The historical personalities in the European and Azerbaijanian historical novels

Consideration of the problem of historical personality in the historical novels of Europe and Azerbaijan, which speak of ancient times. Characteristics of some novels, where the subject of description and consideration are historical figures and events.

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The department of the World Literature of Baku State University

The historical personalities in the european and azerbaijanian historical novels

Aliyev A.R.

Formulation of the problem. The historical novels are the novels describing the historical events and persons as a theme. The author explains the historical realities connecting with the strength of his dream in this novel. Historical novel deals with the events being in the different time of the history. Here, heroes will be able to be true or imaginary. But given informations very correspondses to historical truths. In reality, this kind of the novel is the literary product of the romantism.

Analysis of recent research and publications. If we ignore Alexander Macedonian, the emperors of the Ancient Rome and Napoleon in the history of the European nations, there are not many great conquerors and historical heroes in Europe concerning to the East. Therefore, we observe especially two tendencies in the European historical novels. Or the head heroes of these historical novels are the simple people not the great historical personalities, and or the head heroes of these novels are often the rulers of the East not the great historical personalities of the West. For the first group of these novels we can give example Walter Scott's “Quentin Durward”, Victor Marie Hugo's “Paris Notrdam Church” (Notre-Dame de Paris, 1831), Raffaello Giovagnoli's (1838-1915) “Spartaco” (1874), Henryk Sienkiewicz's “Where is your way?” (“Quo vadis”, 1994) dealing with the authority years of the emperor of the ancient Rome Neron, but for the second group of these novels we can give axample Walter Scott's “The Talisman”, Boleslav Proust's (1847-1912) “Pharaoh” (1897), Gustave Flaubert's (1821-1880) “Salammbф” (1862) and etc. novels. From point of view of the theme, the historical novels dealing with the historical events after Napoleon period are much more in the European literature. Because, Napoleon's wide encroachment activities implemented by him in the European territory is one of the factors or may be the first factor influencing directly to the founding of the historical novel genre.

Napoleon's attacks led the separate European peoples to the national self-esteem, and once again revealed the necessity of the idea 124 of struggle together against the strong enemy, and this is also reflected directly in the literature. From this point of view, the well-known Hungarian researcher George Lucas noted the importance of paying attention to the Great French Revolution and the Napoleonic Movement when he studied the historical novel genre. Thus, Georg Lukas explains the reasons for the creation of the historical novel, which the first consistent examples are written in Europe since the nineteenth century: “But the most important thing for us, to put forward objectively the main features of historical consciousness before and after the French Revolution, in terms of to show clearly occurring of the historical novel on the which social and ideological grounds [4, p. 27].

Lukacs also underlined that, being related in the history only in terms of subject and structure is not enough for chancing the novel to the historical novel, the conformity to the date of the heroes' mental - psychological situations described in this novels is important. In his opinion, the formation period of the historical novel is very important both in social and ideological points of view.

The aim of the article. in this article we try to investigate the historical personalities in the European and Azerbaijanian historical novels which tells about ancient historical times.

Statement of the main material. The english writer Walter Scott has created the first example of this literary kind in the world literature. Walter Scott based on the achievement of the XVIII century enlighteners in his creative activities. But as the original real representative of the XIX century Walter Scott had gone considerable forwards from his ancestors in some problems. Walter Scott did not fall behind from his ancestors in the art mastery side and went forward from them with his opened showing the depth of his historical conception and the character of his heros in much more perfect form.The reason of this was the socio-historical progress in the result of Great France Bourgeois Revolution at the end of the XVIII century. After the events of the France Bourgeois Revolution the writers had a duty coming from the demand of the time such as to show openly the development laws of the history observing the complex forms of the state and social revolution process.

Walter Scott's work named by "Waverly, or 60 years ago" is considered the first art example of the historical novel genre in the world literature. Further, he had written 28 historical novels and he had also defined the theoretical bases of the historical novel genre at the same time. Further, the historical novel, like the new literary genre, had begun to spread widely at first in all Europe countries, and then in the Eastern countries.

So, the prominent English writer Eduard George Bulver Lit- ton tells about the terrible events happening in 79 year in Pompei which was the cradle of the culture of ancient the Rome and one of the most beautiful cities of the world in his historical novel named by “The last days of Pompeii”. The writer shows in this work that, this city had been ruined in the result of the erupting of the Vesuvius volcano and no one got rid of this misfortune. The well-known English writer Robert Graves describes the life story of the powerful emperor of the ancient Rome in his historical novel named by “I, Claudius”. Claudius lost father from his childhood, and had suffered from different illnesses for a long time. Even his native mother said that there is no ugly one than Claudius in the Earth. But Claudius overturned to the emperor of the ancient Rome in the result of his chance. And then he got the management of the government to his hand and he much more broadened the territory of the country, too. Even if Claudius achieved receiving the title of Yulia - Claudius - the God of the ancient Rome.

The prominent French writer Gustav Flaubert's work “Salammbф” was also in the genre of historical novel, and it dealt with the Pun wars which carried out against the citizens of the ancient Rome by the citizens of the Carthage. The head hero of this work is Hamilcar, the ruler of Carthage. While coming back from the war against Rome, Hamilcar was obliged to fight with the hired soldiers which couldn't receive wages. The writer gives the description of the same war in this novel. When the head of the hired fighters Mato saw that the Carthage soldiers von them, then he got the holy cover of the Tanita temple, the symbol of the victory and von the Carthage soldiers. For getting the holy cover of the Tan- ita goddess again, Salambo - the daughter of Hamilcar went to the camp of their enemy and there, she met with Mato and loved him. One day, when Mato was asleep, Salambo had taken this cover went secretly from there. Further only this, the Carthage soldiers had tamed the superiority in this fight and killed the hired soldiers. They executed the chief of the rebelliousness Mato. And Salambo couldn't endure to this grief and died.

Other French writer Morris Druon's “The novel about Alexander Macedonian or God” had been written in the genre of historical novel, too. In spite of Alexander Macedonian in generally lived for thirty-three years, he was well-known as an invincible commander and conqueror, and he was considered “Zeus -Amon” by the people who lived on the Mediterranean shores, The “Crown Pharaoh” by Egyptians, “The King Tiara” by vavilons, one of the founder of the world by Jews. His Empire had surrounded very big territories like from Macedonia to India and Egypt.

Well known German writer Georg Ebers' historical novel named by “Ward” is about the events of the ancient era. So that, in this work talks about the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs' wars in the valley of Nile and their consecutive marches against the land of gold Nubia four thousand years ago. In this novel has been created the bright figures of the Pharaohs and high priests, mummy masters, gadgets and warriors and have been reflected issues like hate, love, betrayal and loyalty.

Italian writer Raffaello Giovagnoli's work named by “Sparta- cus” is one of the most beautiful examples of the historical novel genre. The reasons of the Spartacus Rebellion which is counted the biggest slavery rebellion in the history, Spartacus struggle against existing slavery rules in Rome, his life which was full of victories and defeats are given in Raffaello Giovagnoli's work named by “Spartacus”.

The notable Polish writer, Nobel laureate Henrique Sienkiew- icz's work named by “Where is your way?” (“Quo Vadis”, 1994) was also written in the genre of historical novels. Here is mentioned the persecution of Christians and other historical events which happened in Roman history during the years of power of the Roman Emperor Nero (64-68 years).

The well-known Polish writer, Boleslav Proust's (1847-1912) “Pharaoh” (1897) is one of the most famous historical novels not only in the history of Polish literature, but also in the history of world literature. This novel is about the life story of Young Pharaoh Ramses which was full of wars, love and betrayal. Although Ramses faced the crushing defeats, tragic victims in this fight, he endured all dangers and intrigues which his fate prepared for him and he could protect his people and his government.

When it comes to the Azerbaijanian historical novels we can note Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli and Mammad Said Ordubadi as a master of the historical novels. in this article we direct the attention much more to Mammad Said Ordubadi's historical novels. So that, Mammad Said Ordubadi is also mentioned as the creator of the historical novel genre alongside Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli in the history of the Azerbaijan literature. The artistic imagination is more preferred in Mammad Said Ordubadi's historical novels, unlike Yusuf Vazir Chamanzaminli.

The dominance of the artistic imagination on the historical truths does not reduce, maybe increases the value of his works. Because the writer realises this work with a great ability, by the combination of artistic fiction and historical facts. The writer's views expressed at the entrance of his work, also confirms it: “The writer needs something: He must take his inspiration and topic from the lives of the people that he lives in, but in addition he takes his topic from there, he must dresses up his topic with the art garment of his paint and thoughts, and he must make this topic as his own idea” [1, p. 15].

Mammad Said Ordubadi's historical novels are “Sword and pen”, “Misty Tabriz”, “Hidden Baku”, “Warrior City”, “The world is changing”, “Young Chekists” and so on. Talking about the writer's historical novels, it should be noted that, when M.Ordubadi describes the major political and social events, then he gives these events in union with the issues of the personal fate of the images, family - household and love. Thus, many opportunities are created for adventure scenes in the writer's novels. That's why the socio-political and lyrical events including on the plot of the writer's works replace each other and both plot lines are developed throughout the novel. Such a development of events helps to attract the readers' attention to him.

Historical novel is one of the literary genres that science and art is combined with each other in it. So that, this genre has a major importance from the point of view of demonstrating the highest artistic talent and learning the history of the different peoples. In a word, the "historical novel" combines the example of the fiction “novel” with the example of science “history” in itself.

From time to time different opinions have been said about historical novels in world literature studies. So that, it was said the terms such as “the historical novel”, “the novel that speaks about history”, “the novel-based on the history”, “the novel of the history” about the same novels [3, p.142].

The famous scientist Yahya Seyidov's thoughts about the writer's creativity involve much more attention: “We need very much that historians must write commentaries about M.S.Ordubadi's works. As if the author feeling this, had done the definite part of this affair. Below of the pages in “Misty Tabriz”, the writer gives the correct information about one or another historical events and personalities or illuminates their attitudes to the revolution and the next stage of their lives [1, p. 225].

Unlike the historical novel named by “Misty Tabriz” novel reflecting the recent past of our history, the writer revives the remote history, the 12th century life of Azerbaijan at the last historical novel named by “Sword and pen”. According to the writer's speaking himself, he worked on this work for a long time conducted deeply research work about the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi's period, environment, artistic creativity and etc. M.S.Ordubadi wr- ited the monographs named by “Nizami's period and life”, “Azerbaijan literature in XII century and its influence on the oriental classical literature”; the scientific articles named by “Literature during Nizami period” and “The great poet's environment”; the drama named by “Nushaba” writing on the basis of Nizami motives; as well as, he translated a number of lyric poems of this great poet and the “Sharafnameh” part of “Iskendernameh” poem, that it once again proves this idea. All this serious preparatory had greatly helped the writer to write this work [2, p. 71].

In this novel, had been used Nizami Ganjavi's works, the verbal folk literature, as well as other Eastern literature examples such as “Arabian Nights” with great skill. historical novel personality

The numerous events and personalities linked so organically to one another that not to be damaged to the development of the events, occurring during a long history period, around a single plot line in the historical novel named by “Sword and pen”, which consists of two parts. In the first chapter of this novel, named by “The Reverence”, the head of the Azerbaijan Atabeys'state Shamsaddin Eldaniz has recently died, and his son Atabey Mahammad Jahan Pahlavan has just come to power. He celebrates the victory in the country by taking the land of Tabriz and Maragha from White Sungur Ahmed's hands. The ruler of Ganja Amir Inanj shows himself that, he is also happy about his victory. The subsequent events described in the novel, are the logical continuation of this event. These events show the conflict of interests and beginning the social contradictions between the fighting parties.

The novel “Sword and pen” describes about the fifty-year period of the Atabey dynasty's rule. In this work was given wide information about the literary environment of the XII century, too. The writer had created compact, interesting episodes about Mu- jiraddin Beylagani, Abulula Ganjavi, Mahsati Ganjavi, Khagani Shirvani, Falaki Shirvani and the other famous writers of this period, although he did not speak about them in detail.

When we start to speak about art features of this work we must especially emphasize the peculiarities as developing the events on the line of the interesting plot, opening the inside spiritual worlds of the images, reflecting their private character features, keeping the readers in the expectation. In this novel, the epic scope is accompanied by the lyrical line, that, it have done this work especially interestingly. Mahsati Ganjavi's quatrams, the people songs performed by the village girls and the poems told by Nizami Ganjavi increases so much the lirism of the work in this novel. Creating the internal and external portraits of the images in the unity is one of the positive qualities of the work.

Professor Ali Sultanli wrote in his notes about “Sword and pen”: “In the novel has been described the political and economic situation of Azerbaijan in XII century, Nizami Ganjavi's and his contemporaries' life and the socio-political situation at that time. But, the writer did not follow the historical truth in his description [5, p. 402]. According to the other researcher F.Vezirova who agrees with his ideas that the writer's imagination dominates in this work [7, p. 109]. In the novel has been described extensively struggle for the sake of Azerbaijani poet Mahsati Ganjavi's returning to Ganja against after her removal from Ganja by the city's clergy, and against Shirvan Shah's Abulmuzeffar'spersian policy that he executed in Azerbaijan and his policy of closing Azerbaijan with the Arabic and Persian authority by preventing the connection between the Azerbaijan people and the northern peoples.

In this work was much more illustrated Nizami Ganjavi's public-political activities and struggles, and for this reason there is no scenes related to his daily life, concerns and personal problems. The writer reflected Nizami Ganjavi's fate, that he described, connected the spirit and color of the time. In the novel achieving to combine many complicated stories around a single plot line is the main success of the writer. The width and moving in the comprehensive space of the events in this work is the another outstanding feature of the novel.

Events take place in Ganja, Nakhchivan, Baghdad and Ham- adan. This novel, as you can see from the its name, talks about the union of the sword and pen, intelligent and power. At the beginning of the novel Nizami Gancavi says to his well-deserved, agreeable friend, the hero of the people Fakhreddin. Now that you have the enthusiasm to deal with the sword and the javelin, the arrow and the bow, then learn them well. I will also try to get high floor in writing. The men's weapons cannot win without knowledge and thought, too. Heroism requires not only a weapon, also the knowledge. We need both of them [6, p. 10-14].

M.S.Ordubadi's novel named by “Misty Tabriz” can also be considered one of the most beautiful examples of the historical novel genre. The large part of historical events, described in the novel, is the historical facts that can be confirmed with official documents. From these, important historical events as the England - Russia agreement about intervention in Iran, the lack of subordination of Tabriz council to the Iranian government, bringing Maham- madli Shah again to the power and etc. are described on the basis of the official diplomatic documents. In the work had been also used the press of that period, and this allows the writer to illustrate the events much more realy [1, p. 215].

When the writer wrote this work, he collected the rich historical and scientific information about Iran, and revived the internal and external contradictions of Iran and its important component South Azerbaijan at the beginning of the twentieth century; the desperate Iranians' hard life; the national liberation movement of the southern Azerbaijanians headed by Sattarkhan; the years after the defeat of this movement; the secret activity period of members of this movement in appropriate manner to the truth and with the colorful artistic player. In this regard, Farida Vazirova noted that, beginning the 1906-1911 years Iranian Revolution under the influence of the 1905 years Russian Revolution is known from the first pages of the novel. Some of the historical figures are Julfa revolutionaries and the individuals who help directly to the revolutionary movement. The author brought his friends' - Mammadhuseyn Hajiyev's, Nasrulla Sheikhov's, Sattar Zeynalabdinov's, Bakhshali Agha Shahtakhtli's images to this work with great pleasure [7, p.67].

Mammad Said Ordubadi has not put as a major goal to revive the all history of Sattarkan movement although he created Sat- tarkhan's full artistic image like a craftsman in “Misty Tabriz”. In this regard, some of the images are the historical personalities, the others are the product of artistic imagination in the novel. From the images included in the first group, we can note the names of the historical personalities as Mohammedali shah, Sattarkhan, Bagirkhan, Abulhasan bay, Mammadhuseyn Hajiyev, Nasrulla Sheikhov, Sattar Zeynalabdinov, Bakhshali Agha Shahtakhtli and others. The images included in the second group are the product of the artistic imagination of the writer, and the typical examples of the simple people's representatives. The writer created the live images of the typical representative of hardworking people such us Cavad agha, Heydar oghlu Hasan agha, Tutunchu oghlu Asad, and Nina who came to Iran teach the daughters of the Russia's Consul in Tabriz and converted one of the active participants of the movement here.

In this novel the writer spoke with heart pain that he did not see “non-plait clothes, curtains, blankets and mattresses” therefore increasing poverty, hunger, misery, illness and begging conditions on the territory of the country in the background of revolutionary events.

Conclusions. It says that, the revolution was not only against the Iranian Shah and the local landlords; it was also against the English and Russian imperialists that divided the country into the sphere of influence among each-other. One of the reasons for the defeat of this revolution was that, this revolution was unorganized and the separate forces had their own personal interests to join this revolution. The writer considers much more important to bring to the reader's attention that, there are certain differences between the colonial policy of England and Czarist Russia.

The author noted that, the Czarist policy gained the hate of millions with openly crushing any kind of freedom tendencies of the colonial peoples, and that's why to fight with this was not so difficult. But the British colonialists were much more scary than Czarist policy. The following statements in this work once again confirm it: “Many countries of the East are British colonies, but the sultan, king, emperor, rassenger and cordially of all the countries being in the hands of English imperialists are in their place.

The British imperialists call these states “friendly state”. In fact, this is the most cruel, cunning, and formidable form of colonialism. Here, the British imperialists have exploited the colonial peoples by means of their native landlords. And the colonial peoples are exposed to the double pressure - the oppression of English imperialists and local feudal lords. German and American colonists' policy has also been condemned in this work.

According to Yavuz Axundlu, there is no serious public-political event in this period that has fallen from the author's attention. But the main issue is to describe the life and the freedom movement of the people. The writer who attractive the social problems to the forefront, creates the complete impression on the readers about the customs and tradition, culture and lifestyle of the people; but all these have not put the fate and the lyric-intimate adventures of the separate images in the shade. That's why this the interest to this novel does not decrease even after many years [1, p. 250].


1. Akhundlu Yavuz. Mammad Said Ordubadi. Baku: “Science and

2. Education”, 2012. 384 p.

3. Akhundlu Yavuz. Selected works. Volume II. Baku: Nakhchivan “Ajami”, 2013. 448 p.

4. Dogan M. Jan. The dynamics of historical novels and historical novels of the Last Fifteen Years // “Turkish Homeland”, 2000. Р 140-158.

5. Lukacs Georg. Der Historische Roman, Neuwiel und Berlin: Luchterhand Verlang, 1965 - 250 p. (314, sah. 27). (314, sah. 25).

6. News of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Literature, Language and Art Series, 1973, № 4, p. 5

7. Ordubadi M.S. “Sword and pen”: The first part. Novel. Baku, “East- West”,2005, 344 p.

8. Vezirova F. Mammad Said Ordubadi, Baku, “Youth”, 1970, p. 122.


In this article we try to investigate the historical personalities in the European and Azerbaijanian historical novels which tells about ancient historical times. The historical novels are the novels describing the historical events and persons as a theme. The author explains the historical realities connecting with the strength of his dream in this novel. Historical novel deals with the events being in the different time of the history. Here, heroes will be able to be true or imaginary. In this article we direct the attention much more to Mammad Said Ordubadi's historical novels from the Azerbaijanian historical novels. So that, Mammad Said Ordubadi is also mentioned as the creator of the historical novel genre alongside Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli in the history of the Azerbaijan literature.

Key words: historical novel, historical personality, Luk- acs, Walter Scott, Mammad Said Ordubadi, Yusif Vazir Cha- manzaminli

У цій статті ми спробували дослідити проблему історичної особистості в історичних романах Європи і Азербайджану, де йдеться про давні часи. Історичні романи - це романи, де предметом опису та розгляду є історичні особистості і події. Автор статті штучно об'єднує історичні події в цих романах через власну уяву. Історичний роман розповідає про події різних періодів історії. Тут герої можуть бути реальними або вигаданими. У цій статті ми фокусуємо увагу на романах Мамеда Саїда Ор- дубади, набагато більше, ніж історичних романах інших азербайджанських авторів. Створення азербайджанського історичного роману - це заслуга Мамеда Саїда Ордубади і Юсиф Везир Чеменземінлі.

Ключові слова: історичний роман, історична особистість, Лукас, Вальтер Скотт, Мамед Саїд Ордубади, Юсиф Вазір Чаманзамінлі.

В этой статье мы попытались исследовать проблему исторической личности в исторических романах Европы и Азербайджана, где говорится о древних временах. Исторические романы - это романы, где предметом описания и рассмотрения являются исторические личности и события. Автор статьи искусственно объединяет исторические события в этих романах через собственное воображение. Исторический роман рассказывает о событиях разных периодов истории. Здесь герои могут быть реальными или вымышленными. В этой статье мы фокусируем внимание на романах Мамеда Саида Ордубади, намного больше, чем исторических романах других азербайджанских авторов. Создание азербайджанского исторического романа - это заслуга Мамеда Саида Ордубади и Юсифа Везира Чеменземинли.

Ключевые слова: исторический роман, историческая личность, Лукас, Вальтер Скотт, Мамед Саид Ордубади, Юсиф Вазир Чаманзаминли.

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  • Tradition of the ballad in the history of Europe. Influence of the Spanish romance on development of a genre of the ballad. The ballad in Renaissance. Development of a genre of the literary ballad. The ballad in the history of the Russian poetry.

    реферат [38,1 K], добавлен 12.01.2015

  • Familiarity with the peculiarities of the influence of Chartism, social change and political instability in the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. General characteristics of the universal themes of good versus evil in English literature.

    курсовая работа [96,1 K], добавлен 15.12.2013

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