Bullying (cyberbullying) and the Internet as leading modern determinants of criminogenicity among minors
Establishing stricter liability for committing illegal behavior by minors. Peculiarities of conducting criminological research on bullying. The Internet as an environment for the development and manifestation of the criminogenic potential of minors.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 33,4 K |
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Thus, cyberbullying is a specific type of online violence that has a specific set of reasons and conditions in view of the use of Internet capabilities during the commission of a criminal offense, which requires the development of separate measures to prevent cyberbullying in Ukraine. With this in mind, in the previous subsection, cyberbullying was reasonably classified as a background phenomenon of violent crime among minors. Summarizing what has been said, we come to the conclusion that the criminogenic potential of the online social environment of a minor can be realized only in the presence of its favorable social environment, which is determined by the quality of those social relationships in which minors are participants. At the same time, the criminogenic potential of online society does not automatically turn into a causal complex of violent crime by minors. Actually, the positive general social status of a minor, his qualitative social niches, can be a safeguard against the development of criminogenic information received on the Internet into determinants of violent crime by minors. That is, the determinants of juvenile violent crime occur exclusively from a combination of online and offline factors that are formed in the conditions of interaction of various social spheres surrounding the juvenile.
The modern development of society contributes to the creation of more and more new conditions for the formation of direct and indirect background phenomena, thanks to which the definition of juvenile delinquency is formed.
Bullying and its variety - cyberbullying - is increasingly occurring in Ukraine and the world. Bullying, which manifests itself in systematic insults and psychological pressure, is a manifestation of violence, therefore it contains the potential for further, already criminal, violent behavior of a minor, which significantly distorts the worldview of an adult and his interaction with society in general.
Taking into account all the arguments presented in the article, the following conclusions can be reached. First of all, it is considered necessary to attribute bowling and its variant - cyberbullying to the background phenomena of illegal, criminal actions of minors.
It is obvious that online society actually expanded the boundaries of the social existence of minors, when traditional social institutions cease to be the only form of decision-making by minors. The network organization of virtual communication forms an alternative way of social interaction, allowing access to an unlimited range of information, including of a criminogenic nature. It is obvious that the rapid development of the criminogenic behavior of a minor is taking place through the prism of the polyvalent influence of various social microworlds, including the online society, in which the minor is included as a participant, the totality of which, taking into account the personal characteristics of the minor, are the conditions for the development of such a genesis. At the same time, the imposition of such social microenvironments can produce his lawful behavior, capable of neutralizing certain criminogenic conditions that may exist in some juvenile society. However, it can be seen that such positive factors can turn into negative ones. Online society cannot be attributed to either criminogenic or anti-criminogenic conditions of illegal violent behavior of a minor. From the point of view of the causal complex of the violent crime of minors, online society is proposed to be recognized as a neutral condition that, in interaction with other elements of the social environment, as well as with the personality traits of a minor, can become a determining factor of his criminogenic behavior. That is, the criminogenic potential of information distributed in the Internet space can become a determining factor in the illegal behavior of a minor only in combination with other determining factors of the social environment and personal traits of a minor. It has been proven that cyberbullying is a special type of online violence that has a specific set of determinants in view of the use of Internet capabilities during the commission of a criminal offense, and this requires the development of separate measures to prevent cyberbullying in Ukraine. It is seen that the criminogenic potential of the online social environment of a minor can be realized only in the presence of a favorable social environment, which is determined by the quality of those social relationships in which minors are participants. At the same time, the criminogenic potential of online society does not automatically turn into a causal complex of violent crime by minors. Actually, the positive general social status of a minor, his qualitative social niches, can be a safeguard against the development of criminogenic information received on the Internet into determinants of violent crime by minors. Therefore, the determinants of juvenile violent crime occur exclusively from a combination of online and offline factors that are formed in the conditions of the interaction of various social spheres surrounding the juvenile.
From the above example of the opening of proceedings in the case of the manifestation of cyberbullying and the argumentation of the criminogenicity of bullying and cyberbullying in its content, it is clear that the level of danger posed by bullying and cyberbullying (even threats of murder, which is considered an attempt on a person's life under the criminal law) is very high. And the level of responsibility for manifestations of bullying and cyberbullying is low. This means that the level of responsibility for bullying and cyberbullying should be more strictly established. Increasing the level of responsibility for manifestations of bullying and cyberbullying will have a preventive nature.
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