Peculiarities of formation of future civil protection service officers’ readiness to professional communication

Ensuring the protection of the population, territories and the environment in emergency situations. Requirements for the professional qualities of employees of the civil protection service. Features of communicative training of future officers of Ukraine.

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Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Peculiarities of formation of future civil protection service officers' readiness to professional communication

Nenko Yuliia Petrivna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department


Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem. The obligatory component of government activity is to ensure protection of population, territories, environment and property from emergency situations. This task is assigned to personnel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Professional activity of these specialists takes place in extreme conditions [6], which results in increased demands to the professional and personal qualities of employees [8] and necessitate advancement of their vocational training, retraining and professional development.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future civil protection service officers are considered in scientific works of O. Bykova, H. Hrybenyuk, V. Hora, O. Ivashchenko, L. Mokhnar, O. Stelmakh, H. Vasyanovych, O. Yevsyukov etc. However, analysis of scientific literature gives grounds to state that conceptual and applied aspects of professionally oriented communication training of future civil protection service officers have not been sufficiently established. Relevance, theoretical and practical significance, as well as social significance of the problem have caused the purpose of the article - to emphasize the importance of communicative training of future officers, determine the factors which affect their readiness for communication and increase its effectiveness.

The overall study objective is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the model of the system of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers in the institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The main material

Expansion of the international professional interaction of the specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, rapid development of science and technology [9], narrow professionalization of such specialists requires officers' readiness for a professionally oriented communicative activity.

The author's position on the semantic content of the term «readiness to professionally oriented communicative activity» is as follows: an integrative long-term state of an individual and logical result of special training, education and self-education, that contains axiological, knowledge and activity components as a combination of knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities, which provide the full-fledged ability of the graduate of the institution of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to conduct an effective professionally oriented communicative activity in professional sphere [2].

Meanwhile, despite the increasing focus on communicative training in the world, there is a tendency to reduce the classroom hours for language disciplines or their complete cancellation in Ukrainian departmental higher educational institutions, which can be assessed as a negative fact. The conducted survey, which involved 280 respondents, confirms the lack of targeted communicative training, as indicated by 56.8% of participants.

Time and Location

The research was carried out on the basis of departmental higher educational institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine - Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, Lviv State University of Life Safety. Time of execution of the research is estimated to be approximately four years.


422 cadets, 163 teachers and officers of departmental institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, 87 specialists of territorial units and subdivisions were involved at various stages of the research.


The Guidebook of Qualification Characteristics of Professions of Civil Protection Workers (2018) [3] shows that qualification requirements include, first of all, good knowledge of Ukrainian language, oral and written speech skills, ability for analytical work, since the rescue work engineer, among other things, prepares plans, orders, instructions, normative and methodical documents for prevention of emergency situations on potentially dangerous objects, conducts classes for personnel, establishes interrelations in the unit and maintains a high moral and psychological state of personnel. However, analysis of curricula demonstrated that communicative training is carried out only during language disciplines; the tasks of professional disciplines do not include it.

Conceptualization of theoretical material, results of the conducted surveys allow to conclude that the process of professional training of cadets in institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine contains the potential that contributes to the development of the readiness of future officers to professionally oriented communicative activities.

Method of pedagogical modeling made it possible to develop the structural-functional model of the system of professionally oriented communicative training of cadets in departmental institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The model's structure distinguishes the following subsystems: target, conceptual-strategic, organizational-designing, procedural-technological, control-evaluation and resultative. The visual interpretation of the model is presented in Figure 1.

The target subsystem is aimed at substantiating the model and its relevance, based on regulatory and legal acts regulating professional activities of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the social order at highly skilled officers with relevant technical and technological knowledge, skills and abilities. The complexity of professional activity of specialists in the field of civil protection is explained by high «price» of labor, decisions taken, high responsibility for the salvation of victims and their material values; lack of time for awareness and processing of received information, decision-making and

implementation of specific actions; heavy dynamics of changes of functional states, high physical activity; work in protection equipment for the respiratory and skin systems; occurrence of victims' anxiety and despair; emergence of accidents, threat of explosion and destruction of the burning buildings, etc. [4; 5].

Thus, central link of the target subsystem is the purpose of projected structural-functional model - to improve the quality of communicative training and to form readiness for a professionally oriented communicative activity in accordance with all the structural components of readiness set out in the study: axiological, cognitive, activity.

The basis of conceptual-strategic subsystem is the set of methodological approaches (integrative, humanistic, personality oriented, communicative-active, professional, professionally oriented, competence based, cultural, informational-communicative) and principles (principle of consciousness, principle of practical orientation, principle of systemicity and consistency, principle of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, principle of professional mobility) that serve as guidelines for the design of a professionally oriented communicative training of future officers. protection emergency civil communicative officer

The aforementioned approaches and principles play an important role in designing the model and in selection of optimal traditional and innovative methods, techniques, tools and forms of organization of professionally oriented communicative activity, implementation and correction of cadets' self-education [7]. The core of organizational-designing subsystem is pedagogical conditions: formation of value attitude of cadets to future profession; activation of interactive teaching methods; improvement of teaching and methodological support for professionally oriented communicative training of future officers; optimization of the subject-subjective interaction of participants in the educational process in the simulated situations of professional communication [2].

The procedural-technological subsystem determines methods, forms and means of communicative training of cadets. The educational and content resources of structural- functional model are the following disciplines: «Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)», separate modules of educational disciplines, in particular, «Fundamentals of Management», «Organization of Emergency and Rescue Activities», «State Supervision in the Field of Fire Safety» and «Communicative Practicum».

The distinguished stages of professionally oriented communicative training correspond to the purpose of the research and pedagogical conditions and predict the continuity and interdependence of the components of the specified readiness (axiological, knowledge, activity). The structural-functional model is implemented during three consecutive stages: preparatory, basic, final. The first stage (1st year of study) - preparatory - is aimed at forming positive attitude and persistent interest of cadets in the chosen profession, stimulating the need for communication and the desire for selfimprovement.

At this stage the following pedagogical condition is realized: formation of value attitude to future profession. The content line of the first stage envisaged activation of extracurricular work with dialogue interaction, namely: educational conversations, «round tables», thematic meetings with specialists from practical units, veterans of service and well- known personalities; issue of cadet paper, excursions to social-state and public institutions, participation in public, cultural and educational events.

Fig. 1. Structural-functional model of a system of professionally oriented communicative training of a future civil protection service officer

The second stage (2-3 years of study) - basic - was aimed at mastering basic concepts, types and functions, moral and ethical norms and rules of professionally oriented communicative activities of a civil protection service officer, mastering professional terminology and information and communication technologies, acquisition of skills to establish and maintain contacts with the subjects of professional activity, development of cadets' ability to resolve conflicts. The following pedagogical conditions were realized: activation of interactive teaching methods and improvement of teaching and methodological support. The arsenal of modern learning technologies offered in the study is technology of collective mental activity, implemented through interactive learning methods («learning discussions», «brainstorming», «open discussion», «educational partners», situational, business games, discussions, group work, interactive lectures (lecture-conference, lecture-discussion, etc.). During the main stage game method and Internet communication technologies have been used as well as terminology dictionary and other professionally oriented literature, video reviews, etc.

Fig. 2. Dynamics of levels of readiness formation of cadets from experimental groups to professionally oriented communicative activities

In addition to these teaching methods, «Communicative Practicum» was conducted at the second stage of communicative training (III year of study), aimed at actualizing the problem of communicative training, development of strategies of future communicative behavior in different situations of professional communication and skills of rational use of personal resources. The appropriateness of adjusting content of mandatory disciplines has been proved, extending their content by introducing additional modules, which will facilitate formation of cadets' readiness for professionally oriented communicative activities [1].

The purpose of the third (4th year of study) - final - stage was to consolidate knowledge and skills of professionally oriented communicative activities. The following pedagogical condition has been implemented: optimization of the subject-subjective interaction of participants in the simulated situations of professional communication. At the final stage implementation of various types of individual tasks is foreseen: registration of official documents in native language; preparation for a public speaking, conversation, presentation on a chosen theme; writing articles, theses, essays, specifications, requests, responses to requests, business letters; preparation for a discussion on a specific topic; drawing up a plan of work of the unit (annual, quarterly, etc.). The arsenal of modern teaching technologies includes collective mental activities, implemented through interactive learning methods («learning discussions», «brainstorming», «open discussion», «educational partners», situational, business games, discussions, work in groups, interactive lectures (lecture-conference, lecture- discussion, etc.). The main stage involved game method and Internet communication technologies, «Terminology dictionary on rescue», watching videos, etc.

Three indicators have been distinguished in control-evaluation subsystem of the model: criteria for readiness for professionally oriented communicative activity: motivational-value, cognitive, communicative-activity (for each criterion a set of indicators is defined); means, organizational forms, methods of evaluation; levels of readiness: low, medium and high.

The resultative subsystem is a logical and integral element of the structural-functional model. Effectiveness of the latter is expressed through a final result - the difference between predicted state of readiness to professionally oriented communicative activities and actually received.

Fig. 3. Dynamics of levels of formation of readiness of control group cadets to professionally oriented communicative activities

The initial research findings revealed that 11.7% of cadets have a high level of readiness, medium is 36%, and the lowest is 52.3%. The data reflects the prevalence of low and medium level of readiness for professionally oriented communicative activities. As a result of the preliminary stage of the study, it was concluded that level of readiness does not meet the current requirements of the labor market to a highly skilled specialist. The formative stage of the experiment envisaged the experimental verification of the hypothesis, the conceptual provisions of the study, approbation of the developed structural- functional model and pedagogical conditions for its provision; improvement of the content of educational process, taking into account the tasks of the study.

After forming experiment in experimental groups an increase in the number of cadets with high and medium levels of readiness for professionally oriented communicative activities (12.4% and 13.3% respectively) is envisaged. In addition, reduction of the number of cadets with low level of readiness is observed (25.7%) (Fig. 2). It was stated that significant increase of quality indicators in experimental groups was caused by special pedagogical conditions and introduction into the educational process of the author's structural-functional model.

It was recorded that in comparison with the significant increase in the quality indicators of experimental groups, the increase in control groups was less significant: an increase in the number of cadets with high and medium levels (+3.8% and +5.7% respectively) and a decrease in low level of readiness (-9.5%) (Fig. 3).

According to the results of experiment, the prevailing positive dynamics of the levels of readiness for professionally oriented communicative activity of cadets in experimental groups was recorded in comparison with similar indicators of control groups. This gives grounds for asserting that the purpose of the study has been attained, the defined tasks have been fulfilled, hypothesis has been confirmed.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of direction

Comparison of results obtained in the pedagogical experiment, their quantitative and qualitative analysis, proves that implementation of the author's structural- functional model caused significant statistically important changes in formation of each component of readiness for a professionally oriented communicative activity, which is confirmed by methods of mathematical statistics.

The study does not cover all aspects of professionally oriented communicative training of cadets and requires further development of scientific and methodological support. Development of tools for forming the readiness of future officers to professionally oriented communicative activities for the system of selfeducation and distance learning is important. Conclusions and provisions of the study can be used for improving communicative training in higher educational institutions.

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