Lifestyle of students studying in the specialty «Nursing»
Study of the lifestyle of students enrolled in the specialty "Nursing". Analysis of motor activity during the educational process and outside the classroom, the presence of bad habits. Factors and disadvantages of forming a value attitude to health.
Рубрика | Безопасность жизнедеятельности и охрана труда |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 125,0 K |
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Lifestyle of students studying in the specialty «Nursing»
Nataliia Semenova1, Romana Sirenko2, Maryana Ripak3, Liubov Chekhovska3
1 Ph. D. in Physical Education and Sports. Lviv Medical College at Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
2 Ph. D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
3 Ph. D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor. Physical Culture State University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
4 Ph. D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor. Physical Culture State University of Lviv Lviv, Ukraine
The article analyzes the lifestyle of students studying in the specialty «Nursing». Among students of medical colleges there was conducted a survey, which was attended by young men (n = 10) and women (n = 106), aged 15 to 21 years. The study revealed a small number of students who smoke cigarettes, but alcohol and low alcoholic drinks were consumed by about 73 % of female students, of which 28 people were underage. There was discovered low physical activity among students after school - 107,08 ± 14,9 min. per week, which is about 15 minutes. for a day.
It is already stated, that the lifestyle of students studying with a speciality called «Medical care» needs a constant and purposeful forming during the whole learning period.The realizing of the importance of health preservation for patients and first of all for yourself the change of students attitude according to the lifestyle and forming of the value relation to own health - all of it will promote a success full realization of social and professional functions of the future nurses.
Key words: healthy lifestyle, students of medical colleges, physical activity.
Наталія Семенова, Романа Сіренко, Мар'яна Ріпак, Любов Чеховська. Спосіб життя студентів, котрі навчаються за спеціальністю «Сестринська справа». У статті розглянуто питання способу життя студентів, які навчаються за спеціальністю «Сестринська справа». Серед студентів медичних коледжів проведено опитування, у якому взяли участь юнаки (n=10) та дівчата (n=106) віком від 15 до 21 року. Дослідження дало змогу виявити незначну кількість студентів, котрі курять тютюн, проте алкогольні та слабоалкогольні напої вживають близько 73 % опитаних студенток, 28 осіб із яких - неповнолітні. Виявлено низьку рухову активність серед студенток у позанавчальний час - 107,08±14,9 хв на тиждень, що становить близько 15 хв на день. Установлено, що спосіб життя студентів, які навчаються за спеціальністю «Сестринська справа», потрібно цілеспрямовано й постійно формувати протягом усього періоду навчання. Усвідомлення важливості проблеми збереження здоров'я пацієнта та насамперед свого власного, зміна ставлення студента до способу життя й формування ціннісного ставлення до здоров'я сприятиме успішній реалізації соціальних і професійних функцій майбутніх медичних сестер.
Ключові слова: здоровий спосіб життя, студенти медичних коледжів, рухова активність.
Наталья Семенова, Романа Сиренко, Марьяна Рапс, Любовь Чеховская. Образ жизни студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Сестринское дело». В статье рассматривается вопрос образа жизни студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Сестринское дело». Среди студентов медицинских колледжей проведен опрос, в котором приняли участие юноши (n = 10) и девушки (n = 106) в возрасте 15-21 год. Исследование позволило выявить небольшое количество студентов, которые курят, однако алкогольные и слабоалкогольные напитки употребляет около 73% опрошенных студенток,28 из которых -
несовершеннолетние. Выявлено низкую двигательную активность среди студенток во внеучебное время - 107,08 ± 14,9 мин. на неделю, составляет около 15 мин. в день. Установлено, что образ жизни студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Сестринское дело», необходимо целенаправленно и постоянно формировать течение всего периода обучения. Осознание важности проблемы сохранения здоровья пациента, и в первую очередь, своего собственного, изменение отношения студента к образу жизни и формированию ценностного отношения к здоровью будет способствовать успешной реализации социальных и профессиональных функций будущих медицинских сестер.
Ключевые слова: здоровый образ жизни, студенты медицинских колледжей, двигательная активность.
Concern for the health of students is a priority for higher education. Student youth forms scientific, cultural, defense potential of Ukraine, the gene pool of the nation. However, the preservation and strengthening of health of students is a complex cultural, educational, economic, social and political issue. [1]. In difficult conditions of the present time, training of competitive medical specialists is possible only if their level of health is high, that is provided, by adhering a healthy lifestyle (HLS).
A lot of researches by native and foreign specialists are dedicated toformation of culture and health of future doctors, healthy lifestyle of medical students studying at universities of III-IV accreditation level [2; 3; 4]. In domestic scientific literature there are researches [5] devoted to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students studying at medical colleges. In the scientific literature there are few studies devoted to healthy lifestyle and physical activity of students studying in the specialty «Nursing» [6; 7; 8].
Question about the lifestyle of students studying in the specialty «Nursing» is urgent and requires scientific research, because nurses are the largest medical personnel involved in the medical and health care institutions. In many European countries, nurses constitute the basis of primary health care branch [9].
Methods. To determine the lifestyle of medical students studying in specialty «nursing» in the 2016-2017 academic year, there was conducted anonymous survey among students of Medical College of Danylo Galytskyi National Medical University of Lviv and A. Krupynsky National Medical College of Lviv. In the survey, there were involved students aged 15 to 21 years, and information was received regarding the presence of their bad habits and their physical activity outside school. The survey was conducted among boys (n = 10) and girls (n = 106). The students answered the question whether they smoke cigarettes or not, and if yes, how many cigarettes a day. Also, whether students consumed alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, if yes, how often. The questionnaire included questions about drugs use. In response to questions about their motor activity outside schools, students had to indicate whether they were engaged in physical activity, if yes, how often and what amount of time they devote to motor activity. Also, they had to specify what kind of sport or motor activity they were practicing.
The survey results were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics (t-criteria of a student for independent samples).
Research Results. Discussion
The results are provided in Table 1 and shown in figures 1, 2.
Figure 1. The Ratio of Students who Drink and do not Drink Alcohol and Low Alcoholic Drinks by their Age.
Table 1Students Practicing Physical Activity (RA) Outside the Classroom (n = 116)
Number |
Students' Age |
Not Practicing |
Practicing |
of the Surveyed |
р.а (n=37) |
р.а. (n=69) |
Students |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
3 |
15 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
100 |
19 |
16 |
7 |
36,8 |
12 |
63,2 |
18 |
17 |
6 |
33,4 |
12 |
66,6 |
41 |
18 |
17 |
41,5 |
24 |
58,5 |
26 |
19 |
7 |
27 |
19 |
73 |
6 |
20 |
1 |
17 |
5 |
83 |
3 |
21 |
1 |
33,4 |
2 |
66,6 |
Average value |
17,8 |
27 % |
73 % |
Fig. 2. Students' CurrentPphysicalActivity Outside school (%)
It was found, that among the surveyed students four juveniles have smoking habits, five students sometimes use alcohol and low alcoholic drinks. Eight surveyed students, on average, spend on physical activity outside schools about 312 ± 95,8 min. per week, which is about 50 minutes for a day. According to the survey, the most popular sports among young students were football, volleyball and training in the gym.
In a survey of female students, it was found that among girls 14 students sometimes smoked tobacco, while two mentioned that they smoke only when they drink alcohol. However, about 73 % of the surveyed students, of which 28 people - juvenile consume alcoholic and low alcoholic drinks (figure 1).
The received data confirm numerous researches of scientists [10], that a great number of citizens aged 12 to 22 years from time to time or regularly drink alcohol. Also, about the growing prevalence of smoking among adolescents 14-17 years.
According to the survey, 65 % of female students devote time to physical activity outside school. During the questionnaires, female students indicated, that they prefer physical activity based on a gymnastics exercises, different directions of health fitness, shaping, aerobics, bodybuilding. Also, they indicated that they are practicing walking and jogging. However, on average, physical activity among students, according to the survey, amounted to about 107,08 ± 14,9 min. per week, which is about 15 minutes for a day. The received data indicate the physical activity deficit of students studying in the specialty «Nursing». The specified amount of physical activity among students is significantly lower than recommended for this category of citizens. Physical activity is a key aspect of a healthy lifestyle. The absence of need in regular classes of physical education during the school years for students complicates achieving the goals for improving physical activity of students studying in the speiality «nursing».
The level of alcohol consumption that occurs among medical students is alarming and confirms the alarming statistics all over Ukraine. Determined physical activity is lower than the recommended rates for these age groups, and the number of girls who consume alcohol is higher than the number of students involved in physical activity outside schools.
Healthy lifestyle students studying in the specialty «Nursing» must deliberately and continuously formed throughout the study period, including physical education classes. That requires a change in the areas of health, fitness and mass sports activities at institutions, the use of new technologies, the main goal of which is health strengthening, providing healthy entertainment, reproduction of a high level of physical training of medical students - as part of human culture.
Awareness of the importance of maintaining the health of the patient and, especially, your own health, change of students' attitude to lifestyle and the formation of valuable attitude to health will contribute to the successful implementation of social and professional functions of future nurses.
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student nursing lifestyle
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