Crossing the state border of Ukraine under the conditions of martial state: separate issues
Expansion of jurisdiction of the State Cordon Service of Ukraine for the consideration of reports on administrative offenses. The cases of illegal crossing of the sovereign cordon by groups of individuals due to the stagnation of transport facilities.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 52,6 K |
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Размещено на
National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
Tsarenko Olga Mykhaylivna candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Administrative Activities,
Tsarenko Serhii Ivanovych candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Theory of Law and Criminal Procedure
The statistics indicate that new types of legal regulations have appeared in Ukraine, in response to the realities of an obvious violent conflict. It is emphasized that a large number of scientists have respect for the fact that there are norms in the law on the exchange of rights for citizens of Ukraine from 18 to 60 years of age for travel outside Ukraine.
It is emphasized that the act of retiring the sovereign cordon is an act of will of a representative of a law enforcement agency, and is aimed at establishing, changing or enforcing the rights and obligations of specific individuals. The following features of the decision about Vidmova have been traced: it is given in a written form, it may be distorted, it is valid only at the time of transfer, it does not have any further legal implications, it is concluded one-time, it has no significance for the onset of the trial, it will legally be transferred and the sovereign cordon. Indicated about the problem of discretionary appointments of representatives of the State Cordon Service of Ukraine.
It is emphasized that episodes of illegal crossing of the sovereign cordon at checkpoints in groups or individually have become more frequent. It has been established that the expansion of the jurisdiction of the State Cordon Service of Ukraine for the consideration of reports on administrative offenses has been transferred to Article 204-1 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses, It would be effective if the norms of the law were met.
The cases of illegal crossing of the sovereign cordon by groups of individuals due to the stagnation of transport facilities, which are subsequently deprived near the sovereign cordon, are examined. It is noted that there is no mechanism for the time-to-hour recovery of deprived transport facilities that are located near the sovereign cordon, so it was necessary for such transport facilities to be nationalized for the needs of the security and defense sector.
The nutritional evidence of the subordinate enormity is examined and it is indicated that this is not specified in the rules of retiring the sovereign cordon.
Keywords: rules for moving the sovereign cordon; legal regime of the sovereign codon, individuals of human status from 18-60 years, decision about Vidmova at the border of the sovereign cordon.
state cordon service administrative
Царенко Ольга Михайлівна кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри адміністративної діяльності, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м, Хмельницький
Царенко Сергій Іванович кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії права та кримінально-процесуальної діяльності, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький
В статті зазначено, що в Україні з'явилися нові види правових відносин, які зумовлені реаліями наявного збройного конфлікту. Підкреслено, що велика кількість науковців звертають увагу на факт відсутності норм закону про обмеження права для громадян України чоловічої статі віком від 18 до 60 років на виїзд за межі України.
Підкреслено, що відмова у перетинанні державного кордону є актом волевиявлення представника правоохоронного органу, вона спрямована на встановлення, зміну або припинення прав та обов'язків конкретних осіб. Прослідковано такі особливості рішення про відмову: надається у письмовій формі, може бути оскарженим, діє лише в момент перетинання, не має подальших правових наслідків, виконується одноразово, не має значення для наступної спроби законно перетнути державний кордон. Зазначено про проблему дискреційних повноважень представників Державної прикордонної служби України.
Акцентовано на тому, що почастішали випадки незаконного перетинання державного кордону поза пунктами пропуску групами осіб або поодиноко. Зроблено висновок, що розширення юрисдикційних повноважень Державної прикордонної служби України щодо розгляду справ про адміністративні правопорушення, що передбачені статтею 204-1 Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення, сприяло б ефективності дії норм закону.
Розглянуто випадки незаконного перетинання державного кордону групами осіб із застосуванням транспортних засобів, які в подальшому залишаються поблизу державного кордону. Зазначено, що не існує механізму тимчасового вилучення залишеного транспортного засобу, який перебуває поблизу державного кордону, тому було доцільно такі транспортні засоби націоналізувати на потреби сектору безпеки та оборони.
Розглянуто питання наявності подвійного громадянства та визначено, що про це не вказано у правилах перетинання державного кордону.
Ключові слова: правила перетинання державного кордону; правовий режим державного кодону; особи чоловічої статі віком 18-60 років; рішення про відмову у перетинанні державного кордону.
Statement of the problem
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and the adoption of the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine " [1], Ukraine declared restrictions on the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Important measures were taken to enact legal norms defining the peculiarities of crossing the state border under the legal regime of martial law. New types of legal relations have emerged in Ukraine that did not exist in peacetime and are conditioned by the realities of the ongoing armed conflict. The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is one of the main state bodies responsible for implementing the policy of protection and defense of the state border, and its functions are undergoing a transformation in order to respond to the challenges of the current state of affairs.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Important aspects of the modern legal regulation of state border crossing are covered by such Ukrainian scholars as A. Chornyi [2], E. Poltev, L. Medvid [3], O. Yukhno [4], A. Tsaruk, S. Adamchuk, Y. Kushnir, O. Tsarenko [5], V. Kryzhanivska, V. Kobzar [6], R. Havrik [7] and others. However, under the legal regime of martial law, the situation at the State border remains tense and dynamic, and therefore the issues of legal regulation of crossing the State border under the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine have not yet been systematized and developed in full.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of legal regulation of the State border crossing under the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine and to highlight the problems of functioning of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
Summary of the main material
The issues of crossing the state border cover a rather large and wide range. Thus, the issue of entry and exit from Ukraine is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Procedure for Departure from Ukraine and Entry into Ukraine of Citizens of Ukraine" [8], however, the main act relied upon to regulate the issues of crossing is the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 57 of January 27, 1995 "On Approval of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine" [9], which defines the list of cases in which citizens of Ukraine are allowed to cross the state border in case of introduction of a state of emergency or martial law on the territory of Ukraine. A large number of scholars draw attention in their studies to the fact that there are no legal provisions (as required by the Constitution of Ukraine) restricting the right of Ukrainian male citizens aged 18 to 60 to travel outside Ukraine [10, pp. 245-249]. However, there are also those researchers who state that no unlawful restrictions on freedom of movement and free choice of residence during the legal regime of martial law have been identified [11, p. 219].
The general approach to restricting the crossing of the state border provided for certain grounds specified in the legislation in peacetime: a) ensuring the participation of a person in criminal proceedings; b) ensuring the fulfillment of alimony obligations; c) ensuring the enforcement of court decisions during enforcement proceedings; d) knowledge of information constituting a state secret, etc. (Article 6) [8]. Under the martial law regime, the rules have undergone significant changes and additions. The first feature of these changes is that they structured the possibility of traveling abroad for men aged 18 to 60, dividing them into categories and defining the mechanism for the departure of certain categories of persons (paragraphs 2-1 to 2-19) [9].
The new restrictions were adopted taking into account the needs of the state to allow persons to cross the state border, but do not cover in detail the list of supporting documents for crossing the state border in a given situation and are not reduced to uniform requirements for different categories of persons.
There is a high probability that a person will be refused to cross the state border due to unclear wording and understanding of the legal grounds for traveling abroad due to the person's anxiety or other reasons. This may happen to volunteer drivers who cannot clearly state their place of arrival, name the sponsor (donor) or the specifics of the trip, although the driver has the appropriate travel permits and other formal requirements have been met. The procedure for verifying the identity and grounds for crossing the state border requires a long examination of the documents of male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60, complicates the work of checkpoints in general and causes long queues while waiting to cross the state border.
At the same time, it should be emphasized that refusal to cross the state border is an act of will by a representative of a law enforcement agency that is a subject of public administration, and is aimed at establishing, changing or terminating the rights and obligations of specific persons who are attempting to legally cross the state border.
The following peculiarities of the refusal decision can be clearly observed: it is issued in writing, can be appealed, is valid only at the moment of crossing, and has no further legal consequences (except for the inability to cross the state horde). In other words, the refusal is issued only once, as it is irrelevant in the event of a subsequent attempt to legally cross the state border at another checkpoint.
Despite the fact that there is a very large number of appeals against acts of refusal to cross the state border in court, they are mostly satisfactory, but cannot be of an orderly nature regarding the obligation to let a person cross the state border (or not to resist crossing the state border), as this would entail exceeding the limits of the court's competence. Thus, the discretionary powers of the representatives of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine at the time of making a decision on crossing the state border by a citizen of Ukraine are clearly visible, which have significant legal consequences for persons who are not in a relationship of subordination with them. The problems of discretionary powers of border guards were raised in their scientific works by A. F. Mota [12], Y. B. Kurilyuk [13], O. P. Snigeryov, S. I. Tsarenko [14] and others, but their legal nature has not been fully explored today.
Due to the emergence of rules prohibiting the departure of citizens of military age, persons subject to mobilization and preparation for the defense of the country against armed aggression, cases of illegal crossing of the state border outside checkpoints in groups or individually have become more frequent. As stated in the explanatory note to the draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Liability for Illegal Crossing of the State Border of Ukraine with the Purpose of Evading Military Service, according to the official statistical body of the EU, Eurostat, as of the end of November this year (2023 - author's note), the full- scale crossing of the state border has begun. ), since the beginning of Russia's full- scale invasion, 650 thousand men of military age have left Ukraine and are currently residing in 27 EU member states, as well as in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway [15]. We believe that such phenomena have negative consequences, causing a huge burden for border guards. In this regard, V. S. Kryzhanivska and V. V. Kobzar conclude that a dialogue between the government and society, the introduction of effective incentives and the elimination of reasons for evading mobilization will be key components of improving the situation in this area for Ukraine [6, p. 652-654].
At the same time, there are no special approaches to expanding the powers of representatives of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in combating administrative offenses. Thus, as of today, one of the most common torts in the field of legislation on the state border of Ukraine is Article 204-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (illegal crossing or attempt to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine) [16]. According to Article 221 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses [16], such cases of administrative offenses are under the jurisdiction of the court, which does not fully regulate public relations in the field of protection and defense of the state border.
The obligation to comply with the state border regime is imposed on the relevant bodies (subdivisions) of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As noted by S. O. Baranov and S. P. Rybachenko, the bodies of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, within the framework of administrative and jurisdictional activities to combat administrative offenses, are endowed with a wide range of powers enshrined in national and sectoral regulations [17, p. 19]. However, the resolution of the issue of bringing offenders to administrative responsibility by judicial authorities creates "procedural delays" in the timely consideration of the case and bringing a person to administrative responsibility, creates an excessive workload for the judiciary, and sometimes does not fully ensure the principle of fair punishment for violators of the legislation on the state border.
In our opinion, in the context of the martial law regime, the expansion of the jurisdictional powers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to consider cases of administrative offenses under Article 204-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses would contribute to the effectiveness of the law in bringing perpetrators to administrative responsibility and reduce the number of such offenses.
In the current situation, cases of illegal crossing of the state border by groups of persons using vehicles that subsequently remain near the state border are becoming more frequent.
According to Section I, paragraph 1 of the Procedure for Interaction of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine with the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Detecting Signs of Violations of Customs Rules, as well as Detecting Property that has no owner or whose owner is unknown, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of 18.10.2018 No. 849/828 [18], the mechanism for organizing interaction of the bodies (units) of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine with customs in case of detection of signs of violations of customs rules, as well as with the main departments of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the regions and the city of Kyiv in case of detection of property that has no owner or whose owner is unknown, except for cases of detection by the bodies (units) of the state border protection at checkpoints (control points) across the state border of Ukraine, entry-exit control points, controlled border
According to part 3 of Article 338 of the Civil Code of Ukraine [19], found vehicles are transferred to the National Police for storage, which is announced in the print media. At the same time, there is currently no regulatory mechanism for the temporary seizure of an abandoned vehicle located near the state border that has an owner (available registration numbers, VIN codes, state registration), which creates preconditions for illegal activities at the state border. Most likely, it would be advisable to nationalize such vehicles for the needs of the security and defense sector.
Among the total number of people crossing the state border during martial law, there are those who have both Ukrainian and foreign citizenship. As emphasized by I. Sofinska emphasized, the modern matrix of citizenship, the concept of dual and multiple citizenship, the relevant national legislation of Ukraine in the field of citizenship, as well as the vision and strategy of the future state-building process in general, require a significant comprehensive review/rethinking under the influence of international standards, synchronization with EU law, and qualitative changes in the context of promoting human-centeredness and ensuring national security [20, p. 46]. In legal relations, the State of Ukraine considers such persons exclusively as citizens of Ukraine, since the current legislation prohibits dual citizenship. Thus, such persons have a constitutional obligation to protect the Motherland, although they may be subject to the jurisdiction of another state of which they are also a citizen. The question of whether certain categories of persons have citizenship of another country is not clearly stated in the rules for crossing the state border, especially with regard to the possibility of confiscating passports of other states from Ukrainian citizens. After all, a passport document belongs to the state that issued it to a person, so the issue of confiscation of such documents is not regulated.
The introduction of the legal regime of martial law leads to the solution of urgent problems related to the protection and defense of the state border, addressing important issues of the security and defense sector and other needs of the present, as the Ukrainian state ensures confrontation and deterrence of Russia's armed aggression. At the legislative level, the issues of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens regarding the right to travel outside Ukraine need to be regulated, and the jurisdictional powers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine need to be changed to reflect the security situation in Ukraine.
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