institutions and programs (Karpenko O., 2007, p. 374). Therefore, the requirements for the problem of preparation for charitable activities of the future specialist are increasing, which can be closely connected with the issue of moral education. At the same time, benevolence has an important place among the foundations of personality characteristics. On this occasion, M. Stelmakhovich wrote: «... benevolence as a criterion of upbringing should always and especially in the matter of upbringing should stand above all other interests. Today the question is about the salvation of young generations» (Stelmakhovich M., 1996, p. 165).


Thus, the primary task of the future teacher is to master his profession, which leads to the self-affirmation of the individual, the disclosure of his own strengths, his comprehensive (physical, moral, mental) development, the interrelationship of benevolence, morality, integrity and social maturity, where benevolence is determined by one from the fundamental characteristics of the personality of the future teacher with the depth of its inclusion in the sociocultural aspect with the quality of the transformed activity.


1. Bekh, I. (2008) Personality Education: textbook. Kyiv. 848 p. [in Ukrainian].

2. Karpenko, O. (2007) Professional Training of Social Workers in the Conditions of University Education: scientific-methodical and organizationaltechnological aspects: a monograph. Drohobych. 374 p. [in Ukrainian].

3. Lazarenko, N. (2019). Professional Training of Teachers in Pedagogical Universities of Ukraine in the Contitions of the European Integration: monograph. Vinnytsia. 365 p. [in Ukrainian].

4. National strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for 2012-2021. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.Ua/laws/show/344/2013#Text [in Ukrainian].

5. About the Approval of the Concept for the Development of Teacher Education (2018): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 16, 2018. № 776. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-koncepciyi-rozvitku-pedagogichnoyi-osviti [in Ukrainian].

6. Prokopenko, I. (2013). Innovative Technologies of Teacher Training in the Conditions of European Integration. Theory and practice of social systems management: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology. No. 2. P. 81-85. [in Ukrainian].

7. Preambula Pedagogical Constitution of Europe (2013). Higher education in Ukraine. No. 3. P. 111-116. URL: https://svitovid6.webnode.com.ua/ news/pedagogichna-konstitutsiya-jevropi [in Ukrainian]

8. Soichuk, R. (2021) Modern Requirements for the Future Teacher of the United Europe of the 21st century. A new pedagogical thought. 3 (107). P. 41-47. [in Ukrainian].

9. Stynska, V. (2021). Normative and Legal Regulation of Charitable Activities in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. No. 1 (48). P. 396-400. [in Ukrainian].

10. Stelmakhovich, M. (1996) Theory and Practice of Ukrainian National Education. Ivano-Frankivsk, 1996. 180 p. [in Ukrainian].

11. Tsiuniak, O. (2020). The System of Professional Training of Future Masters of Primary Education for Innovative Activities: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences dissertation: 13.00.04. Kyiv. 517 p. [in Ukrainian].

12. Zavulichna, І. (2022) Regulatory and Legal Framework for the Development and Functioning of Charitable Funds as a Historical and Pedagogical Phenomenon in Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the XXI century). Lifelong learning: foreign experience and national practice: a monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk. p. 94-124. [in Ukrainian].

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  • Three models of juvenile system. The modern system of juvenile justice in Britain and Russia. Juvenile court. Age of criminal responsibility. Prosecution, reprimands and final warnings. Arrest, bail and detention in custody. Trial in the Crown Court.

    курсовая работа [28,2 K], добавлен 06.03.2015

  • Establishment of the Federal judicial system and the setting of the balance between the Federal and the local judicial branches of power. Nowdays many things that the First Judiciary Act required have been swept aside.

    доклад [9,7 K], добавлен 23.10.2002

  • Medicine in Ukraine. Health care reform: what doctors and patients should expect from. National strategy of health care reform. Changing the distribution of funds. Decentralization. The introduction of health insurance. Public-private partnership (PPP).

    эссе [23,1 K], добавлен 21.09.2015

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