"Night School": a proposal of establishing a cultural and academic community on an abandoned urban infrastructure space

Analysis of the work "Harry Potter". Characterization of the ghost station as a mystical object that is not used in the example of Sinsoldon subway station. The night school is like a self-created space that opens the city to the darkness of the crypts.

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"Night School": a proposal of establishing a cultural and academic community on an abandoned urban infrastructure space

Lee Ye Seul, Koo Young-Min

IU, Incheon, South Korea


«Ночная Школа» предложение по созданию культурного и академического комьюнити в пространстве брошенной городской инфраструктуры

И Иесыль, Ку Ян Мин, УИ, г. Инчхон, Республика Корея

Рассматривая так называемые "Станции-призраки" как мистический объект, который сохранился, но не используется, в дальнейшем на примере станции метро Синсольдон, и вдохновленный "Платформой 9 и 3/4", появлявшейся в романе "Гарри Пот тер", исследование нацелено на попытку использования ненормативного процесса проектирования, оперируя рассказами и сценами из фильмов, и адаптацию института Sudo, что является истоком испытаний на квалификацию для городских программ. Вследствие этого ночная школа становится самосоздаваемым пространством, которое открывает городу тем ноту склепов, что также отображает столп мудрости и истории, происходящих из городского метро, и это создает своеобразный театр, когда аудитория наполняется городскими легендами.

Ключевые слова: Geisterbahnhofe, станции-призраки, городская легенда, фантастика, академия Sudo.

night school harry potter


Regarding the so called `Ghost Platform' as a mythical subject, which is retained, but not in use, below the Sinsuldong subway station, and inspired by the “Nine and Three Quarters” platform appeared in the fiction `Harry Potter', the study attempts to employ a non- normative design process maneuvering narrative and movie scenes and to adapt the Sudo Institute that is a cradle of qualification exams, for urban programs. Night school is, therefore, a self- fabricated context that reveals darkness of the crypt out to the city, that displays the tower of wisdom outgrowth from the city's underground, and that creates a theater as a class room filled with urban myths.

Keywords: Geisterbahnhofe, ghost platform, city myth, fiction, Sudo-academy.


1.1 Background and Purpose

The 'ghost platform' originally comes from German word, "Geisterbahnhofe", which is now used to describe any disused underground station actively passed through by passenger trains, especially those on an underground railway line. The study departs from the mythic presence of an abandoned platform placed underground of the Sinsul dong Station, which was once introduced as the 'ghost platform' in Seoul.

It is a link between the ghost platform and the Sudo Academy that can motivate this urban myth to develop a story-telling of the site; that is, the hidden platform which remains intact but inaccessible, present but absent, at the bottom of the subway station, and the private academy located at the upper part of Sinsuldong Station, the Sudo-academy which is one of the few remaining educational institute for qualification examination since the 1970s. The academy of qualification-examination, a so called `night education', was known as a private institute for those who needed a certain degree, without the regular school curriculum, that the society required. Contrasted with the adjacent Daekwang High School, a regulatory system institute, it remains as a shadow of Daekwang High School.

The study attempts to employ `9 and 3/4 platform' appeared in the novel `Harry Potter' in order to decompose the symbolic meaning of 'Ghost Station' to frame a story telling for the project, and to proceed the design on the basis of narrative structure of the story. To be concrete, the study borrows the analogical process of the `Stourhead garden' construction, in which the narrative structure made by overlapping the myth of Virgil's Odyssey with history of king Alfred in British Empire turned to be programs.

In other words, as the hidden platform in the novel `Harry Potter' is to be super imposed on the ghost platform of the Sinsuldong station, the Sudo-academy in the site is renewed to be a `Night School' that corresponds to the `Magic School' in the novel. What the study aims at is, therefore, suggesting a new perspective on reading the city as well as presenting a possibility of interpreting the fringeland within the city, by introducing a design method that structures the relationship between the site and context into a narrative based on film and literature and that transforms the narrative into a new program for the design process.

1.2 Scope and Methods of the Study

A parking lot and the Sudo-academy located at the corner of Sinsuldong Station are selected as the site. The study intends to propose a `Platform' for a new experience from a disparate group of programs and space-compositions, in which the transfer station of three different metro lines and a `night school' programs for which existing Sudo- academy is adapted. The design experiment is accordingly proceeded, rather than follow ing a normative process, by the heterogeneous programs and spaces acquired from the narrative structured through interlocking the 'ghost platform' and the 'Sudo-academy' with the literature of `Harry Potter'. The study is proceeded as follows:

The concept of the project is derived from the reason of site selection,

1) A route is built for the two stories in the site to be structurally developed through the narrative of the novel, 'Harry Potter'.

2) A program of `Night school' and alternatives of space composition is to be developed through storytelling.

3) Research related cases to articulate and integrate programs.

4) Then, draw design results and alternatives.

1.3 Basic Planning Outline

1) Project title: Night School

2) Purpose of the project: Proposing a cultural academic platform as a new com munity by use of abandoned spaces in urban infrastructure

3) Project location: An area including Sinsuldong metro station and Sudo Acad emy in DongDaemun District, Seoul

4) Project area: 7590 m

5) Project use: Metro transfer platform, education, cultural facility

2. Site Analysis

2.1 The Site Potentials

Sinsuldong was known and even identified as “a street of private institutes” in the 1970s. As the demand and necessity of the General Equivalency Diploma(G.E.D herein after) were decreased, however, the Sudo-academy, one of the most prominent G.E.D. institute at that time, has been changed to include curriculums, beside the preparatory course of G.E.D., for any art related subjects and particularly for performing art. In addi tion, due to a route change, the platform on third basement has been closed and abandoned since 1974 when the Gyeong-In subway line opened and the station was built. Discon nected from time and space, this platform has not been open to the public for almost half a century to be regarded as a modern relic, a so called a ghost platform. Conceiving the ghost platform and Sudo-academy to the presence of absence, the urban myth insinuated by the two can be structuralized into the narratives.

Figure.1. Figure 2

2.1 Site reading

Sinsuldong is located at the end of east-west axis along the straight line between Dongdaemun and to Jongno Street, which, in the past, was the boundary area defining the outskirts of Seoul. The Sinsuldong Station is currently used as a transfer station for the metro Line 1 and 2. Nevertheless, it cannot respond to such changes of conditions due to inconvenient access and narrow exit. What are the obstacles to progress the development of surroundings is the narrow entrance stairway to the station located on the street, a sep aration between the site and the surroundings by a retaining wall supporting the Daek- wang school's playground elevated from the street level, and entangled movement of pe destrians and vehicles.

Figure 3 Site Context Change

3. Design

3.1 Design Concept and Direction

To share the problem of the presence of absence on the two elements of the site, the ghost platform and the Sudoacademy, the study attempts to borrow the structure of the movie of `Harry Potter', to structuralize the fictional story that simultaneously embraces both absence and presence, and to introduce narratives into conceptualization and design process. Making allowances for site property as a boundary well as axis-ending spot, furthermore, the project intends to design an innovative metro station as both phys icaland psychological city landmark.

Figure 4 Design Concept & Program

3.2 Design Strategy

Referring to the space construction through associating picturesque composition of the landscape paintings with a literary narrative in the 18th century landscape garden, the study attempts to structure space that links the ghost platform of Sinsuldong Station and the Sudo-academy with the movie `Harry Potter', that acts as a square connecting the inner streets obscured by the urban bulwarks to the Daekwang school, and that embraces the new curriculums of performing art, grafted upon the old education for G.E.D, to install a stage and theaters by ideational manipulation of the relationship between darkness and light.

Fragmented spaces are connected and turned to be a flow of movement on the basis of a series of scenes made in the movie's narrative structure. The design strategically intends, as exhibited in design of the Stourhead garden which developed the Great Brit ain's historical theme space through overlapping the narrative of Virgil's Aeneid with the picturesque composition of Claude Lorraine's landscape paintings, particularly of `Coast view of Delos with Aeneas', to represent the history and development of the site by inte grating the Harry Potter's narrative appeared in the movie.

3.3 Programs and the flow of movements

Excavating the site to reveal the subterranean stratum, the design arranges pro grams such as theaters and exhibition hall, educational facilities and residential units, based on the movement flow of transferring platform connecting the three different metro lines;

1) In the long mass of the west side, a long stairway vertically connecting from the 4th basement to the ground level, is placed to provide an access to the theater and cultural facilities.

2) The residence with mostly one-room apartment is to be located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the west side mass for light and accessibility, which is provided for the stu dents' community life.

3) The ground level of the west side mass is the main entry that acts as a buffer zone before entering to the dark underground, in which commercial and cultural facilities are provided.

4) Placed in the lowest and darkest basement level, the theater and exhibition space are accessed through a sunken garden that allows light-inflow to generate diverse space experience in the entanglement of light and darkness.

5) the channel of outward movement from the second basement transfer platform, leads to the exhibition space and the sunken garden to create a promenade for the users with view of buildings and people.

Table 1 Space Program and Area Table










movie, video theater

2390 m





promenade, planting

1544 m


stage, preparation, waiting room

990 m


staircase, toilet, hall

250 m


workshop, storage

1087 m




single housing unit

980 m


gallery, storage, cafe,

565 m



workshop, community space

420 m


staircase, toilet, hall

715 m


staircase, toilet, hall

284 m

Figure 6 Cross Section Diagram

3.4 Case study

3.41 Stourhead Garden (Henry Hoare)

The Stourhead garden in Wiltshire, England is classical garden designed in unu sual method. The garden's historic context is reconstructed with strategy using com pletely different but correlating narrative and paintings. By connecting each distant image of garden with circulation, people can experience the narrative landscape.

01 Site Transformation & Metro 02 Main Circulation & Mass 03 Main Space Composition 04 Arrangement & Connection 05 Function as Landmark Connection Construction According 10 Strategy of Fragmented Soace

Figure 8 Design Process Diagram

4 Design Process

4.1 Zoning and Site-Form making through deformation of the site.

Artificially lifted underground is a ground for a platform for a new education that is rewritten on the traces of the past. And following the city axis from Dongdaemun, create main entrance circulation with the long and thin main mass. Then, composite main space according to strategy and arrange to connect fragmented spaces. The new education and cultural platform connects the past and present of 'fiction and reality' and induces imagination of users.-

4.2 Space-Programing Diagrams

Figure 11 Space Program Diagram

5. Design Result

5.1 Plans

Filled with various spaces composed by the narrative, the long mass facing the city recomposes the existing axis of the inner site and the that extended from the Dong- daemun, to transform and connect the fragmented scenes into space. The main entry on the ground level to the south and the north is planned to improve the narrow exits and to provide a direct access to the vertical circulation leading to the basement (transfer plat form and main programs). The long vertical movement itself becomes a unique space with a disparate form, for the users to experience light and darkness and leads to the the ater and the stage on the 2nd and 3rd basement.

Moving smoothly along the circulation of platform's, the users can meet dark the aters and an unusual form of stage, and access to the sunken gardens and the promenade. The “9 and 3/4 platform” appeared in the movie has been represented by the natural ap proach from the daily channels of movement to the unusual dark corridor that leads the users to the night school consisting of theater, stage, and other educational facilities.

Figure 9Plans (G.L Plan, B1 Level Plan, B2 Level Plan)

Figure 10 Elevation Plans (West Elevation, East Elevation)

5.2 Model Images & Perspective

Figure 11 Elevation Plans (West Elevation, East Elevation)


This study attempted to develop a non-normative design process in the relation ship among the site, program, and representation, to manipulate the context of the site through fictional narrative in order to structuralize the architectural relationship from the abandoned subterranean platform to the Sudoacademy on earth, and to verify that the mythical urban facts turns to a design motive for storytelling.

Metaphorically superimposed meaning of each scenes upon a narrative adapted from the novels and movies of Harry Potter, the study intends to treat the abnormal education system of G.E.D. academy and the `Magic school' in the Harry Potter on equal footing, and to intervene in the urban context and programs with the narrative. As a result, introducing a new story to the city for constructing a multi-layered context is considered to be an innovative way of seeing the urbanism and of corresponding with the periodical tendency in post-industrial society.


1. Jang Yong - tae, Koo Young - min, A Study on the Design Strategy of 18th Century Landscape Garden in England, Architectural Institute of Korea, 1998

2. Koo Young-min, dialogue of gap, construction history, 2009

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