Artistic prose of huseyn ibrahimov (in the creative activity of yavuz akhundlu)

Rich traditions in literary criticism of the Nakhchivan environment. Consideration of the work of Huseyn Ibragimov, a writer who was awarded the order of "Glory". Study of literary criticism of Nakhchivan, a wide range of materials for research.

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Artistic prose of huseyn ibrahimov (in the creative activity of yavuz akhundlu)

Літературне середовище Нахчивана має багаті традиції в літературній критиці. Літературна критика Нахчиван у двадцятому столітті дає широкий спектр матеріалів для досліджень. У цей період Нахчиван був найважливішим осередком літературної думки. Це не випадково. У Нахичевані творили багато письменників, чия творчість відома не тільки в Азербайджані, але і за його межами. З цієї точки зору особливо примітною є творчість Гусейна Ібрагімовa (1919-2008), письменника, нагородженого орденом «Слави». У статті узагальнені дослідження, присвячені творчості письменника. huseyn ibragimov nakhchivan

Ключові слова: Нахчиванської літературне середовище, XX століття, Гусейн Ібрагімов, літературна критика.

Литературная среда Нахчывана имеет богатые традиции в литературной критике. Литературная критика Нахчывана в двадцатом веке дает широкий спектр материалов для исследований. В этот период Нахчыван был важнейшим средоточением литературной мысли. Это не случайно. В Нахчыване творили многие писатели, чье творчество известно не только в Азербайджане, но и за его пределами. С этой точки зрения творчество Гусейна Ибрагимовa (1919-2008), писателя, награжденного орденом «Славы», - особенно примечательно. В статье обобщены исследования, посвященные творчеству писателя.

Ключевые слова: Нахчыванская литературная среда, XXвек, литературная критика, художественная проза.

Nakhchivan's literary sphere comprises rich traditions in literary studies. Twenties century literary criticism of Nakhchivan gives a wide material for comprehensive investigations of literature and culture of Azerbaijan. In this period of time Nakhchivan was an important center of literary thought. And this is no accident. A big group of prominent prose writers known far from Azerbaijan created here. One of the significant branches of contemporary studies is connected with prose fiction. (invested with a order) Huseyn Ibrahimov's (1919-2008) work is of great value, it brought him “Shohrat” (Glory) medal. A number of studies dedicated to Ibrahimov's work are analyzed and generalized in the article

Key words: Nakhchivani literary sphere, Huseyn Ibrahimov, literary criticism, prose fiction.

Writer who began with a poem to literature in 1944, passed to the prose and served worthly with his valuable stories, tales, and novels for Azerbaijani literature. H. Ibrahimov wrote so many dramatic works, even literary critique and publisistic articles, acted in the figurative translation field. H. Ibrahimov's stories, tales, and novels were gathered in the books of “Kamal's birthday” (Kamalin ad gunu ) (1957), “Gulzar” (1958), “Sweet memory” (§irin xatiro) (1963), “Spring story” (Baharin hekayosi) (1958), “Zarifa's flowers” (Zorifonin 5i5oklori) (1960), “Dove's love” (G6yor5inin mohobboti) (1964), “In the tomorrow's news” (Sabahin soraginda) (1966), “His selected works” (Se?ilmi§ osorlori) (1974), “Nobility” (Nociblik) (1979), “Spring rain” (Bahar yagi§i) (1983), “One tenth of the century” (Osrin onda biri) (1987), “Birds sing when birds die” (Ququ§lari 6londo oxuyurlar) (1998), “Blackmail” (B6htan) (1998), “Father, daughter, and Bostonish Franklin” (Ata, qizvo bostonlu Franklin) (1999), and are sparkle manifestation of his wide activity range (diapason) and full translated into Russian, Turkish, Belorussian, Tajik, and Tatar. Public writer Huseyn Ibrahimov's creative activity was in the spotlight of the literary criticism, therefore the associated members of ANAS Mammad Arif, Mirza Ibrahimov, Isa Habibbeyli, correspondent members Tahsin Mutallimov, Kamran Aliyev, public writers and poets Suleyman Rahimov, Rasul Rza, Gilman ilkin, Balash Azeroglu, Nariman Hasanzadeh, Fikret Qoca, professors Gulu Khalilov, Yavuz Akhundlu, Gara Namazov, Shahin Safarov, Huseyn Hashimli and others have expressed their scientific views on the works of outstanding artist at different periods of time. Matanat Sarajli wrote dissertation paper about writer's works, published monographs [14], poems, articles, memories, books, etc. dedicated to Hussein Ibrahimov and his works [10, c. 17].

Generally, Azerbaijan literary critisism highly appreciated the creativity of writer Huseyn Ibrahimov, analyzed and worthed his works in fields of tematics, problematics and poetics. A number of literary critics living and working in Nakhchivan have also analyzed Huseyn Ibragimov's creativity, including his ideas and their role in modern literary process. The review of such materials is useful not only in revealing the value of Huseyn Ibrahimov's creative search, but also in exploring the features of the development of literary criticism in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the integral part of Azerbaijan, in the second half of the twentieth century. Just these issues are investigated in the presented article. One of the most active representatives of literary criticism in Nakhchivan in the second half of the twentieth century was Doctor on Philology, Professor Yavuz Akhundov (Akhundlu) (1927-2017). Y. Akhundov, who delt with Huseyn Ibrahimov in his various articles, while analyzing the creative researching works of Nakhchivan literary environment, devoted a number of articles to the entire world of the famous writer as well. The article of Yavuz Akhundov "Talented Leader"( “istedadli nasir”) published in 1969 [2] reflects well-known writer Huseyn Ibrahimov's striking creativity in Azerbaijani literary environment. In this article his stories were primarily grouped together by their essence and evaluated in a compact way. Talking about the writer's such stories as "Bahar's story"(“Baharin hekayssi”), "Goyarchin's Love" (“Goyo^inin mohobboti”), "When the heart makes the mistake"(“Urok sshv edondo”), "Gumral's letters" (“Qumralin msktublari”), Akhundov considers that "pure love, high moral qualities are one of the most important issues in these stories". "Gahraman Gudratov" (“Qohroman Qudrotov”), "Boss's Vocation" (“Mudirin mozuniyyoti”), "Eyvazov's salutation" (“Eyvazovun salami”),"The shame"

(“Xocalot”) and other stories of H.Ibrahimov were regarded as satirical examples, where "lying, flattering, hypocritical people were highly critisised".

The author of this article, Y.Akhundov, also noted that in the works of H.Ibrahimov was observed the gradually increasing appeal to the new themes and he evaluated it as a good case. Akhundov analysed writer's stories "Bloody Notebook" (“Qanli doftor”), "On Hard Roads"(“Qotin yollarda”), which deal with "the National Liberation Movement in the Eastern Countries, Struggle against International Imperialism", the story "Kamala", where the difficult life of the indian girl Kamala has been portrayed with painful artistic dyes, the story "Madame Heruta" written after his visit to Denmark. Drawing attention to the artistic embodiment of the social and moral problems of our contemporaries in the novel "Searching for Tomorrow" (“Sabahin soraginda”), Y.Akhundov stated that “creativity of the writer was prospering" and "his writing was close to perfection". Besides, he stressed that the author skillfully brings into the literary scene the triumph of the bright ideal, disclosure of the evil ideas representing the negative pole. Critic wrote: "He (H. Ibrahimov - A.A.) has set out to show the renovation of the village, the work of the teachers, the mode of life, the struggle for innovation. One aspect of the author's creativity - the tendency to focus on family-life issues is also evident in this novel". A critic who analyzed the plot, composition and kinds of characters of the novel "Looking for Tomorrow" wrote: "H. Ibraimov is a writer who has experienced the life difficulties and knows subject he wants to touch upon perfectly. He has a smooth, figurative artistic language, colorful expression and imagery, a beautiful way of describing".

Critic Y. Akhundov not accidentally appriciated the writer Huseyn Ibrahimov's novel "Searching for Tomorrow" highly and evaluated creative work of the author as new event. This novel was published in 1964 in the "Azerbaijan" magazine and in two years it was published as a book and led to a great interest of literary community. The well-known literary scholar, academician Mammad Arif Dadashzadeh evaluated the the novel highly and wrote in his article "In the search for Heroes": "The author's search for a positive hero, his initiatives to create the characters of moral and intellectual qualities should be evaluated. The fact that the writer sincerely conveys the conscientious heroes to the reader, convinced us that he will be able to make more successful steps in this field in future as well" [1]. Literary critic, Tahsin Mutallimov payed special attention to psychology of the novel of H. Ibrahimov “Searching for tomorrow” and wrote in his article published in edition of "Literature and Art" newspaper in 1964: "As the writer is more engaged in moral and ethical problems, there was given great place to the psychological world of literary images, their internal characterization and analysis. Actually, every event described in the themeline helps to reveal the internal character of positive heroes and more vivid expression of the higher moral qualities that can be an example to all. The main feature of the novel "Searching for Tomorrow" distinguishing it from the others having “traditional” theme of collective farm life, is just describing of this psychological problem in the foreground" [13].

In 1988 prof. Y. Akhundlu devoted his resignation "One Tenth of the Century" to the same named novel by H. Ibrahimov [5]. The main contributions of this article were included into his next article named “The Wisdom period of Life asd Art” (“Omrun vo sonotin mudriklik ?agi”) written by the scientist in 1994 [3, pp. 70-78], in oreder to avoid the repetition we did not involve it into research. Y. Akhundlu, in his essay entitled "Wisdom period of life and Art", firstly focused on H. Ibrahimov's life, and then he focused on dramaturgical activity and literary translation of the writer, who started literary creativity with poetry. Firstly, critic analyzed more closely the searches of the writer, known primarily as a prose writer, in this direction of art of the Azerbaijani literature. The author of the article notes that, nevertheless such first stories of Husein Ibrahimov as "Fearless Captain", "The dagger", "A note on the

Grave Stone" were weak from the literary point of view, but the writer's ability to choose the theme attracts the interest. Critic evaluated as a width of author's creative range the existence of lyrical-psychological and satirical-styled prose in the works of the writer, who in subsequent years continued his creative search and became famous. In this context, Gulu Khalilov, professor and critic, recalls the same ideas: "The works of H. Ibrahimov give us the right to say that he is a talented writer. He knows our modern life, closely observes human psychology and thoughts, capable to create both epic and especially very exact satiric ideas" [11].

In his essay "The Age of Wisdom and Art, "Akhundlu focused his attention on the novels of Huseyn Ibragimov. Akhundlu analysed ideological and literary feachers of the novel “Searching for Tomorrow” as a successful example of "village prose" and deeply characterized such colourful characters of the novel as Zeynal, Firangiz, Mirza Mahmud, Shukur, Gulam, etc. The ctitic approaches to the writer's works not as full addiction to prose, but as objective scientific criteria, and also revealed the limited features of some of the writer's works. For example, Akhundov stressed the fact that in the novel "Where the sun rises" the well-known writer gave certain place to "vulgar social tendencies", while describing some events happen in Nakhchivan in 1918-1919, besides critic praised the writer's “ability to create the character, his artistic power” [3, p. 74]. The critic of Y. Akhundlu approached from the objective viewpoint of Huseyn Ibrahimov's novel "Spring Rain" (“Bahar yagi§i”). Keeping in the mind some of the template lines in the novel, the critic has also summaryzed the main advantages of the work in such way: "The writer talks about the processes in a large construction team, the work carried out in the labour front, the ugly actions of individuals, as signing the people's wealth, victory of godness thanks to the willpower of the good and truthful men” [3, p. 74-75]. The comparisons between the novel "Spring Rain" and the novel of the famous Azerbaijani writer Ilyas Afandiyev's "The tale of yellowdressed Valeh" is concise , but is scientific and convincing enought. Y. Akhundlu has praised the writer H. Ibrahimov's novel "One Tenth of the Century" (Osrin onda biri) written on the historical subject. The "One Tenth of the Century"(Osrin onda biri) novel is dedicated to the well-known Azerbaijani architect of the twelfth century who built the famous Momina Khatun tomb in Nakhchivan city and also Yusif Kuseyir's tomb, Ajami Nakhchivani. Referring to a number of historical artifacts dedicated to the 12th century Azerbaijani environment and its outstanding figures, Y. Akhundlu has rightly stated that:"H. Ibrahimov wrote a

historical novel relied on the literary experience, also benefited from the possibilities of the individual manuscript about Ajami" [3, p. 75].

Noting the lack of information in the historical sources about architect Ajami, the critic also pointed out that H. Ibrahimov had carefully studied this information and other sources of the history of the era when writing "One-Tenth of the Century" (Osrin onda biri). Generally, it is one of the characteristic features of Huseyn Ibrahimov's prose in his historical works to give the color and the color of the period with realities. Over time, Professor Shahin Safarov has summarized his idea: "In his historical works, Huseyn Ibrahimov has never forgotten the historical system and reality, as well as the imagination and fantasy of the writer" [15]. Y. Akhundlu noted that in the center of the events in the novel there were images of Atabey Mahammad, the ruler of Azerbaijan Atabaylar (1175-1186) and architect Ajami. As the criterion clearly defines, Atabey Mahammad's character is characterized in various aspects of the novel, one of which is a typical feudal ruler based on strict rules, a patriot who loves his homeland, head of the state, finally, a character who is characteristic of contradictions...

According to Y. Akhundlu's right defining, the novel was presented by architect Ajami's personal fate, painful pain, as well as artistic talent and influence, with effective, consistent dyes. His resultless love with Daryanur end of her life and incarnation of events. A critic who draws attention to Ajami and peoples hero Ali Simsheh, has described this as a union of moral and physical power for the sake of the people. Other images in the work were also analyzed in the article. The criticism explanatory on one of the episodes of novel is characteristic from this point of view: "The artistic expression of the mother whose son killed to show the majesty of the power of the people, the immortality of the great spirit is instructive. When the ruler asked him why she was not crying, the mother replied: "Why do I weep? ... He was not killed by idlers ... Look, who is my son struggled with? With the king ... Who did not flee before? The king.... Whom did he show his bravery? To the king ... If mother of such a son cries everybody will condemn hem ... I cry, his own grave and his father's grave will suffer" [3, p. 77].

Professor Y. Akhundlu, who is highly valued of the topic of the novel, the idea, the artistic language, the style and the world of images, also cited some critical considerations. The great scientist's claim is that atheist ideas of Ajami are not so convincing in the context of the twentieth century's realities. Another criticism of the critic is related to the principle of loyalty to the historical reality: " Nushaba in Nizami's Iskandarname is mentioned in the novel. This image is also discussed, whereas the Iskendername was not yet written when the events described in this work [3, p. 77]. It is necessary to agree with these statements of the Professor. Another critical note is that it is controversial. According to the scientist, the writer did not mention in the novel how and where he learned secrets of architectural art of Ajami, as well as the construction of the Momina Khatun in Nakhchivan ... Whereas in the novel the construction of the Momina Khatun which built up by Ajami was widely, systematically and coverage. Let us note that Matanat Saracli who wrote monograph about H. Ibrahimov did not substantiate this statement of Professor Y. Akhundlu [14, p. 95-96].

In this article Y. Akhundlu devoted the articles to the novel which its theme taken from the Great World War "The birds sing when they die" (Qu qu§lan olondo oxuyurlar) as well as the famous Azerbaijani who was sentenced in 1937 and in 1941 while being a prisoner the Irkutsk Province in the Far East poet and playwright Huseyn Javid, with short notes about the "Blackmail"(Bohtan) historical novel. Prof. Yavuz Akhundlu, a renowned researcher of historic prose, has devoted some articles to this novel [6; 7; 8]. The articles published have been summarized by the professor and presented in the book "Literary Environment and Craftsman"(Odobi muhit vo sonotkar) under the name of first novel about Huseyn Javid [4, p. 110-120]. From the notes of Y. Akhundlu, H.Ibrahimov started his first creative search for writing novels about Hussein Javid in 1956-1957, for a while and finally returned to this topic in the mid-1980s, after several years of hard work completed the work. Critic, along with referring to historical facts in the Bohtan, also pointed out the existence of events and images that are the product of the author's imagination, which is entirely natural. Y. Akhundlu wrote: "In the novel, the scenes from the author's imagination mix with historical documents, facts and memories. Naturally, they are complementary to the writer's skill" [4, p. 112]. Let us note that Huseyn Ibrahimov himself commented on this issue in the foreword to the first edition of the novel by the author: "I have repeatedly studied the rich and original literary heritage of poet-drama (Hussein Javid-A.A) I wrote a novel "Blackmail"(Bohtan) after finding out some of the exiled eyewitnesses and getting acquainted with the confidential documents in a "customized" special folder for his arrest. However, I confess that I had a lot of personal memories" [12, p. 7].

Emphasizing that the novel "Blackmail" (Bohtan) has a fascinating artistic structure, Y. Akhundlu mentioned here a number of chapters "Fountain Detainee"(Qe§mokli mohbus), "Trees Cut Down"(Agaclar kosilib dogranan yerdo), "Who could say to Javid" (Cavido kim deyordi ki), "Stained and Looted"(Lokolonmi§lor vo qarayaxilmi§lar), "Dopros or Blackmail"( Dopros, yaxud §antaj)( etc.), besides, he drew attention to the presentation of seven tales reflecting different stages of Javid's life, summarzing his idea: "Of course, the word" fairy tale " is conventional. The author tried to follow the chronological sequence as far as possible and parallel reflected his life in prison in the early years of H. Javid's life [4, p. 112]. In the article, detailed reviews are act on the essence of each tale in the novel "Blackmail" (Bohtan) which is aimed at the proper disclosure of the literary and artistic attributes of the work. In the first tale, Javid's childhood and early youth, the author wrote in his next stories about his life in Tabriz, his years of education in Istanbul, his creative activity in Baku, his activities in Baku, his family environment, spoke about the issues in a proper manner. According to Y. Akhundlu, the most intense and most interesting scene of the novel "Blackmail" (Bohtan) is in the second part of the fourth tale - "A bitter memory"(Aci bir xatiro). This part may be considered as a culmination of the novel. Describing the meeting of Huseyn Javid and Azerbaijan's that time head, Mirjafar Bagirov, " the author is actually facing Charity and Sharia, Light and Darkness, Humanism and Gnarism. The author makes the facial features of Bagirov and Javid and draws the characteristic lines of each other" [4, p. 118]. In this direction, Y. Akhundlu has characterized the character of both images and draws attention to the Javid's might and majesty. In some tales, Javid's thoughts on drama such as Sheikh Sanan, Iblis, Prophet, and Topal Teymur were also given. H. Ibrahimov was able to use this skillfully to explain his attitude towards the society. According to the critic's observation in the novel "Blackmail"(Bohtan) the troublsm of Javid was the task of the fate of his people were in the other vicious members of nations" [4, p.113].

In general, Y. Akhundlu watched the fictional presentation of Javid's image consistently, characterized the main stage and moments. His intense life, as well as his death, was noted in the novel with an impressive artistic detail. At the end of the novel, the writer also pointed out that the golden rays on the snow seemed to be soon to win truth, as an expression of belief in the triumph of justice. In general, articles and references of Professor Yavuz Akhundlu about the creativity of people's writer Huseyn Ibrahimov are among the valuable examples of criticism in the literary environment of Nakhchivan. The analysis of the attitude to the work of the writer Huseyn Ibrahimov shows that the critique prose in the literary environment of Nakhchivan had specific developmental characteristics.

ВіЬІ^гарИіс references

1. Arif M. Qahramanin soraginda. “0dabiyyat va incasanat” qazeti, Baki, 1964, 16 oktyabr.

2. Axundov Y. istedadli nasir. “Azarbaycan ganclari” qazeti, Baki,1969, 22 may.

3. Axundlu Y. Nax9ivan-yurdum manim. Baki: Sabah, 1997, 208 s.

4. Axundlu Y. 0dabi muhit va sanatkar. Baki: Adiloglu, 2002, 186 s.

5. Axundlu Y. ”0srin onda biri”. “Azarbaycan muallimi” qazeti, Baki, 1988, 09 dekabr.

6. Axundlu Y. Cavida hasr olunmu§ ilk roman. “0dabiyyat qazeti”, Baki, 1998, 18 sentyabr.

7. Axundlu Y. Huseyn Cavida hasr olunmu§ ilk roman. “§arq qapisi” qazeti, Nax9ivan, 1998, 17 oktyabr.

8. Axundlu Y .Huseyn Cavid haqqinda ilk roman. “Azarbaycan” jurnali, Baki, 1999, № 4, s.174-176.

9. Cavadli C., 0bdulov M. “Sabahin soraginda” romani haqqinda. “Azarbaycan muallimi” qazeti, Baki, 1964, 3 dekabr.

10. Huseyn ibrahimov-80 (tabriklar, maqalalar, xatiralar toplusu), (toplayani va redaktoru Huseyn Ha§imli). Baki:Yurd, 1999, 126 s.

11. XalilovQ. Torpagabagliliq. “0dabiyyatvaincasanat” qazeti, Baki,1979, 15 iyun

12. ibrahimov H. Bohtan. Baki: §arq-Qarb, 1998, 286 s.

13. Mutallimov T. ”Sabahin soraginda”. “0dabiyyat va incasanat” qazeti,Baki, 1964, 12 dekabr.

14. Saracli M. Xalq yazi9isi Huseyn ibrahimovun yaradiciligi.Baki:Yazi9i,1999, 132 s.

15. Safarov §. Sa9lar agarsa da. “0dabiyyat va incasanat” qazeti, Baki, 1989, 26 may.

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  • Daniel Defoe as the most successful writer and journalist in Cripplegate in England. Short essay of life and creation of this author. General description and stages of writing of book "The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe".

    анализ книги [7,8 K], добавлен 20.05.2011

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