Poet, writer and pedagogue Necip Fazil Kisakurek in modern Turkish literature
Analytical review of the life experience of the modern Turkish poet, his work, as well as pedagogical ideas. The study of the idea on the interaction of education and family education, as well as the idea of the development of education in various fields.
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Дата добавления | 31.01.2018 |
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Poet, writer and pedagogue Necip Fazil Kisakurek in modern Turkish literature
Aydin V.
Doctoral student, Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan, Baku), velibeye@gmail.com
The study is intended to provide the public works of modern Turkish poet, writer and educator, whose experience is important today as Turkish literature and culture in general. This article provides a thorough analytical overview of his life experience, work, as well as pedagogical ideas as embodied in his work and in immediate practice. The paper reflects on the idea of interaction between education and family education, of the development of education in various fields. The scientist emphasized the importance of education as a moral and natural science to progress the nation in general and humanity in particular.
Keywords: Nedzhip Fazyl Kysakyurek, poet, writer, teacher, work, modern Turkish literature and life.
Айдин В., докторант, Бакинський слов 'янський університет (Азербайджан, Баку), velibeye@gmail.com
Поет, письменник і педагог Неджіп Фазил Кисакюрек у сучасній турецькій літературі
Дослідження покликане представити громадськості твори сучасного турецького поета, письменника та педагога, досвід якого сьогодні є важливим як турецької літератури, так і культури взагалі. У статті здійнено ретельний аналітичний огляд його життєвого досвіду, роботи, а також педагогічних ідей, що втілились як у його творчості, так і у безпосередній практичній діяльності. У роботі відображені ідеї щодо взаємодії освіти та родинного виховання, ідеї розвитку освіти в різних областях. Науковець акцентував увагу на важливості розвитку освіти як моральної, так і природничо-наукової для прогресу нації взагалі і людства зокрема.
Ключові слова: Неджіп Фазил Кисакюрек, поет, письменник, педагог, працює, сучасний турецький література, життя.
(стаття друкується мовою оригіналу)
Айдын В., докторант Бакинского Славянского Университета, (Азербайджан,Баку), velibeye@gmail.com
Поэт, писатель и педагог Неджип Фазыл Кысакюрек в современной турецкой литературе
Исследование призвано представить общественности произведения современного турецкого поэта, писателя и педагога, опыт которого сегодня является важным как турецкой литературы, так и культуры вообще. В статье осуществлен тщательный аналитический обзор его жизненного опыта, работы, а так же педагогических идей, воплотились как в его творчестве, так и в непосредственной практической деятельности. В работе отражены идеи по взаимодействию образования и семейного воспитания, идеи развития образования в различных областях. Ученый акцентировал внимание на важности развития образования как моральной, так и естественно-научной для прогресса нации вообще и человечества в частности.
Ключевые слова: Неджип Фазыл Кисакюрек, поэт, писатель, педагог, работает, современный турецкий литература, жизнь.
poet turkish pedagogical family
Mentioned as “Sultanu-shuara” (Sultan of the Poets) of modern Turkish poetry, NecipFazilKisakurekwas a Turkishpoet, novelist, playwright and philosopher. He is also known simply by his initials NFK. He was noticed by the French philosopher Henri Bergson, while NecipFazil had been a student of his in Sorbonne during the 1920swho later became his teacher.
NecipFazil is considered by almost all literary critics as the most important poet, author and thinker of the Republic period of Turkish literature.
NecipFazil produced all types of literary works, such as poems, memoirs, articles, reviews, novels, stories, dramas and plays. But, he is referred to as a poet at first and accepted as one of the milestones of modern Turkish poetry[3,p. 27].
Wobbled between the metaphysical and the existential questioning in poetry, the poet describes himself as one ofthe those people who has a “bleeding brain” during the spiritual crisis in modern period.
Later, he pioneered an Islamic social movement in Turkey by folding the mystical relationship between man and God as a civilization.
Kisakurek, in 1945, started to publish “Buyukdogu” (Great East) magazine and for long years, established the ground for ideas and action; reached out to Turkish people through Buyukdogu; shared his philosophy of mysticism, religious feelings and thoughts in the magazine with readers[1, p. 134].
He also gave many conferences in Anatolia. Kisakurek'sBuyukdogu magazine turned into a school in the Turkish literature and has created a strong opposition voice.
Necip was born in Istanbul in Sultanahmet. In his own words, he was born in “a huge mansion in Qemberlita§, on one of the streets descending towards Sultanahmet” in 1904. His father was AbdulbakiFazilBey who held several posts including deputy judge in Bursa, public prosecuter in Gebze and finally, judge in Kadikoy. His mother was an emigree from Crete. He was raised at the Cemberlita§ mansion of his paternal grandfather Kisakurekzade Mehmet HilmiEfendi of Mara§; he was named after his great-grandfather Ahmet Necib, as well as his father, Fazil.
NecibFazil learned to read and write from his grandfather at the age of five. Along his frequently interrupted educational life, he attended various schools. He studied in many schools during his primary education, including the French School in Gedikpa§a, After graduating from the French School in Gedikpa§a, he continued his education in various schools, also including Robert College of Istanbul as well as the Naval School. He first began to take an interest in literature and culture at this school. Yahya Kemal, Ahmet Hamdi (Akseki), ibrahim A§kiEfendi and HamdullahSuphi were among the prominent people of the time who were his teachers at high school.
He received religious courses from Ahmed Hamdi of Akseki and science courses from Yahya Kemal at the Naval School but he was actually influenced by ibrahim A§ki, whom he defined to have “penetrated into deep and private areas in many inner and outer sciences from literature and philosophy to mathematics and physics”. ibrahim A§ki provided his first contact with Sufism even at a “plan of skin over skin”. “After completing candidate and combat classes” of Naval School, Kisakurek entered the Philosophy Department ofDarulfunun (university) and graduated from there (1921-1924). One of his closest friends in philosophy was Hasan Ali Yucel[5,p. 89].
He studied in Paris for one year with the scholarship provided by the Ministry of National Education (19241925), until the scholarship was cancelled. After returning home in 1926, he worked at Holland, Osmanli and І§ Banks (1926-1939), and gave lectures at the Faculty of Linguistics and History and Geography and the State Conservatoire in Ankara and the Academy of Fine Arts in istanbul (19391942). Having established a relation with the press in his youth, Kisakurek quit civil service to earn his living from writing and magazines[7].
Features of his works
NecipFazilKisakurek led an extremely productive life, and wrote many poems, plays, articles, and essays. After 1923, NecipFazilKisakurek earned himself a place in the literary world through the articles and poems that appeared in various publications and newspapers. His first volume of poetry was published in 1925, and many poems and plays followed. But his first novel appeared in 1970, after a long period of silence.Kisakurek is best known for the poems that he wrote during the first years of the Republic; rendered in syllabic meter, these are aesthetically minded, profoundly metaphysical and psychological pieces. This type of poetry, especially because of the emphasis placed on the aesthetic aspect, represented his quest for a common and pure poetic language, an enthusiasm that he shared with some of his contemporaries. In the hands of NecipFazilKisakurek, the syllabic meter that had until then been struggling within the confines of a formal structure, was elevated to a competent level. In addition, he is unique among his contemporaries because of his pathetic and tragic characters, who manifested themselves through mystical and metaphysical tendencies, unfounded fears, and delirium. Through this innovative approach, NecipFazilKisakurek has had a lasting impact on many poets that followed him.
In addition to poetry, for some time NecipFazilKisakurek was actively involved with drama as well. Sensations such as fear, terror, disgust, mistrust, suspicion, isolation, which appeared as abstract concepts in his poetry, have been carried to the stage through various dramatic techniques and striking dialogues. His dramatic characters are often guilt ridden, and they experience heavy pangs of conscience. His plays often forced the limits of the mind, and took up themes such as the relationship between destiny and will, the relationship between mind, feeling and intuition, and the conflict of the tangible versus the abstract. Due to all this, some critics argued that Kisakurek was influenced by the Nordic tradition of drama. Indeed, most of Kisakurek's dramatic works are composed with meticulously detailed technique, and they leave little room for interpretation or creativity by the producer or the dramaturge. However, despite these obvious restrictions, the Turkish State Theater has performed almost all of his dramatic pieces repeatedly.
In his works and speeches, he underlined problems that nations faces and gives solution. He experienced western and eastern cultures, influenced importance of to be honest man, gentleness, sacrifices for country. Moral education takes place consideration of his thoughts. Throughout his life, NecipFazil stressed moral and humanitarian values such as hard-working, goodness, benevolences, patriotism, morality, to love every human and believed to give education of both ethics and science[4,p. 65].
In his own words, having “learned to read and to write from his grandfather in very young ages”, Kisakurekbecame “crazy about limitless, trivia reading” until the age of twelve starting from “groups of sentences belonging to lower class writers of the French“. He writes as follows: “My interest climbing up to the works such as (Pol veVujini), (Graziyella), (La-dam-d-kamelya), (ZavalliNecdet)
claiming to be sensational and literary, eventually transformed into an illness and surrounded my nights and days as a net”[2, p. 11].
Having been involved in literature with such a reading passion, NecipFazil states that his “poetry started at the age of twelve” and that his mother said “how much I would like you to be a poet” by showing the “poetry notebook of a girl with tuberculosis” lying on the bed next to his mother's bed when he went to visit her staying at the hospital, and adds: “My mother's wish appeared to me as something that I fed inside but I was not aware of until twelve. The motive of existence itself. I decided inside with my eyes on the snow hurling on the window of the hospital room and the wind howling; I will be a poet! And I became”[2,p. 19].
The first published poem of NecipFazil is “Kitabe” (inscription), a poem that was later included in his book OrumcekAgi (Spider Web)with the title “BirMezarTa§i”(A ravestone), it was also published in the YeniMecmua (New Magazine) dated 1 July 1923.
By 1939, his poems and articles were appearing in magazines such as YeniMecmua, MilliMecmua, Anadolu, Hayat and Varlik, and Cumhuriyet newspaper.
After returning home from Paris in 1925, NecipFazil stayed in Ankara occasionally. On his third visit, he published a magazine called Agag on 14 March 1936 by providing the support of some banks. Agag, the writers of which included Ahmet HamdiTanpinar, Ahmet KutsiTecer and Mustafa §ekipTung, decided to follow a spiritualist and idealist line. Kisakurek later transferred to Agag (Tree) magazine published during six volumes in Ankara to istanbul, however, unable to establish a viable reader base, the magazine was closed at the 17th volume.
NecipFazil next began to publish the magazine called BuyukDogu (Great East). Starting in 1943, the magazine was published intermittently as weekly, daily and monthly. In 1978, he was prosecuted because of his controversialГілея ФІЛОСОФСЬКІ НАУКИ Випуск 94
articles and publications and the magazine was forced to close. NecipFazil also published a political humor magazine called Borazan (Bugle), of which only three volumes were published.
NecipFazil was awarded the First Prize of C.H.P. Play Contest in 1947 with his play Sabir Ta§i (Stone of Patience). Kisakurek was awarded the titles of “Great Cultural Gift” by the Ministry of Culture (25 May 1980) and “Greatest Living Poet of Turkish” by the Foundation of Turkish Literature upon the 75thanniversary of his birth.
NecipFazilKisakurek died on 25 May 1983 in his house at Erenkoy after an illness that “lasted long but did not impair his intellectual activity and writing” and was buried in the graveyard at the Eyup Cemetery on the ridge ofEyup after an eventful funeral[6].
He gave numerous works in various fields to educate the people especially for next generation. His works are now being read by various cultured and thoughtful people. To honor him still anniversaries of his birthday and the day he died, meaningful organizations by private and governmental are held.
1. KayaM. Necip Fazil Kisakurek.- istanbul,2010.
2. Kisakurek Necip Fazil. O ve ben. Buyuk dogu yayinlari, 32. Basim. - Istanbul, 2013.
3. Kisakurek N.F. Bati tefekkuru ve islam tasavvufu. - Istanbul, 2004.
4. MiyasogluM. Necip Fazil armagani. - Istanbul, 1996.
5. ZarifogluC. Ustad Necip Fazil. - Ankara, 1980.
6. www.nfg.com
7. www.nfk.com.tr
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