The study of environmental information relations as a subject of legal regulation. Study of the system of legislative acts aimed at coordinating relations on environmental information supporte. The concept and content of environmental information.
Analysis of modern problems, risks and threats to the existence of humanity. Neutralization of military threats in the establishment of a new international legal order. The use of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of environmental safety.
- 873. Epistemology of the concept of "legal doctrine in the field of artificial intelligence" in Ukraine
The state of doctrinal consolidation of artificial intelligence and the prospects for development. A question the liability of the machines, which are carriers of artificial intelligence, and determination of the limits and specifics of legal liability.
Analysis possibilities of employees to wear visible religious symbols in their workplace, refusion to perform his/her work duties on the basis of religious beliefs, exemption from performing his labor duties for the solemnization of religious rites.
Investigates the problems of the value approach to understanding the important social priorities. Determines the value-legal properties of equality, freedom andjustice as the basic foundations of liberal-democratic institutions andfundamental principles.
The legal norms of issues on the adoption of children. The concepts and social significance of this institution in Uzbekistan. Personal and property rights of adopted children, interests of the child in implementation, procedural issues of adoption.
Analysis of legal norms on adoption of children. Identifying and justifying the concept, essence and social significance of the institution of child adoption in Uzbekistan. The interests of the child in carrying out adoption, establishing its forms.
- 878. Essence of civil law
Civil law as a branch of legal system which regulates property relations based on equality, full autonomy, material independence of their participants. Inadmissibility of arbitrary interference into the sphere of personal life as a legal principles.
Study of essential and temporal features of non-jurisdictional methods of protection of violated civil law. Establishing certain time criteria for the protective capacity of the right, which is different from the time of implementation of the lawsuit.
Comparison of new Ombudsman institutions from classic ones. A study of the Polish institution of the ombudsman for small and medium-sized businesses, its similarity to the executive ombudsman. Relations between the Ombudsman and the executive branch.
- 881. Establishment and development of information and legal support of the national police of Ukraine
Retrospective analysis of informational and legal provision of activities of domestic law enforcement agencies. Research of the powers of the police regarding information, information and analytical support, creation and use of information resources.
Improving anti-corruption policy in modern Russia. Possibilities of networked public administration. Ethical codes and anti-corruption programs of the state. Potential of public sentiment, demands and civic engagement in the process of transformation.
Analysis of international acts, which recommend norms regarding the moral and ethical behavior of prosecutors. Prospects for their implementation in the regulatory framework of European states. Examples of regulation in this area in some countries.
Movements whose main goal is the separation of a certain part of a multinational state and the creation of an independent nation-state entity on this territory. A comprehensive analysis of the progress of ethnic separatism in multi-ethnic states.
Characterized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as an innovative tool for modeling the protection of fundamental human rights. The prospects of development and application of the doctrine of horizontal action are considered.
The types of hedging and mitigation of directive speech acts in the text of international binding, their impact on legal force of the document. The influence of mitigating and structural means on weakening the intensity of directive illocutionary force.
The obstacles which citizens can face moving from one state to another. The sources of legal regulation of the freedom of movement of workers. The practical steps of EU on the way to improvement of legal basis concerning the exercise of rights of workers.
The legal nature of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights as a source of European Union law. Inclusion of the existing jurisprudence and the Court of Justice of the European system for the protection of human rights to the sources of EU law.
The European Court of Human Rights decisions concerning the protection of certain labor-related human rights have been considered. Legal positions the state positive obligations to ensure the protection of the right to life against industrial risks.
Analysis of works on the problems of implementing European Court of Human Rights` judgements without the specific reference to the involvement of local and regional authorities. The role of local and regional authorities in implementing ECtHR judgments.
Article is devoted to the analysis of theoretically and practical aspects of human rights protection mechanisms in cases of violations of competition into the EU. It was determined that the right to fair competition has economic as well as social aspect.
The article begins by providing an overview of the concept of administrative justice and its importance in a legal state. Administrative justice is the system of courts and procedures that are used to review administrative decisions and actions.
Ensuring citizen safety in the field of criminal proceedings as manifestations of state protection of the constitutional rights to life, liberty and personal integrity. The problem of illegal influence on witnesses, victims, judges, prosecutors.
The peculiarities of the EU law of property and the main trends which influence the directions of improvement of legal categories within the institute of property law. The peculiarities of legal interaction between property law and contract law.
Comparison of the Ukrainian legislation with the sphere of the obligation law with the European harmonization initiatives. Develop a draft common reference frame (DCFR), whose purpose is to indicate areas of law where further convergence is possible.
Analysis of evidence and proof, which contribute to the improvement of criminal procedural law. The question about an opportunity to adopt procedural decisions in criminal proceeding on the basis of evidence obtained in violation of the procedural form.
Violation of human rights and freedoms. Analysis of evidence and proof. Improving the criminal procedure law. The possibility of making procedural decisions in the proceedings on the basis of evidence obtained in violation of the procedural form.
Evidence in an informational and cognitive context can be considered as a kind of bridge between research lawyers and the one being studied in the context of the requirements of Article 91 of the criminal procedure code. Reform of domestic legislation.
The understanding of the concept of evidence and procedural sources of records. Evidence in criminal proceedings. The unity of the evidence obtained. Еhe essence of evidence as a fundamental category in the criminal proceeding and the court of law.
The evolution of education as a constitutional and legal paradigm in the historical context and philosophical discourse. The role of philosophers, lawyers in the formation of concepts of the right to education. Dynamics of society's need for education.